Next Federal Election

velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno started the topic in Monday, 22 Jan 2024 at 2:15pm

Might as well put this up in the politics subforum, to spare the front page. It's 18 months away or so, but here we go.

This is how Dutton wins:

andy-mac's picture
andy-mac's picture
andy-mac Tuesday, 25 Jun 2024 at 7:06am
quadzilla wrote:

Potato beats a Weasel any day....Call it SLEAZY...its a NO again to your bunch of inept idealogical dimwits.

Hope your enjoying your school holidays Quad.!. Now I think it's time you gave the phone back to your mum...
Go and play outside for a bit.

quadzilla's picture
quadzilla's picture
quadzilla Tuesday, 25 Jun 2024 at 9:53am
andy-mac wrote:
quadzilla wrote:

Potato beats a Weasel any day....Call it SLEAZY...its a NO again to your bunch of inept idealogical dimwits.

Hope your enjoying your school holidays Quad.!. Now I think it's time you gave the phone back to your mum...
Go and play outside for a bit.

dear oh dear, fatso...that cholesterol cloud in your brain too?

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Tuesday, 25 Jun 2024 at 10:05am
soggydog wrote:
indo-dreaming wrote:
Supafreak wrote:

I just don’t agree that the major beneficiaries are individuals that have wacked a few pegs in the ground taken a lease , then get the taxpayers to fund the project and ar the end of the day reap billions. If they funded it themselves, good on them but they never use their own money. Gina’s not short of a quid , if she funded the project herself and lost it wouldn’t affect her , but the taxpayers could use that 1 billion on better things than making her richer .

Yeah well thats just a pigheaded aproach governments only do it because they and we benefit, for every dollar they invest they get much more back in the long run.

If we dont do it, these people and companies and foreign companies too will just invest in other market's or ofshore where other governments are dangling carrots or just less risky investments.

Tell me your really stupid and short sighted without saying “hey I’m really stupid and short sighted”. Nailed it Indo.

Id actually really be interested in hearing your conspiracy theory on why you think both Labor and LNP support big business and figures like Twiggy or Gina.

It would make sense if only one side of politics did it, you could say it was all about political support, funding even corruption.

But if you are going down that avenue how do you explain that both Labor & LNP do it?

And if for some crazy reason you think both do , how does that even works in their advantage?

Why doesnt say Labor not do it and then use it as a poltical weapon agaist LNP?

Or is the conspiracy theory even better is it all about Murdoch or the Jews cause both contril everything right.

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Tuesday, 25 Jun 2024 at 10:20am
AndyM wrote:

“ End of the day people vote for the party that they are doing best under”

I think after even the briefest of considerations that statement is really weak.

Obviously im not talking about rusted on voters that will always vote one way.

But if your not a rusted on voter why would you vote for a government that your not doing well under? Or suffering under?

BTW. It has to noted the election after the first term of government like this coming election is different, the public generally doesnt like to change governments too much and its historically super rare to not give a government another term, bassically another chance.

But after that its a very different situation, and yes like Sypkan points out governments generally get voted out not in.

AndyM's picture
AndyM's picture
AndyM Tuesday, 25 Jun 2024 at 10:21am
AndyM's picture
AndyM's picture
AndyM Tuesday, 25 Jun 2024 at 10:24am

A 30 second Google search makes your "conspiracy theory" comment seem like that of a primary school kid.

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Tuesday, 25 Jun 2024 at 10:29am

We often aren't even talking fossil fuels it happens in all areas of big business and support for investors, the article we were talking about was actually green hydrogen.

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Tuesday, 25 Jun 2024 at 10:57am
AndyM wrote:

A 30 second Google search makes your "conspiracy theory" comment seem like that of a primary school kid.

Michael West oh please the guy is a complete griffter an A grade missleading tosser.

He plays up to your whole crowd and gives you exactlywhat you want, that whole anyone successful is bad, bIg business is evil, captilism is bad, communism just hasnt be tried right la la la.

Thats his gig thats where he makes his money.

Its not that exciting but governments as bad as they may apear at times try to be successful they want to stimulate the economy, create jobs create income revenues, they want big business investment because it helps create all these things which helps result in getting relected.

In the case of green hydrogen we also need investment there to help us go net zero,

Im a big beliver in trying to allow the market to decide where possible, but there is times where you have no choice to encourage investment into an area or even fuel investment.

