Next Federal Election

velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno started the topic in Monday, 22 Jan 2024 at 2:15pm

Might as well put this up in the politics subforum, to spare the front page. It's 18 months away or so, but here we go.

This is how Dutton wins:

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Wednesday, 26 Jun 2024 at 7:41pm
basesix wrote:

Codrington Wind Farm.. (between Warrnambool and Portland, Moyne Shire) will be the first in Aus to be decommissioned; insiders report that it is slated to be knocked-on-the-head in 2026. Watching this process will be pretty fascinating.. lotsa info about what we THINK wind-farm decommissioning might look like and entail..


and infuriating

how long was it in place?

did it even make it's half life?

(another pun... they literally write themselves in this energy debate)

this is classic contemporary australia... where 'the lucky country' seems to literally not know what to do with such wealth...

I call it 'managing opulence'

that's gotta be one hell of a carbon footprint!

is there anyone counting this shit?

both mindless stuff like this, and the 20 year turn around wind turbines and panels etc.

please, someone count this shit!

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Wednesday, 26 Jun 2024 at 8:04pm
AlfredWallace wrote:
basesix wrote:

Codrington Wind Farm.. (between Warrnambool and Portland, Moyne Shire) will be the first in Aus to be decommissioned; insiders report that it is slated to be knocked-on-the-head in 2026. Watching this process will be pretty fascinating.. lotsa info about what we THINK wind-farm decommissioning might look like and entail..

Basesix. Hi to our man on the spot, the border man , sitting on both sides of the fence, but not atop the barbed wire , (SA.&Vic..).

Well this is no surprise. Many wealthy Western District farmers in that region of Victoria, who are still working the land of their forebears, have been complaining year after year about wind farms.

When interviewed on radio and asked why, most replied ‘ just don’t like them’.
Typical, mostly males who don’t like change.

Moreover, it’s the implied pressure coming from their cohort to be not seen to be behaving like a greeny or environmentalist or someone who cares about their land.

They all dress the same, kind of like pseudo American ranch farmers.

Makes me sick. I’d rather look at turbines rotating than look at the continuous stream of black soot spewing out of an archaic chimney of a coal plant.AW


it's a weird dynamic...

seemingly opposition, simply for opposition's sake...

but they are not alone, with their petty grievances

the shop chick in the four corners special 'wind wars' ...running a 'premium home wares shop' (translation: selling overpriced witches brooms to yuppies) assured the reporter that ''s not just about asthetics...' then proceeded to present zero other arguments beyond a hyperbolic rant that she would need to shut her shop down...

claiming the tourists would stop coming. personally I believe no such thing would happen

and, that the once washed up hippies - that are now overly cashed up yuppy boomers (the people who actually buy overpriced witches brooms) would likely come more in numbers if the wind farm was built - at least initially...

the whole debate is just bizarre

basesix's picture
basesix's picture
basesix Wednesday, 26 Jun 2024 at 8:16pm

haha, been enjoying your posts of late, syp.
I don't know the details, but seems a 'life' is 20-30 years.
and that's about right for Codrington.. what happens next?
aluminum, fiberglass, steel, concrete, resin, etc..
maybe a Codrington/Portland nuclear power plant, Alcoa might transition through tender.. extra-special number-1 farmed-abalone!

GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Wednesday, 26 Jun 2024 at 8:08pm

“ …. please, someone count this shit!“

Agree, it should be measured (and costed) but let’s also include coal, gas and nuclear as well from start to finish including full decommissioning costs and a cost to reflect damage to the atmosphere. I’m serious it should be done.

bonza's picture
bonza's picture
bonza Wednesday, 26 Jun 2024 at 8:46pm

"Generally speaking, early nuclear plants were designed for a life of about 30 years, though with refurbishment, some have proved capable of continuing well beyond this. Newer plants are designed for a 40 to 60 year operating life.....Decommissioning costs for nuclear power plants, including disposal of associated wastes, are high relative to other industrial plants but are reducing, and contribute only a small fraction of the total cost of electricity generation."

lets also apply this decommission costs to the rare earth mineral mines required to power panels, turbines and batteries.

