Haydenshapes Shred Sled King as a step up

mundies's picture
mundies started the topic in Wednesday, 14 May 2014 at 10:12pm

Anyone got one of these and if so how does it go as a step up?

mundies's picture
mundies's picture
mundies Tuesday, 20 May 2014 at 9:47pm

?? Anyone, Bueller???

dromodreamer05's picture
dromodreamer05's picture
dromodreamer05 Wednesday, 21 May 2014 at 12:00am

A wise man once told me a 'step up' was 1/16th narrower than your standard shortboard, slightly more volume in the paddling area, and go up in multiples of three inches for every foot over six. Boards have come a long way but marti paradisis surfing like a champion on a shred sled has no more relevance to me than JOB surfing 20ft Jaws on his softboard. Seriously the man could surf a block of wood better than the average punter does in 'step up' conditions. I can't quantify it but considering the price of HS (800 plus) I would do as been told to me go and find a good local shaper, talk to him about the wave you want to 'step up' to, get it happily shaped by said shaper and go parti like your paradisis.

mundies's picture
mundies's picture
mundies Wednesday, 21 May 2014 at 12:29am

Hmmm thanks for the advice dreamer. Not pertinent to me. I just want some surfers feedback about this board. Spent many years with local shapers and custom boards, sometimes gold sometimes not. Hit n miss. One of the best boards I've had more recently was a shred sled, custom but no major deviations from recommended dimensions for the size. Happy parti-ing.

plasm's picture
plasm's picture
plasm Tuesday, 3 Jun 2014 at 9:57pm

Hey mundies I have one of these - took to Bali for a few months but it ended up being my preferred board from 2-4 foot. Really great out at Racetrack and Temples or pretty much flying down the line on something hollow. Gave it a shot a few times at 6ft + ulus but was struggling to get into the waves. I had a Simon DSC 6'8 that felt much more connected and comfortable in those conditions. Cheers.

mundies's picture
mundies's picture
mundies Wednesday, 4 Jun 2014 at 3:43pm

Hi Plasm, Thanks for that. How big was your SSK and how big do you normally go for your shortboards?

plasm's picture
plasm's picture
plasm Wednesday, 4 Jun 2014 at 6:00pm

I got a custom SSK at 5'11 x 19 x 2.5 - I reckon an extra inch or 2 in length would have been beneficial. Normal PU short board dims are 6'2 x 18.75 x 2.375

For me and how I like my boards the HS guides are a little underdone. I have a normal SSled at 5'10 factory dims which I really like but I reckon at 6'0 with the same width and thickness it would be magic. (I'm around the 80 kg mark)

Hope that helps mate.

mundies's picture
mundies's picture
mundies Wednesday, 4 Jun 2014 at 10:16pm

yeh sweet thanks. Sounds like you were riding a smaller SSK and using it as a small wave board rather than a step up. I'm considering a 6'4" or 6'6", got a standard SS 6'2" and it has enough buoyancy and paddles well enough in its size range i.e. up to 6ft. Its 32 litres and the SSK would be either 36 or 39 litres depending which size. I'm 93kg. Heading to Chile and Peru soon and those cold water points have a lot of water moving on them...

CaptainH's picture
CaptainH's picture
CaptainH Saturday, 6 Dec 2014 at 8:39am

Hey mundies,

You're probably sorted on way or another by now but I was recently in Indo and one of the guys on the boat had an SSK. He loved it, and he charged on it. Reasonable surfer, not a kook and not red-hot. Frothed about its wave-catching ability and also it's versatility across a lot of different wave types. I'm seriously thinking about getting one - tossing up between that and the Rusty Slayer for my next trip. If you do get/ did get one, your opinion on it would be greatly appreciated.

Cheers, CH

mundies's picture
mundies's picture
mundies Saturday, 6 Dec 2014 at 10:30pm

Hey Capt'n H, ended up getting a 6'4" SSK. I regard it now as a good choice, step up to maybe 8ft but still fun to surf at 2-3ft so versatile particularly if you are traveling with it. First handful of surfs was my local which is a square fast barrel & it was great, good paddle power to get in early, held in well. Mainly had wally lefts in sth america not really barrels but super long and had some solid days. Went great in that type of surf too. I have no doubt it'd be a good board for most Indo sessions, gonna take it to west coast SA shortly

mundies's picture
mundies's picture
mundies Saturday, 6 Dec 2014 at 10:45pm

CH heres a youtube clip from my trip, its not pro footage, just some holiday vid we got but it shows the SSK at a couple of left points. My wife doing a cameo on a Fred Rubble CI step up with pin tail (they usually come with square/squash tail I think). We have 2 girls under 4 and were all traveling together so not chasing it too hard but putting ourselves in spots with waves and snow and trying to get out there as much as possible.

mundies's picture
mundies's picture
mundies Saturday, 6 Dec 2014 at 10:58pm

I'd recommend a shred sled king as an all rounder for good waves up to 6-8ft, great board. I looked at the rusty slayer but for some reason didn't go that way, I knew the shred sled was a cracker and the SSK is a bit of a tweak of that design so hard to go wrong as long as you get the size right for your weight, power and ability. My cousin got a slayer and seems to go good for him but he's smaller and I haven't seen him ride it in any great waves as yet, spring is rubbish on the northern rivers surf-wise best time of year to travel away from here for surf or other adventures.

scotty123456's picture
scotty123456's picture
scotty123456 Sunday, 7 Dec 2014 at 12:12am

I had a Rusty Slayer and traded it for a Hayden SSK. The Rusty surfed 2ft waves better than the SSK but that's not what I ordered it for. The Slayer seemed to lack the hold and drive of the SSK in larger surf.