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Tuesday, 25 Jun 2024 at 11:01am

Australian Parliament mandates 66% of sitting days signing Arms deals for Israel to destroy Earth.
Dutto mandates remaining 34% of sitting days to formulate weapons grade Uranium to destroy Earth 2.
CCTV Newscorpovsky : [L] Polls Skyrocket

AndyM's picture
AndyM's picture
AndyM Tuesday, 25 Jun 2024 at 11:08am
indo-dreaming wrote:
AndyM wrote:

A 30 second Google search makes your "conspiracy theory" comment seem like that of a primary school kid.

Michael West oh please the guy is a complete griffter an A grade missleading tosser.

He plays up to your whole crowd and gives you exactlywhat you want, that whole anyone successful is bad, bIg business is evil, captilism is bad, communism just hasnt be tried right la la la.

Thats his gig thats where he makes his money.

Its not that exciting but governments as bad as they may apear at times try to be successful they want to stimulate the economy, create jobs create income revenues, they want big business investment because it helps create all these things which helps result in getting relected.

In the case of green hydrogen we also need investment there to help us go net zero,

Im a big beliver in trying to allow the market to decide where possible, but there is times where you have no choice to encourage investment into an area or even fuel investment.

If you can show that what Michael West says isn't true, I'd be interested.
I mean, it's very simple to find out where ex-pollies are currently employed.
If not, I'll say that you've gone full ideological retard.

And how do you figure that he's anti-capitalism?
Seems anti-corruption to me.
Unless you figure that somehow if we accept capitalism we should accept corruption?
If you're a hardcore LNP voter like yourself, that might just be the case.

andy-mac's picture
andy-mac's picture
andy-mac Tuesday, 25 Jun 2024 at 11:29am
quadzilla wrote:
andy-mac wrote:
quadzilla wrote:

Potato beats a Weasel any day....Call it SLEAZY...its a NO again to your bunch of inept idealogical dimwits.

Hope your enjoying your school holidays Quad.!. Now I think it's time you gave the phone back to your mum...
Go and play outside for a bit.

dear oh dear, fatso...that cholesterol cloud in your brain too?

Haha been called many things, but never fatso....

andy-mac's picture
andy-mac's picture
andy-mac Tuesday, 25 Jun 2024 at 11:33am
indo-dreaming wrote:
AndyM wrote:

A 30 second Google search makes your "conspiracy theory" comment seem like that of a primary school kid.

Michael West oh please the guy is a complete griffter an A grade missleading tosser.

He plays up to your whole crowd and gives you exactlywhat you want, that whole anyone successful is bad, bIg business is evil, captilism is bad, communism just hasnt be tried right la la la.

Thats his gig thats where he makes his money.

Its not that exciting but governments as bad as they may apear at times try to be successful they want to stimulate the economy, create jobs create income revenues, they want big business investment because it helps create all these things which helps result in getting relected.

In the case of green hydrogen we also need investment there to help us go net zero,

Im a big beliver in trying to allow the market to decide where possible, but there is times where you have no choice to encourage investment into an area or even fuel investment.

Please point out where Michael West is a grifter and anything he has reported on been untrue?

He is an ex senior Fairfax journo and can be very critical of Labor at times. Scathing regarding NACC, whistle blowers, and aukus, hardly partisan at all.
Get off the Kool aid Indo.

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Tuesday, 25 Jun 2024 at 11:34am

"If you can show that what Michael West says isn't true, I'd be interested.
I mean, it's very simple to find out where ex-pollies are currently employed.
If not, I'll say that you've gone full ideological retard."

- everybody knows but noinfo ;)



soggydog's picture
soggydog's picture
soggydog Tuesday, 25 Jun 2024 at 12:34pm
indo-dreaming wrote:
AndyM wrote:

A 30 second Google search makes your "conspiracy theory" comment seem like that of a primary school kid.

Michael West oh please the guy is a complete griffter an A grade missleading tosser.

He plays up to your whole crowd and gives you exactlywhat you want, that whole anyone successful is bad, bIg business is evil, captilism is bad, communism just hasnt be tried right la la la.

Thats his gig thats where he makes his money.

Its not that exciting but governments as bad as they may apear at times try to be successful they want to stimulate the economy, create jobs create income revenues, they want big business investment because it helps create all these things which helps result in getting relected.

In the case of green hydrogen we also need investment there to help us go net zero,

Im a big beliver in trying to allow the market to decide where possible, but there is times where you have no choice to encourage investment into an area or even fuel investment.

Tell me your really stupid and short sighted without saying “hey I’m really stupid and short sighted”. Nailed it Indo.

