2022 Election

FR, There seems to be a quite a bit of talk of a 3rd straight La Nina again this year. First time since the 60's that's happened?

Nah, the last one was 98-2001
Then 73-76 before that.
It's in the balance right now Fitzy.
Craig will chime in - he has Jedi level prediction skills for ENSO phase shifts.

indo-dreaming wrote:oxrox wrote:So surprise, surprise, Labor are already back pedaling on some election promises. Now saying it's up to the fair work commission to lift wages, electricity prices are going up but were supposed to be going down, interest rates, fuel,etc etc all going up. They ran a big campaign on cost of living and knew all along that they couldn't control a lot of these things. Just said what people wanted to hear with no hope of actually making a difference. Could see right through them. It's only taken a couple of days and already they are blaming everyone and everything on why they wont be able to uphold their promises. Every party does it but I think this was the most transparent lot of unattainable promises I have heard.
Also, watching the abc news last night (which is generally the only news I watch) an abc reporter commented on the increased amount of rainfall predicted to fall on the East Coast with the possibility of flooding. Blamed it on La Nina. No mention of climate change. First time in years I have heard any reporting of weather on the abc which may be unusual or extreme with no mention of climate change. I was waiting for it but crickets. Coincidence?Ha ha i noticed the exact same thing listening to ABC radio yesterday the tune and vibe had completely changed especially from Jim, i guess that's politics though.
Interesting to hear the fuel excess tax will still go back on in September that's going to push prices up further again.
I actually heard the news on ABC news yesterday of scientist/climatologist saying the floods not being caused by Climate change, but that said yes it's all linked really...but it was still a surprise to hear it reported that way and not followed up by an explanation id expect of it still being linked to climate change.
Common guys can we stick to the facts?
Please, please pay attention stop repeating sound bites and the Murdoch press its embarrassing .
Labor during the campaign said they would support a 5% minimum wage rise currently before Fair work your mate Morrison scream the sky would fall in (along with your good selves) if that happen i.e. $1 per hour pay rise.
Labor have since announced they would summit an application as stated.
Governments cannot necessarily raise wages but can very effectively block wage rises with policy best example is the last 9 years but then you know that.
You also know that under Coalition governments increases in productivity haven't been shared between workers and companies its simply just gone to companies bottom line.
The Coalition delayed the announcement before the election that electricity prices were going to rise please read that bit again slowly... please.
If you were listening Labor promised to address some areas for cost of living such as child care etc that directly aided the economy, if you think Australia Governments can change rising interest rates and fuel prices then you are brain dead or fully converted to Coalition BS.
Fuel is a total cluster in terms of policy and security (really serious stuff) hopefully Labor will look at it and do some thing, the Coalition have done SFA.
Climate change FFS (Craig please correct me if wrong) higher temps means more energy goes into the system which means more and greater adverse events causes of weather stays similar but the out comes can be far greater.
Might do some howling at the moon tonight it will make more sense :-)

I focus wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:oxrox wrote:So surprise, surprise, Labor are already back pedaling on some election promises. Now saying it's up to the fair work commission to lift wages, electricity prices are going up but were supposed to be going down, interest rates, fuel,etc etc all going up. They ran a big campaign on cost of living and knew all along that they couldn't control a lot of these things. Just said what people wanted to hear with no hope of actually making a difference. Could see right through them. It's only taken a couple of days and already they are blaming everyone and everything on why they wont be able to uphold their promises. Every party does it but I think this was the most transparent lot of unattainable promises I have heard.
Also, watching the abc news last night (which is generally the only news I watch) an abc reporter commented on the increased amount of rainfall predicted to fall on the East Coast with the possibility of flooding. Blamed it on La Nina. No mention of climate change. First time in years I have heard any reporting of weather on the abc which may be unusual or extreme with no mention of climate change. I was waiting for it but crickets. Coincidence?Ha ha i noticed the exact same thing listening to ABC radio yesterday the tune and vibe had completely changed especially from Jim, i guess that's politics though.
Interesting to hear the fuel excess tax will still go back on in September that's going to push prices up further again.
I actually heard the news on ABC news yesterday of scientist/climatologist saying the floods not being caused by Climate change, but that said yes it's all linked really...but it was still a surprise to hear it reported that way and not followed up by an explanation id expect of it still being linked to climate change.
Common guys can we stick to the facts?
Please, please pay attention stop repeating sound bites and the Murdoch press its embarrassing .
Labor during the campaign said they would support a 5% minimum wage rise currently before Fair work your mate Morrison scream the sky would fall in (along with your good selves) if that happen i.e. $1 per hour pay rise.
Labor have since announced they would summit an application as stated.Governments cannot necessarily raise wages but can very effectively block wage rises with policy best example is the last 9 years but then you know that.
You also know that under Coalition governments increases in productivity haven't been shared between workers and companies its simply just gone to companies bottom line.The Coalition delayed the announcement before the election that electricity prices were going to rise please read that bit again slowly... please.
If you were listening Labor promised to address some areas for cost of living such as child care etc that directly aided the economy, if you think Australia Governments can change rising interest rates and fuel prices then you are brain dead or fully converted to Coalition BS.
Fuel is a total cluster in terms of policy and security (really serious stuff) hopefully Labor will look at it and do some thing, the Coalition have done SFA.
Climate change FFS (Craig please correct me if wrong) higher temps means more energy goes into the system which means more and greater adverse events causes of weather stays similar but the out comes can be far greater.
Might do some howling at the moon tonight it will make more sense :-)
As i already said it was ABC radio interview i heard not Murdoch.
And when asked Jim didn't say anything about an application, he said the fair work commission knew their position.
He was back peddling all over the place the narrative was very different to before the election.
But hey that's politics.

