Next Federal Election

velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno started the topic in Monday, 22 Jan 2024 at 2:15pm

Might as well put this up in the politics subforum, to spare the front page. It's 18 months away or so, but here we go.

This is how Dutton wins:

Fliplid's picture
Fliplid's picture
Fliplid Thursday, 27 Jun 2024 at 12:47pm

All good bonza, round and round it goes.

Supafreak "@sypkan , so can you see investors backing NE in oz ?"

Not yet @Supa. It will be interesting to see how the Bill Gates project indo linked to pans out as it uses sodium for cooling instead of water so apparently safer and a large water supply isn't as critical, which is fortunate because it would also help to alleviate the pending water shortage and river degradation's caused by the large scale land clearing and environmental destruction for agricultural developments that David Littleproud doesn't have any problem with

SMR's are likely to be developed in the future, so investors always go where the money is so no reason why they won't invest if there is profit to be made, but like bonza says, the legislation would need to be changed, which may happen as we are currently sending Australian servicemen over to the US to learn about nuclear technology so in time there will be a better understanding in the community about it all.

Still comes down to economics though and if large scale hydrogen becomes cost effective all bets are off. The other day I read an ad for small hydrogen units that retrofit into your car for under $2000, claims they save 20% on fuel use and emissions, so there is already research and development going on in hydrogen plus there is big investor backing, and remember there was also LNP backing just a couple of years ago.

The investor support is what is no doubt worrying the climate deniers in the LNP hence the new push. Although to be honest I reckon it's more about getting Dutton into the media cycle than anything else and top marks for that effort because it has worked

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Thursday, 27 Jun 2024 at 12:47pm

Hostile indeed and what a great target a NE plant makes .

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Thursday, 27 Jun 2024 at 1:07pm


yep, was part of csiro argument against...(old report)

but, to be fair, it's much easier to defend a few sites with a concentrated missile defense style system

than it is to defend literally 1000's of renewables sites across a massive country...

however, outcomes of a nuke site are terrifying

pretty easy to blow up a wind farm 20k's off the coast I reckon...

adam12's picture
adam12's picture
adam12 Thursday, 27 Jun 2024 at 1:22pm

an enemy wouldn't need to blow up our energy infrastructure to defeat Australia.
Covid proved that.
Just cut off their internet and blow up a few highways so Coles and Woolies can't provide their groceries and toilet paper and they'd be eating each other in a couple of weeks.
We'd defeat ourselves.
(Edit. I'm not being entirely serious here.)

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Thursday, 27 Jun 2024 at 1:32pm

Cheaper power prices at taxpayers expense , surely Australians aren’t that stupid. I guess we could just print more money like during covid , that worked out well …..didn’t it ?

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Thursday, 27 Jun 2024 at 1:37pm

just to lighten the mood...

bonza made an interesting point way back re. younger generations being more accepting of nuclear power in facing the 'challenges' of climate change

they are more terrified of climate change...

(their schooling was more filled with curriculum catastrophising the dangers of climate change...

whereas previous generations were schooled with a focus on the nuclear power, the cold war, and nuclear war - with the film 'the day after tomorrow' essentially a compulsory part of curriculum)

' culture wars' about schooling aside...

It's an interesting observation

younger generations also didn't grow up on gems like this....


maybe the toxic avenger can save us...

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Thursday, 27 Jun 2024 at 1:39pm

yep adam12

cut the power (the internet) we're cooked

andy-mac's picture
andy-mac's picture
andy-mac Thursday, 27 Jun 2024 at 1:41pm
adam12 wrote:

an enemy wouldn't need to blow up our energy infrastructure to defeat Australia.
Covid proved that.
Just cut off their internet and blow up a few highways so Coles and Woolies can't provide their groceries and toilet paper and they'd be eating each other in a couple of weeks.
We'd defeat ourselves.
(Edit. I'm not being entirely serious here.)

