It looks stupidly scary!
It gets faster, bigger and shallower the further you go, a monster of a grower! I'd be keen to try a couple of 3-4ft'ers but any bigger and I think I'd shit/hurt myself.
That one Laurie makes near the end is just stupid, if he came off there he would of been annihilated.
Would love to watch/take photos of it though, so so perfect!

It's the most mesmerizing wave, even when it is small. Looks so makeable, which it isn't. The reef would be the least of my concerns at the moment -

Thanks Udo.

Pretty sure it's the same wave I had a crack at several years ago. Only about 3', but way too fast for me. kept getting chewed up by the foam ball catching up. Same with 2 of my mates, they were better surfers and persisted longer, but to no avail.
Don't mind admitting I wouldn't even try it at that size. Could fit a bus in it.

i can vouch for Dean .... its fucken tough gig on ya backhand . But apart from that just getting to the reef through the end section to take photo's is hard enough . Looked pretty solid , really hits the outer shelf hard at that size .
The wave of Laurie's was impressive , shrek was killing it also , but for my money i've never seen anyone travelling as fast as Marlon? without jetski assist . i wonder what board he was riding . For me ( although some people don't like him ) Koby's wave way back Dillon's first trip probably still has the kudos , making it all the way and getting off teh back of it rather than doggy door ... i still reckon i'd prefer to wearin a 'suit nearby ....

"i still reckon i'd prefer to wearin a 'suit nearby"
Second that. I've been out there but haven't surfed Apocalypse. To be honest I'm not that moved by it; yeah it's fast, and yeah it's hollow, but it's bloody short and mostly ends in a closeout. Worse still, I could see a whole Indo quiver getting decimated bailing on that end section. Guess that's OK for Joe Pro but not for everyone else. Wanna hope the photos you get make it worthwhile.

You surfed nearby Southey and Stu? How's it compare to Deserts, Speedies?

Yep, surfed it but not 'good'. Not a scratch on Speedies.

Just whack the links on here Udo. Fuck, the last one was called Princes Island but you typed 'Princess Island' which I typed into Vimeo. Was wading through hundreds of tweenage Barbie Doll videos looking for some reef action.

Super sick! Throwing way wider than it is tall and the whitewater explosion when the lip hits is insane. Get some solid beatings out there. Looks awesome but really... it is a closeout! Craig I dont think it really breaks properly at 3ft.

na! sorry you guys go for it,

It's longer than Deserts , but needs to be BIIIIGGGGGG . Otherwise your too close to the reef , and it doesn't reach the " Good section ' .
But in saying that the consequences just get bigger , the guys like Travis who is still probably the best regular visitor get nailed . So its russian roulette on big days . Speedies , is Speedies and since it only breaks certain times in the month is crowded . Suck would compare , as i'm told thats better than the two you spoke of .
As they said in the video , it was feathering on an outside Bombie . Of which i've never heard of by anyone . Its pretty deep , the boat drivers park pretty close compared to Deserts . But i reckon the Video hinted it was at its max , as it looked liked too much water movement would make it unridable .
From the Boat , Apocalypse is the most inviting wave I've ever seen , including P-Pass . But reality is a little different . Just depends how much you want it ......

CB , 4 ft low tide ......
That second Video is the same swell . Just they were there a day earlier . Poor Form naming and showing too much where and how ...
I've seen footage of the left almost as big as that. God knows how big the right would have been ?

Kinda got skunked when I went there... The wind gets in the rights a lot more too. Dunno had a few decent ones tho. Southey which left? The more famous outside one?
Theres actually a few spots on the mainland that I'm surprised aren't ridden by lids. Sketchy as fuck tho.

What would the other right(s) be doing this day? Maxing out, or a better option for more makable barrels?

Smaller . Apocalypse gets the most swell inside the bay , typical swells anyway but is swell direction dependant .
bi 999 , not sure which comment your questioning about . if its the first then the long one , if its about the heaviest ? then the short one , which makes Teahupoo look soft and draws all the water off the reef , the footage i saw was of the long one . As i said if thats BIG then it must have been out of control at one of the other two ( direction dependant ) .
oh yeah , rain helps the right !!!

is this what greeted you Stu ??
" "
hands up who wants this at 6Ft + .

Southey, that photo is nuts.

Think that's nuts Salt?
You should see it at low tide.

Nah thanks Zen, you fellas can have it.

Yeah Southey, not far off it. I've seen the vid of that session and there were some good runners, plenty hollow. When we had it the first wave of the set was the only ridable one. The following waves had furrows running through them from the wave before washing back off the reef. Not the sort of thing you want to deal with when 4 foot high and 1 foot deep.

Had it 6-8ft, scaredest I've ever been on a wave by far... And I didn't get any of the 8fters.

Here's the exploring Panaitan Clip, pretty epic!
I rate this as some of best tuberiding ive ever seen...this wave apocalypse is fucking evil.....perfectly evil ? if towner, dean bowen, and Dylan longbottom openly admit they were scared...that just about says it all. an unreal movie.
EDIT; wrong spelling it should be ' princes island'