West Island Left

zambezi's picture
zambezi started the topic in Thursday, 19 Jan 2012 at 6:04am

Has the heaving left hander which breaks off the tip of West Island on the Fleurieau Peninsula ever been surfed ? I've heard stories of Wayne Lynch surfing it back in the 70's and Tom Carroll in more recent times. Can anyone confirm this ?

old-dog's picture
old-dog's picture
old-dog Monday, 26 Mar 2012 at 5:57pm

When we were grommets we'd have a grovel in the puss at Chicken skins and then for a thrill we would take it in turns crouching behind the big rock in the rockpool holding on for dear life as the whitewater spewed over top creating the illusion of being tubed, we called it tube rock,when a real big set came you couldn't hold on and were swept over the rocks and out into the lineup,much to the amusement of your mates watching.On one such occasion I came in with a big flap of meat hanging off my leg,luckily I had a wetsuit repair kit in my bag and a mate stitched me up for free.Come to think of it that was about the closest Ive come to getting shacked on the dark side of Victor.

spunoutatagneswaters's picture
spunoutatagneswaters's picture
spunoutatagneswaters Tuesday, 27 Mar 2012 at 8:42am

mysto's, thanks for the piccy showing a wall of sorts can be found at Chicken's, rare though it may be. Pick up your comments about knocking out fins B.C. I knocked two out surfing small waves at Kings, Caloundra over summer, just add $25 bucks each time to your session cost! For those tempted to pick over those small beaches up from Parsons, I always suspected the third one up, had the most potential. My recollection is it had two distinct points giving some point/wind protection potential. I'd be going back for a look If I lived in South Oz. The fourth beach, had an old derelict farmhouse looking over the beach, you could just walk into. Even had an old mattress or two in it. Murphy's law of course. I was there with a mate, and not a hot date met on the previous night, on the dance floor of the 'Crown'. Spunout...

ben-colyer's picture
ben-colyer's picture
ben-colyer Tuesday, 27 Mar 2012 at 10:30am

shot a few years ago at a location between Parsons and Cape Jervis. Spunout, I recon you might have stumbled across this in your ventures.
Good place to bring extra fins and perhaps ding repair kit.

There was also a freight train left on the beach.

whaaaat's picture
whaaaat's picture
whaaaat Tuesday, 27 Mar 2012 at 3:13pm

What a stupid place to leave a train....

Sounds a bit, erm, Fishery to me....

old-dog's picture
old-dog's picture
old-dog Tuesday, 27 Mar 2012 at 5:35pm

Hey fellas its one thing to talk about Bullies,Chicken run,Middleton the dump and Waits and Parsons but shouldn't West of Parsons be taboo.Anyone whose anyone knows the score and would want to keep some things quiet.There ain't many places left where you and a couple of mates can slide into the odd stand up pit these days.

stanfrance's picture
stanfrance's picture
stanfrance Tuesday, 27 Mar 2012 at 5:44pm

Apparently Old-dog, the ship has no rudder. It's a vehicle out of control....you can name any spot these days it seems. Gives you kudos you see. And besides, if you don't do it someone else will...better get in first they say...very much like "the tragedy of the commons".

So guys, it's the topic of the moment, so it had better be put out there. When is it ok to name a spot?

I reckon its an important discussion as surf ettiquite is all becoming a bit hazy.

fitzroy-21's picture
fitzroy-21's picture
fitzroy-21 Wednesday, 28 Mar 2012 at 8:22am

Have been reading this thread for quite a while now and have loved all the photos and stories that go with them. I have found it very interesting about all the naming of spots down your way and although I may never venture that way (too cold and too big a bities) it has given me quite an insight into the area. I have assumed, because I am not familiar with the area, that all the places mentioned are quite well known.
Which poses Stans question. I don't know when it suddenly becomes ok to publically name a place. This question has been raised upteen times on this site. For me personally, through years of personal experience, I keep a couple of places under wraps even from my good mates. Sounds selfish, but over the years I have found my little refuges become overrun and I"m running out of places to find some solitude when I want a quiet surf without travelling hours for it. Sometimes I just don't have the time.
So its up to me to keep my trap shut until someone else starts looking and checking regularly and then its their choice which road to go down in whether they start letting others know. It is hard to keep things under wraps and it won't stay that way forever, but its up to each individual as to how quickly a place becomes no longer that spot for a quiet surf.

