The United States(!) of A

I love the way every one is trying to work out how Putin's brain is thinking. Let's see . He believes that we are trying to cancel Russian culture the same way we cancelled JK Rowling and he's prepared to defend Russia against that. And you guys reckon Sleepy Joe is a bit off script.
The veil is certainly coming down on person who previously exuded power and masculinity but now only shows the real psychologically disturbed human being that he is. The only Russian thing being cancelled at the moment is thousands of Russian soldiers lives and military equipment due to his greed and decades of pilfering and corruption in the country which he is in charge of. And that is not the West's fault.

“I agree with the latest thing” - Blumpkin, erry day, all day….

evosurfer wrote:Bring back trump then and a dont understand what a provoked PROXY war is and
why no matter what happens anywhere in the world USA seem to be catalyst? Is it
because theyre the only nation that actually stands for democracy and every other
pitiful nation ask them for help. Why isnt Nato to blame or even heaven forbid the
actual aggressive perpetrators.
The United States stand for democracy?

Sypkan, Putin’s reasoning for the war isn’t the US, it is the same same story as ever, power and money.
Ukraine has gas and water resources that he wants while denying them the same resource. Then he also takes all the Black Sea ports for commercial benefits.
This is not a fault of Biden and the usa. Bidens regime change remark was dangerous though and doesn’t help.

AndyM tell me this would you like to live under a Russian regime or a American one?

nyt, wa-po, and cnn suddenly find hunter biden's laptop story - 2 years late....
fbi literally loses hunter biden's laptop - 2 years later...
biden's either done or the protection racket continues

evosurfer wrote:AndyM tell me this would you like to live under a Russian regime or a American one?
Jeez evo, way to change the topic.
Anyhoo, maybe have a squiz at this
Basically, between 1947 and 1989, the United States tried to change other nations’ governments 72 times.
Of course, this includes deposing a democratically elected government in Chile and installing a military dictatorship.
The U.S. is largely indifferent to democracy.

AndyM wrote:evosurfer wrote:AndyM tell me this would you like to live under a Russian regime or a American one?
Jeez evo, way to change the topic.
Anyhoo, maybe have a squiz at this
Basically, between 1947 and 1989, the United States tried to change other nations’ governments 72 times.
Of course, this includes deposing a democratically elected government in Chile and installing a military dictatorship.The U.S. is largely indifferent to democracy.
The US foreign policy power brokers assassinated a US president in broad daylight when they where threatened, then covered it up. If that wasn’t a coupe what is?

And as I’ve said before, there’s solid evidence that the dismissal of Gough was aided and abetted by the CIA.

The opening 50 seconds of this clip is worth watching .

"The US foreign policy power brokers assassinated a US president in broad daylight when they where threatened, then covered it up. If that wasn’t a coupe what is? "
I thought JFK got shot in a four door convertible?

"After the election of Donald Trump in 2016, many Democratic voters felt baffled and betrayed. Pollsters and statisticians had predicted a decisive victory for Hillary Clinton, and her campaign had even attempted to elevate Trump because they thought he was the easiest candidate for her to beat. Conveniently, the Russian collusion narrative and allegations of white supremacy allowed the Democratic National Committee, the Clinton campaign, and the media to avoid asking themselves how they had made such an enormous miscalculation.
In reality, their inability to predict or understand Trump’s appeal to voters was symptomatic of a class stratification that had been building for decades. From the 1970s until the 2008 financial crash, only the top 20% of the country saw its real income steadily grow while the real income of the bottom 80% stagnated. This top 20% consisted largely of affluent college-educated professionals who migrated to the Democratic Party, while large segments of the working class left it. In 1960, Democratic President John F. Kennedy lost the votes of white college graduates, but he won the support of white voters without a college degree by a 2-to-1 margin. For Joe Biden, the results were the exact opposite. In 1992, almost 60% of Bill Clinton’s supporters were whites without a degree, but the same was true of only 27% of Biden voters. By 2018 the top 10 wealthiest congressional districts were all held by Democrats.
The Democratic Party’s elitism problem corresponds to a long-standing trend among liberal professionals. For decades, they have been waging a thinly veiled class war against their perceived inferiors, which Christopher Lasch described in his 1994 book Revolt of the Elites and the Betrayal of Democracy. One of Lasch’s central arguments was that managerial elites had abandoned public debate and their basic obligations to the majority. The economic divide between the Democrat-affiliated upper-middle class and the rest of the country has produced a highly insular intelligentsia increasingly disconnected from reality and aligned with corporate interests.
While the GOP was once considered to be the party of big business, the country’s top billionaire megadonors are split between Democrats and Republicans, and Democrats equal or outpace Republicans in donations from pharmaceutical companies, the tech sector, and Wall Street. The alliance between Democrat-led causes and corporate executives is sometimes portrayed as necessary for holding off an insurrectionist, anti-democratic threat from the right. However, it is this very alliance that has produced highly centralized government and corporate control while curbing free expression and open discourse.
After Trump’s election, many commentators expressed anxiety that his followers would plunge the country into far-right authoritarianism. Instead, it is the class of college-educated Democrats that now openly argues for the value of blind submission to authority and the elimination of personal freedoms. The trend Lasch wrote about in the 1990s has metastasized. It no longer poses a mere threat to democracy—it has become a full-fledged attack on basic democratic principles. Far from upholding civil liberties, the self-proclaimed “resistance” to Trumpism has itself exhibited many hallmarks of authoritarianism: suppression of dissent, demand for unquestioning obedience, and tight control over the flow of information. While scapegoating Trump supporters, a nexus of billionaires, woke corporations, public intellectuals, and Democratic officials have sparked the very descent into authoritarianism they claimed would emerge from the populist right..."