Way things are going with the USA in Ukraine, Israel/ Lebanon, and China Taiwan reckon this forum we all might as well be arguing over where to place the seats on the Titanic..... Glib, but kind of true.
Scary shit....
Will fix population problems and housing crisis I guess.... :(

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Thursday, 27 Jun 2024 at 1:41pm


good argument for independent micro systems...


AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace Thursday, 27 Jun 2024 at 6:13pm
goofyfoot wrote:
stunet wrote:
ashsam wrote:

Who subscribes to newspapers?

Boomers that can't get to a newsagent ;) lol


I'm no Boomer and we do. To two different mastheads no less - the SMH and Illawarra Mercury.

Want the kids to read news and it works for 2/3 of them.

This is interesting Stu re wanting kids to read the news.
I’ve always been someone who will read the paper or the last 7-8 or so years more likely to log on to ABC news or herald sun website to see what’s happening.
Probably since about the end of last year I
Stopped looking at newspapers, deleted all news apps off my phone and haven’t watched news on tv of any sort.
Even if something pops up on my phone I’ll scroll past it.

It got to the point of every single thing you saw or read was depressing, violent, some sort of abuse whether it was domestic violence, kids being abused, covid bullshit, wars etc etc and I couldn’t handle seeing it anymore.
Now I’ve got no frickin idea what’s going on in the world and I’ve got no interest in knowing about it. And I’m stoked about it!

There were some things I read about kids being murdered, basically beaten to death over months by their mums boyfriends while no one gave a shit about them that literally had me laying awake at night not knowing whether to cry, punch holes in walls, or start killing people who do shit like that. It really fucked me up and was the deal breaker. No more news of any sort

Goofyfoot. Hi mate, hope you and your family are well.

Now we’re talking(not reading shit NEWS.)

What is news anyway ?

Someone awhile back canned me for my statement when I said I don’t watch or consume news, whether it’s print or digital.

It means nothing.

I’ve got friends ( I know you may find that funny), who know me well.

They often ask don’t you want to know what’s going on in the world, wars, disasters etc, my answer no.

I once said to my ex wife if I went bush for five years, didn’t speak to or see anyone, didn’t know about any worldly events, would I be any dumber for it.

Of course not, you plot your own journey and steer your own ship in life.

NEWS is just business, full stop, nothing else, teaches you nothing at all. AW

flollo's picture
flollo's picture
flollo Thursday, 27 Jun 2024 at 6:59pm

Well done goofy, I have the same approach.

basesix's picture
basesix's picture
basesix Thursday, 27 Jun 2024 at 7:03pm

totally agree with all above ^
in the country, the kids read print press,
even if only to see their mates in the sports pages,
and their school's art displayed in centre spread.
sometimes a relative is in it,
or something townsfolk bang on about is explained..

ashsam's picture
ashsam's picture
ashsam Thursday, 27 Jun 2024 at 7:03pm

Bad news sells. Ads in the news cost way more than in other time slots.
I know I used to do lots of TV advertising.
Doesn’t work as good now unless you have big $$ to spend on all the stations, with streaming now no one wants to watch ads.
There’s a theory the worse the news is the more people spend to make themselves feel better.

AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace Thursday, 27 Jun 2024 at 7:26pm
ashsam wrote:

Bad news sells. Ads in the news cost way more than in other time slots.
I know I used to do lots of TV advertising.
Doesn’t work as good now unless you have big $$ to spend on all the stations, with streaming now no one wants to watch ads.
There’s a theory the worse the news is the more people spend to make themselves feel better.

Ashsam. Hi mate. Hope all is good with you. When are you off to the Land of The Giants ( Denmark) ?

Spot on with your take on news/advertising.

My uncle used to be a chief in the local fire brigade in Geelong.

When there was a serious fire, news services would call and ask ‘how many fire trucks Col, ‘ he’d reply a number and then he’d hear it later on in the media at treble the number. Amplified hysteria. AW

ashsam's picture
ashsam's picture
ashsam Thursday, 27 Jun 2024 at 9:10pm
AlfredWallace wrote:
ashsam wrote:

Bad news sells. Ads in the news cost way more than in other time slots.
I know I used to do lots of TV advertising.
Doesn’t work as good now unless you have big $$ to spend on all the stations, with streaming now no one wants to watch ads.
There’s a theory the worse the news is the more people spend to make themselves feel better.

