
Hi Angelina, quads are ok but me n the crew ride septs now its the way of the future :)

How does Kelly feel about it?

Should i take the bait..... why not, its a lot like a car accident between a surfer & computer geeks
bradgelina yes buy your al merrick of course he was not the father of quad thinking just another in the multi millionaire market of surfing.
Quads work better than three, kelly wasn't needed to establish that
I look forward to the day i cross kelly slater in the surf, kelly (girls name) will be remembered as the tool that destroyed surfing

Oh, and for fucks sake, you no doubt, are the saviour. Get your hand off it, reread your posts and then tell us that you don't come across as a wanker full of yourself, you share trader you.
Oh thats right share traders are really core watermen, with hot wives, living on the north coast, that probably surf better than anybody including Ke11y with upmost contempt for the corporate world whilst being part of that world by share trading. Suppose you have traded Quicksilver and Billabong shares also?
Now tell me that that is not hypocritical bullshit and a complete wankoff.
Your probably so core you wear a sarong everywhere and have the dreadies happening, except when you put your suit on, tie your hair back in a ponytail to trade your shares so you can afford your core lifestyle. You know the one. Hot wife in the porsche convertible on your way to the backbeach with the alaia hanging out the top to chill out with all the other self confessed watermen.
Hey can your alaia convert to a quad?
Which backbeach? Wategos?

Oh come on seal, he wouldn't need to drive the porsche there, he'd have the beach front mansion. Just a hop, skip and jump. Then he could scowl at all the invaders from the balcony.

Quads are special, but at the end of the day, you still need to get yourself a quiver, to make the most of the all surf conditions, whatever they may be. It's a bit like trying to have just one board to suit all waves, in all sizes and conditions.
Some of the multifin combos you see every now and then are purely ridiculous, but i guess they are just trying to experiment. You never ever know, if you never ever go there.

they fucking sux, like surfing a shopping trolley

mr angelina , one rides a quad set up on the royal longboard, and to be honest ,it tends to want to be turned hard but the reward of the extra thrust is very gratifying. as for those sorry excuse of a surfcraft the short board, one can only say that there was a reason that one passed that golden nugget of info to mr MR. one fond it was not to ones liking.
but all being fair and good in the world of bigwayne mr waxer has been a shining light, an example if you will, of the people we love to have in the lineup.
this was bought to you by a very chuffed with himself for being a gracious feerless leeder HRH bigwayne

Oh, and for fucks sake, you no doubt, are the saviour. Get your hand off it, reread your posts and then tell us that you don't come across as a wanker full of yourself, you share trader you.
Oh thats right share traders are really core watermen, with hot wives, living on the north coast, that probably surf better than anybody including Ke11y with upmost contempt for the corporate world whilst being part of that world by share trading. Suppose you have traded Quicksilver and Billabong shares also?
Now tell me that that is not hypocritical bullshit and a complete wankoff.
Your probably so core you wear a sarong everywhere and have the dreadies happening, except when you put your suit on, tie your hair back in a ponytail to trade your shares so you can afford your core lifestyle. You know the one. Hot wife in the porsche convertible on your way to the backbeach with the alaia hanging out the top to chill out with all the other self confessed watermen.
Hey can your alaia convert to a quad?
Which backbeach? Wategos?
By: "seal"
Did i say i was the saviour seal, are you looking for one maybe big wayne is your lady, i'm a wanker haha, so are you exposed by your comments
SO many questions seal, you need a cookie
1) do i surf better than slater no, did i say that no
2)i have utmost contempt for the corporate world, share trading is not the the corporate world your super funds are controlled by the corporate world mine are in a smsf
3) your probably so core ........what does that mean????
4) no Man should ever where a sarong.
5)no man has dreadies
6)no man has a ponytail
7)Porsche's should be scratched at every opportunity, wankers
8) Convertibles are stupid
9) Alaias are a special abomination
10)alaia convert to quad, NA
11) Wategos/ Byron Bay i may be a wanker to you but not that bad.
Do you need a cuddle seal.......... see BIGGGGGwayne

get the right fin set up Quads are so much better than thrusters, NO drag of centre fin, i will never go back.
LOngboards stick with a single or tri BIgwayne, you gob about what you do not know in your little cubicle of computer hell, LEADER WTF??????????????