" not simply a matter of hypocrisy. It is only by painting themselves as victims fighting against their oppressors that college-educated professionals can rationalize their own authoritarianism. The cult of victimhood conjures the specter of fascism, misogyny, or white nationalism in order to justify blatantly repressive measures. This is why, for example, the professional class consistently portrayed unvaccinated people as Trump supporters even though in many major cities vaccine passports mostly excluded Democrat-voting Black residents from indoor establishments. Under the guise of combatting anti-vax extremism, woke liberal politicians embraced segregation and the exact kind of “systemic racism” they claimed to oppose. While considering themselves to be on the side of righteousness and rationality, commentators called for hospitals to reject unvaccinated patients, and some even celebrated their deaths. This is precisely the type of punitive, regressive tendency that progressives warned would be a consequence of Trump’s election..."

"...Moreover, it is not social media but mainstream news outlets that have been the largest purveyors of “misinformation.” One accusation often made against Trump supporters is that they blindly and unthinkingly believe false claims. But during the pandemic this was consistently true of college-educated Democrats, who still hold the most skewed and erroneous views about COVID. In 2022, 48% of “very liberal” people still believed that COVID posed a “great risk” to children’s health despite widely available evidence that the risk COVID poses to children is miniscule. Between January 2021 and September 2021, the CDC reported that 280 children died with COVID (later the CDC would admit that it had inflated its total death numbers by almost 25%). According to the latest available data (from 2015-19), flu and pneumonia killed more children annually. Heart disease, firearms, drowning, and motor vehicles all pose a much greater risk to children than COVID. Believing that COVID is a “great risk” for kids, justifying child mask mandates and school closures, is exactly the kind of persistent scientific illiteracy of which journalists accuse Trump supporters...."
all sounds very familiar...

that's a lotta TL:DR of late skipper
which means a lot of bullshitting...
because we all know you've read it all

Some hope for the US and the rest of Western civilisation with Michael Shellenberger running for Governor of California.

Hey Constance “I agree with the latest thing” Gibson, go pick up your BLM sign mate. It’s still there on the side of C bay road, corroding away, littering the earth. Actually, leave it there. Sums up the “movement” perfectly.

Michael Adam wrote:Some hope for the US and the rest of Western civilisation with Michael Shellenberger running for Governor of California.
100% agree i really hope he has a chance.
I listened to the Joe Rogan Michael Shellenberger podcast on Thursday, well worth a listen i really hope he has success i agree with los of what he says and believes, i think he has a good balance on things like drugs and homelessness etc
Only area i get disappointed on when he is interviewed is around Nuclear, despite the huge advantages of nuclear, i just dont think its realistic from an economics perspective, id like to see him be challenged on this aspect but Joe didn't question him on this aspect and his recent interview on Triggernometry podcast also didnt challenge him on this, i find that really disappointing.

California is on a the highly temperamental San Andres fault line.
Putting in nuclear reactors potentially could be a repeat of Fukushima.

More reactors you mean?
Only if they use Fukishimas long out dated technology Troppo.
Um… don’t think they plan to….
Any good reason Australia shouldnt be building at least couple reactors out in the desert?

