Bower Cam not working?
Hi Albs, we've had a hardware failure and are waiting on some replacement equipment. Hopefully it's not too much longer before it's back up.
Cheers Craig
Middleton cam not working either
Hi Maddog, the camera was down yesterday but has been back since this morning and is continuing to stream fine for me in the office. Can you confirm that it's not working for you?
Hi Craig - just checked it again and it seems fine now. I think it may have just been a bit hazy down at Victor or covered in sea spray as I was getting an image it was just blurred.
All good now tho - unfortunately nothing much to look at anyway.
Cheers Albs, got a diving course all weekend, but it doesn't look like I'll be missing out on much, got a coupla fun ones yesterday though.
Just wondering if there is an issue with the bower cam at the moment?
Being a desk jockey all week, it is my go to cam for when the big swells kick in.
Thanks. Albs.