I focus if you're referring to my comments as well, you may need to have another read. Labor did infer they could or would lift the minimum wage. Not outright but there was an inference that voting for Labor was a vote for increased wages. I watch ABC news not Murdoch as I stated. Labor stated there would be cheaper electricity prices under them. Their biggest mantra was to reduce cost of living. I was sitting on the fence this election so was interested in what everyone had to say. I cried bullshit on things from all parties. Or that it couldn't work (ie 24hr nurses at aged care homes). Did not surprise me in the slightest with the back pedalling comments this week. They couldn't bring down the cost of living on most items and cannot dictate wages.
I absolutely believe in climate change and have a reasonable understanding of how it works particularly warmer waters and the effect on rainfall in Oz. I only remarked that after watching the ABC news only for years it was the first time I can remember where there was no mention of climate change with unusual weather events but La Nina was mentioned twice. Climate change has always been a part of the discussion with the ABC news. No moon howling for this bloke.

"Why no one is talking about migration during the election campaign"

hey @info, do you have internet at the indo island? asking for a friend!

freeride76 wrote:Copy that Oxrox.
Thats mostly referring to the slowly weakening La Niña and neg IOD, also referenced in the latest BOM climate update.
Ok, understood.

GuySmiley wrote:hey @info, do you have internet at the indo island? asking for a friend!
No internet only from phone but phone signal is pretty weak, there can be rare days good enough to stream YouTube but most days it's hard work just opening a webpage or emails, signal in Tello town 15 minutes by boat is good for internet though, they go in there fairly often.

So is cannabis going to become legal with the Greens and legalize cannabis party going so well?
I need to know whether to rent a warehouse and grow three pounds per plant of chemdawg 4 or og kush.

oxrox wrote:I focus if you're referring to my comments as well, you may need to have another read. Labor did infer they could or would lift the minimum wage. Not outright but there was an inference that voting for Labor was a vote for increased wages. I watch ABC news not Murdoch as I stated. Labor stated there would be cheaper electricity prices under them. Their biggest mantra was to reduce cost of living. I was sitting on the fence this election so was interested in what everyone had to say. I cried bullshit on things from all parties. Or that it couldn't work (ie 24hr nurses at aged care homes). Did not surprise me in the slightest with the back pedalling comments this week. They couldn't bring down the cost of living on most items and cannot dictate wages.
I absolutely believe in climate change and have a reasonable understanding of how it works particularly warmer waters and the effect on rainfall in Oz. I only remarked that after watching the ABC news only for years it was the first time I can remember where there was no mention of climate change with unusual weather events but La Nina was mentioned twice. Climate change has always been a part of the discussion with the ABC news. No moon howling for this bloke.
Forgive my rant / sarcasm Labor have been in government for 4 days, it will take 12 to 18 months for any policy work to show results and in some cases more like 2 to 4 years.
I fully expect Labor to play the game as much as anyone (well maybe not to Morrisons level) TBH I just want an ICAC and a fairer out come for workers that is long over due.
Labor could well fail at this who knows but I'll wait longer than 4 days to find out.

indo-dreaming wrote:GuySmiley wrote:hey @info, do you have internet at the indo island? asking for a friend!
No internet only from phone but phone signal is pretty weak, there can be rare days good enough to stream YouTube but most days it's hard work just opening a webpage or emails, signal in Tello town 15 minutes by boat is good for internet though, they go in there fairly often.
Argh okay i miss read your comment as a genuine question, but it was just a troll hence why Cunstance got it straight away.
Mate buckle up I'm going to hammer Labor and Albo at every opportunity just like you guys did to LNP & Scomo and the media will do it too just like they did to Scomo, fires, floods...it will all be Albo's fault.
Of course when the media hammer him, all we will hear is whinges about murdoch this murdoch that.

indo-dreaming wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:GuySmiley wrote:hey @info, do you have internet at the indo island? asking for a friend!
No internet only from phone but phone signal is pretty weak, there can be rare days good enough to stream YouTube but most days it's hard work just opening a webpage or emails, signal in Tello town 15 minutes by boat is good for internet though, they go in there fairly often.
Argh okay i miss read your comment as a genuine question, but it was just a troll hence why Cunstance got it straight away.
Mate buckle up I'm going to hammer Labor and Albo at every opportunity just like you guys did to LNP & Scomo and the media will do it too just like they did to Scomo, fires, floods...it will all be Albo's fault.
Of course when the media hammer him, all we will hear is whinges about murdoch this murdoch that.
Huh? It was a genuine question about internet coverage in indo @info. Geez.