"Any good reason Australia shouldnt be building at least couple reactors out in the desert?"
absolutely no need to perhaps...
and economically unviable
you need big population centres like europe and asia to make them viable
which comes to indo's point... they are almost uneconomical now, even in those places, with renewables getting cheaper and better
nuclear plants require loads of maintenance, monitoring, and safety
that's without even considering the security risks in an increasingly unstable world
and the waste... these contenporary advocates behave like it is a solved problem... I guess it is... if you're cool with future generations inheriting your super toxic waste for thousands and thousands of years...

Excellent doco on Finland long term nuclear storage facility - spooky
It's a very long-term way to boil water...

Russian withdrawal from around Kiev on twitter
Russian forces around Kyiv are retreating en masse, leaving behind wrecked armour and possibly trapped pockets of troops as the Ukrainian army advances.
— Nathan Ruser (@Nrg8000) April 1, 2022
This map shows settlements confirmed recaptured today (blue) and yesterday (yellow).
The siege of Chernihiv is also lifted.
Ukr helis strike fuel depot inside Russia: deep strike
#BREAKING: Video reportedly of Ukrainian attack helicopters striking oil facility in Belgorod, across the border inside Russia
— ELINT News (@ELINTNews) April 1, 2022
One of the commenters is giving Netflix ideas, lol
Netflix has already prepared a poster
— Bartosz Wolański (@Bartosz_Kutango) April 1, 2022
You reckon you ever had a shitkicking day at work?
Ukrainian soldiers remove AT mines from a road, pictured earlier with a car maneuvering through.
— OSINTtechnical (@Osinttechnical) April 1, 2022
HOstomel airport liberated, RIP world's biggest Antonov
— OSINTtechnical (@Osinttechnical) April 1, 2022
Throughout this, UK weapons have been effective
The Times is reporting that this shootdown of a Russian Mi-28 was by a British Starstreak SAM
— OSINTtechnical (@Osinttechnical) April 2, 2022

mother jones...

all i know is mother jones is cnn level trash
and, any journalist that has to resort to such terms as "QAnonish", as opposed to actually having some proof and balls, and actually backing their claims is also utter trash
fake left at its finest
all aspersions and no substance
right up your alley

oh no, he went npr...
the other day they were casting qanon aspersions too, Im seeing a pattern
it was about questions re. the new appointee but...
propagandaists gotta do what a propagandaist does... i guess...
I love npr... but...

are you a peado lover too, cun?
in homage.

nothing to "." skip
it's a legit. question...
given the context
not literally... but you know...

so is that a yes?
lower sentencing for peados it is then...
that's ok if that's your position mate, but just try and own it... its not a good look all this denial and gaslighting shit...
defund the (peado) police


Despite not commenting anymore Blowin is still subject to insults from the too-tight-to-subscribe Facto / Constance B Gibson.
What is it with that piece of work?
Everything that comes out of his mouth is a lie and everything that goes into his mouth is a dick.
Keep your trashy opinions about other posters to yourself especially when they’re stumping up cash to keep the site operational whilst you just freeload and post filth

Talk about trashy opinions PotSweetBlowinSweet.

For a neo-Marxist group who want to “dismantle capitalism” they sure do love luxury properties…
"Black Lives Matter secretly used $6 million in donations to buy luxurious 6,500-square foot mansion with seven bedrooms and parking for 20 cars in Southern California in 2020 where leaders have filmed YouTube videos"

"Internet reacts to Elon Musk’s massive Twitter buy-in
Elon Musk’s unprecedented Twitter buy-in has divided opinion across the globe, with many at the company firing up at the billionaire “transphobe”.
Love Elon he is a straight shooter and shows that you can be pro renewables etc but also anti woke and dare i say even treads a line of being a conservative even if he wont admit it, and he has bought 9% of twitter, expect that ensure's they cant cancel him.

Biden’s sanctioning of private individuals and confiscating their stuff is setting a dangerous precedent while the world sits back and goes “yeh yeh get em”…going after someone’s kids for the sins of their dad?….or old friends of someone who snapped?….this can only lead to a “police state” globally and look who the instigator is….Joe Briben ….serial corrupt politician with a corrupt family now in charge of taking “ bad people’s “ stuff globally…..not good at all ….and I think my cousin has been up to no good so I better hide my cash somewhere safe because in Biden’s new world order I will be guilty because I was seen having a beer with him last year.