Ashsam. Hi mate. Hope all is good with you. When are you off to the Land of The Giants ( Denmark) ?

Spot on with your take on news/advertising.

My uncle used to be a chief in the local fire brigade in Geelong.

When there was a serious fire, news services would call and ask ‘how many fire trucks Col, ‘ he’d reply a number and then he’d hear it later on in the media at treble the number. Amplified hysteria. AW

All good here AW.
Denmark is mid September.

cd's picture
cd's picture
cd Friday, 28 Jun 2024 at 11:34am

Just watching the Biden - Trump debate. WOW- what a debacle, that Americans choose these two as the candidates for each respective party.
Biden is a respectively a very old man- who should be concentrating on enjoying what time he has left.
Trump - well is Trump. Delusional in his own mind.
It saddens me this is where we are at. We- meaning, America's actions have very significant repercussions for all nations.

andy-mac's picture
andy-mac's picture
andy-mac Friday, 28 Jun 2024 at 12:03pm
cd wrote:

Just watching the Biden - Trump debate. WOW- what a debacle, that Americans choose these two as the candidates for each respective party.
Biden is a respectively a very old man- who should be concentrating on enjoying what time he has left.
Trump - well is Trump. Delusional in his own mind.
It saddens me this is where we are at. We- meaning, America's actions have very significant repercussions for all nations.

Watching as well.
2 lying geriatrics going at it.
Would be amusing if not so tragic ...

andy-mac's picture
andy-mac's picture
andy-mac Friday, 28 Jun 2024 at 12:25pm

They are arguing over who is the better golfer.... Important stuff.... The West is in good hands.

Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Friday, 28 Jun 2024 at 12:25pm

Geezes, Biden/Trump are both well past their use by date.

It’s pitiful and embarrassing for all involved.

How the good old USA could fall so far is beyond me.

fitzroy-21's picture
fitzroy-21's picture
fitzroy-21 Friday, 28 Jun 2024 at 12:36pm

Wow. There are no other words....

That is the choice for America? A megalomaniac and a geriatric sock puppet. God help them.

Mind you, look at our two primary choices.....

flollo's picture
flollo's picture
flollo Friday, 28 Jun 2024 at 2:16pm

This debate is a comedy show in the darkest possible way.

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Friday, 28 Jun 2024 at 2:27pm

pretty disappointing from my point of view...

but only because I wanted full fireworks or a full train wreck

I thought Biden did better than expected

must of got his 'meds' just right I reckon

but when politico's calling it...

‘Biden is toast’

flollo's picture
flollo's picture
flollo Friday, 28 Jun 2024 at 2:28pm

Biden can't put a sentence together. It's disturbing to watch. Trump on the other hand is a complete lunatic.

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Friday, 28 Jun 2024 at 2:45pm

It is just sad to watch

It literally is elder abuse

WTF are the democrats thinking?

would have loved to see a camera watching the reaction on faces in the obama / democrats mission control room through the debate

anyway, seems he's done now, his supposed 'cold' will now manifest into a full blown condition...

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Friday, 28 Jun 2024 at 2:47pm

credit where credit is due...

trump totally contained his inner lunatic

and let biden hang himself...

that's all he needed to do

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Friday, 28 Jun 2024 at 2:56pm

this is literally how you talk to 90 year old dementia patient...

<script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

just sad...

Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Friday, 28 Jun 2024 at 2:56pm

All those MAGA crazies think Trumps cares about them. He’s our man.

4 years of Trump lunacy will make for fascinating viewing. A dictator in the making.

loungelizard's picture
loungelizard's picture
loungelizard Friday, 28 Jun 2024 at 4:25pm

even the guardian says it was a train wreck for Biden, maybe they will replace him ( they could keep calling Joe president and he'll think he still is)

goofyfoot's picture
goofyfoot's picture
goofyfoot Friday, 28 Jun 2024 at 4:32pm

So Trumpy is going to get up?

