Long range surf forecasting

Hi Tyler...aren't you localbogan and isn't this a cut and paste from RS forums?

its a service that people want, and yes people get a financial gain for their skills used to supply the service....maybe the surf forecasting has made it easier for more surfers to get more waves at certain spots but so what ? if you are gunna get on the soap box about this, than you better start on surf cams, what about them and the people that benefit from them...you might be going for along time...maybe spend your energy finding some waves yourself ??? ps- do you get any financial gain from your skills ???

May as well have a go at the BOM website while you're at it -they're just as much to blame for getting me in the water- what, with all their synoptic charts, radar, and weather stations posted along the coast.I use them as much as I use surf sites.
And they're all available on my Iphone-may as well have a go at Apple as well........................tool! (insert emoticom for imbercile here)

Morning Of The Earth was filmed in the 70's-surfing has moved on since then-you can hide under a rock or you can use it to your advantage- but you ain't gonna change it!

Where is Alex Zadnik the long range forecaster from old swellnet ?
And where is Dan Wanarski ? I used to read only his articles in Tracks mag.
Does anybody know ?

Any idiot can make their own forecast with the wealth of information provided by other weather/marine sites, without the need for Swellnet and Coastalwatch. These 2 sites just make it a little faster to gather the required information. I never take their word as gospel and always make my own predictions anyway, so go and have a little cry somewhere else.

The BOM website doesn't say "head to spots that like a long interval south swell with a north wind, which will be here on Wednesday morning".
By: "tylerdurden"
Actually, that's exactly what the BOM website says to me.

Shut up dick head, keep out of the surf too kook!!!

Rules of Suf Club
1. You do not talk about 'Surf Club'.
2. You do not talk about 'Surf Club'.
3. When someone yells "Stop" or goes limp, or taps out, the Surf is over.
4. Only two guys to a Surf.
5. One Surf at a time.
6. No shirts, no shoes.
7. Surfs go on as long as they have to.
8. If this is your first night at 'Surf Club', you have to Surf.

tylerduren just drop in more or run them down use "the old the sun was in my eyes" cause it's just gonna get worse

As a South Coast resident, I can sympathize some what.
Nobody is smiling when Johnny northern beaches invites 15 of his best mates to squeeze into a Torago for some southern reclusion? Or the ski circus show up and order locals to go in!?
These issues are much older than either website
For local crowding I blame SURF SCHOOLS and condensed coastal housing estates, marketed on bill boards all over Sydney!
A future market industry in surf forecasting and it ruining the world of surfing seems a bit far fetched.

swellpockets surf report : 2 foot on shore best days will be never
What is the point or morality of posting a detailed analysis of any region that is precisely going to be the optimal surf spot in any swell?
The answer is that there is obviously some benefit for the individual or organisation that provides the information.
In other words the swell forecaster stands to gain some benefit by making the exact perfect prediction of the optimal surf location for a given set of conditions.
I presume this benefit is a financial benefit, either directly or indirectly.
Are swellnet and coastalwatch trying to out do each other from the goodness of their hearts in order to give us, the surfers, the best possible chance of catching the most waves?
They would have you believe this but welcome to the free market, they are not interested in you getting waves, they are interested in becoming the market leader in surf condition prediction for advertising and profit purposes only.
If any individual from either of these websites gets on here and tries to tell me that they are doing it solely for my benefit, simply out of good will, then they are lying.
They are doing it to somehow gain financially. Their defence is that we live in a free market and if they do not do it then someone else will. However, this has now become an industry in itself and detrimental to surfing.
Long range surf forecasting allows individuals to plan ahead and target locations which are likely to be breaking given the predicted conditions. Ie five days or more is long enough to plan a day off work and get everything organised
This has had a particularly detrimental effect on regional surf spots that require a very specific set of conditions ie aussie pipe, Ulladulla bombie and Box Head to name a few
This results in more people in the water and a worse surfer to wave ratio.
To all the surf forecasters of swellnet, are you happy in your own mind with this? Do you really feel that you are improving the surfing experience for the average surfer?
The answer of course will be yes, they are very happy with their actions as they are providing a service and that they of course do not specifically name breaks.
However, when the day inevitably comes that the providers of this information actually get less waves themselves as a result of their actions then maybe the answer will be different