Optimist wrote:Biden’s sanctioning of private individuals and confiscating their stuff is setting a dangerous precedent while the world sits back and goes “yeh yeh get em”…going after someone’s kids for the sins of their dad?….or old friends of someone who snapped?….this can only lead to a “police state” globally and look who the instigator is….Joe Briben ….serial corrupt politician with a corrupt family now in charge of taking “ bad people’s “ stuff globally…..not good at all ….and I think my cousin has been up to no good so I better hide my cash somewhere safe because in Biden’s new world order I will be guilty because I was seen having a beer with him last year.
A bit of a simplistic view you have Optimist. I'd say it's a bit more involved. To dumb it down for you in the case of Putin's family this would be the scenario:
The cash you are hiding is probably mostly your cousin's so you are hiding his cash. If you fessed up and told the police state that $XXX is your cousin's money and $YYY is your money I'm sure they would let you keep your money and leave you alone. If you don't well then you're as complicit as your cousin.

since the Ukraine topic was in this thread
BREAKING: Sweden's Prime Minister has decided to apply for NATO membership
— The Spectator Index (@spectatorindex) April 13, 2022
Tweet reports Sweden just applied for NATO membership. Wow.
Also seeing that Japan is being invited into AUKUS, that makes JAUKUS. Apart from being an excellent acronym, those are the maritime island powers (US in a continent-island, but untouched by WW1 and WW2 nonetheless) of the world. Diplomatic shifts that take decades, are happening in weeks.

NATO Double Speak is real dangerous & does not represent the People.
In accordance of Article 51 UN Charter
EU Mutual Treaty Defence Clause 42(7) EU Nations must each assist in defence of Armed Aggression.
Now that offers iron clad defence from Whole of Europe & not selective as NATO.
eg: Nazis (vs) Commies
Lock it in...EU put in 2nd most money after US...(Rock Solid)
6 NATO nations refuse to assist (Not reliable in Crisis!) + 7 Non NATO Nations are assisting
Just saying if Ukraine chose 100% EU Mutual Defence Security over piss poor cowardly NATO Security...
Ukraine would have 100% Iron clad security, sitting pretty & there would be no War. (Putin : "Correct!")
So why is Media plugging NATO.
NATO need more Exercise Yards to drop more gear on final Commie State Assault.
Operating on 8 fronts with more 325,000 troops...soon 367,300 Troops from Crimea to Arctic.
NATO want Northern front bases to push thru on Norway Russian Border to split Russian forces.
Extra 40,000 NATO (7,000 French) Troops joined by 2,300 Finland/Swedish Troops
Here's a shot of Swedish PM fighting on NATO Russian border Frontline
Sweden / Finland are not Joining NATO for defence but to join Cold Response Russian Invasion.
NATO need them as stepping stones for top end assault...hence the Media flipping the NATO poll.
1996 - 2019 (17-17%) Sweden to join NATO (This low support carries on back to first polls in 80's)
1998 -2021 (5-14%) Finland to Join NATO
These constant low polls can be verified by many the same over the years.
Coincidentally ALL World Media Headlined 1 Fake Poll as backing for their Nazi uprising.
The vote is over 1 month away & needs 75% Vote...don't think we need the Vote...Already a done deal!
Swedish PM is bossing NATO Troops with or without Vote...Ready to kill off the Commies.
Recent pop tart Poll of 1,382 never (Directly) asked if Sweden or Finland should Join NATO.
Left out the details > Not that it matters...Swedish PM looks at home bossing her NATO Troops.
The polls exploited support for Regional Elected National Security to make the right decision.
Thereby placing the onus of guilt on citizens to support their elected leader's decisions on NATO...
Conditional on Finland / Sweden Elected Leaders being in support & Voting as a Block...
Very Same Poll revealed Finland NATO Referendum would fail 41% Yes (vs) 48% No
Likewise Poll revealed Sweden 41% Yes (vs) 35% opposed
Again! That's not news...Fuck that shit! Fairly bleak { Life During Wartime front page }...
1 rigged poll is all it takes to fire up the Nazi War Machine...Let's wipe out the last of the Commies.
Here's another Poll
Should Australia Join the Nazis...err! a bit late tbb!
1998 Contact Country "Partner across the Globe" Similar Strategic Outlook (Example)
1999 Australians troops fight under NATO Command
Unmistakable NATO medal is made in Belgium (Australian NATO (ISAF) Timor-Leste Clasp)
1999 -2013 Australia fought under NATO Command in East Timor.
2001 -2014 Australia fight under NATO Command during Howard 's WMD Campaign.
2004 / 06 Australia address NATO Council.
2005 NATO visit OZ to establish a Brussels Terrorist Threat Post
2006 NATO muscle up "Contact Countries (OZ)"
2008 NATO visit Oz Parliament
2008/9 OZ updates NATO on ISAF Afghanistan Mission + Oz sit in on NATO Security Summit & briefs.
2009/10 Oz Belgium Post becomes EC Ambassador + Heads up Oz Delegation to NATO HQ
2010 NATO visit Oz (Parliamentary Consultations / Public Lecture)
2010 Oz contributes to NATO Trust - including Saloglu Mines, Azerbaijan, Ukraine Medical Rehab
2010 NATO HQ PM Gillard (Slipper Ops) expands Afghanistan to Middle East & Horn of Africa)
2010 NATO summon PM Gillard /Defence Minister to Lisbon Summit (Oz must step up Slipper Ops)
2014 NATO Euro Trash pulled out, leaving Oz to seek out these mysterious WMD that they go on about.
2014 -2015 Oz Operation SLIPPER continued fighting under NATO Command.
One could argue that Australia has fought the most dedicated WAR campaigns under our NATO Flag.
Yes! Each of these Soldiers will be awarded NATO medals ...( These a very real NATO conflicts! )
2015 -2021 NATO > RSM Resolute Support Mission Afghanistan (Non combat - Rebuilding)
Committed to building on the gains in interoperability & cooperation developed thru NATO ISAF.
2012 Joint Political Declaration
2013 Individual Partnership & Cooperation Program
2014 Enhanced Opportunities Partner Status
2017 Individual Partnership & Cooperation Program (Renew)
2019 Renewed Partnership Agreement (Political & Strategic aims for Indo Pacific)
Which makes no sense whatsoever when signing a Northern Atlantic Treaty [ see : NAC+4 ]
Dec 2020 NATO Foreign Ministers + EU + EC ( Discuss China / Shift in Global balance of Power)
June 2021 Brussels Summit [ NAC+4 ] Pacific Partners Dialogue (Japan / South Korea / NZ / OZ.)
re: (2030) Global Treaty Organization GTO...Keen observers : 'Women for Peace / support Nazi Invasions'
March 2022 NATO approve Oz Lethal Aid $70m Missiles / Weapons / Ammo for Ukraine NATO Nazis
Oz 620 FR Poll 82% Yes (vs) 12% No (6?) (tbb is surprised as Oz involves 3rd nations for Arms?)
Considering Ukraine are ultra fussy & Troops prefer Russian made Tanks / Jets / Missiles / Weapons.
Recall the Dude gets off on killing Russians with their own weapons...US/NATO need Russian Weapons.
(Will 82% Oz breach sanctions to buy Lethal Russian Weapons...coz that's wotz goin' down.)
April 2022 China claim OZ is building a Replica Pacific NATO...well durr!