Writing a reply to a wilfully ignorant arse hat such as your self would be a waste of time. Your mind is made up and any counter point is rarely considered, often denigrated. You are as has been stated before, Swellnet’s chief cheerleader of the cunts. Someone has to do it I suppose.

ashsam's picture
ashsam's picture
ashsam Tuesday, 25 Jun 2024 at 12:40pm

Our new Governor-General has received a 43% pay rise.
She’ll take home more than $700,000 a year.

Nice one albooo

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Tuesday, 25 Jun 2024 at 12:50pm

Australian federal politicians awarded 3.5% pay rise by independent tribunal “When determining remuneration for the broad spectrum of public offices within its jurisdiction, the tribunal’s primary focus is to provide competitive and equitable remuneration that is appropriate to the responsibilities and experience required of the roles, and that is sufficient to attract and retain people of calibre,” the tribunal said in its reasons for the decision.

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Tuesday, 25 Jun 2024 at 2:49pm

2019-23 International Energy Agency
(Power Investment) Deluxe Breakdown Table

[AUD $2022]...2013.........2019........2023

Renewables.................$677.64b....$990.16b ^ 46.12%
Solar............$190.82b ........................$573.16b ^200.37% (10 years)
Oil................$955.60b ........................$557.43b v 41.67% (10 years)
Poles/wire ....................$449.26b....$497.34b ^ 10.70%
EV......................................$031.54b....$193.74b ^514.27%
Fossil Fuels....................$201.34b....$159.27b v 20.9% (Presumed Coal / Gas)
Nuclear (World).........$055.59b....$094.66b ^ 70.28% (70% of Nukes from China/Russia)
West Nukes..................(30% of Nukes).............^ 21.08% (50% Nuke fuel sanction busted from Russia)
Batteries.........................$007.51b....$055.59b ^640.21%

2022-2023 China's Energy investment % Annual Change
Solar ^148% Wind ^102% Thermal ^30% Hydro v 66% (Nuclear v 77% = 90% Chinese Built)

Summary > #1 Nuclear Nation China have 56 Reactors > 27 Reactors under construction
Representing a miserly 1.9% of Total Energy mix > 2023 Nuke investments dropped 77%

[Reality check] Dutto's 7 Nuke reactors would register as 0.16% of Chinese Energy Mix.

Q: Then why even bother powering Oz with such feeble costly hazardous Nuke Energy?

A : Dutto's highly enriched Nuke reactors rocket Oz into Top 10 'Certified' Nuke Weapons funnelers!

[L] Election Policy Upgrade.
66% of sitting days mandate PM to rubber stamp the funneling of 100's of Oz made Weapons
From 2025 includes...
34% of sitting days mandate PM to rubber stamp the funneling of 100's of Oz made Nuke Weapons

Dutto : [L] are Happy to fuel Anyone's War and I don't fear my Master's {KILL KILL KILL} News Poll.

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Tuesday, 25 Jun 2024 at 5:31pm


ashsam's picture
ashsam's picture
ashsam Tuesday, 25 Jun 2024 at 9:51pm

Blackout Bowen lol ;)

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Tuesday, 25 Jun 2024 at 11:45pm
andy-mac wrote:
indo-dreaming wrote:
AndyM wrote:

A 30 second Google search makes your "conspiracy theory" comment seem like that of a primary school kid.

Michael West oh please the guy is a complete griffter an A grade missleading tosser.

He plays up to your whole crowd and gives you exactlywhat you want, that whole anyone successful is bad, bIg business is evil, captilism is bad, communism just hasnt be tried right la la la.

Thats his gig thats where he makes his money.

Its not that exciting but governments as bad as they may apear at times try to be successful they want to stimulate the economy, create jobs create income revenues, they want big business investment because it helps create all these things which helps result in getting relected.

In the case of green hydrogen we also need investment there to help us go net zero,

Im a big beliver in trying to allow the market to decide where possible, but there is times where you have no choice to encourage investment into an area or even fuel investment.

Please point out where Michael West is a grifter and anything he has reported on been untrue?

He is an ex senior Fairfax journo and can be very critical of Labor at times. Scathing regarding NACC, whistle blowers, and aukus, hardly partisan at all.
Get off the Kool aid Indo.

Im not going to waste my time digging through his videos to point out how he misleads you, but he does, he gives you half the story the half you want to hear and leaves out the half you don't want to hear that then provides the whole picture, he does this because guys like you are his market and he tells you what you want to hear so you come back for more for clicks.

And yes of course many media outlets do this and yeah the right media like sky news also do it.

As for kool aid, thats quite ironic thinking im the one drinking it.