Incredible to think of a country that size and those two are the options they come up with, hilarious actually

Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Friday, 28 Jun 2024 at 4:37pm

Who would you replace Biden with? There is no one waiting in the wings. And Harris is the most hopeless vice President ever.

velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno Friday, 28 Jun 2024 at 4:40pm
Roadkill wrote:

All those MAGA crazies think Trumps cares about them. He’s our man.

4 years of Trump lunacy will make for fascinating viewing. A dictator in the making.

When Caesar crossed the Rubicon the end of the Republic was in play. They still had centuries left as a formidable Empire.

Roker's picture
Roker's picture
Roker Friday, 28 Jun 2024 at 5:13pm

What a great format. Ask the questions, shut up, let ‘em live or die by their own words. Let the people decide for themselves. Bravo CNN.

The Hillaries will be apoplectic tho. Where were the fact checkers? Why wasn’t the equivalent of Virginia Trioli’s husband screaming into Tapper’s ear every time Trump told a porky? Where was the army from the ministry of misinformation and disinformation? So Bash could bemoan The Donald’s bullshit for the benefit of us all.

The AreBeeGees will mobilise and shout it out loud. But it’ll be too late. Tapper and Bash will be forever consigned to progressive purgatory.

Joe’s cold musta been a shocker. Maybe needed a few more days at Camp David.

Hard to credit, but CNN have all but reinstalled Trump into the Oval Office. Although its ratings and ad revenue have never since come close to the heights achieved during Trump’s first term?

goofyfoot's picture
goofyfoot's picture
goofyfoot Friday, 28 Jun 2024 at 5:36pm
Roadkill wrote:

Who would you replace Biden with? There is no one waiting in the wings. And Harris is the most hopeless vice President ever.

No idea roady, ideally someone who doesn't appear to be a walking talking corpse?

andy-mac's picture
andy-mac's picture
andy-mac Friday, 28 Jun 2024 at 5:58pm
Roadkill wrote:

Who would you replace Biden with? There is no one waiting in the wings. And Harris is the most hopeless vice President ever.

Don't know anything about this guy, but he was mentioned on some interview I heard as a capable opponent to Trump....

velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno Friday, 28 Jun 2024 at 6:42pm
ashsam's picture
ashsam's picture
ashsam Friday, 28 Jun 2024 at 7:10pm

Biden won’t be a contender.

wax24's picture
wax24's picture
wax24 Friday, 28 Jun 2024 at 7:40pm

Don't know anything about this guy, but he was mentioned on some interview I heard as a capable opponent to Trump....

Hey andy-mac..... Newsom was born in San Francisco on October 10, 1967 (i was born in SF on October 9, 1968.) We had a small amount of common friends, but i only met hima coupla times. His first wife, Kimberly Guilfoyle, used to play hide an go seek in the same group of kids i played with. I can remember literally squatting in bushes with her playing this game when we were about 9 years old. Blows me away to see what she has become. You may know her as Donald Trump Jr's girlfriend. Newsom's family had money. Mine had to work very hard to put us in private school. So, i was used to hanging with money while not having any. He transferred to Marin schools (in Mill Valley=money) while still very young, but i am not sure why. He started in politics in the 90s in SF. Became mayor there and then Governor of California. After Biden, he and Nancy Pelosi probably are tied for most reviled Democrat by the maga crowd. His policies are def progressive. He was recalled by a groundswell of grassroots opposition (maga) in 2021 and had to win that to stay in office. He was voted in as Gov for another term in 2022 after that. You can look most of this up. California is a very progressive state, so his standing was not seriously threatened. The inside dope on him that i know from my early proximity is that, while he is a handsome, slick looking dude (he was that as a kid, too), he is actually a bulldog. Loves a fight. They'll have him on the campaign trail a lot as this thing moves forward. I'd be surprised if he gets the nomination this year, but will be much more surprised if he doesn't in 2028. (that's assuming we still have a democracy and elections in 2028.)

tubeshooter's picture
tubeshooter's picture
tubeshooter Friday, 28 Jun 2024 at 7:54pm

Hard to see old Joe, or possibly more importantly Jill letting it go too easily.
It'll be interesting to see how that one plays out.