Jeez, and here's me thinking ID and GS had used common ground to reach a point of reconciliation. Back to the mediation table for both of ya.

GuySmiley wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:GuySmiley wrote:hey @info, do you have internet at the indo island? asking for a friend!
No internet only from phone but phone signal is pretty weak, there can be rare days good enough to stream YouTube but most days it's hard work just opening a webpage or emails, signal in Tello town 15 minutes by boat is good for internet though, they go in there fairly often.
Argh okay i miss read your comment as a genuine question, but it was just a troll hence why Cunstance got it straight away.
Mate buckle up I'm going to hammer Labor and Albo at every opportunity just like you guys did to LNP & Scomo and the media will do it too just like they did to Scomo, fires, floods...it will all be Albo's fault.
Of course when the media hammer him, all we will hear is whinges about murdoch this murdoch that.
Huh? It was a genuine question about internet coverage in indo @info. Geez.
I apologise then if a genuine question.
My second take was no Internet meant i won't be posting here for a while in indo june-july

I focus wrote:oxrox wrote:I focus if you're referring to my comments as well, you may need to have another read. Labor did infer they could or would lift the minimum wage. Not outright but there was an inference that voting for Labor was a vote for increased wages. I watch ABC news not Murdoch as I stated. Labor stated there would be cheaper electricity prices under them. Their biggest mantra was to reduce cost of living. I was sitting on the fence this election so was interested in what everyone had to say. I cried bullshit on things from all parties. Or that it couldn't work (ie 24hr nurses at aged care homes). Did not surprise me in the slightest with the back pedalling comments this week. They couldn't bring down the cost of living on most items and cannot dictate wages.
I absolutely believe in climate change and have a reasonable understanding of how it works particularly warmer waters and the effect on rainfall in Oz. I only remarked that after watching the ABC news only for years it was the first time I can remember where there was no mention of climate change with unusual weather events but La Nina was mentioned twice. Climate change has always been a part of the discussion with the ABC news. No moon howling for this bloke.Forgive my rant / sarcasm Labor have been in government for 4 days, it will take 12 to 18 months for any policy work to show results and in some cases more like 2 to 4 years.
I fully expect Labor to play the game as much as anyone (well maybe not to Morrisons level) TBH I just want an ICAC and a fairer out come for workers that is long over due.
Labor could well fail at this who knows but I'll wait longer than 4 days to find out.
All good I focus

indo-dreaming wrote:GuySmiley wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:GuySmiley wrote:hey @info, do you have internet at the indo island? asking for a friend!
No internet only from phone but phone signal is pretty weak, there can be rare days good enough to stream YouTube but most days it's hard work just opening a webpage or emails, signal in Tello town 15 minutes by boat is good for internet though, they go in there fairly often.
Argh okay i miss read your comment as a genuine question, but it was just a troll hence why Cunstance got it straight away.
Mate buckle up I'm going to hammer Labor and Albo at every opportunity just like you guys did to LNP & Scomo and the media will do it too just like they did to Scomo, fires, floods...it will all be Albo's fault.
Of course when the media hammer him, all we will hear is whinges about murdoch this murdoch that.
Huh? It was a genuine question about internet coverage in indo @info. Geez.
I apologise then if a genuine question.
My second take was no Internet meant i won't be posting here for a while in indo june-july
It was 1/2 pisstake and 1/2 genuine. Being out of internet range is fantastic, as I’m sure you would agree, it makes you slow down, relax and be more into it. Come back more chilled even. You have to admit the pisstake was funny thou...