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Wednesday, 26 Jun 2024 at 1:37am

UK / France / US / Canada do not place significant reliance on Nuke Power


Canada currently need 34 years to build a Nuke Plant (Massive multi x cost blowout halted 10 years)
France currently need 33 years to build latest 2 Nuke Plants (Massive multi x Cost blow outs)
US currently need 58 years to build latest 2 nuke plants (Massive multi x Cost Blowouts)

UK currently need 17 years to build 1 Nuke Plant (WR cost blowout If they ever finish it...unlikely!)
Noting all other UK Nuke Plants are dying & soon decomissioned > this is their lot @ 16k per House!
Residents $16k Solar panels could live Power free forever & power their Nuke Deathstar...Very sad!

Cost of most recently completed Nuke plants Canada (On hold) France $21.2b US $45b UK $96.2b

Here's Oz build Quote for latest greatest Western secured Nuke partner!
2024 Each Oz Nuke plant costs $54.13b & will require 23years 7 months to build.
Approx 2 or 3 will be put on hold for decade or cancelled due to delayed time constraint cost blowouts!

2024 : "Certified Official WIKI Quote" for 7x [L] Nuke Plants =$378.93b over 168 years...

Should [L] Rush 2 plants at once...Yes! We can time that also from each 3 Nations that did exactly that!
Worker shortage > Cost blows out timeline to 41 years 6 months 2 wks for each plant!
168 yrs solo or 292 years to combo build (Fact allow #1/#2 Industries to go broke building them.)
(Correction!) More to the point because no Nuke Industry can guarantee 2 completed Oz Nuke Plants.
Be a fuckin miracle to themselves if they could hold their shit together that long.
tbb is being nice here as all other reviewers likewise state...
(Oz are good at extraction & refinement) It's everything in between with mushrooming GST blowout! Impossible!
Gotta try & humour them to make it sound plausible..Cough! the crew see thru that lie.
This is one shitshow of murkiest Dodgy Bros on the Planet..with no idea of wot goes where!
Repeating...all former Big Nuke Giants went bankrupt...all now upstarts that never built a hen house!

Well! Unless they can morph into weapons grade munitions plants as [L] are banking on.
Not joking...that's why they wanna store waste on site to refine it to Weapons grade..
Sounds scary...Hardly! Not even new...Oz already does this at our other Nuke Plants for the Yanks!
#1 reason for Aukus besides the waste Dump...Oz scientists are shit hot at brewing US Nuke Killing Juice.
Feel free to check > tbb is sick of it...makes ya cry it does...Oz loves Killing...please make it stop!
Sure...Dutto can't spell Climate and Pulls outta the Pop Charts but is well too interested in our Energy Mix
Now! Even if cost blows out 100x to build > Boomer Evangelists will be tippin' in buckets of loot!

Feel free to check any & run yer own costings...all are freely on show...Salute Wiki...good job!
A student can easily check but tbb doubts if just one journo or voter in Oz would bother...just scream!

andy-mac's picture
andy-mac's picture
andy-mac Wednesday, 26 Jun 2024 at 6:27am
indo-dreaming wrote:
andy-mac wrote:
indo-dreaming wrote:
AndyM wrote:

A 30 second Google search makes your "conspiracy theory" comment seem like that of a primary school kid.

Michael West oh please the guy is a complete griffter an A grade missleading tosser.

He plays up to your whole crowd and gives you exactlywhat you want, that whole anyone successful is bad, bIg business is evil, captilism is bad, communism just hasnt be tried right la la la.

Thats his gig thats where he makes his money.

Its not that exciting but governments as bad as they may apear at times try to be successful they want to stimulate the economy, create jobs create income revenues, they want big business investment because it helps create all these things which helps result in getting relected.

In the case of green hydrogen we also need investment there to help us go net zero,

Im a big beliver in trying to allow the market to decide where possible, but there is times where you have no choice to encourage investment into an area or even fuel investment.

Please point out where Michael West is a grifter and anything he has reported on been untrue?

He is an ex senior Fairfax journo and can be very critical of Labor at times. Scathing regarding NACC, whistle blowers, and aukus, hardly partisan at all.
Get off the Kool aid Indo.

Im not going to waste my time digging through his videos to point out how he misleads you, but he does, he gives you half the story the half you want to hear and leaves out the half you don't want to hear that then provides the whole picture, he does this because guys like you are his market and he tells you what you want to hear so you come back for more for clicks.

And yes of course many media outlets do this and yeah the right media like sky news also do it.