I'm betting Joe's press secretary is probably either very drunk by now or having a nervous breakdown.

andy-mac's picture
andy-mac's picture
andy-mac Friday, 28 Jun 2024 at 8:29pm
wax24 wrote:

Don't know anything about this guy, but he was mentioned on some interview I heard as a capable opponent to Trump....

Hey andy-mac..... Newsom was born in San Francisco on October 10, 1967 (i was born in SF on October 9, 1968.) We had a small amount of common friends, but i only met hima coupla times. His first wife, Kimberly Guilfoyle, used to play hide an go seek in the same group of kids i played with. I can remember literally squatting in bushes with her playing this game when we were about 9 years old. Blows me away to see what she has become. You may know her as Donald Trump Jr's girlfriend. Newsom's family had money. Mine had to work very hard to put us in private school. So, i was used to hanging with money while not having any. He transferred to Marin schools (in Mill Valley=money) while still very young, but i am not sure why. He started in politics in the 90s in SF. Became mayor there and then Governor of California. After Biden, he and Nancy Pelosi probably are tied for most reviled Democrat by the maga crowd. His policies are def progressive. He was recalled by a groundswell of grassroots opposition (maga) in 2021 and had to win that to stay in office. He was voted in as Gov for another term in 2022 after that. You can look most of this up. California is a very progressive state, so his standing was not seriously threatened. The inside dope on him that i know from my early proximity is that, while he is a handsome, slick looking dude (he was that as a kid, too), he is actually a bulldog. Loves a fight. They'll have him on the campaign trail a lot as this thing moves forward. I'd be surprised if he gets the nomination this year, but will be much more surprised if he doesn't in 2028. (that's assuming we still have a democracy and elections in 2028.)

Thanks for that insight Wax...
What do you make of this whole situation?
As an Australian who grew up (born 69) watching and experiencing the USA culture on TV etc, and was lucky enough to visit tbe usa as a 12 year old feels it has some of the best aspects of humanity (culture, music etc)come from your homeland, and of course many great people.
But foreign policy, and the situation with what is going on with the election and the seemingly huge divide in the USA politically, it does seem that the best days are done?
Anyway very interesting times.
I have very fond memories as a youngen jumping on the cable car, going to fisherman's wharf and driving down that crazy winding street in SF.
Was my favourite city that we visited and this was before I got into the Dead. :)

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Friday, 28 Jun 2024 at 8:56pm
Roker wrote:

What a great format. Ask the questions, shut up, let ‘em live or die by their own words. Let the people decide for themselves. Bravo CNN.

The Hillaries will be apoplectic tho. Where were the fact checkers? Why wasn’t the equivalent of Virginia Trioli’s husband screaming into Tapper’s ear every time Trump told a porky? Where was the army from the ministry of misinformation and disinformation? So Bash could bemoan The Donald’s bullshit for the benefit of us all.

The AreBeeGees will mobilise and shout it out loud. But it’ll be too late. Tapper and Bash will be forever consigned to progressive purgatory.

Joe’s cold musta been a shocker. Maybe needed a few more days at Camp David.

Hard to credit, but CNN have all but reinstalled Trump into the Oval Office. Although its ratings and ad revenue have never since come close to the heights achieved during Trump’s first term?

it was team Biden's format

they requested it

biden told his fair share of bullshit too...

adam12's picture
adam12's picture
adam12 Friday, 28 Jun 2024 at 9:08pm
wax24 wrote:

Don't know anything about this guy, but he was mentioned on some interview I heard as a capable opponent to Trump....