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Wednesday, 26 Jun 2024 at 9:27pm

well it 'should'

but we're not investing literally a trillion dollars into them... with the benefit of hindsight are we?

we're investing a trillion dollars into what can only be described as questionable solutions, to a questionable problem...

that's not the climate change question

but the question of what is wise to do in this process of transition?

not counting the cost ($ and environmental) of transition, not counting the swathes of carbon catching bushland, not counting the turnover of carbon cost infused materials in the 20 'scheduled maintenance', not counting social cost and division, etc. etc.

it really is climate change populism labor is proposing

populism, in the most cynical sense of the word... and that's where they leave themselves wide open...

they've simply overcooked the goose

all this pain, and unnecessary cost, to public by way of bills, simply because labor have blown the gas part of equation, on every front

ie. the price to electricity is fixed to gas price, and we now have some of the most expensive electricity in the world, because we buy OUR OWN gas at a premium price!

one can only imagine we will continue this arrangement for decades to come... as japan, china etc enjoy our cheap gas... and I mean ENJOY...

whilst we get to enjoy, this process of self flagellation for decades to come...

ie, deprive ourselves of a gas future... facilitate their cheap gas... and enjoy buying it back at a premium in the interim...

a win win win you might say

or not...

none of it makes sense

and this ladies and gentlemen...

is what has fuelled and facilitated dutton's nuclear brain fart!!!

basesix's picture
basesix's picture
basesix Wednesday, 26 Jun 2024 at 9:40pm

(important to remember 'rare earth' doesn't mean rare, it means politically inconvenient @bonza)

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Wednesday, 26 Jun 2024 at 9:45pm

Solar Powered Nuke Plants

Wind Turbine Cooled Nuke Plants

Solar Powered Wind Turbines

Floating Solar + Turbines (Common)

Ocean Floating Solar / Turbines can surf 12-20m waves endless inspect

tbb is happy to share this research to show were the market is heading...
It's far ahead of Oz Options that seem as wasteful & stagnant as the Coal we're replacing.

Oz Media are milking Us vs Them & will anchor the debate beneath forever & ever at our expense.

Dumbarse lead Questions...How come yer avoiding 24/7 News-cycling of Dutto's Nuke Policy!
PM looks around for the Candid camera...say Wot! Are you fuckin' this a trick question?
"Waiting... I'll ask again in 5 mins > tonite > tomorrow > next wk until Australia gets a straight answer!"
You must Answer to Voldemort & meet with Hello World Bar tender or we demand ya stand down!

Restricted limited Govt Zone options are wastefully being rubber stamped to run on 30% potential.

Pretty soon Oz will be laughed at & presented as a backward hick Wasteful Renewable Sprawl.
tbb blames Media & Pollies for draggin' us down...we need to channel safe low cost Hybrid energy.
We can & gotta rope in this shitshow of half baked outdated unicorns.
If Govt rule only 4 NSW Zones Forever then we have obligation to combo our Solar Powered Fleets.
Nothing short of 100% Renewable synchronicity with zero waste & zero footprint...comes natural! Yes!

What is being proposed from all sides is yesteryear already, it all rapes & dumps shit as it rolls out.
tbb reckons in 20 years time we'll cry at the Cost to mop up this rolled out fucked up 'fixed hot mess'.
The louder ALP shout More, ' more time they'll spend in opposition...[L] send them the up root Bill.
Same applies to Dutto's Nuke Fallout...all of it is sending us backwards in the world faster than ever.

Media forbid cost neutral zero footprint options...Just the Black (vs) White (Us vs Them) Forever!
Wall 2 Wall wasteful shit show will haunt us forever...more so than grubby coal.
Pick it up Oz...half the people polled are right...we're losin' a massive battle we never had to fight!
Why the fuck approve a swathe thru a NP that struggles with a 10% fart...It's Shockingly wasteful!

Pretty soon..there'll be an audit of this Wasted Land resource & the Cost will shock!
Like that Tier 1 Zone should be at 90% capacity but Oz is bustin' 20% & it will be on show worldwide!
Just as tbb shares the best examples...Ask! Do any see Oz in that Lot...gotta be joking...Jokes on us!

Eg : How do Oz #1 Wind Turbines plug into that Oz #1 Blown Up $10m damaged Sub Station.
Not heard any ask that Question...It's a sad Joke when basic due diligence is taboo!
Any still supporting renewables see that as being a fucked up Dodgy Bros Shitshow! Please Explain!

All then debate which gets dismantled sooner as it paints each town as corrupted village idiots.
We must be prouder of each project as bettering our best...or world will laugh at our Hicksville!
Land downunder look like retards...can't hide the shame nor mop it up...what then...we're fucked!