jeff-schmucker's picture
jeff-schmucker's picture
jeff-schmucker Wednesday, 28 Mar 2012 at 8:54am

Good morning Fitzy...refreshingly honest post there mate...good to hear your opinion and the ever closing situation you are facing...other alternatives are moving further away into the desert/bush/cold/isolated which is what happened in the 70's-80's more so than now...the WC of south oz is less crowded now than back then by around half i think...we surfed 3 days over the weekend,pumping, saw 1 guy in the water that wasnt associated with our small group...a long way from you but relatively easy for us to get to....
as far as naming new spots goes,i have always read surfmags/net and frothed on a shot or vid of a new spot and dreamed of going there immediatley...never did i think "they're shithouse for doing that"...it always inspired me to travel and explore far/wide/around home... as far as crowding out a new spot or an old secret one i rekn "if you are happy you WILL enjoy the scenery on a detour"

fitzroy-21's picture
fitzroy-21's picture
fitzroy-21 Wednesday, 28 Mar 2012 at 9:36am

Morning Jeff, agree that it is what you make of it.
I also don't belive "they're shithouse for doing that" quote, as eventually anywhere the cat will be let outa the bag, its human nature to explore.
I live in a relatively quiet area that gets frequented on weekends and holiday periods so thats why I like my little places of solitude. But even all the locals can crowd a break when its on. Don't get me wrong, I love surfing with all my mates, I just enjoy quiet surfs to myself at times.
I also have other alternatives that require relatively long boat trips when the conditions are right. That is fortunate for me because of my work, but not everyone has those luxuries. There are a couple of spots up here that I know for a fact, that myself and a couple of friends are the only people to have ever surfed. Location and conditions dictate it.
If people get off their asses and explore they may be pleasantly surprised at what they may find. Its entirely up to them then to decide its fate.

whaaaat's picture
whaaaat's picture
whaaaat Wednesday, 28 Mar 2012 at 10:32am

@ Old Dog. Sorry for any offence caused. Unintentional, I assure. Frankly though, the Fleurieu is not so big a place that ANY spot is unknown and, therefore, fair game. Every single surfer that I know knows of the spots west of VH; it's really a question of whether most can be bothered checking them out when there are easier or surer options elsewhere. It's not called the Hoax Coast for nothing, after all.

Now, if I spilled the beans about some of the secret spots on KI, the south-east, or Western Vicco, THAT would really deserve a serve.

Anyhoo, peace.

spunjah's picture
spunjah's picture
spunjah Wednesday, 28 Mar 2012 at 12:28pm

If anyone thinks theyve gota spot on the flerieu thats a secret haha your delirious and kidding yourself, this coast has been surfed for bout 50 odd years now EVERY spot has been surfed by 100s of ppl WAKE UP GUYS the secret spots are out and known, and have been for about 20 yrs if not longer. its just how secluded and difficult to get too that make those spots between parsons and jarvis empty most of the time! If you think youve got a secret spot down there wake up outta dreamland! hell i know guys interstate that dont even surf and know all of the reefs and beachies in those parts just from 4 wheel driving/trekking and fishing even tho they dont surf they'd know exactly where to go if they did. ha ha yous guys are funny

jeff-schmucker's picture
jeff-schmucker's picture
jeff-schmucker Wednesday, 28 Mar 2012 at 1:17pm

howdi spunjah, you must have been one of them three guys that were surfing 'THAT' wave when it broke 3-5ft spinning barrels for 2 days recently...if what you say is true then there would have been at least a myponga point showing of 15-30 guys?? nah i disagree...there is at least one sik little show down there worth driving from streaky for that i know of and i'm a novice over that neck o tha woods.

stanfrance's picture
stanfrance's picture
stanfrance Wednesday, 28 Mar 2012 at 2:52pm