Time is coming where a choice will have to be made. Which side? The one not killing villages, thanks.

currently, Constance. That is all we can control, the present
eg Bucha

Technically that horror has occurred as well, things are now shifting to he Donbas where there are many towns/villages; the Russians will be far more organised and with greater concentration of force so losses for both sides - and civilians - are going to be considerable. Those would be the massacres to stop but it looks like the Russians will not give up their resolve now.

Hopefully while being informed enough by the past so as to have some insight into the future.
Most powers are quite partial to a bit of Bucha, so to speak.

ammunition detonation - ouch
RIA- As a result of a fire on the missile cruiser Moskva, the ammunition detonated, the ship was seriously damaged.
— OSINTtechnical (@Osinttechnical) April 13, 2022

Dont use Twitter but loving Elon more and more every day.
"Elon Musk offers to buy Twitter for $55 billion, says it needs 'transformation'"
"I invested in Twitter as I believe in its potential to be the platform for free speech around the globe, and I believe free speech is a societal imperative for a functioning democracy," Mr Musk says in the filing.
Is Elon Musk angling to take over Twitter — or just 'trolling on a planetary scale'?
Elon Musk spent $4 billion on Twitter shares, publicly criticised the company, and then declined a seat on the board. What just happened?
Elon Musk in a black cowboy hat stands on stage with arms raised
"However, since making my investment I now realise the company will neither thrive nor serve this societal imperative in its current form. Twitter needs to be transformed as a private company," he said in a letter to Twitter chairman Bret Taylor."

A different and knowledgeable perspective on the Ukraine - such a different reality to msm.