Come together & demand zero footprint Max Grid capacity for our kidz future, not this $#@%,
Reason being we simply rollout & rollback as we upgrade to easily incorporate the best of new tech.
Not be mandated to obliterate our landscape to forever live with yesterday's tech as slaves to our past!
Shades of Rolling out the NBN ...we don't deserve better do we!

soggydog's picture
soggydog's picture
soggydog Wednesday, 26 Jun 2024 at 10:03pm
GuySmiley wrote:

“ …. please, someone count this shit!“

Agree, it should be measured (and costed) but let’s also include coal, gas and nuclear as well from start to finish including full decommissioning costs and a cost to reflect damage to the atmosphere. I’m serious it should be done.

Yep, All inputs and outputs fully quantified.

I focus's picture
I focus's picture
I focus Wednesday, 26 Jun 2024 at 10:31pm
sypkan wrote:

ie. the price to electricity is fixed to gas price, and we now have some of the most expensive electricity in the world, because we buy OUR OWN gas at a premium price!

one can only imagine we will continue this arrangement for decades to come... as japan, china etc enjoy our cheap gas... and I mean ENJOY...

whilst we get to enjoy, this process of self flagellation for decades to come...

ie, deprive ourselves of a gas future... facilitate their cheap gas... and enjoy buying it back at a premium in the interim...

none of it makes sense

This is actually the biggest problem.

Gas has always and still is the fuel for transition until something else clever comes along, hydrogen currently can complement gas still a way of replacing gas to an extent.

With Duttons plan he needs a lot of gas to complement nuclear one of the reasons for dumping 2030 targets along with net zero both totally impossible using the required amounts of gas to supplement nuclear all the while hoping something else comes along before 2050.

With Labors renewables plan gas will be required to meet the shortfall (not that they talk a lot about it) again at times gas requirement will be very high for short durations. They can actually meet the 2030 target (won't however to slow on the renewable builds) using gas but not net zero again need another energy source possibly hydrogen.

The problem is there is nowhere near enough gas thats available for domestic use no matter how much you want to pay its all allocated in overseas contracts with no reservation policies in place it's a crunch that appears to be coming.

Diesel generators from China are however available and cheap.

bonza's picture
bonza's picture
bonza Wednesday, 26 Jun 2024 at 11:00pm
soggydog wrote:
GuySmiley wrote:

“ …. please, someone count this shit!“

Agree, it should be measured (and costed) but let’s also include coal, gas and nuclear as well from start to finish including full decommissioning costs and a cost to reflect damage to the atmosphere. I’m serious it should be done.

Yep, All inputs and outputs fully quantified.

Yes like the steel & cement required for panels and turbines.

Page 390. Table 10.4

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Thursday, 27 Jun 2024 at 12:09am
Supafreak wrote:

Compare MW to AY

They are very different but both grifters, but atleast Avi gets out there and provides an insight into the views of others MW is just a bedroom opnion piece writer that presents half a story as the whole story.

BTW. Speaking of both i clicked on one of MW videos last year from menory a video with no real point other than to just diss Avi and i couldn't belive MW the slimy kunt was presenting Avis piss take of saying "im a Jewish Nazi" as Avi actually being serious.

Thats the kind of misleading shit this kunt does and then drop kicks like you guys will repeat it as fact.

The difference with Avi is its often not all about presenting his view its more here is the views and opinions of these people, or here is what they didnt show on 7 news and a lot of the time i dont agree with the views presented.

Covid waa a great example but it is important to still hear the views of people on the street even if you dont agree with them.

BTW. Your link is typical of the left its always ad hominem never subtance, yeah great and real funny the guy is short.

PS. Its funny when people try to paint me as this guy who gets all his news from Sky news or Avi, i can go months without seeing both, its only really when an issue interest me that i will go looking or algorithm shows me their videos, i get my news and info from a very broad range of sources but mostly ABC, fuck i even listen to Aust Guardian podcast, but i will listen to Australian podcast too, get views from either side and get a more complete picture.

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Wednesday, 26 Jun 2024 at 11:59pm

Each Xmas the world rolls out a Gazillion more xmas lights.
Were talking 'bout the most senior disabled decrepit scaling upside down ladders on Roof Tops.
Yet each and every sad soul is expected to then back it up, to neatly pack it all up for next year.
Miraculously like a Xmas miracle it all vanishes without trace...the village charm is restored & all happy.

How is that Govt Corps with all our money leave their rolled out shit lying about to kill all life forms.
tbb motions for Dad's Army to take control & teach expert Yuppies how to rollout wires & pack 'em up!

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Thursday, 27 Jun 2024 at 12:18am

"This is actually the biggest problem.

Gas has always and still is the fuel for transition until something else clever comes along, hydrogen currently can complement gas still a way of replacing gas to an extent..."


I hate to harp on about it...