It’s cute that anyone thinks there’s a negligible difference between the ALP and the LNP! Thank Christ for the excellent independent reporting by Macrobusiness and Michael West to keep the bastards honest.
Albo’s cowards gut Aussie economy for China
By Houses and Holes
For the past few years, the Albanese opposition ran a small target opposition to put the toxic Scott Morrison at the center of the election.
At least, that’s what some thought it was doing.
As it turns out, the Albanese Government actually appears to be a policy coward. We weren’t seeing a strategy, we were seeing the quivering poltroons behind it.
How can I make this judgment so quickly, you will rightly ask? Because in a few short days, as a series of crises rock the Australian political economy, Albo’s cowards have made it abundantly clear that they have no stomach for the major economic and strategic fights of our time.
At the center of this fear are prostrate Treasurer Jim Chalmers and his endorsement of the raging energy shock gutting east coast industry, business and households on behalf of China.
No, you say!
Yes. I’m afraid so.
The Australian east coast gas price is traditionally $3Gj. Today it is at $35Gj. This is the same price that Russia is charging Europe for its gas, as an economic weapon of war.
The thing is, Europe has no gas. But we do. Loads and loads of it. Far more than we could ever possibly need. It comes out of the ground at $1Gj all across QLD and SA.
But then what happens to it is beyond all reason. Three-quarters of it is shipped to China as LNG at $31Gj, $4Gj cheaper than it is sold locally.
This is the crazy world of the east coast gas export cartel that deliberately starves the local market of gas to force prices up at home, while also forcing down prices for China.
To add insult to injury, the gas cartel pays no tax for doing so.
The kicker is that because gas-fired power stations are the marginal cost producer for electricity, the gas shock is also a local electricity shock.
To put it bluntly, every Australian east of the WA border is currently being forced to pay a massive and spiking energy tax to subsidise the Chinese economy even as that country does everything it can to crush our own.
There is a very simple solution to this curious form of national suicide. It is called the Australian Domestic Gas Reservation Mechanism (ADGSM). Installed by Malcolm Turnbull when the local gas price was a measly $20Gj in 2017. It is a contract with the cartel that forces it to leave more gas here so that the local price crashes to acceptable prices around $7Gj.
Yet, with this Heads of Agreement already in place, with the trigger ready to pull, with the cost of living crisis in full swing and being severely exacerbated by the energy inflation shock, here is what Treasurer Jim Chalmers is going to do:
The new treasurer, Jim Chalmers, is banking on a surge in capital spending to boost productivity in the economy and ease a “cost-of-living crisis”.
After the Australian Energy Regulator on Thursday lifted standard power prices by as much as 20% for some customers, Chalmers said the increase revealed “a very serious situation” and was just one of several challenges left by the Morrison government.
“Electricity prices are the pointy end of the cost-of-living crisis,” Chalmers said, adding the increase would intensify the “extreme price pressures” in the economy that include sharply higher costs for construction and other sectors.
The treasurer elaborated on comments he made on Wednesday, when he described the Albanese Labor government as inheriting “dire” budget conditions.
“Budget vandalism”, including poor policies that were deeply entrenched, would take time to repair, Chalmers said.
But he had seen enough to rule out extending either the six-month fuel excise cut – that cost $3bn – or the low and middle income tax offset.
“We’re not contemplating changes of that nature,” he said.
Economic data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) on Thursday added to evidence that price pressures were building but that the economy remains on a strong growth track.
ABS phone surveys conducted from 11 to 18 May found 38% of businesses planned to lift prices in the next three months, with almost all of them citing rising costs of goods and services, and just over 75% reporting rising energy costs.
…“The outlook for business investment remains strong but headwinds of capacity constraints and rising costs will hurt, but potentially also elongate the investment cycle,” the CBA said.
…Chalmers said the government would rely on $20bn in investment in its “Powering Australia” program to strengthen the grid, enable the faster take-up of renewable energy and bring down power prices.
He said he would be relying on an economic team “chock full of talent” that included the finance minister, Katy Gallagher, and Andrew Leigh and Matt Thistlethwaite. Chalmers also intends to consult his close friend and former adviser in the Rudd government, Andrew Charlton, who he said was a “first-rate thinker”.
Chalmers, who earned a doctorate with his thesis on “brawler statesman” Paul Keating, said he talks to the former Labor treasurer and prime minister a couple of times a week. “My friendship to Paul Keating matters a great deal to me,” he said.
To summarise, Labor is going to do nothing to ease the cost of living pressure being exerted, in some very large part, by the gas export cartel. It is instead going to rely on advice from card-carrying China groveller, Paul Keating.
This, even though activating the ADGSM is a political free-kick and will instantly reverse pressure on every cost in the east coast economy (noting that WA already has its version of the ADGSM so its gas price is currently under $6Gj).
I ask you, how can a new government be this stupid? I suspect it is a toxic brew of the following:
fear of gas cartel (BHP, Exxon, Shell, Santos, Origin) blowback, vis the RSPT coup;
fear of blowback from China given the export cartel may have to declare force majeur on a few shiploads of LNG while Penny Wong is busy trying to make friends with Beijing to restore an irrelevant lobster trade;
fear of Paul Keating;
fear of losing the half-million dollars that the cartel has given the ALP;
fear of policy leadership in general.
There is one other possible interpretation. The ALP is happy to see every Australian east of the WA border pilfered mercilessly by an energy cartel because it is effectively an enormous carbon tax. Notwithstanding that it is being paid to robber barons and not the government, it will accelerate renewables rollout, at grotesquely unnecessary and inequitable cost.
But Labor is too afraid to be honest about that, too.
Therefore, there is only one explanation. Albo’s cowards are afraid to do what is needed in the national interest.
That bodes very poorly indeed for its future.”