Regardless Spunjah, thats not the point.
I reckon its ok to name spots if they are well known i.e. surfed by the wider community, exist within surfing centres, have a purpose built carpark, have been spoken about for the last few decades etc. Always exceptions to that of course.
I also think its not quite so good to name spots if they are not well known to the general surf population and are of high quality or are lesser known spots in someone else's backyard (i.e. may affect local surfers adversely by increasing crowds). I do however think that you may refer to places in code for those who may also be on the sniff. Surfing lesser known spots with other respectful crew is great.....except when the waves are drying up. No harm in having a few secrets out there and no need to publicize everything on the web.

whaaaat's picture
whaaaat's picture
whaaaat Wednesday, 28 Mar 2012 at 3:22pm

@ SF - "I also think its not quite so good to name spots if they are not well known to the general surf population and are of high quality or are lesser known spots in someone else's backyard (i.e. may affect local surfers adversely by increasing crowds). I do however think that you may refer to places in code for those who may also be on the sniff."

Which is precisely my point: the break in question is fickle, rippy and rocky, (viz. poor quality 99.9% of the time) and in no-one's backyard.

Besides which, no-one can find a secret spot by knowing and saying its name. (Which, by the way, I didn't.)

This has been a fun thread up until now. No-one has given away any secrets, just names. If the spots all ARE secrets, they are - to borrow from Donald Rumsfeldt - all Very Well Known Unknowns.

How about backing off with the Thought Police act?

stanfrance's picture
stanfrance's picture
stanfrance Wednesday, 28 Mar 2012 at 3:49pm

Ease up there champ, not a personal attack, just having a conversation. There have been a fair few spots named on this and other threads and if you read comments from those in other states, they seem to indicate it has given them a fair wording up as to the existence and location of some of these. As for the thought police, I would never dream telling you how to think....who knows what goes on in that twisted space?

Interesting that you think every place on the Fleurieu is up for grabs.

Anyhow, back to the question, when is it ok to name surf spots...your thoughts please Mr whaaaat

freeride76's picture
freeride76's picture
freeride76 Wednesday, 28 Mar 2012 at 4:01pm

When did you crow-eaters get the internet connected anyhow?

I thought you only got printed books last year.

Progress huh?

whaaaat's picture
whaaaat's picture
whaaaat Wednesday, 28 Mar 2012 at 4:09pm

When is it OK? Well, I name 'em all of the time; telling people where to find 'em - now that's another story. Never tell nobody nuthin. Unless it's mates. But then, natch, I kill 'em straight after their first session. SA being the shallow grave capital of the world and all....

scoopmaster's picture
scoopmaster's picture
scoopmaster Wednesday, 28 Mar 2012 at 4:10pm

i reckon for the majority of breaks, once there are regularly 10 or more guys out or checking it on a decent day the break cannot be considered in any way secret and 10 guys or 100 guys whats the difference it's not going to be an enjoyable session battling for a share of waves. Hence i have no problem with naming or giving directions to 99.9% of waves on the south coast of NSW

obviously if we are talking about a lengthy wave like a superbank or winkipop then 10 guys wouldn't be considered crowded but the majority of south coast waves are just one take off point and a fairly short ride. I can't stand the all too familiar feeling of being the first guy out at a reef getting a couple of good waves then seeing half a dozen heads appear over the hill 5 minutes later :(

crustt's picture
crustt's picture
crustt Wednesday, 28 Mar 2012 at 4:17pm

Better than coming over the hill and seeing half a dozen guys out.

old-dog's picture
old-dog's picture
old-dog Wednesday, 28 Mar 2012 at 6:20pm

@whaaaat you'd have to do a lot better than that to offend the old dog and yeah in hindsight everyone knows its a waste of time going West of Pars, better off going straight to Dribs or Day St., hey.Saves on petrol too.

zambezi's picture
zambezi's picture
zambezi Wednesday, 28 Mar 2012 at 6:54pm

@stanfrance et al,

When is it ok to name a spot?