(labour not putting the gas cartels in their place)

but I will... because it has turned into a fuck up of monumental proportions...

that's not hyperbole, not at all, it's monumental because it's not just about the next election... the next decade... the next generation... it's intergenerational...

as this sliding doors moment has set the trajectory for so many things...

not least, unleashing the dutton...

"...With Duttons plan he needs a lot of gas to complement nuclear one of the reasons for dumping 2030 targets along with net zero both totally impossible using the required amounts of gas to supplement nuclear all the while hoping something else comes along before 2050..."

the reality is, labor aren't going to make their 2030 targets either...

highly likely not net zero either...

whether your renewables or nuclear... emerging tech. is everything, ...2035... the world will be a vastly different place, and labor's zealotry is just dumb

they shouldn't have gone all nazi on gas, keep your options open, to a dramatically changing world, both technologically and politically...

"...With Labors renewables plan gas will be required to meet the shortfall (not that they talk a lot about it) again at times gas requirement will be very high for short durations. They can actually meet the 2030 target (won't however to slow on the renewable builds) using gas but not net zero again need another energy source possibly hydrogen..."

yep, everyone knows it...

everyone without their talking point / ideological blinkers on that is...

so just fucken talk about it!

enough with the bullshit

"...The problem is there is nowhere near enough gas thats available for domestic use no matter how much you want to pay its all allocated in overseas contracts with no reservation policies in place it's a crunch that appears to be coming..."


see monumental fuck up above

it's not too late to change course

it's actually essential!

"...Diesel generators from China are however available and cheap."


we can all power our EV''s with them, our labor imposed EV's...

as the monumental fuck up unfolds...

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Thursday, 27 Jun 2024 at 7:17am

That was a pretty funny rant @indo Avi Yemini, the Melbourne-based, right-wing-provocateur-cum-journalist, is often described by his detractors as full of hate. Which may be true. He does appear to have a pronounced dislike of trans-rights activists, climate science, Waleed Aly and almost everything to do with the ABC. But if you really want to know who Yemini is, it’s perhaps more useful to look at what he loves. He loves working out, which he does religiously, every morning, between 8am and 9.30am. He loves the state of Israel and the Israel Defence Forces, which he served in for three years. He loves making fun of climate change and COVID-19 restrictions. He really loves former US president Donald Trump. He also loves sad Ashkenazi religious pop music, which reminds him of his Orthodox Jewish upbringing and which can, in his more vulnerable moments, reduce him to tears.

AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace Thursday, 27 Jun 2024 at 7:25am
Supafreak wrote:

That was a pretty funny rant @indo Avi Yemini, the Melbourne-based, right-wing-provocateur-cum-journalist, is often described by his detractors as full of hate. Which may be true. He does appear to have a pronounced dislike of trans-rights activists, climate science, Waleed Aly and almost everything to do with the ABC. But if you really want to know who Yemini is, it’s perhaps more useful to look at what he loves. He loves working out, which he does religiously, every morning, between 8am and 9.30am. He loves the state of Israel and the Israel Defence Forces, which he served in for three years. He loves making fun of climate change and COVID-19 restrictions. He really loves former US president Donald Trump. He also loves sad Ashkenazi religious pop music, which reminds him of his Orthodox Jewish upbringing and which can, in his more vulnerable moments, reduce him to tears.

Supafreak. Hi mate, morning to you.

I always find it amusing those who make fun of climate change issues.

They never offer up any knowledge of it, just more hubris and bullshit they’ve read or heard.

Gives us something you goons. Back up your diatribe with some facts or fiction.

Send in the clowns. AW

ashsam's picture
ashsam's picture
ashsam Thursday, 27 Jun 2024 at 8:17am

Who subscribes to newspapers?

Boomers that can't get to a newsagent ;) lol


Fliplid's picture
Fliplid's picture
Fliplid Thursday, 27 Jun 2024 at 8:21am

@basesix "maybe a Codrington/Portland nuclear power plant, Alcoa might transition through tender.. extra-special number-1 farmed-abalone!"

Well considering the site and company are owned by State Power Corporation which is an amalgamation of China State Power and the State Nuclear Power Corporation it's not such a wacky idea that it could be where Australia's first nuclear power station is built, they've got the expertise to do it and with imported Chinese labour they could do it in Dutton's time frame.

Let them do the waste storage as well. Fark that's a subscription model to die for, 10,000 plus years of compounding costs to the tune of millions of dollars a year. This will be the biggest frisk down of the Australian taxpayer in history, into perpetuity.

stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Thursday, 27 Jun 2024 at 8:48am
ashsam wrote:

Who subscribes to newspapers?

