I heart WOTD

A very 'bitey' wave!

Have surfed it. The main road runs right along the edge of the point and the outer section is a reliable swell magnet when it's smaller so it's not a secret. It's not often good through the main length of it as far as I know but that was a long time ago and sands change, so...

yeh fair point mr. mensa
I did feel a little dirty asking, but it's only the NW ffs
and I recall you asking inappropriate questions from time to time, along with a couple of other secret squirrels

'mr. men-sa' wasn't a snipe at you....just me conceding the wise one is probably right....again...

Nice pic Stu, today's WOTD. Just up the road from you, and receives a regular visit from me. Sadly, never like that though!

have to agree, man
drone shots & video sucks
fuck off drones, fuck off

Is there a Swellnet page where all the WOTDs are gathered together?

Great shot by a great lad in fuzz..now which editor refused to believe him?? care to own up?hahahah

I'll put my hand up for that. Doubting Thomas that I am.
Gotta have your guard up against online pranksters, eh Barley?

Well done stu..points for honesty..it is hard to believe!..he knows how to sniff out a bazza

"Chris Peel - let it go mate, we get the idea....you've got a wave for sale.
See what I mean about not enough mystery , Sypkan ?"
There you go again Blowin :P

it's getting a pretty good run on the WOTD, must be a contra deal going on

Nah, that's not the case.

nice pic nice wave nicely shopped.

Well spotted Udes .
Someone's got a little savvy on Adobe !

Just a mirage guys.

Pigs arse.

Today's WOTD photog = this guy? http://www.smh.com.au/entertainment/tv-and-radio/news-and-current-affair...

Wasn't today's WOTD photographer the same guy from the 60 Minutes controversy last year?

Yeah, turns out it is. Didn't really pay attention to the name - not that I could recall it from the story anyway - and only looked at the wave.

Ha, well spotted guys.
Good shot all the same. Looks fun.

Backcountry Bliss? This is like a magic eye puzzle - I can't spot it!

Drop ins will be shot....judging by the bullet holes


What happened to my photo and Batfinks comment? Seem to have disappeared?

Fucken wish...
Long story why there's no shots of me from last trip. Probably best not to talk about on here anyway.

Stu you know you can't say it's probably best not to talk about on here and then leave us hanging. Spill the bloody beans

Maybe when Blowin next comes trekking down the East Coast...

I mean, it is a bloody photogenic wave.

Same wave as always - just a different angle. Sigh......such a short wave and so many better waves up that way too.

Great pic today, love the angle and you can get a real sense of wave

X2, almost looks friendly from up here

Photoshop?? To me it looks like a different angle from up the valley.

No Photoshop. I assume it was taken from near the heiau. Haven't been up there for a long time but those trees were always in view.

Ha ha ha...they were there this morning.

rather like today's pic, that would do me nicely after a walk over the dunes.

classic shot, outside pipe, all set and no-one in the way. aka Ronnie Burns

todays pic looks out of scale sort of, like its been photoshopped

Having a solid crack at it! Epic

I'm saying he didn't make it.

50/50 I reckon.
If it was me in the pic- didn't make it:)

Yeah I'm guessing he copped a flogging. Still looks committed though, I reckon I would of been trying to pin drop to the bottom by now

He's committed and composed - as if he thinks he can make it.
A rock solid effort.
Is he succesful? I reckon Zen is half right.

Not a chance ...its too late.
The wave of the day does it for me big time. Nice work Steen Barnes , Shaun Anderson and Swellnet.
In one photo you've encompassed everything nice about surfing. If I was a wanker I'd say that it was perfect except for the fact he is in a wetsuit. Which it is , it's perfect .....except for the fact he's in a wetsuit.