@Guy 100% looking foward to a digital detox

Indo, you fought a good fight, you should just let it go and get on with the positive. There's three years at least, sit back and see what happens, spend less time worrying about defending your views and more time enjoying the view.

Its not a fight purely just discussion, and a discussion with only one view point gets boring pretty fast

Its not a fight?
"Mate buckle up I'm going to hammer Labor and Albo at every opportunity"

Albo and Labor will hammer themselves. Just watch it unfold.

Roadkill wrote:Albo and Labor will hammer themselves. Just watch it unfold.
Only the names have changed.lol
Look at the history..Whitlam..Hawke/Keating..Krudd/JuLIAR/Krudd...add in Albo,Problemsek,PennyWrong...all will go down in history as not being able to run a chook raffle.

Whatever. They cant be worse than the shower just kicked out. This is what Morrison 's own colleagues say about him:
“He fucked us and his fingerprints are absolutely fuckin’ everywhere on that. The bloke thinks he is a master strategist. He is a fuckwit.”

Morrison is definitely an A grade scrotum but the liberals worries go way deeper than just him.
He’s been rejected but so have a large chunk of the liberals core policies, which pre-date him.

blackers wrote:Whatever. They cant be worse than the shower just kicked out. This is what Morrison 's own colleagues say about him:
“He fucked us and his fingerprints are absolutely fuckin’ everywhere on that. The bloke thinks he is a master strategist. He is a fuckwit.”
Well,it can and will get worse.
This election was a referendum on Scumo,its a shame he kept his seat and says he intends to continue as member for Cook.
His record before politics was poor, so a move into public life suited him.He joined all the other liars and thieves.,And did he do it WELL!
In referring to our politicians I used to say none of them are thoroughbreds but now i say all are donkeys.

I think it is a mistake to put it solely down to Morrison, but all I am hearing from the Libs is how they just need to target the outer suburban seats. Misreading the mood big time, and they will disappear into irrelevance if they are not careful. It was clearly not a big mandate for Labor either, so lhey will also need to pay attention.

I agree blackers. Morrison certainly lost some voters on his personality alone, but he was also a perfect example of what the Liberal party has become, and the broader problem with politics. It was incredibly easy to knock on someone's door and point at Morrison and say "look he is obviously an arrogant loser, but the fact that someone like him rose all the way to the top of the Liberal party and the country says a lot more about our politics in general than it does about him." I couldn't count how many vote-swinging conversations I personally had with people on their doors or on the phone that started there and ended with them changing their vote from the Liberals, and even from Labor.
If people think there's some quick fix to the declining primary vote of the major parties they are wrong and out of touch with the experience of lots of Australians. There might be a momentary bump if you pumped millions and millions of dollars into advertising and socials (donated by those keen to maintain the status quo like fossil fuel companies, financial services, developers etc), but too large a cohort of the population are being left behind and actively harmed by neoliberalism now to just keep voting for the majors.

Not sure why you believe neoliberalism has been reduced or even addressed by the election results?
The teals and the Greens are unabashed supporters of the central tenet of neoliberalism, namely the Big Australia Ponzi scheme built with Mass immigration totalling an extra few million people every decade.
Nothing has changed.
You think that financial services and developers are threatened by the teals and greens ? Teals and Greens literally side with developers over koalas.
The teals are a particularly egregious sleight of hand. They are dyed in the wool LNP luvvies who wallpaper over their desire to see business profit from environmental destruction by shedding crocodile tears over climate change, whilst demanding the clear felling of as much carbon reducing bush land habitat as possible to accommodate their 50m by 2040 population goals.
Greens no different.

The central tenet of neoliberalism is not immigration, and supporting immigration does not make you a neoliberal.

No, immigration is not a central tent of neoliberalism but sustained mass immigration most definitely is a central tenet of neoliberalism. We in Australia have a long and successful history of immigration which has benefited our nation very much. The mass immigration Ponzi scheme of the past decade and a half does not fall into this category. It’s been a net negative and destructive in many regards not least of which is the environment and state of the working class.