I think the starting point is Nat Young's "Surfing And Sailboard Guide To Australia" (1986). I'm looking at it now ... names, maps, directions, photos, conditions needed etc. If a spot is listed in that book, then it's probably fair game. There is a photo of West Island on page 208. That was 26 years ago. I can't see an influx of crew from the eastern seaboard suddenly descending upon the Fleurieu..... Geez, they will be disappointed.




angrybrigade's picture
angrybrigade's picture
angrybrigade Wednesday, 28 Mar 2012 at 7:45pm

Apropos of nothing, any mexicans about that remember a surf guide on your garden state by an ex-Hawthorn player by the name of Loveridge? It's called THE ULTIMATE GUIDE. It caused a wee bit of controversy at the time I seem to recall because of the spots mentioned as well as the details provided on access, optimum conditions etc. Er, why am I posting this? Am I part of the problem? What is the problem? Is there a problem?? AAAAAIIIEEEEE! On a lighter note, Margaret River has been chosen to become a...wait for it...SUPERTOWN! The main criteria for selection? Potential for population expansion and economic expansion and diversification. Later Margs, nice to know ya. Any jobs on the West Coast of SA? I've got a chemistry degree...

stanfrance's picture
stanfrance's picture
stanfrance Wednesday, 28 Mar 2012 at 7:46pm

True Zambezi,

I lived elsewhere for 12 years and returned to Adelaide 2 years ago. Feels like I have regressed....in many ways....waves here are so gay.....sigh

jeff-schmucker's picture
jeff-schmucker's picture
jeff-schmucker Wednesday, 28 Mar 2012 at 7:51pm

Angry B....can you gut shark??

sidthefish's picture
sidthefish's picture
sidthefish Wednesday, 28 Mar 2012 at 7:52pm

angry, Chem degree... I can probably get ya a gig at Cloncurry or maybe Cobar.

Any good.?

angrybrigade's picture
angrybrigade's picture
angrybrigade Wednesday, 28 Mar 2012 at 8:12pm

hmmm, tempting offers...I've got a mate, Cuzzo, in Esperance at the minute looking into a few opportunities...I'll get back to yas

sidthefish's picture
sidthefish's picture
sidthefish Thursday, 29 Mar 2012 at 5:31am

southey, in some parts of this great land the 24/7, 365, decades-brigade often create their own vibe and live in their own stink. they've already made up dramas their mind and live them out in real life.

other parts of Aust. have no choice but to be accommodating and get on with life.

always good value when you bump into the stinkers in "other parts of Aust", when say they are on hols with their family... they pack up and bail quick smart, cos they don't want to risk subjecting themselves or their family to the same sort of shit they've been dishing out for "decades".

jeff-schmucker's picture
jeff-schmucker's picture
jeff-schmucker Thursday, 29 Mar 2012 at 9:23am

"THE STINKERS" haha i like this handle sid...you are so right on the money and everyone that looks on here know excactly what you are talkn about. The westcoast has a fair share of them and some of them travel ironically...Right again sid!!...now when you see the same guy at the bluff that you saw on your way up there at the island or granites and you say hi to him at the bluff and he kisses your ass yet at streaky he wouldnt have even pissed on you if you were on fire, your respect for him is at an alltime low im sure. Try reminding him that you met him up north next time your in streaky and he'll flatly deny it...hmmmm...WHY??

PS...its even more magnified when you run into em overseas somewhere...they even wanna go partyn with ya.
back to the flooriue...these guys from there seem to be using some sort of reverse phyc on us....are they hiding sumthn????

spunoutatagneswaters's picture
spunoutatagneswaters's picture
spunoutatagneswaters Thursday, 29 Mar 2012 at 1:09pm

My rough take is this guys. Say your discussing the coast between Parsons and Jervis. There just aren't any legendary spots in there, we all know it's long walks and risks of psychotic farmers for at best, highly fickle and novel waves on their day. People who are seriously interested in surfing are more likely to pick over a forum like this than the masses, and God help me if your willing to do the walk to Callawonga on a hot northerly day for modest, quirky pickings you surely deserve any fruits thereof. I think the potential problem sorts itself out. If by some freak chance your sitting on the knowledge of a spot like Maverick's virtually alone, there's buggerall chance your going to leak it to the wider community like us. The Noosa's of this world (actually Nationals was very, very good yesterday morning) have long since been fully exposed. You could drop a flyer in every Adelaide surfers letterbox today saying, have you thought about checking out the beaches past Parson's this weekend, and you wouldn't get a single more person down there checking it out. 99.9% of today's secret spots are basically known about, very fickle and bloody awkward to get to. I haven't seen any stuff on this forum, that's going to cause a deluge of surfers to move in on a far flung location, cheers spunout...