Hey andy-mac..... Newsom was born in San Francisco on October 10, 1967 (i was born in SF on October 9, 1968.) We had a small amount of common friends, but i only met hima coupla times. His first wife, Kimberly Guilfoyle, used to play hide an go seek in the same group of kids i played with. I can remember literally squatting in bushes with her playing this game when we were about 9 years old. Blows me away to see what she has become. You may know her as Donald Trump Jr's girlfriend. Newsom's family had money. Mine had to work very hard to put us in private school. So, i was used to hanging with money while not having any. He transferred to Marin schools (in Mill Valley=money) while still very young, but i am not sure why. He started in politics in the 90s in SF. Became mayor there and then Governor of California. After Biden, he and Nancy Pelosi probably are tied for most reviled Democrat by the maga crowd. His policies are def progressive. He was recalled by a groundswell of grassroots opposition (maga) in 2021 and had to win that to stay in office. He was voted in as Gov for another term in 2022 after that. You can look most of this up. California is a very progressive state, so his standing was not seriously threatened. The inside dope on him that i know from my early proximity is that, while he is a handsome, slick looking dude (he was that as a kid, too), he is actually a bulldog. Loves a fight. They'll have him on the campaign trail a lot as this thing moves forward. I'd be surprised if he gets the nomination this year, but will be much more surprised if he doesn't in 2028. (that's assuming we still have a democracy and elections in 2028.)

Haha, young Waxy hiding in the bushes with the future Junior squeeze.
I bet it has been interesting watching her change over the years. I thought she was quite a natural beauty when she was with Newsom, but boy has she changed. The before and after photos you would say it's not the same woman. Botox and plastic surgery and some of the outfits she gets around in. Sheesh.
Anyway, good luck over there Waxy, that debate today was so depressing. If that's the choice for leader of the free world we are all in trouble.

flollo's picture
flollo's picture
flollo Friday, 28 Jun 2024 at 9:08pm
wax24 wrote:

Don't know anything about this guy, but he was mentioned on some interview I heard as a capable opponent to Trump....

Hey andy-mac..... Newsom was born in San Francisco on October 10, 1967 (i was born in SF on October 9, 1968.) We had a small amount of common friends, but i only met hima coupla times. His first wife, Kimberly Guilfoyle, used to play hide an go seek in the same group of kids i played with. I can remember literally squatting in bushes with her playing this game when we were about 9 years old. Blows me away to see what she has become. You may know her as Donald Trump Jr's girlfriend. Newsom's family had money. Mine had to work very hard to put us in private school. So, i was used to hanging with money while not having any. He transferred to Marin schools (in Mill Valley=money) while still very young, but i am not sure why. He started in politics in the 90s in SF. Became mayor there and then Governor of California. After Biden, he and Nancy Pelosi probably are tied for most reviled Democrat by the maga crowd. His policies are def progressive. He was recalled by a groundswell of grassroots opposition (maga) in 2021 and had to win that to stay in office. He was voted in as Gov for another term in 2022 after that. You can look most of this up. California is a very progressive state, so his standing was not seriously threatened. The inside dope on him that i know from my early proximity is that, while he is a handsome, slick looking dude (he was that as a kid, too), he is actually a bulldog. Loves a fight. They'll have him on the campaign trail a lot as this thing moves forward. I'd be surprised if he gets the nomination this year, but will be much more surprised if he doesn't in 2028. (that's assuming we still have a democracy and elections in 2028.)

Newsom will definitely be a candidate sooner or later.

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Friday, 28 Jun 2024 at 9:15pm

I just don't understand the democrat party... it would seem they could put anyone in there and they would beat trump...

anyone except kamala that is

and probably newsom...

put dean phillips in there... (back in there) ...and they'd thrash trump I reckon... full landslide...

maybe too late for that though

or he's not 'in the club' enough...

(he got the bernie treatment)

you can bag trump, republicans, the US, rednecks, maga, the death of an empire, etc. etc. all you want...

the truth is... it's the democrat party that's broken... confirmed by them putting joe up... despite their constant defenses and claims to the contrary... they knew biden's condition... yet they still put him up there...