Boomers that can't get to a newsagent ;) lol


I'm no Boomer and we do. To two different mastheads no less - the SMH and Illawarra Mercury.

Want the kids to read news and it works for 2/3 of them.

GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Thursday, 27 Jun 2024 at 8:49am

good morning superfreak, thanks for the laugh describing @info's favourite rwnj grifter and wife basher as a cum-journalist. Has a bigger kill-rag walked Melbourne's streets?

bonza's picture
bonza's picture
bonza Thursday, 27 Jun 2024 at 9:15am
Fliplid wrote:

@basesix "

Let them do the waste storage as well. Fark that's a subscription model to die for, 10,000 plus years of compounding costs to the tune of millions of dollars a year. This will be the biggest frisk down of the Australian taxpayer in history, into perpetuity.

We are already storing it at over 100 temporary places around the country. This is not suitable and it a long term solution needs to be addressed anyway as each year Australia produces about 45 cubic metres of radioactive waste.

Or perhaps you prefer we send it overseas for some one else to deal with like we have historically done.

goofyfoot's picture
goofyfoot's picture
goofyfoot Thursday, 27 Jun 2024 at 9:21am
stunet wrote:
ashsam wrote:

Who subscribes to newspapers?

Boomers that can't get to a newsagent ;) lol


I'm no Boomer and we do. To two different mastheads no less - the SMH and Illawarra Mercury.

Want the kids to read news and it works for 2/3 of them.

This is interesting Stu re wanting kids to read the news.
I’ve always been someone who will read the paper or the last 7-8 or so years more likely to log on to ABC news or herald sun website to see what’s happening.
Probably since about the end of last year I
Stopped looking at newspapers, deleted all news apps off my phone and haven’t watched news on tv of any sort.
Even if something pops up on my phone I’ll scroll past it.

It got to the point of every single thing you saw or read was depressing, violent, some sort of abuse whether it was domestic violence, kids being abused, covid bullshit, wars etc etc and I couldn’t handle seeing it anymore.
Now I’ve got no frickin idea what’s going on in the world and I’ve got no interest in knowing about it. And I’m stoked about it!

There were some things I read about kids being murdered, basically beaten to death over months by their mums boyfriends while no one gave a shit about them that literally had me laying awake at night not knowing whether to cry, punch holes in walls, or start killing people who do shit like that. It really fucked me up and was the deal breaker. No more news of any sort

stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Thursday, 27 Jun 2024 at 9:30am
goofyfoot wrote:
stunet wrote:
ashsam wrote:

Who subscribes to newspapers?

Boomers that can't get to a newsagent ;) lol


I'm no Boomer and we do. To two different mastheads no less - the SMH and Illawarra Mercury.

Want the kids to read news and it works for 2/3 of them.

This is interesting Stu re wanting kids to read the news.
I’ve always been someone who will read the paper or the last 7-8 or so years more likely to log on to ABC news or herald sun website to see what’s happening.
Probably since about the end of last year I
Stopped looking at newspapers, deleted all news apps off my phone and haven’t watched news on tv of any sort.
Even if something pops up on my phone I’ll scroll past it.

It got to the point of every single thing you saw or read was depressing, violent, some sort of abuse whether it was domestic violence, kids being abused, covid bullshit, wars etc etc and I couldn’t handle seeing it anymore.
Now I’ve got no frickin idea what’s going on in the world and I’ve got no interest in knowing about it. And I’m stoked about it!

There were some things I read about kids being murdered, basically beaten to death over months by their mums boyfriends while no one gave a shit about them that literally had me laying awake at night not knowing whether to cry, punch holes in walls, or start killing people who do shit like that. It really fucked me up and was the deal breaker. No more news of any sort

Yeah, you've summed up my last five years to a tee: stripping all the bullshit out of my life.

I've done that and couldn't be happier.

Largely the newspaper thing is for the Illawarra Mercury, just having it on the kitchen table during brekkie. The news stories are local, rarely violent or drug-related and talk about events in our immediate vicinity.

Two of my boys are voracious readers, can't sit down without reading something, the ingredients on the muesli, the back of the milk carton...whatever, so I think it's good for them to understand how news - local news - works.

News that doesn't seem to find fault, that doesn't beat a tribal drum, that I guess strives for neutrality. The kind of news that circulated before the world became polarised.

On that score, I think I've found a grown up version in The Free Press.

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Thursday, 27 Jun 2024 at 9:32am

AGL plans huge solar recycling plant at retired coal site that Dutton wants for nuclear .

