King Island?

Yes it does compare with Vicco, if Victoria is the "almost coast" then King island should be called "almost but not quite island" . Good fishing.

Shaun unless you live in Tassie???? (I dont think you do??) I'm not sure your comment carries much weight?
I live in Nth Tas and yes you do get waves there, obviously it also gets a fair bit of wind but the good thing is it is a smallish island so you can travel to the other side/end/tip and it will be offshore! Can get a tad sharky at times but gets some bloody good waves.
Enjoy, it will be an adventure for you either way!

Whats being from Tassie got to do with it, still need a plane or a boat to get there and chances are , as the crow flies I live just as close as you do. The people who live on the island watch Victorian T.V. and from what I've been told they would prefer to be a part of Vicco than Tassie so I don't think your opening comment carries much weight, there are alot of guys from all parts of Australia that would know the place better than most mainland Tasmanians because they have put the time in to do the research. So to say that someone doesn't know what there talking about cause the don't live in the state is both dumb and ignorant , but you just say what you feel is right.(MORON!!!)

Shaun 1

I am from tassie and I am with Shaun, where you live doesn't mean squat these days, anywhere is only a (affordable) plane trip away.
Dobsy ... enjoy, I have been to KI a lot but never surfed there, I have seen it pump and I have seen it flat. I have never seen another surfer in the water, the closest to surfing I have seen is a car with boards on the roof. Even if it is flat you will have a great time, locals are friendly, camping free and the beaches are empty, don't expect much night life though. Get a renta-racer and if you don't like camping search out a holiday house, the island has heaps and some are really special. Most are on the KI tourist web site.
Take care on the roads, there is a lot of dirt and a lot of 90 degree corners and very few signs. Lots of tourists roll cars on KI.

Well I have been there and surfed at least 15 times hence my opinion does carry more weight than somebody who has never been there and is basing an opinion on what TV stations people watch (which is one of the most bizarre arguments I have ever heard anyone come up with) MORON! SEE I CAN WRITE IN CAPITALS TOO!
Your two replies carry no value or informed opinion to the question which was 'Just wondering if anyone has surfed King Island? How does it compare to SA/VIC/TAS? Is it consistently big swells and offshore? Doe it get crowd?'. You actually know nothing of any relevance on the topic.
So unless you actually know something about what you are commenting on you probably should stay in your hole basing everything on what you see on TV and 'from what you have been told' because it is you who sounds like the moron.

Dobsy, the wave you want to surf needs a really big swell to get going.
Strong offshore (westerly) winds will only create windswell which won't have enough energy to wrap in around the island.
For example the current system crossing Bass Strait isn't strong enough to kick up a big enough swell.
But enough said...

Yeah well , it was probably a bit over the top to call someone a moron especially in capital letters and I deeply regret the exclamation marks, your probably right as I have only been there twice the second time for a full winter cause I wanted to surf "that" beach break.Its fickle just like Vicco, sorry I couldn't get my point across but I cant argue with jellyfish logic, take the fishin rod dobsy it;s a great place i haven't been there for 15 years,it may have changed with the likes of dwfr frequenting the place.

the place doesn't change much plenty of idiots still come and go and your chances of scoring it on are very slim. It used to make my day seeing a car load of dickheads come over for a swell spending heaps of coin on flights, car hire and accommodation to get skunked and surf windy two foot shit. king island has it's own way of rewarding those who respect the place. rubber-bob there is a tight knit crew of local surfers and bodyboarders on the island anyone traveling over should show them respect and you'll get it in return. they put in the hard yards living over there waiting for those good days they deserve their waves keep it low key don't be a dickhead and you will enjoy your time on the island

"rubber-bob there is a tight knit crew of local surfers and bodyboarders on the island anyone traveling over should show them respect and you'll get it in return"
This I know Redbeard .... like I said, I have been there heaps, enough to know a heap of locals, surfers even and enough to have seen it pump. I have worked all over the island. I will work on the island again. But like I said, I have never seen a surfer in the water. For some reason all the surfers are elsewhere when I am there. BTW I was there two weeks ago. It is one of my favourite locations. One day I will arrive with a board!

I've got nothing more to say on the subject notice the lack of replies to dobsys question I'm glad you've been there a lot i'm not sure what that proves though

@ Dobsy -
I met the guy who wrote this article when he was over there. I sometimes work at the school on King Island and I remember this fella Sam absolutely loved his trip there.
There is a little bit more information in the article about the island and it is a good place to go for a surf trip. There is surprisingly quite a few accommodation options on the island of varying costs which is handy. Just keep an open mind on what you might get with the waves as to it could be good or bad (like anywhere though really!).
Good luck.

Yeah Dobsy, I thought that d.w.f.r. was a little bit paranoid, one day he might get brave enough to leave school and get a job in the real world.Take the rod it's great fishing.
Just wondering if anyone has surfed King Island?
How does it compare to SA/VIC/TAS? Is it consistently big swells and offshore? Doe it get crowd?