bravo mrs backfroth , what one chooses to ride and how is of noconcern to your not so informedself. your ability to inform one what to do is boardering on high treason! one has surfed and competed on quads and as you can imagine showed the assembled masses how its done by a "pro" (can no longer thank mrs bigwayne). maybe the brain that you espouse to posess can assume the same thing in regards to fin set up, happens on longboards as it does on shortboards? with me frothy? one does enjoy different things like any good LEEDER would , so changing the fin set up on you favourite board is frowned upon frothy why? some might say that changing fins on your board would make better economic scense than having to change the whole board , but what would one know one is only a god.
this was bought to you by a ready to get the gloves on and go a few rounds His HEAVYWEIGHT Highness bigwayne

Backbiter, you haven't reread your your posts have you? Otherwise you might remember the "i'm a waterman", then "it's work in progress" or "I might take out the 1963 Gordon & Woods or even the alaia" and"kelly (a girls name) will be remembered as the tool that destroyed surfing" blah, blah, blah, wank, wank, wank!
Backbiter, I suppose that because quads are the best and you ride them, all the rest of the world on thrusters are wrong as YOU ARE A WATERMAN! oh yeah and you have a hot wife!

Can't you guys see Big Wayne and assbiter are one in the same person, Big Wanyker came back but everyone was nice to him, but he feeds off conflict, there was none, so created his own. No.23 bumbiter, a Waterman drowning in a sea of his own urine.

back to the point... quads are sick. they're fast (less drag through the middle) and super responsive when you put them on a rail. Yehhh quads.

Oh yeah, back to the question, quads are fast down the line and responsive. The only thing I have found is they don't like to pivot in the pocket as easy as a thruster and feel a little weird on backhand waves. That could be fin setups but quite a few others I have talked to have had similar experiences with them.
But for down the line speed you can't go wrong, I guess thats why you see a lot of tow boards with quad setups. Probably not the most forgiving board if you are still learning your surfing skills but a hell of a lot of fun if you are intermediate or above.
All round, good to have in a quiver but if you are only going to have one board I'd probably recommend a thruster as a more versatile board for everyday surfing.
Disclaimer: my opinion only and I aint no waterman with a hot wife!

mr seal , one found trying to do modern longboard turns in the pocket on a quad lets say , a lot harder but still makeable. riding a modern board , but doing the oldschool turns and dropknee cuttys dont tend to bog the board with a quad setup also riding the nose , wether fake five or toes over , it tends to hold in the wave better at rear thus increasing time on said nose .
mr thorn in ones almighty paw, could one be forgiven for thinking that the post on jan 24 at 2147 was actually your way of saying you missed one that badly you needed to ask where one was ? one realises that one ignored your cries for ones goodself to talk but one did not did one? talk that is ,is this why you besmirched the the only one who really cares for your goodself? admonishment will be deliverd at one earliest convenience!
this was bought to you by a have been trying his best to not feed off conflict at the risk of mr shaun having a whinge about him HRH bigwayne

Well I'll be fucked!
So Shaun your saying that Backbitingbitch is one of Big Wayne's multiple personalities trying to disturb the harmony within the swellnet web of peace and all things Nimbin.
Fuck, I fell for his little charade completely. Now I don't know what to think, who to trust or who is a true waterman with a hot wife!
I've been hurt to my core ( not a core local at a backbeach though) !!
Wish it would stop raining so I can get away from this damn computer and all this controversy, go outside to smell the roses.

Hey mrsbp,
for me, quads are the best. It's the placement of them that is the point of most conjecture.
Most use a formula derived from a Hawaiian guy named Mckee. But you can find a lot of people pushing the rear fins up closer to the fronts and more to the rail. I find these work a bit better in East coast Oz waves. It's all personal preference of course. I have a mate who has the larger fins at the rear and swears by it.
Ultimately, like waxer said, you'll just have to try a few and find out for yourself. Try to get a five plug fcs or futures so you can experiment with different fins sizes and combos and compare the board as a thruster also.
Can anybody tell me what whetunui was talking about with his "sept" set up?

Not to be the pedant that breaks the flow but McKee is an Aussie from the Northern Beaches, relocated to Europe and now back in Sydney.
I like both fin set-ups (McKee and rail-centred ones) but think the McKee set-ups are more high performance and better for good wave boards.