AndyM's picture
AndyM's picture
AndyM Thursday, 27 Jun 2024 at 9:33am

Generally speaking, I figure I'm better off waiting to read a couple of pieces of quality analysis rather than get caught up in the daily news churn.
On a day to day basis there's just too much of it there, much of it of dubious quality and in my opinion often adding nothing to the living of a good life.

goofyfoot's picture
goofyfoot's picture
goofyfoot Thursday, 27 Jun 2024 at 9:34am

Ha, yes I get the can’t sit down without reading something bit.
The amount of times I’ve read the back of air freshener sprays or hand soap bottles in the dunny is embarrassing. Like seriously who does that…

zenagain's picture
zenagain's picture
zenagain Thursday, 27 Jun 2024 at 9:36am

I picked up a book the other day. First time in years. I'd forgotten what a tactile pleasure it was. It was an old book, the smell, the yellowing pages, beaten and creased cover. I read for hours.

I kinda miss newspapers- haven't read one in ages.

zenagain's picture
zenagain's picture
zenagain Thursday, 27 Jun 2024 at 9:44am

X2 Andy. I try and skim over the salad and wait for something meatier.

Nice Andy and Stu- I was/am the same, as a kid I'd read anything and still to this day. If you've got the reading bug I hope you never lose it, it's a gift.

I reckon I'd like to give writing a go.

Edit: I meant nice one Goof too. You're not alone in that regard.

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Thursday, 27 Jun 2024 at 9:47am
ashsam wrote:

Who subscribes to newspapers?

Boomers that can't get to a newsagent ;) lol


Here ya go Robbo , this is probably more your pace .

AndyM's picture
AndyM's picture
AndyM Thursday, 27 Jun 2024 at 10:06am
goofyfoot wrote:

Ha, yes I get the can’t sit down without reading something bit.
The amount of times I’ve read the back of air freshener sprays or hand soap bottles in the dunny is embarrassing. Like seriously who does that…

Guilty as charged.
Stuff like that does pay dividends when our team wins the local trivia though :)
Three grand worth of free schnitties in the past year!

AndyM's picture
AndyM's picture
AndyM Thursday, 27 Jun 2024 at 10:09am
zenagain wrote:

I picked up a book the other day. First time in years. I'd forgotten what a tactile pleasure it was. It was an old book, the smell, the yellowing pages, beaten and creased cover. I read for hours.

I kinda miss newspapers- haven't read one in ages.

Got some reading glasses the other day and it's a bit of a revelation.
Starting to work my way back through hard copy books I haven't touched for years.
A different experience to a screen, that's for sure Zen.

Fliplid's picture
Fliplid's picture
Fliplid Thursday, 27 Jun 2024 at 10:28am

@bonza, when there are other alternatives to the massive costs of nuclear I think it would be wiser to explore and develop those first.

I agree with you that nuclear isn't something to be feared and needs to be considered, however when the group of people who are now spruiking the idea of nuclear power generation is also the party that is all about lowering tax revenue as per their ideology, it means that the costs to run and maintain nuclear will be directly paid for by Australian taxpayers one way or another

We will not end with cheaper electricity as they are claiming and those costs, (construction, operating and storing waste) will come as a big hit to future budgets which means a reduction in spending in other important areas of government. Specifically in terms of storage those costs will grow exponentially with no sight in end

SMRs and possibly other uses for nuclear waste are in the future and may prove to be worth the effort but at this stage of the game there are alternatives that are easier and cheaper to develop.

bonza's picture
bonza's picture
bonza Thursday, 27 Jun 2024 at 10:56am

No worries. Fliplid. Those are all valid points. I had addressed them here and other threads previously. so won't drown out the thread again - except to say lastly that I keep hearing people say and I'll paraphrase that "NE will one day inevitably be worthwhile in Australia .. but now is not the time". How will we even get to that point in time when we have legislation banning NE.
Lifting the Federal & State bans would be a great start. It doesn't make any sense.

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Thursday, 27 Jun 2024 at 11:05am

Natural course of events all political parties agree to work together for the greater good of Mankind.
Dutto drops Putin's Nuke Bomb into the Hell Hole of The Pacific...54321 {Kaboom!}
Retreats to his Voice bunker without a drop of blood on his Fangs!

Dare any school kid to visit eHarmony HQ...the meek are now workplace bullying role models!
Sheepish Chix are now the Tigers in the Tank...ain't no Chinese Spy Chick clawing outta here alive!
Murdoch's CCTV Blood thirsty Parliamentary Media Unit are champin' at the bit...'Don't blame us!'

