Top beer?
easy bruz
Big fan of White Rabbit at the moment. And Monteiths Black.
Cascade Pure , mmm so tasty
Mountain Goat Steam Ale is a dead set quaffer! Or some Asahi on a toasty day.
gotta be boags premium, great beer at any time
@ Ben .....
Is that a bit of a cross Promotion going on there .... Round these parts " for quite some time" , a white rabbit has been the affectionate name for a JimBeam can .....
As for Beer , nearly drank em all at one stage . Have turned to the evil spirit named above . Best bit is ya can leave in the car , and they are quite drinkable at any temperature ( maybe not at the height of Summer ) but from about now till Sept . they go down well after a surf at room /car temp .
Q: Is this wrong ? ... hehehe
have i stepped from the mould of likeable drunk to dero ...?
@southey - cross promo? Nah, I'm talking beer, and beer only.
Try this link:
@barley - White Rabbit is a Dark Ale (well, the one I drink anyway). They've got a white ale and I don't mind them either although I haven't tried this particular one.
Monteiths Black is in the same vein as a stout but it's a little smoother. A little easier on the palate than Cooper Stout (which is good in small quantities).
I grew up on Pale/Sparkling/Dark Ale but over time there have been more quality ales brought to my attention, so I'm sampling 'em one by one. Trying to anyway. Still reckon a carton of Pale Ale is the perfect case for a couple of days down the coast though.
Monteiths Original Ale & Harringtons Wobblyboot
whats your fav. beer or current beer. Changing beer is like changing women. You stick with one for a while and she goes alright but soon you get bored so you try something different and find out that is good too. Then sometimes you go berserk and try heaps of different ones, maybe on the same occasion....anyway I was a Hahn super dry but have recently been converted to Coopers clear. Whats yours?