As for kool aid, thats quite ironic thinking im the one drinking it.

So you can't??
Was more referring to his website rather than videos, although I guess his videos generally are spot on if not delivered in what be viewed as a abrasive way.

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Wednesday, 26 Jun 2024 at 7:20am
andy-mac's picture
andy-mac's picture
andy-mac Wednesday, 26 Jun 2024 at 7:34am
soggydog's picture
soggydog's picture
soggydog Wednesday, 26 Jun 2024 at 8:45am
andy-mac wrote:
indo-dreaming wrote:
andy-mac wrote:
indo-dreaming wrote:
AndyM wrote:

A 30 second Google search makes your "conspiracy theory" comment seem like that of a primary school kid.

Michael West oh please the guy is a complete griffter an A grade missleading tosser.

He plays up to your whole crowd and gives you exactlywhat you want, that whole anyone successful is bad, bIg business is evil, captilism is bad, communism just hasnt be tried right la la la.

Thats his gig thats where he makes his money.

Its not that exciting but governments as bad as they may apear at times try to be successful they want to stimulate the economy, create jobs create income revenues, they want big business investment because it helps create all these things which helps result in getting relected.

In the case of green hydrogen we also need investment there to help us go net zero,

Im a big beliver in trying to allow the market to decide where possible, but there is times where you have no choice to encourage investment into an area or even fuel investment.

Please point out where Michael West is a grifter and anything he has reported on been untrue?

He is an ex senior Fairfax journo and can be very critical of Labor at times. Scathing regarding NACC, whistle blowers, and aukus, hardly partisan at all.
Get off the Kool aid Indo.

Im not going to waste my time digging through his videos to point out how he misleads you, but he does, he gives you half the story the half you want to hear and leaves out the half you don't want to hear that then provides the whole picture, he does this because guys like you are his market and he tells you what you want to hear so you come back for more for clicks.

And yes of course many media outlets do this and yeah the right media like sky news also do it.

As for kool aid, thats quite ironic thinking im the one drinking it.

So you can't??
Was more referring to his website rather than videos, although I guess his videos generally are spot on if not delivered in what be viewed as a abrasive way.

Hates Michael West, loves Avi Yemeni. Accuses MW of the grift, loves the court declared grifter Andy Ngo. Friendly Jordies exposes corruption to the point that they want to kill him…….nah, hates that guy too. But Sky News….obviously watches it. I’m amazed someone so stupid can navigate life at all. Really we should declare you a mentally handicapped success story Indo. Well done.

And like Andy said in regards to MW, you’ve got nothing.

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Wednesday, 26 Jun 2024 at 10:57am

When’s Josh making a return ? He’s good with figures , mans a genius when it comes to losing and finding billions. Really looking forward to spuds announcement on how his nuclear policy is to be funded.

ashsam's picture
ashsam's picture
ashsam Wednesday, 26 Jun 2024 at 11:09am

Supre, you do know elbo can't /won't give a figure on his energy plan for wind and solar?
Proved it in parliament 2 days ago, so no different then spud.
Also they don't include subsidies in their costing so we will never know the real cost.

stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Wednesday, 26 Jun 2024 at 11:20am
ashsam wrote:

Supre, you do know elbo can't /won't give a figure on his energy plan for wind and solar?

Assuming that's because it's being privately financed and, on the wind side at least, the scale of it is far from settled.

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Wednesday, 26 Jun 2024 at 11:25am
ashsam wrote:

Supre, you do know elbo can't /won't give a figure on his energy plan for wind and solar?
Proved it in parliament 2 days ago, so no different then spud.
Also they don't include subsidies in their costing so we will never know the real cost.

You obviously didn’t watch “ blackout bowens “ response on the 7.30 report I posted , he answered that question and also answered why Albo didn’t answer spud .

ashsam's picture
ashsam's picture
ashsam Wednesday, 26 Jun 2024 at 12:16pm
Supafreak wrote:
ashsam wrote:

Supre, you do know elbo can't /won't give a figure on his energy plan for wind and solar?
Proved it in parliament 2 days ago, so no different then spud.
Also they don't include subsidies in their costing so we will never know the real cost.