UN : "This Parliament House Aukus Waste Depository was the Masterstroke that saved our Planet!"
First Nation Voiceless Message Sticker [ Twas Climate Wars that Nuked the Beast ]

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Thursday, 27 Jun 2024 at 11:24am

@bonza , thanks for all your input, if NE was legalised in oz , is there any companies waiting to invest ? Just seems to me the focus around the world is on renewables .

ashsam's picture
ashsam's picture
ashsam Thursday, 27 Jun 2024 at 11:44am
Supafreak wrote:
ashsam wrote:

Who subscribes to newspapers?

Boomers that can't get to a newsagent ;) lol


Here ya go Robbo , this is probably more your pace .

was a joke supre, no sense of humour?

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Thursday, 27 Jun 2024 at 11:47am


sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Thursday, 27 Jun 2024 at 12:02pm


dead right supa

half dead right...

following fukushima, nuclear died in the arse

a focus on renewables was 'the answer'

europe (germany) and others now facing the difficulties of that...

and their answer?

reverting back to gas...

gas people... GAS!

gas has many benefits over other 'fossil fuels, you just tap it and go

but probably more importantly, you can just turn up the tap to combat the fluctuations in renewables... coal fired (and nuclear I guess) is not as adaptable, you have to have it cranking at a certain level to maintain flow (inputs, heat, and electric in wires) ...its a bit more all or nothing.... hence cheap power at night...

australia is just handicapping itself at every level and step of the process with its position on gas

it is simply not realistic

my labor policy on transition:

face reality... we need gas!

face reality... we are nuclear infants, but...

seems we (almost) need this too!

propose something like a lucas heights 'research' reactor, stealing dutton's fire, but use / propose it for power generation too

acknowledge reality, sort the fucking gas problem!

acknowledge reality, their renewables fields of clean energy dream is utopian at best- costs ($$, social, environmental) and is receiving massive headwinds - that are only going to increase...

labor, put on your big boy pants

you cannot ignore all this and it will go away... (seems to be their policy/strategy)

steal dutton's fire!

with a reasonable and measured approach...

zealotry and nuttery is running too high from both sides

(the puns write themselves...)

bonza's picture
bonza's picture
bonza Thursday, 27 Jun 2024 at 11:52am

No wukkas supa. Just here for shits and giggles with no expertise whatsoever.
On the contrary - I'll think you'll find globally that investment and interest in NE is growing given Net Zero targets.
Fukushima freaked everyone out (despite there being only 1x death - first responder who later died from radiation exposure) so some nations e.g. Germany closed or slowed down their NE. That's been going well for them. I'm sure Vlad is a fan.

So Yes given the global trends - if the legislation was favourable I am certain investors would enter the market in Australia. Everyone was saying similar thing about Solar PV & batteries not so long ago. Even more recently - remember Scomo, Joyce and Co ridiculing the concept / technology of a big battery in SA only to have it thrown in their face within months.

ashsam's picture
ashsam's picture
ashsam Thursday, 27 Jun 2024 at 11:56am
goofyfoot wrote:
stunet wrote:
ashsam wrote:

Who subscribes to newspapers?

Boomers that can't get to a newsagent ;) lol


I'm no Boomer and we do. To two different mastheads no less - the SMH and Illawarra Mercury.

Want the kids to read news and it works for 2/3 of them.

This is interesting Stu re wanting kids to read the news.
I’ve always been someone who will read the paper or the last 7-8 or so years more likely to log on to ABC news or herald sun website to see what’s happening.
Probably since about the end of last year I
Stopped looking at newspapers, deleted all news apps off my phone and haven’t watched news on tv of any sort.
Even if something pops up on my phone I’ll scroll past it.

It got to the point of every single thing you saw or read was depressing, violent, some sort of abuse whether it was domestic violence, kids being abused, covid bullshit, wars etc etc and I couldn’t handle seeing it anymore.
Now I’ve got no frickin idea what’s going on in the world and I’ve got no interest in knowing about it. And I’m stoked about it!

There were some things I read about kids being murdered, basically beaten to death over months by their mums boyfriends while no one gave a shit about them that literally had me laying awake at night not knowing whether to cry, punch holes in walls, or start killing people who do shit like that. It really fucked me up and was the deal breaker. No more news of any sort

I applaud you.

Exactly as you say It's all bad or click bait stories you're not missing anything.
Never let my kids watch news and stopped buying newspapers long time ago.
1 free local paper here now that comes out with a week old news.
Turn NBN news on at 6:45 for the sport, local weather and the surf report, they usually show a few local waves/surfers of the day.