Every East coast Australian needs to read this:

indo-dreaming wrote:sypkan wrote:indo, with respect, your shitty little island, has become rather high end, as the wealthy folk have move in...
and with that, comes all sorts of benefits...
I've lived in various places all over oz, and had little trouble sourcing basic medical services - elective is always a problem...
however, every time I return to my shitty little ghetto (that has seen relatively incredible growth of population and some impressive improving infrastructure) the doctors just get more and nore expensive and harder and harder to source
there's some that bulk bill, but they have almost all gone the way of the dodo, and good luck getting an appointment
the emergency system is still excellent (relatively) ...but unfortunately, it is needing to be sourced more and more for things that just are not really emergencies, purely due to lack of basic services
Ive also lived all over Aust so I'm comparing to not just how things were before here but elsewhere too.
Elective surgery yeah okay maybe different, i have never had to need it, but would always expect to be on a long waiting list in the public system, the wife had surgery years ago though and i was surprised on how fast she got in and again all free.
I can only speak for my own experience but i just think the system is really really good and has got better and better over time.
BTW. It's true we have more doctors clinics on the island due to pop increase, but we actually use to have our own hospital up until about twenty years ago.
sypkan wrote:"Indo - “ The economy is booming. It’s a golden age of prosperity!”
indo confuses his own life cycle...
(where most people get their shit together by a certain age and are kind of gifted various opportunities)
...with a perception of a 'tidak apa apa' booming economy...
if he didn't buy a house at the right time is this contemporary game of life... I dare say his perspective would be very very different...
(even with the 'gifted' opportunities opportuned with the dawn of middle agedness)
I get the life cycle thing, but I'm not talking about now, im not sure where Blowin quoted that from but it's misleading ive been talking about the last 30 years as the time of prosperity, not now.
Personally i think we are right on the tail end of it, not just because Labor are in but things can only be so good for so long, and lots of signs are that the era is coming to an end.
Regarding housing affordability yes i feel lucky, but if i didn't own a house, i wouldn't be living here id be going where i could afford to buy which there still is areas even near good waves.
The housing affordability issue though is ironically a result of 30 years of prosperity, many people have killed it and are killing it hence can pay those prices, i feel for my kids future on this, but i dont see any answers.
indo i worked in gas and oil in several refineries and out bush on shutdowns/, mainly through labour hire (slavetradeing parasites).
the multi nationals put their maintenance costs includeing labour down as a tax deduction.
rackoff with your hard done by multinational "mates" and corrupt lnp pollies.
you cop a bit of flack for your views, have you ever worked in heavy industry? or r u an academic uni degree beauracrat? if so you truly are out of touch with reality.
oz is a plutocracy...run by the ricn for the rich.

happyppl wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:sypkan wrote:indo, with respect, your shitty little island, has become rather high end, as the wealthy folk have move in...
and with that, comes all sorts of benefits...
I've lived in various places all over oz, and had little trouble sourcing basic medical services - elective is always a problem...
however, every time I return to my shitty little ghetto (that has seen relatively incredible growth of population and some impressive improving infrastructure) the doctors just get more and nore expensive and harder and harder to source
there's some that bulk bill, but they have almost all gone the way of the dodo, and good luck getting an appointment
the emergency system is still excellent (relatively) ...but unfortunately, it is needing to be sourced more and more for things that just are not really emergencies, purely due to lack of basic services
Ive also lived all over Aust so I'm comparing to not just how things were before here but elsewhere too.
Elective surgery yeah okay maybe different, i have never had to need it, but would always expect to be on a long waiting list in the public system, the wife had surgery years ago though and i was surprised on how fast she got in and again all free.
I can only speak for my own experience but i just think the system is really really good and has got better and better over time.
BTW. It's true we have more doctors clinics on the island due to pop increase, but we actually use to have our own hospital up until about twenty years ago.
sypkan wrote:"Indo - “ The economy is booming. It’s a golden age of prosperity!”
indo confuses his own life cycle...
(where most people get their shit together by a certain age and are kind of gifted various opportunities)
...with a perception of a 'tidak apa apa' booming economy...
if he didn't buy a house at the right time is this contemporary game of life... I dare say his perspective would be very very different...
(even with the 'gifted' opportunities opportuned with the dawn of middle agedness)
I get the life cycle thing, but I'm not talking about now, im not sure where Blowin quoted that from but it's misleading ive been talking about the last 30 years as the time of prosperity, not now.
Personally i think we are right on the tail end of it, not just because Labor are in but things can only be so good for so long, and lots of signs are that the era is coming to an end.
Regarding housing affordability yes i feel lucky, but if i didn't own a house, i wouldn't be living here id be going where i could afford to buy which there still is areas even near good waves.
The housing affordability issue though is ironically a result of 30 years of prosperity, many people have killed it and are killing it hence can pay those prices, i feel for my kids future on this, but i dont see any answers.
indo i worked in gas and oil in several refineries and out bush on shutdowns/, mainly through labour hire (slavetradeing parasites).
the multi nationals put their maintenance costs includeing labour down as a tax deduction.
rackoff with your hard done by multinational "mates" and corrupt lnp pollies.
you cop a bit of flack for your views, have you ever worked in heavy industry? or r u an academic uni degree beauracrat? if so you truly are out of touch with reality.
oz is a plutocracy...run by the ricn for the rich.
Happyppl. No argument from me on your finishing line. Australia is going down or gone down the same path as the USA. The US is now very divided, one half of the nation is filthy, filthy rich and the other half have NOTHING.
The grand level of disparity disturbs me immensely, mainly from the perspective that we here are heading exactly in the same direction.
If you don’t think big business call the shots or influence our political parties in this nation, well you’ve got your head firmly planted very deep in the sand.