old-dog's picture
old-dog's picture
old-dog Thursday, 29 Mar 2012 at 5:36pm

The sign says "Welcome to Middleton S.A.s Premiere surf beach".Someone should post some lineup(?)shots of this hole for the interstate viewers who have prolly never seen a crabbing beach with surf before. Grey mud instead of sand the stench from 12'high mounds of rotting seaweed,brown water and line after line of soft flat closeouts to the hori. O.K. the reform left in the bay can show some form but its a washing machine and you are constantly duck diving soup.When someone brags about surfing 7ft Dribs there's a fair chance they are a kook,if they claim to have been tubed off the point they must be on hard drugs.Unfortunately this aint reverse phyc.As for west of Parsons I say let sleeping dogs lie.

lpt's picture
lpt's picture
lpt Thursday, 29 Mar 2012 at 8:33pm

Most of the photos in this thread are cornball/novelty waves or just rarely break.

Below is the evil reality of it all & the funny thing is those of us that are Adelaide/Fleurieu based are probably mind surfing it.

Photo taken on the swell event of the year so far, and auto correct has been used to get some brown out of the water.

Time to pull on the 4/3, booties and hood boys and get on it!

And this is whats termed a 'point break' on the South coast :), you've gotta get your expectations low and your froth factor up or you'd never get in the water. Stands to reason why Maxie rated it as he did last Saturday- there was a reasonably solid swell and it was nearly offshore for an hour or two in the morning-Rare thing


whaaaat's picture
whaaaat's picture
whaaaat Thursday, 29 Mar 2012 at 11:33pm

Errrrgghhhhh!!! Just look at that shite. Dog, it's great to be back in Vicco.

spunoutatagneswaters's picture
spunoutatagneswaters's picture
spunoutatagneswaters Friday, 30 Mar 2012 at 12:11pm

Ipt, are we allowed to try and guess that spot? I have a hunch, but I could be terribly wrong. Take your point about the West of Parsons comment Old Dog, people are supposed to listen to each other in forums, and when youv'e left the state for regions devoid of any unknown areas, such as myself, how easy to sprout on about someone else's sacred turf. Going right back to the West Island Left discussion guys, interesting that with all the discussion and awareness of the spot, no photos of anyone shooting the curl (perhaps for the last time) in that spooky location. Ross-Clarke Jones if you are reading, want to get the ball rolling? I'm sure Shark Island was watched for a good many years, before the first certifiable nutter, launched meters away from the ledge. Perhap's 'Lynch's Left' is yet to have it's day. I have to add my agreement that Middleton is not a desirable surfing location, but I'm not going to put crap on surfing around Victor either. If you say no to the vast Middleton paddle, and poke around with a creative spirit, there's a few gems in the frosty crown, cheers spunout...

lpt's picture
lpt's picture
lpt Friday, 30 Mar 2012 at 12:47pm

@ spunout, its no secret spot and has been named & photos posted within this thread already, so I wouldn't think you'd be putting any noses out of joint. At its best its a hoax, and at its alltime its still a below average wave.

fraser-gordon's picture
fraser-gordon's picture
fraser-gordon Friday, 30 Mar 2012 at 2:09pm

Well its had a Chicken shop named after it.

whaaaat's picture
whaaaat's picture
whaaaat Friday, 30 Mar 2012 at 2:13pm

Wot, "Turkeys"???!!!

God, I gotta stop me whingin... Miss me mates, but not those waves.

angrybrigade's picture
angrybrigade's picture
angrybrigade Friday, 30 Mar 2012 at 3:33pm

The South Coast always was a photogenic location...and a bit of a hoax! The Almost Coast? Tying together a coupla themes, the special uniqueness of this place is in this potential AND in its relative uncrowdedness. One accounts for the other. Living on the other side of the country now at a name location, the crowd factor is THE FACTOR in the enjoyment stakes in the main…unless you can jag a bloody good one of course! When things click back home on the South Coast and you're sharing some weird, fickle and pumping waves with mainly mates...well, I think over the years these are among the best sessions you will have period. Yeah, the South Coast is frustrating...we've all beer-planned groynes, artificial reefs, dynamite-assisted scenarios (er…), even bizarre plans to drive old cars into the breakers (guess who wanted to do that one!)...but it's part of its appeal too. Cos when it happens...hooo-weee! Jeez, I remember a trip back a coupla years ago when I snagged one of the longest barrels I've had on my backhand EVER in this country...well, not since my stints in the NW of WA...ON THE SOUTH COAST?! Surprised the shit out of me! & the crucial main diff...5 guys out!! Sickballz! Er, did I mention the quarter century 'waiting period'?