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Thursday, 27 Jun 2024 at 11:55am


to labor's advantage...

dutton's has just tipped the table re. 'sovereign risk' and state ownership...

instead of the childish bahahahahaha games

embrace it and use it

it's a golden opportunity windfall of mammoth proportions...

(if you can stop being a bunch head in sand nana-nanana babies)

ashsam's picture
ashsam's picture
ashsam Thursday, 27 Jun 2024 at 11:58am
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Thursday, 27 Jun 2024 at 12:02pm

@sypkan , so can you see investors backing NE in oz ? Many say it’s not suitable for Australia with the volumes of water needed and other factors , would they maybe use desalination plants for water supply ? I just don’t believe it’s the best solution for Australia , hence companies aren’t lining up to back spud , except maybe Gina but no way will she be using her own money .

ashsam's picture
ashsam's picture
ashsam Thursday, 27 Jun 2024 at 11:59am

Wish I could live like that ^ ;)

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Thursday, 27 Jun 2024 at 12:00pm

Nukes are so last week already...Smart money is driving inflationary pressure on Oranges.
Flood of Orange People decking out eHarmony HQ Halls for the return of Saipan Serpent.
Put yer money on a Security breach with a Tonne of Albo's Oranges being squeezed into Parliament.
"Like who are You...(I'm with Julian's Throng!) & Who the fuck are you to Judge...Said outta my way!"

Russian Portaloo Spy : "There goes the Neighbourhood...outta here!"

garyg1412's picture
garyg1412's picture
garyg1412 Thursday, 27 Jun 2024 at 12:01pm
ashsam wrote:

Who subscribes to newspapers?

Boomers that can't get to a newsagent ;) lol


Yeah well wait until you run out of Tally Ho's one day. Nothing more educational than reading 2 year old news while rolling yourself one!!

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Thursday, 27 Jun 2024 at 12:10pm


Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Thursday, 27 Jun 2024 at 12:15pm
bonza's picture
bonza's picture
bonza Thursday, 27 Jun 2024 at 12:21pm
Supafreak wrote:

@sypkan , so can you see investors backing NE in oz ? Many say it’s not suitable for Australia with the volumes of water needed and other factors , would they maybe use desalination plants for water supply ? I just don’t believe it’s the best solution for Australia , hence companies aren’t lining up to back spud , except maybe Gina but no way will she be using her own money .

Why would an investor consider investing or waste their time with a country that blanket bans the technology?

The water usage factor is a potential issue but can be mitigated by the location and technology. Conversely it could be argued that NE is perfectly suited to help address the pending chronic water scarcity issue coming powering desal thanks to the sheer number of humans we are importing coupled with climate change predictions in an already arid country.

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Thursday, 27 Jun 2024 at 12:41pm
Supafreak wrote:

@sypkan , so can you see investors backing NE in oz ? Many say it’s not suitable for Australia with the volumes of water needed and other factors , would they maybe use desalination plants for water supply ? I just don’t believe it’s the best solution for Australia , hence companies aren’t lining up to back spud , except maybe Gina but no way will she be using her own money .

no, well... not really...

but there's this little contemporary (neoliberal) political scourge that has encaptured the world...


public private partnerships

and, in a display of ironic off the charts...

the liberals are now the ones proposing state ownership...

whilst, meanwhile, labor is (still) defending 'the market's' and (trying) to laugh off dutton's filp...

all the iron in the world could not build such a monstrosity of irony!

use it, flip it...

(see post above)

I avoided replying to that simon holmes-accort atricle, despite the massive holes... (I have an aversion to hyphenated names) ...but even he acknowledged they (lnp) had confronted the water problem with the choice of their sites...

pt augusta: I envision a big arse nuke dome using salt water, or fuelling a big arse desal. plant...

a 'clean' energy bonanza

stinking - and heating- up the gulf

the stuff cornicopian dreams are made of...

that's not my dream, but politics is the art of compromise...

the biggest glaring reality I see nobody facing... nobody! ....and especially labor...

is the world has changed dramatically in the last few years

yeh, covid, china, blah blah blah...

but the one that sealed the fate of 'the end of history' head in sand ostriches...

ie. the globalist, idealist, 'open society' nutters...

is ukraine

It's a classic war of attrition - no one does 'war of attrition' like the russians...

they are the masters!


- inflation is not 'transitory'

- energy is everything

- developing tech. is everything

at home manufacturing and development is everything...

expensive energy is an unnecessary impediment (that only benefits russia)

and, the china / russia mask has fallen...

(israel / Iran / palestine / brics too)

the world is now (obviously) a much more hostile place

we need to adapt