You obviously didn’t watch “ blackout bowens “ response on the 7.30 report I posted , he answered that question and also answered why Albo didn’t answer spud .

you mean abc bought to you by labor, nah
did he say about subsidies in costings?

ashsam's picture
ashsam's picture
ashsam Wednesday, 26 Jun 2024 at 12:33pm

You guys can't be too worried about looking at wind turbines at your local.
Will let you know what the view is like when I go to Denmark soon lol ;)

seeds's picture
seeds's picture
seeds Wednesday, 26 Jun 2024 at 12:40pm

Put the carrot cakes south of Moonie and North of Sawtell. Plenty big hills to catch the breeze up top. 4 hungey big spinny thingamagigs be good for us a…. to take back our land. arsespam be our CEO

ashsam's picture
ashsam's picture
ashsam Wednesday, 26 Jun 2024 at 12:45pm
stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Wednesday, 26 Jun 2024 at 12:49pm
ashsam wrote:

You guys can't be too worried about looking at wind turbines at your local.
Will let you know what the view is like when I go to Denmark soon lol ;)

At a minimum of 22.5kms offshore from this stretch of coastline, I'm not sure we'll see all that much.

No doubt there are some valid concerns but visual amenity is dropping down the list.

garyg1412's picture
garyg1412's picture
garyg1412 Wednesday, 26 Jun 2024 at 1:05pm
ashsam wrote:

Blackout Bowen lol ;)

Hey Ashsam. Just an observation. For someone who cracks on at Boomers (lol) a lot, you sure have picked up on all their Newscorp generated nicknames. You need to get some originality back and come out from beneath that Boomer linguistic shadow you're under.

ashsam's picture
ashsam's picture
ashsam Wednesday, 26 Jun 2024 at 1:20pm

No need for that gg, having a respectful convo here.

ashsam's picture
ashsam's picture
ashsam Wednesday, 26 Jun 2024 at 1:18pm
stunet wrote:
ashsam wrote:

You guys can't be too worried about looking at wind turbines at your local.
Will let you know what the view is like when I go to Denmark soon lol ;)

At a minimum of 22.5kms offshore from this stretch of coastline, I'm not sure we'll see all that much.

No doubt there are some valid concerns but visual amenity is dropping down the list.

For now, won’t happen in our lifetime but who’s to say once they start won’t end up like here, better photo if scroll down.

stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Wednesday, 26 Jun 2024 at 1:34pm
ashsam wrote:
stunet wrote:
ashsam wrote:

You guys can't be too worried about looking at wind turbines at your local.
Will let you know what the view is like when I go to Denmark soon lol ;)

At a minimum of 22.5kms offshore from this stretch of coastline, I'm not sure we'll see all that much.

No doubt there are some valid concerns but visual amenity is dropping down the list.

For now, won’t happen in our lifetime but who’s to say once they start won’t end up like here, better photo if scroll down.

That's not an argument.

Who's to say they won't build a coal mine at the end of my street?

Who's to say they won't build an SMR on the local footy oval?

Where the offshore wind zones are declared follows the Offshore Electricity Infrastructure Bill, the final declaration largely decided on by community consultation, which has been happening here for six months. It's not an arbitrary process.

If they tried to build closer they'd get the same response as the coal mine and SMR.

I'm not particularly happy with the lack of state ownership but, considering the size and importance of the project, the public has had a significant say.

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Wednesday, 26 Jun 2024 at 1:34pm
ashsam wrote:
Supafreak wrote:
ashsam wrote:

Supre, you do know elbo can't /won't give a figure on his energy plan for wind and solar?
Proved it in parliament 2 days ago, so no different then spud.
Also they don't include subsidies in their costing so we will never know the real cost.

You obviously didn’t watch “ blackout bowens “ response on the 7.30 report I posted , he answered that question and also answered why Albo didn’t answer spud .

you mean abc bought to you by labor, nah
did he say about subsidies in costings?

@robbo , you don’t mind getting your news from 2GB , sky & facebook yet bag anything from abc as being labor sponsored . Do you believe the subsidies will be even more than the 121 billion being put up by private companies ?

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Wednesday, 26 Jun 2024 at 2:03pm

Here ya go Robbo , …….. Conclusion

Our analysis reveals that over the past decade, over $29 billion in subsidies have been provided by the federal government to the renewable energy sector. The dominant source of subsidies has been the Renewable Energy Target scheme, which has seen around $2.7 billion per year channelled towards large-scale and small-scale renewable energy. These subsidies have undeniably played a crucial role in the rapid growth of renewable energy in Australia, increasing its share of electricity supply in the National Electricity Market from less than 1% in 2000 to 39% in 2023. For more information read the article .

ashsam's picture
ashsam's picture
ashsam Wednesday, 26 Jun 2024 at 2:05pm

^ ok and ^^ ok ^^^ ok
what would I know lol ;)

seeds's picture
seeds's picture
seeds Wednesday, 26 Jun 2024 at 2:15pm

Well offshore I think is great. They certainly pump out some energy. Where I live you see boats and ships on the horizon all day every day. Doesn’t ruin the inshore amenity one bit.