I like both fin set-ups (McKee and rail-centred ones) but think the McKee set-ups are more high performance and better for good wave boards.
By: "freeride76"
I'll second that Steve. Also experiment with the fins and the same board acts and behaves VERY differently.

seal "Oh yeah, back to the question, quads are fast down the line and responsive. The only thing I have found is they don't like to pivot in the pocket as easy as a thruster and feel a little weird on backhand waves. That could be fin setups but quite a few others I have talked to have had similar experiences with them. "
seal rather than misquote me experiment with different fin set ups & not take the standard response cut & paste from the internet. do something before you have an opinion
seal" they don't like to pivot in the pocket as easy as a thruster and feel a little weird on backhand waves. "
Bullshit, quads pivot better in the pocket they only feel weird because your still learning to surf

Shaun and Backbeacher (Local Boy)...were once allies...how cool!
here's the deal...Big Wayne is not Backbeach....and thank goodness ...for BigWaynes sake!
BigWaynker has history and I'm sure was once a good surfer...in his drunken stupor last night BW probably forgot more aboiut surfing than local boy quad rider Backbeacher will ever know.
Big Waynker would also have surfed more good waves than Backfrother could ever dream of ...but BW is aging,he's hitting the rubbity, has a fat gut and fat ass and surfing is now cruel to him.....even riding a Mal is getting too hard - you should have taken to a SUP like Luke Egan/Tom Carroll etc a few years ago BW but your now so out of touch physically that it's too late --- but rest assured, we love you, some of us anyway, and you do make more sense than most.
Backfrother on the other hand is the lowest form of surfing fool --- likes to think he's a local, would love to think he can surf but it's so obvious he's a kook who has probably never had a decent wave...in real terms which is way outside his own mind - his quad avatar along with his total carry on exposes him as the local blowin tool!
bachfrother...you will forever be scortched in the water because every decent surfer senses tools like you and they pleasure in destroying you and making you an even more twisted unit.
BW --- cheers to you!

"bachfrother...you will forever be scortched in the water because every decent surfer senses tools like you and they pleasure in destroying you and making you an even more twisted unit."
That would be why he walks up the beach to find a peak to himself.

Backbiter, listen fuckhead as far as I'm concerned I gave my opinion to someone about how I found quads when I rode them for a few years and with different fin setups. Granted not a setup as in you photo, which wouldn't pivot in a carpark let alone the pocket of a decent wave, so I think I might be able to give an opinion about something for which I do know a little about.
As a matter of fact I used to enjoy surfing them, but as I said I found them a bit weird at times and that was my reason for my post, at no time did I talk myself up or say they are better than any other board, I'll leave that up to a fucken tool such as yourself to do. And if after 30 odd years of surfing I haven't got anything in the way of experience well yeah, I'm probably still learning.
But what do they say? You should learn something new every day and unfortunatley I learnt sometime ago that Backbeach is the wanker to beat all wankers, so nothing new to learn here folks.

Hey Ando, The only time I think I have ever agreed with back scatcher, is I don't like the way that people think it is open season to trash the countryside on any given public holiday, as most people also agreed. I'm so surprised some thing could be so exaggerated on the internet.
I'm still pretty sure the 2 are in fact one, as a matter of fact Ando, as you have elected yourself president of the BW fanclub, you may also preside at ones email address.
Anyway's Waynker keep it up, I think some them think you are real.

Somewhere Backbeacher invited you and him to catch up , two local boys having a WA WA over too many touro's taking aYou two deserve each other. Please make up and take him up on the offer to catch up and be together!