Token little women are still foreign to most Aussies.
Julia Gillard was born in Wales
Penny Wong was born in Malaysia
Sussan Ley born in Nigeria
Perin Davey (Born Aust) 50% Brit pollie until the shit hit the fan...
Aussie chix are less diplomatic & much rather make the coffees! (Fuck that Boys Club shit!)
GI Joe : "If I may interject...I like yer old war mongers better than yer new pacifists!"
Oz shadowy Coalition cracks open a couple of full strength WWIII Power Brews...
[L] Dutto : Defence / Border Protection / AFP / NCA / Home Affairs / Treasury
Heeding yer call to Arms ... Ready to serve! Sir!
Ley : (Daughter of Brit' intelligence / AFP) + Treasury / AMR + ADF Disaster Troops...Ready Sir!
Gold Coast salutes Sussan for selfishly rescuing our economy many of times!
[NP] Littleproud : Defence / Emergencies / Disasters / Resources / Foreign Affairs / Treasury
Heeding the call to Arms ... At Uncle Sams service...Sir!
Oz army corps Davey ...Treasury / reporting for duty Sir!
Yer shadowy 4x Secretary of Defence War Chested Cabinet Treasurers are ready roll...Sir!
Gi Joe : "It's raining Pennies from Heaven...That's my boyz!"
Yer darkside troop leaders won't be fightin' no sissy middle ground battles...Sir!
Patriotism is our one true power base & only [L] War Mongers have the Right Stuff.
Costello's barcode troops have come of age and are pre- programmed to fight for wot's right.
One for Johnnie - One for Gi Joe - One for our glorious Queen & Commonwealth.
Rupert : "Go get'em Boyz!"
Qld Police State Portaloo of Power > #1 [L] + #1 [NP]
US Pacific munitions dump Qld...officially declared The 51st State of US arms race.
Drums of War are drawing nearer...

Here we have Anthony Green calling 76 seats for the ALP

velocityjohnno wrote:Here we have Anthony Green calling 76 seats for the ALP

I was wrong about the confidence. I thought that electing a new government would result in higher consumer confidence however, that is not the case.

AUKUS Pacific Police ordered Oz to torpedo France & man up with Nuke Subs.
Former leaders argue these Subs necessitate domestic Nuke compliance.
Mineral Council are drooling for a bite at the forbidden rotting fruit.
Global Prices = Solar 3.7c/kw > Wind 4.1c/kw > Wind 11c/kw > Nuke 16c/kw
Global Uptake = Renewables 192gw > Nuke 3gw.
Note: 10 years to build a Nuke Plant? Oz would be pressed to select harbour sites sooner than later!
tbb thinks Brookfield -Grok is way ahead of them...already done that & voted on...let's go!
Nuke Subs are mini reactors & each ADF Sub base needs #1 Global supply chain found in cities.
From mining > Processing > Fuelling > Waste also require highest level City Authority regulation.
Which up until now means shit anyhow!
Oz cities were declared Nuke Free but Mayors canned the ban to promo US Navy's gang rape tourism!
Today only the biggest US Naval nuke threats [P] in our Towns and none ever appear on our Radar!
Despite the trail of destruction thru our cityscape... CTV must've been on the blink again....
Past ministers claim Oz Parliament would never approve these Nukes in our cities...just humour them!
NZ -ANZUS would continue it's ban but AUKUS / NATO call to arms would light up Oz harbours!
Indeed our Wentworth Teal was real keen on Nuke Subs...well durr! Of course...bring it on!
This was code for City Harbourside Green Hydrogen-(Emergency) Nuke War Grid plants.
Soon enough all Transit (Airports) Shipping will run on Teal harbourside Hydrogen.
Check out 2032 Hydrogen Olympic Boss reshaping Port of Brisbane. (Same but different mobsters!)
C 200 Harbourside Nazi Hydro/Nuke Party was just a front for Grok's AGL takeover.
Josh handpassed our Telco/Power Grid onto Gates (Brookfield) for a couple of bucks...(Also EU...)
SHaC terminates Josh for Polo Club ban + for blocking MCB takeover > Enter MCB Pussy Cat Harem.
Teal Yuppie MCB extorted & exploited our AEC Holy Grail plaything for his hostile power mad takeover!
Teal were all Harbourside Nazi/Nuke/Hydro seats > but also the largest 8.5% AGL share bases! WTF.
Every AEC exploited teal candidate was fuelling this SHaC / Grok of shit takeover...Win! Win!
Only that they were independently ransomed off...so it's all fine...just yer mixed bag Electoral rort!
Gates' Guinea Pig > Thor's yuppie son GROK with 11.2% Power Hammer executed Oz #1 Power Play.
B-F Gates is ditching Westinghouse Powerhouse Nukes for his own upmarket inner city Pocket Nukes
Gates can feed Crok's Harbourside Teal Nuke/Hydro to best massage the AUKUS fear factor handouts!
Crew can see Gate's growth industry in pocket sized lilly pad Pacific ports Hydro/Nuke bowsers.
Sounds corny but Teals also openly argue that "Defence" must get green...they'd love to help!
Wash up!
Alp $20b Oz Nation Building Grid handout for Gates / AGL to clean up on base level Green AUKUS.
All aboard the Green War Machine...not by choice but by design & location! We're stuck in middle Oz!

