Who has the worst behavior in the water?

why did you have to go and start one these topics again?
its been done to death on this website.
just take a look back through some past topics, its all there to see.
even the moderators have asked to let these things drop

Me,I'm the worst. Now fuck off!!!

Although I once got bitten by a small fish that drew blood in Cornwall. I've been stung by a ray in Bali and of course countless bluebottles in Sydney.
And I've been pecked by a pigeon and a seagull. Although that was on the beach. Does that count?

Brazzo's always get the bad wrap, and there far from perfect....but you know a lot get mistaken for spanish surfers from canary islands, those guys they honestly don't have a clue....Although Aussies in Indo can be pretty bad too.

You're sitting out there waiting for a once in 15 min peak and when it comes through some knob paddles from 50m away, snakes you and then blows the take off.
I'll keep waiting but they'll never ever get a second chance with me.
In a recent trip to Indo wme and some friends were having this discussion, different opinions and loads of point of views, what`s your opinion?