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Wednesday, 26 Jun 2024 at 4:33pm

Renewable Nuke Plants...
Wind / Solar / Nukes all can surf'n'turf Combo...Yes! As in open oceans...(Proven)
Solar can be stored in yer New Yuppie Plants to reduce 10% heating -Running costs...(Proven)
One could choose Floating Solar Panels to further save 30% Dam evaporation...(Proven)
3x Wind Turbines freely cool the Nuke Plant...(Proven)
Also run 3x better battery back up than Solar during Quake Shut Downs / maintenance...(Proven)
One could choose Floating Solar Panelled Wind Turbines that surf 20m Tsunamis...(Proven)
All of this substantially reduces parts & cost for more safer plants to last 60 years...Backed!

In fact the more one researches the more combos avail...endless opportunity!
All of it can be packed up & relocated where it's best needed next time 'round!
Zero footprint impact from all sources... each separately doing that for Decades...

eg: During '60's drought > Shallow Panama Canal Hydro (Locks) big ships could Pass.(Crisis!)
Solution : A reliable 24/7 floating Nuke Plant...long packed up & few would ever know!
Just exampling how the right tech can adapt & fast to leave zero footprint! (In theory?)
Russians run Plug in Pack Up Nuke Ships on any shore ya like...few would know where last visit was!

Yes! All checks out to make Nukes more affordable & safer...well durr! How can it not...Huh?

Only Hybrid Experts don't get paid to advance such projects to adapt to obvious safe cost reductions!
Stuck in this endless loop of mine's bigger than yours...blokes don't know about that sorta shit right?
My team will slaughter your idea wot tbb' is on about (Cough!)
Our nation will win the Enviro War...again Mate (vs) idea Huh!

In fact this is the first time you'll read of combos...if stoked if crew could share > Where else?
Wot pisses off tbb the most is that this should be the norm not the exception...Again...Wot? FFS!

(Hardly the issue is it!)
Never gonna happen...[L] will race to campaign against energy efficient Renewable Nuke Plants!
The debate has nothing to do with affordable Energy...deep down, all know that!
[L] Plan...All about Oz as Partnered Nuke Arms Supplier. UAE are next to follow our Aukus lead!

Don't believe that...
Ask the most basic simple Question that any & all should know before costing a Nuke Plant.
Not Renewables (vs) Nukes but "Safest ever zero waste Renewable Nuke Plants!...Why not?"

[Q] Journo : Does [L] approve of proven Safer more affordable efficient Renewable Nuke Plants!

Voldemort : (Squirming!) 'My brain hurts!'
Oz Voterz : Wotz that? Is this a trick or some shit tbb...( Nope! Afraid not...completely Sane Today?)
Can assure the crew's everyone else that's mental...Big Call...hardly!

All crew one in the media is smart enough or has enough bottle to ask...All say Aye!
Carry on with yer Shit Show & all pretend that Renewables can't power up Nukes...
But all here know they quite obviously can, right...Shh! Just humour them! Enjoy the Show!

basesix's picture
basesix's picture
basesix Wednesday, 26 Jun 2024 at 5:22pm

Codrington Wind Farm.. (between Warrnambool and Portland, Moyne Shire) will be the first in Aus to be decommissioned; insiders report that it is slated to be knocked-on-the-head in 2026. Watching this process will be pretty fascinating.. lotsa info about what we THINK wind-farm decommissioning might look like and entail..

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Wednesday, 26 Jun 2024 at 5:44pm

Floating Solar (Floatovoltaics) can surf up to 12m Swells
Water presents Cheapest Massive Sites...
Suitable for Flooded Mines + Dams ( Reduce Algal Blooms > 30% Evaporation savings)
Water cools Panels (Savings) + Amplifies panel effect > Follow the Sun @ any angle.
Set & Forget.
On site Manufacture savings & Rollout + (100% reversible Zero impact!)
Soon be cost comparable...Easy to combo with any Renewables > Nukes Whatever!
2007 Japan / 2008 California / 2013 Japan
2016 Japan 2016-2019 China (5 Farms) 2019 Vietnam 2021 Thailand /Singapore
2021 China 550 MW(First Mega MW)
2022 Israel / NJ-US

Hybrid Combos
2023 Indo Floatovoltaics 192 MW / Hydro 1,000MW
2023 China Floatovoltaics 1.2m panelled Quilt 650MW / Wind 550MW

ashsam's picture
ashsam's picture
ashsam Wednesday, 26 Jun 2024 at 5:53pm

Wasn’t there complaints from people on farms near Goulburn re noise.