I think a Slayer with less width than the stock dims, just to lessen the width in the tail, might help with hold if you decide to go for the Rusty.

Happy board shopping.

CaptainH's picture
CaptainH's picture
CaptainH Sunday, 7 Dec 2014 at 6:37am

Hey Mundies, sounds like you're pretty happy with your choice and looks like you had a good holiday.
And thanks Scotty for the heads-up.

Shorey's picture
Shorey's picture
Shorey Wednesday, 14 Jan 2015 at 11:22am

Hey Mundies, thanks so much mate for posting all that I am thinking of getting a SSK because I love my Hypto but want something for when there is a bit more juice. You surf well in that clip can I ask did you get a 5 box set up and ride it as a thruster or go the quad. Cheers!

Alan-SA's picture
Alan-SA's picture
Alan-SA Wednesday, 14 Jan 2015 at 10:26pm

Shorey, ive just gotten a hypto, havent had a chance to ride it yet, sounds like your enjoying yours, what dimensions did you get and what weight are you?

cycd's picture
cycd's picture
cycd Thursday, 15 Jan 2015 at 12:09pm

Byrning Spears deep six and Maurice Cole's protow and a metro/protow hybrid he just made me are easily the best boards for solid conditions I've ever planted my feet on

Shorey's picture
Shorey's picture
Shorey Thursday, 15 Jan 2015 at 1:49pm

Thanks Alan, I've got a standard 6'4" and I'm 6 foot 85kg. I probably could have gone shorter but being 40 and only surfing once a week its wave count that's my priority. It just catches everything, and it' super fast, stable and has a really smooth style to it. It's not for big vertical turns or big hacks or laying rail but I can't do those things anyway! If you like flying down the line out on the face doing nice smooth turns its great fun! It is just a little too boxy, light and floaty for my liking for when it gets big.

Thanks cycd, I'm in Vic and have been considering getting in touch with Maurice, that sounds like a really interesting combination, a metro/protow, wow! That is really interesting, what dimensions did you get?

mundies's picture
mundies's picture
mundies Thursday, 15 Jan 2015 at 11:16pm

Shorey - the SSK comes only as a quad as apparently Hayden reckons its the best set up for it. My smaller shred sled (6'2'' 5 fin box) I only use as a quad (after trying as a thruster a few times in different conditions) as its faster, I put a small knubster fin in the rear box when a bit bigger. But now I'll use the SSK when the surf is a bit bigger and most recently got a new board from my brother in law which goes unreal in the same conditions. By the way, a 6'4'' hypo for 85kg is pretty big but you pointed out the flaws well. the shred sled is less of a fish than the hypto & surfs top to bottom well as well as barrel riding. Surfs like a performance board.

mundies's picture
mundies's picture
mundies Thursday, 15 Jan 2015 at 11:20pm

Cycd - I've seen a couple of MCs youtube clips on his paddle and tow boards, they look unreal. He's put a lot of thought into the designs. I've ridden one of his old short boards probably early-mid 90's and at the time I recall thinking it had the balance between looseness and control down pat, and went fast.

Shorey's picture
Shorey's picture
Shorey Friday, 16 Jan 2015 at 12:33pm

Hey Mundies thanks very much, I'm really keen to get a Shred Sled King and see how it goes in bigger stuff, and look forward to trying it as a quad and see how it goes. It might take me a while to get one ordered, etc. but once I do and ride it I will report back, thanks again!

belly's picture
belly's picture
belly Saturday, 17 Oct 2020 at 7:22am

Hi Mundies, pretty sure I see you're still posting - how is your SSK holding up over the longer term?
And did you get it in the FF or PU/PE?

Denyer's picture
Denyer's picture
Denyer Monday, 19 Oct 2020 at 3:33pm

I got a Hayden board earlier this year.

It was the shittest quality board I have ever owned. When I creased it on my third surf, it creased in two places which I have never seen before. I think that 'Futureflex' technology is a complete crock of shit.

Don't waste your money on those punks.

anissation's picture
anissation's picture
anissation Sunday, 17 Jan 2021 at 12:07am

Much appreciated without question, I'm truly quick to get a Shred Sled King and perceive how it goes in greater stuff, and anticipate attempting it as a quad and perceive how it goes. almost certain I see you're actually posting - how is your SSK holding up over the more extended term? It was the shittest quality board I have ever claimed. At the point when I wrinkled it on my third surf, it wrinkled in two spots which I have never seen.
https://snaptube.cam/ , https://vidmate.bid/

belly's picture
belly's picture
belly Saturday, 16 Jan 2021 at 7:25am

I reckon overall HS makes awesome innovative boards and he deserves all his success. Of course there are knockers.

However. I own 2 HS, a 13 Thai HK FF and a 20 Holy Grail FF. Tbh it's only early days on the Holy Grail, and I'm easy on boards as a middle aged cruiser, but the quality was better on the Thai HK than the Aus Holy Grail. I've only had one pressure dint on the old HK but I've already had one on the Holy Grail. Also I requested a small pre black Friday discount to pull the trigger on a SSK as this would be my third board but no comply. They ended up offering a greater discount on black Friday than I requested. I have a DHD Sweet Spot on order.

Steele Nickle's picture
Steele Nickle's picture
Steele Nickle Monday, 23 Dec 2024 at 2:04pm

It might take me a while to get one ordered, etc.