It's just perverse and a little bit sick tbh

the party is corrupted beyond repair...

just ask the likes of tulsi gabbard and dean phillips

and bernie...

andy-mac's picture
andy-mac's picture
andy-mac Friday, 28 Jun 2024 at 9:34pm
sypkan wrote:

I just don't understand the democrat party... it would seem they could put anyone in there and they would beat trump...

anyone except kamala that is

and probably newsom...

put dean phillips in there... (back in there) ...and they'd thrash trump I reckon... full landslide...

maybe too late for that though

or he's not 'in the club' enough...

(he got the bernie treatment)

you can bag trump, republicans, the US, rednecks, maga, the death of an empire, etc. etc. all you want...

the truth is... it's the democrat party that's broken... confirmed by them putting joe up... despite their constant defenses and claims to the contrary... they knew biden's condition... yet they still put him up there...

It's just perverse and a little bit sick tbh

the party is corrupted beyond repair...

just ask the likes of tulsi gabbard and dean phillips

and bernie...

Wonder what the USA would be like if Bernie got nominated and won against trump back then.
My guess is that the USA and world community would be doing better than it is now.

Roker's picture
Roker's picture
Roker Friday, 28 Jun 2024 at 9:40pm
sypkan][quote=Roker wrote:

it was team Biden's format

they requested it

biden told his fair share of bullshit too...

Agree Sypkan. Biden’s always been a bullshit artist. And a mediocre one at that. Even in his prime.

Trump with 30 bullshits to Biden’s 9 according to CNN.

It just strikes me as more than passing strange. The globalist neo-liberal culturally progressive faux left media class has adopted ‘fact checking’ as a religion. Misinformation and disinformation invoked so often they’ve become meaningless concepts.

Jake Tapper himself has become enormously entertaining in the curmudgeonly fashion he just wipes someone he deems guilty of ‘misinformation’. An intolerant version of our own beloved Hillary - Sarah Ferguson - who won’t let anyone get a word in edgewise who isn’t ideologically aligned.

I thought the format was great and would much prefer that interviewers and moderators let their subjects express themselves as they will.

But as this mob - Maddow, Morning Joe, Joy Reid etc. - have constantly educated us ; this election is indeed a referendum on democracy. It’s bizarre that they should suddenly abandon their commitment to ‘fact checking’ now. With the world about to fall into the fascist abyss.

The other Hillaries in the progressive media are displeased. I can’t imagine Tapper as a fully willing participant in the CNN’s traitorous treachery. I think he’ll end up resigning.

And yeah, the Dems put it chest high lace out for Trump. It was Biden’s job to ‘fact check’ his opponent and he failed in both spectacular and pitiable fashion.

The likes of Obama and Bubba - love ‘em or loath ‘em - would’ve matched Trump for charisma and killed him on the detail.

I just hope they settle the next one on the golf course. I’m only interested in it for the soap opera and the brilliant Trump standup routine. Take the show to the links. The Donald in his natural terrain has Emmy nomination written all over it.

flollo's picture
flollo's picture
flollo Friday, 28 Jun 2024 at 10:08pm

Fuck me, Trump is a master troller.

“I don’t know what he said”

“I don’t think he knows what he said either”