Yes Ando I forgot, this is the internet someone I don't know invites me to catch up so of course we're mates. So what's say I invite you round to lick my ass, so people can call you a poofter.

seal no need for fuckhead etc to make your point unless its lacking
you twats the quad photo was from a sailboard not a surfboard your tantys only show your stupidity
fitzroy"That would be why he walks up the beach to find a peak to himself."
you prefer to surf in crowds or are to lazy to walk??????????????????
seal sorry i disagreed with you if i was your wife i would have copped a fist in the face you pansy
ando"Backfrother on the other hand is the lowest form of surfing fool --- likes to think he's a local, would love to think he can surf but it's so obvious he's a kook who has probably never had a decent wave...in real terms which is way outside his own mind - his quad avatar along with his total carry on exposes him as the local blowin tool!
bachfrother...you will forever be scortched in the water because every decent surfer senses tools like you and they pleasure in destroying you and making you an even more twisted unit."
ohhhh i'm mortally wounded, i reckon when i surf tomorrow your anger will have no point, i'm a kook your a legend, the things people need online
your a sad ball bag ando you just post hate whilst following BIIIG wayne you sad sack

it was you backfrother who initiated the kook legend talk in your priceless thread titled -- invasion of the NC!! You , local boy!

It all justs goes straight over the top of your head, hey backbiter.
And you have no idea what and where I surf.

WTF not only do you not surf ando or if you do have no idea than you start insinuating some weird man on man sexaul encounter online, i think that says someting about you ANDO
your not licking my arse you poofter

it was your buddy shaun who has got all gay and sexual here backdoor local boy...shaun, no to your invite but I strongly recommend you and backbeach/backbiter/pillowbiter local boy get chummy again because you 2 deserve each other and I'm sure backbeach local boy will take you up on your offer!


Backbeach, I used to think that you were misunderstood. But I have been reading through all the posts on this forum and I think it is you who misunderstands. You talk of people not being able to surf and who are just computer geek teens or whatever, but your post count must be up there with the uber geekiest. I propose you either leave... Or start lending opinions that are usefull. I'm not one for strong language, but you seem a real fuckwit and I hope I never holiday at your beach. I also hope you are no hipocrite and leave your board at home whenever you take a holiday.
Burn me if you will, I'll respond in about a week when I'm back from the real world.

to back beach , keep on riding the 9 fin in your photo . and may i ask why Kelly destroyed surfing ? thats a pretty big call . did he wreck it in the same way M.P or M.R or Nat young or did he do something only you know about ? please tell, oh and by the way i would say Kelly could fight ok so dont hide behind a computer and use fighting words . Kelly has good reach very strong very quick has balls plenty of skill so i would back him in a fight against you back beach , is that why you like back beaches because you dont/cant get waves in crowds because you dont/cant surf ,

gentlemen please, one feels the need (as is ones right) to voice ones opinion, attacking mrs backfroth in this manner is very (un)cooth! we here in bigwaynes wonderful world like to have a harmonious relationship (not that there is anything wrong with that)between one and all , one being one and the rest being all. how dear fellows can we expect said relationship to flourish when those educated seek to destroy the credibility of those uneducated, or those,it seems, worse stil,who will not be taught? with me? anyhoo.....
ones love of the quad , and it inherent limitations are what this whole slanging match was about so at the risk of causing a fracas that in turn could lead to a melee , one will pose this question and inkeeping with all that is fair and good in this wonderful world of bigwayne, would like us all to refrain from swearing as it deafens ones eyesight.
this was bought to you by a feeling those unruly, profanity laden posts just bring us all down to a frothier level of humanity HRH bigwayne

HRH, I shall try to tone it down a bit, but as my grasp of the English language is a little limited, please excuse me if I resort to the odd swear word when trying to elaborate or convey a message where I can't quite think of a big word that fits.
In the meantime, as I mentioned before I was rudely interrupted by Backbiter, in my personal experience ( that means what I found myself by actually surfing a quad) the ones I rode would be fast and hold in great but if I wanted to snap under the lip in a tight pocket they wouldn't pivot as well as my thruster. Backhand I found them at times to track a bit and as I tend to pivot off my back foot when on my backhand, it was tending to put me off so I would sooner surf my thruster backhand.
Hey but everyones different aren't they!

jeff rowley was riding a quad at jaws, a 9'6 i think....

jeff rowley was riding a quad at jaws, a 9'6 i think....
By: "victor"
Jeff was riding a 10'2" Al Merrick quad, quads go good on big boards, but who would notice on a wave like that, 1,3 or 4 fins you'd just be hanging on.

10'2 al merrick quad, with scalloped deck to sit his oversize figs in..was visser surfing out there that day ?
Who here rides a quad?
I just want to know...do you feel like Kelly Slater when your walking down the beach with that board under your arm?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated as im in two minds wether to buy one or not (Al Merrick of course).