If Dry Cleaners are the front for KAOS HQ.
Pet Poodle Shops must be S[L]ytherin HQ for Overlord V' (Whose name we can't mention)
No [L] Pet Puppy scam here...yer barking up the wrong tree!
Then this must be The Pet Shop Boy's inner sanctum Star Chamber
Oops! Get sued for trolling thru the Banned Photo Album...gotta use the [L] rebrand...
Mummy! "Why is that Scary man crushing his Poodle!"
Mum: "That's because Ralph is not a proper Poodle!"
These were sent over from Daggy Dad Ad Corp
Schnoodle Buddy (Spotty from Barketing) was barking mad ... so the Nation voted him out...
Best Cavoodle in Show wins the highly prized National Depository.
Pauline's Power Puppy Piss Take
This week's Best in Show Power Poodle ... has a new entrant...you kids wanna pat the [L] puppy!
2 > 1. Cavoodle
1 > 2. Schnoodle
# > 3. Vo[L]demort's Fluffydoodle

oxrox wrote:So surprise, surprise, Labor are already back pedaling on some election promises. Now saying it's up to the fair work commission to lift wages, electricity prices are going up but were supposed to be going down, interest rates, fuel,etc etc all going up. They ran a big campaign on cost of living and knew all along that they couldn't control a lot of these things. Just said what people wanted to hear with no hope of actually making a difference. Could see right through them. It's only taken a couple of days and already they are blaming everyone and everything on why they wont be able to uphold their promises. Every party does it but I think this was the most transparent lot of unattainable promises I have heard.
Also, watching the abc news last night (which is generally the only news I watch) an abc reporter commented on the increased amount of rainfall predicted to fall on the East Coast with the possibility of flooding. Blamed it on La Nina. No mention of climate change. First time in years I have heard any reporting of weather on the abc which may be unusual or extreme with no mention of climate change. I was waiting for it but crickets. Coincidence?
I know, right! Farkin two weeks in and still Labor hasn’t fixed the problems left them by the worst government in living memory in Australia.
I see I focus has already skilfully rebutted this, so no need to add to that. Boy you must be smart to have been able to see right through them, while also not listening to what they were promising.

In your defence though oxrox the media didn’t make it easy to work out what Labor was promising, a bit too much ‘gotcha’ BS stenography going on.

But also, Labor was more than happy to ride the wave of negativity towards Scomo who was 'evil' not to raise the minimum wage. They obviously knew what the process is but it worked well for them to keep it quiet. Perception matters more than anything else and most people were under impression that Labor will raise the minimum wage. Coming out now and talking technicalities feels like LNP and Scomo in a different package. Was it politically smart - strong yes. Was it ethical - very debatable.

batfink wrote:In your defence though oxrox the media didn’t make it easy to work out what Labor was promising, a bit too much ‘gotcha’ BS stenography going on.
Yeah and every opposition says they are going to change things and a soon as they get in they say the books are worse than they thought etc etc. So not really smart just watching history repeat itself. Not that hard. Blind freddy could see what was happening with cost of living and no government was going to change it for quite some time. Labor gave the impression they would change it. Also said people are under extreme hardship due to cost of living etc etc. Where are the people who listened to them who are under this extreme pressure going to be in 3 or 4 years as I focus stated? Did they expect to wait that long? Electricity prices will keep going up, same as interest rates, water, fuel (excise will be back to normal in a few months).
They made it sound like they would immediately or within a short period of time change these things. Obviously they cant. That's why I cried bullshit.

So Con Banese wanted 5.1% but now refers it to someone else so he doesn't have to take the blame for the inflation that follows?
He shoulda practised running chook raffles and got that right (if possible) before attempting to run a countries finances.

So one of Labors priorities is to spend a few lazy billion on looking into becoming a republic that no one cares about. The left is back folks and desperate to waste as much money as possible on their loony ideology. Toilet doors is just the start. We must all become gender neutral robots to please a tiny minority of faux hippy activists.

Can you imagine living under a republic constitution written by the quality of pollies and lobbyists we've had over the last 30 years?
I await the Bill of Corporate Rights.