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Wednesday, 26 Jun 2024 at 6:33pm

Floating Wind Turbines
Range 10kms offshore > 140km to power Oil Rigs
Build on shore savings & tow a string out > Then Plug them in...Can add to existing off shore arrays...
3/4 Post Octopus Anchor (Damage?) allows Tower to surf 19m waves anywhere ya like!
Sure > Fit Solar wrapped blades > Hook into Coastal Nukes to Cool 'em down & back 'em up!
Currently up to 90MW = Floating Russian Nuke Ship 70MW Power.
Very similar > Plug'n'Go Emergency response Power (None know you were there!)

Perfectly suited for trawling off peak season [Locals Only] Seachange Sub Stations.
Ideal for Fully Leashed Byron Marine Park! Hey...
Wot? Says Fully Leashed don't it...well durr...FU2!

2007 Italy (Dutch Built) 2009 Norway
2011 Portugal > Repurposed in 2020 (As in removable > Plug in & go!) No Footprint!
2013 Maine US + Fukushima Trial > Replaced 2020 > 103 Shoreline Turbines
2017 Scotland + 2021
2021 China add to Fixed Sea Turbines
2022 Canary Islands / Norway (Oil Rig)
2023 Spain / UK
2030's Subsidy free.

AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace Wednesday, 26 Jun 2024 at 7:04pm
basesix wrote:

Codrington Wind Farm.. (between Warrnambool and Portland, Moyne Shire) will be the first in Aus to be decommissioned; insiders report that it is slated to be knocked-on-the-head in 2026. Watching this process will be pretty fascinating.. lotsa info about what we THINK wind-farm decommissioning might look like and entail..

Basesix. Hi to our man on the spot, the border man , sitting on both sides of the fence, but not atop the barbed wire , (SA.&Vic..).

Well this is no surprise. Many wealthy Western District farmers in that region of Victoria, who are still working the land of their forebears, have been complaining year after year about wind farms.

When interviewed on radio and asked why, most replied ‘ just don’t like them’.
Typical, mostly males who don’t like change.

Moreover, it’s the implied pressure coming from their cohort to be not seen to be behaving like a greeny or environmentalist or someone who cares about their land.

They all dress the same, kind of like pseudo American ranch farmers.

Makes me sick. I’d rather look at turbines rotating than look at the continuous stream of black soot spewing out of an archaic chimney of a coal plant.AW

GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Wednesday, 26 Jun 2024 at 7:21pm
ashsam wrote:

Wasn’t there complaints from people on farms near Goulburn re noise.

Not sure but lots of static noise coming from this outdated model


truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Wednesday, 26 Jun 2024 at 7:30pm

Floating Nuke Barges / Ships
Possibly still the Fastest Plug'n'Play Emergency response for a City Catastrophe
Important...These are not Nuke Propulsion > Towed as a Nuke Sub Plant on a Barge!
Basically is wot it is...just Pull up & Power a Climate / War Devastated City.
Now a bun fight over South China Sea Nuke Barges Blocking / Bossing Shipping!

1963 Drought was draining Panama Canal Hydro Power Locks..US Shipping was Fucked! Crisis!
1968 -1975 Sturgis MH-1A (10MW Nuke Ship + 20MW Diesel Barge) Emergency Replacement.
Towed in for 24/7 Nuke Powered > Locks for US Defence / Cargo Shipping! (Tried another but gave up!)
Nuke Ship needed annual Refuel (1 week) > Diesel back up kicks in... > 1975 Turbines took over!
Took until 2017 for US to decommission the Show Stopper.

2016 China launch 20 Floating Nuke Plants

2019 News "First" Floating Nuke Plant Ship [Akadememik Lomonoson] Only it's it?

Reason why Yank Subs tour up that far to Spy on these Floating Nukes

2014-22 US > 3rd Trial underway (Maybe!)

2022 -2030 Canada Trial underway

Also UK Samsung 800 MW Trial

South China Sea...Floating Nuke Crisis

Rules of Engagement

If it sounds familiar...that's because it is...
These are them compact Gates 300MW Nukes that Dutto wanks over! (Did tbb say that right!)
Everyday Aukus Sub Reactors for Vessels.
Can Surf them into Fully Leashed WSR Line-Ups to Power up Dicky WSL 30,000 Gigs!