Trump responding to these “words” from Joe Biden

wax24's picture
wax24's picture
wax24 Friday, 28 Jun 2024 at 10:14pm

Hey andy-mac...... my general take is that the Republican party watched this country get progressively more diverse and move away from religion. They panicked and saw this growing disenchantment among a group of populists (Tea Party), and saw a new pool of voters. They've been wooing this group ever since, which is now much bigger and has a worldwide movement. And, in doing so, have abdicated there responsibility as the conservative voice. A needed voice. Meanwhile, the Democrats saw this same evolution, figured they'd have it made in a near future, and stopped grooming young leadership. The leadership for the Dems is ancient. Not just Biden. They additionally stumbled into Obama and figured they were doing things right, and could still sell themselves as relatable. They are panicked now because of the rise of the populist movement, which, while the Right saw it coming, the Dems did not. So, the ancient leadership, in this panic, doesn't trust a young gun, say, Newsom, just yet. They feel they need one of their veterans. Miscalculations all over the place. They show this tone deafness today, And, in doing so, have abdicated there responsibility to this country. The citizens, for their part, have settled into a morass of reality tv and dumbed down. All they can do at this point is point fingers at each other for blame, not realizing that compromise is a bedrock of democracy, a system of gov't that, while imperfect, has yielded these citizens a nice life. And, in doing so, have abdicated their responsibility to this country. So, top down, bottom up problems like this rarely have solutions. They just persist until great change occurs, usually of it's own volition. What does that mean for the U.S, and, by extension, the world? Dunno. Scary and interesting times, to be sure.

Adam, she was a skinny, nerdy little girl who was rail thin with big eyeglasses. VERY serious, all the time. She would've been the absolute last kid i played with that i woulda earmarked for the path she has taken. And certainly never saw "hottie" coming in the future. The hotness has been negated as time has passed by the craziness. Def has sold her soul. I doubt i can find any, but if an old yearbook pic of her surfaces, i'll post it. You think you've detected a great difference in her before and after pics? t'll blow your mind.

Roker's picture
Roker's picture
Roker Friday, 28 Jun 2024 at 11:59pm

Rick Perry must be wondering what all the fuss was about. There’s oops and there’s oops. Two outta three ain’t bad in 2024.



andy-mac's picture
andy-mac's picture
andy-mac Saturday, 29 Jun 2024 at 7:00am
wax24 wrote:

Hey andy-mac...... my general take is that the Republican party watched this country get progressively more diverse and move away from religion. They panicked and saw this growing disenchantment among a group of populists (Tea Party), and saw a new pool of voters. They've been wooing this group ever since, which is now much bigger and has a worldwide movement. And, in doing so, have abdicated there responsibility as the conservative voice. A needed voice. Meanwhile, the Democrats saw this same evolution, figured they'd have it made in a near future, and stopped grooming young leadership. The leadership for the Dems is ancient. Not just Biden. They additionally stumbled into Obama and figured they were doing things right, and could still sell themselves as relatable. They are panicked now because of the rise of the populist movement, which, while the Right saw it coming, the Dems did not. So, the ancient leadership, in this panic, doesn't trust a young gun, say, Newsom, just yet. They feel they need one of their veterans. Miscalculations all over the place. They show this tone deafness today, And, in doing so, have abdicated there responsibility to this country. The citizens, for their part, have settled into a morass of reality tv and dumbed down. All they can do at this point is point fingers at each other for blame, not realizing that compromise is a bedrock of democracy, a system of gov't that, while imperfect, has yielded these citizens a nice life. And, in doing so, have abdicated their responsibility to this country. So, top down, bottom up problems like this rarely have solutions. They just persist until great change occurs, usually of it's own volition. What does that mean for the U.S, and, by extension, the world? Dunno. Scary and interesting times, to be sure.

Adam, she was a skinny, nerdy little girl who was rail thin with big eyeglasses. VERY serious, all the time. She would've been the absolute last kid i played with that i woulda earmarked for the path she has taken. And certainly never saw "hottie" coming in the future. The hotness has been negated as time has passed by the craziness. Def has sold her soul. I doubt i can find any, but if an old yearbook pic of her surfaces, i'll post it. You think you've detected a great difference in her before and after pics? t'll blow your mind.

Thanks for that insight Waxie .
All the best!

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Saturday, 29 Jun 2024 at 12:28pm
andy-mac wrote:
Roadkill wrote:

Who would you replace Biden with? There is no one waiting in the wings. And Harris is the most hopeless vice President ever.

Don't know anything about this guy, but he was mentioned on some interview I heard as a capable opponent to Trump....

Leader of San Francisco and California no doubt as woke as all fuck, but it would make a lot more sense, him versus Ron Desantis than Trump vs Biden.