lpt's picture
lpt's picture
lpt Friday, 30 Mar 2012 at 3:39pm

Thats the best thing about this wave, its association with the best chips & gravy on the coast:)

whaaaat's picture
whaaaat's picture
whaaaat Friday, 30 Mar 2012 at 3:54pm

...and the Port Elliot Bakery.

zambezi's picture
zambezi's picture
zambezi Friday, 30 Mar 2012 at 7:13pm


Spotted someone doing a reconnaissance mission on a recent small day.

lpt's picture
lpt's picture
lpt Friday, 30 Mar 2012 at 9:09pm

Zambezi- last swell? interesting the numbers out at Kings on the Sunday-appears a flame has been rekindled with some

@ JWG, nearly sounds like you miss the place - but your spot on when you win the lotto and swell/tide/wind/banks all line up, it makes scoring that much more memorable. Hope your still getting a few waves over there champ. If not a yellow 8 footer will help the cause by the sounds of it :)

Craig's picture
Craig's picture
Craig Friday, 30 Mar 2012 at 9:12pm

Port Elliot bakery and Chicken Run were my staple. Surf, eat, surf, eat :D

Always jumped on the Sausage roll/fruitbox/donut deal for around $5 or such. Guessing that's not the offer anymore..

whaaaat's picture
whaaaat's picture
whaaaat Friday, 30 Mar 2012 at 10:13pm

Don't think so. I'm a chili or cheese kransky man meself. So much cholesterol; so little time to get it in to yer....

thermalben's picture
thermalben's picture
thermalben Sunday, 1 Apr 2012 at 6:15am

I remember when the Middleton bakery first opened (hi Vicki!), they had these amazing pork pies with apple sauce. Dunno if they still do them any more but that was my post-surf staple.

dovado's picture
dovado's picture
dovado Sunday, 1 Apr 2012 at 10:22am

Congratulation every one who came down to the mid this morning, "April Fools" Honestly is a friggen circus down here this morning and its like 2 and half foot on the sets and dropping quick. Bloody sundays!

sagreat's picture
sagreat's picture
sagreat Tuesday, 3 Apr 2012 at 9:36am

Hey Jeff

Was doing abit of tuna fishing on sunday off the cape and stumbled across a likely looking wave. Was breaking but perhaps too much wsw swell and not enough size for it. Looked like it might be okay for a tow on its day. Without giving anything away and being a little cryptic, it looked like this wave had a fair bit of love about it, has this been surfed?

spunoutatagneswaters's picture
spunoutatagneswaters's picture
spunoutatagneswaters Tuesday, 3 Apr 2012 at 3:04pm

Zambezi, that's a seriously good shot of the West Island Left. I'ts hard to dispute that's a very rideable wave face. My hunch that's evolved over this forum, is that it's only a matter of time before it gets tackled. Piss easy to get out to the spot with a Waverunner team from Encounter Bay. I go back to my point that some very nasty breaks took a long time to get seriously tackled. Having WATCHED Shark Island at The Nulla in some very mean swells, I'm going to suggest it's a more dangerous wave than on offer at West Island. Someone breathing down my neck at the Public Library at Gympie, gotta scram fellas, spunout...

jeff-schmucker's picture
jeff-schmucker's picture
jeff-schmucker Tuesday, 3 Apr 2012 at 10:51pm

sa great....cape??? na too cryptic....more clues plz

sagreat's picture
sagreat's picture
sagreat Wednesday, 4 Apr 2012 at 8:50am

Cape Jervis Jeff.

I was thinking it might have been the wave you have been hinting at on here previously.

dylan's picture
dylan's picture
dylan Wednesday, 4 Apr 2012 at 1:37pm

the scraper it sounds like