G Land - Anyone been lately?

I havent been for a few years either but back then a new nz or aussie was starting a camp out on the point near keyhole. He promised smoothies and really healthy food but i dont know if he ended up going ahead with it.
Cheapest way beside camels method is book 3 days at jungle/joyos then once there pay each day of around 300 000 to 400 000 a day for budget rooms.You can make a deal there anyway but in 2010 for my girl it was around 400 000rupes for deluxe i think but he wanted me to keep it hush and pay in advance. for girls who dont surf or eat much its cheaper though.
Fast boat over is tempting but for $100 or more thats a fair chuck of rupiah. If you go fast boat and the winds are west try to check out g-land rights on the way. Have fun.
Internet can cost you there and other snacks , smokes etc.
edited-(for girls who dont surf or eat its cheaper though.)

Its all about Bobbies camp. Take cash and pay as you go. I'm not sure about crowds mid season . Uncrowded early , probably the same late. Get into it Dandandan.

90 day stint! Holy shit that's epic. Id love to know how much that ended up costing dandandan.
Ive stayed at Bobbies the 3 times ive been, last time for 2 weeks, fuck its a good joint.
Just talking about it makes me want to go back

Dandandan, a mate of mine just came back after spending 3 weeks there and said the crowds were pretty thin. Best he's ever had it and he's been going there for over 10 years. Maybe he just got lucky, but its a pretty common theme from what I've been hearing of late.

G Land is so passé . It's all about the Mentawais now. Let's hope it stays that way....

In 2010 I went with my wife for a week and stayed at Bobbys (she needed a bit more luxury) and then I had a week at the start of this June staying at Raymonds. We had looked at Joyos but didn't like the look of it and it seems to get a lot of brazzos staying there. Personally, I liked Raymonds the best, it's got great food and great staff, but their rooms were certainly not as good as the other 2.
There is/was another camp (Mike's?) down between Bobbys & Joyos, but I think it went bust or didn't pay the "appropriate" fees. Something like that.
Apart from the very start & end of the season, all trips in & out are by boat, no overland epics any more. Mind you, the trip back bouncing into the SE tradewind swell is uncomfortable.
Crowd-wise, it was fairly mellow. Max I had was 25, but you can easily avoid the rush hours. The wind was offshore pretty much from first light, so I didn't have to wait until late morning for it to clean up (that concentrates the crowds more). I've heard from a few people that crowds are getting less each year because the rest of Indo is opening up. It was not uncommon to get 100 out, back 10 years or so ago.
Raymond's is the cheapest for published rates, but dunno about long-term rates.
Baliwaves gives a 10% discount for Joyos, if that's of any help.
I don't think I'll be able to get over there every year, but I plan to be going there every 2nd year until the lid gets nailed over me ;) I'm still frothing 2 months after my June trip, can't wait to get back there. Shit, another 22 months to go, dunno if I'm going to make it that long. Luckily she who must be obeyed is quite interested in a trip next year to a land camp in the Ments.

G-land rights - yeah, I've seen them on Google maps, they look epic in the right conditions, but long boat ride around there. I'd love to get over there but probably never will.
Check out:

Dandandan 90 day stay ? ,get that visa organized.

dandandan wrote:Thanks for the comments guys. It really is a great wave, and I'm wondering why I haven't been back there lately now. Feel free to throw out your favorite G-Land stories... It will certainly keep me entertained until the time comes to board the plane.
I wrote a story called " Awas means beware " that is on the forums . It's at G Land but it's not really about surfing.

G-land's uncrowded as these days...trust me, especially round the 20th August, line-up will be empty...well, empty of un-hungover kunts...

Shatner'sBassoon wrote:G-land's uncrowded as these days...trust me, especially round the 20th August, line-up will be empty...well, empty of un-hungover kunts...
Was that a dickhead alert.

M. R. annual retro, rehab, retox, reconfiguration & relaxation rural retreat...for MEN!

Don't invite Dicko .......

Was there a few years ago and there were crew from Margarete's there for a bucks turn for a bloke called Taco I think, 30 of them, would all paddle out together and take over the break and paralytic drunk at night harassing people, a couple of nights is okay but every night , staff at bobbies were at there wits end these guys were wrecking the place, felt sorry for the family with the 2 young kids it was a holiday from hell for them.
Expect it's the same crew, thanks for the alert.

Worked out okay though dan, I went back to Kuta a few days earlier than those guys and there wives were on a week long hens night themselves, had the satisfaction of extracting my revenge by rooting one of them.
Go to Raymonds for a long term stay, have a few mates who do what you are doing and you'll get a deal there, mentally it can be hard work at g-land once you get past the 2 week mark.

Nice work Shaun, would of done the same but would have taken a in action selfie .
By todays end you have 30 guys from that g land trip......wondering ?

Shaun you sly old dog, best 30 secs of her life?

Hardy har Shorn, you're fulla more shite than Bolivar, I expect. I'll let the fellas know...some'll be stoked! No soup for you. See ya'll in da jungle...Tangs are on me

goofyfoot wrote:Shaun you sly old dog, best 30 secs of her life?
Classic GF.

Im quite the Casanova when I put my mind to it, add a good 10 seconds of foreplay to that steaming30. It was a marmarathon compared to her usual.
I expect they would be stoked shattner, coming back from g land to a smiling wife.

Hey Shaun you"ll have to write a book on your sexual exploits,lets see maybe "30 shades of grey".Glad you enriched someones( wife)life.
Thinking about heading over in the next few weeks. Just lost my job so I figure I may as well go and burn whatever savings I've got. Haven't been for a few years now. What's the crowd situation like these days? Where have you been staying? Cheapest way to stay for 90ish days?