What do the UN votes represent & Why does the world at large seem to care so little.
The facts speak for themselves but very few care for the truth.
141/193 Votes overwhelmingly condemn Russia's aggression against Ukraine
[ factcheck ] These 141 Nations represent just 42% of World's citizens.
Only 64% of these same 141 nations will permit Refugee Entry as do 67% of lesser assembly.
Fact : Minority of People from least caring nations get to vote on actions of another Nation?
93/193 Votes to suspend Russia from Human Rights body
Again...Minority block of least populated Nations least welcoming of Reffos vote on Human Rights?
We can actually check to see how many of these Nations will commit to their UN Vote....
Like mean for real? Yes!
33/193 Nations send Military Aid for War. (Not all Nato nations & Just the 4 Pacific Nato Block)
Absolutely No - Sth Africa / Sth America / Central Asia Nations will defend Ukraine.
30/193 Nations Sanction Russia (Some Nato + 4 Pacific Nato)
Absolutely No - Sth Africa / Sth America / Central Asia Nations will impose sanctions (Many Oppose!)
Should not Nations who financed the invasion, first be held to account before those who seek to profit.
Well that sounds more than reasonable & fair...would those fucking evil Nations like to step forward!
Top (2021) Coalition of evil despicable Nations financing this Russian 2022 war...
Germany < (Russia) > China are Rail / Ship Ports for essential EU Telco/Gas/Oil/Power lines.
There was no excuse for US / Oz to blow sanctions & plough record cash into Russia to fund the War.
Buying then reserving Fuel / Fertilizer / Machinery to on sell during their imposed 2022 War Sanctions.
World is now starving & telling Oz / US to shove corrupt white trash sanctioned merch up their arses.
GI Joe financed Putin $13b (2021) > Ukraine $13b (2022) to wipe each other out! (Pick up the spoils!)
Joe's paid preferred partner Putin $18m / day or (5 tanks/day) or 24% on top of Trump's 2020 spend.
Total 2021 US contribution to 2022 Russian Invasion = $74m / day or enough for 20 tanks/day (Nice!)
Putin's biggest Backer...That'd be Bill Gates'...needs cheap enriched Uranium for his yuppie Nuke Plants.
2021 Gates ramped 25% or $500m extra for Putin's Russian War Machine ($1.62bn for 2022 War)
Yes! You bet that Joe exempted Gates from sanctions to ramp funds for Putin's WAR into next Year.
Without Joe's more than generous handout...Putin could not of funded this War...all know it!
Joe stacked all his Troops, loaded up his trolley and counted down until closing hour...Bingo! Winner!
Scomo went in whole Hog on supposed sanctioned Russia...
Highest Russian imports to Oz for 6 years (#1 Fertilizer (up 300%) #2 Fuel (up 50%) #3 Machinery)
Record Exports to Russia as with US trade...peaking as drums of war sound near...(Yes! That obvious!)
Australia is now a Major Arms Dealer that supplies banned nations to commit War Crimes.
Yes! Deny bans & export arms to Russian cohorts in Chile / UAE / Africa / Belarus
Well reported that Oz openly supplies weapons to Russian allies before any NATO mates.
NATO Europe
2017-19 YouGov Poll - Support for NATO.
UK 42 > 25 / Germany 41 > 22 / France 21 > 9 / Denmark 44 > 32 / Norway 54 > 34 / US 25 > 27
2019 YouGov Poll...Countries that France & Germany would be 'unwilling' to Defend...
Ukraine / Turkey / Romania / US.
France refuses to commit to War accountability during Election > Strictly by private arrangement.
Read the Polls 2019 No + 2022 Poll No 17% Don't Know 15% = 32% votes (Better to Say Nothing!)
Feb 2022 Guardian: Should your Country defend Ukraine > (lone) Poland 65% (Rest of EU 21-43%)
Disengaged world & neighbours that care least to best mates that bankroll your enemy.
Oz played a key role in funding & timing of War & knew the score... tbb apologizes to those affected!

The Big Picture -the West needs war

I haven’t believed anything the media says about this war since it was reported that the Russians were putting explosives into children’s toys and the mainstream media were actually repeating it….the whole thing stinks and I don’t know what’s really going on but it’s something only Russia and Ukraine can figure out themselves without everyone flogging off their weaponry to Ukraine to feed the beast…..only a neutral ,good, independent neighbour to Russia type Ukraine …and not a little America will ever be a peaceful Ukraine.
Septic Tanks are going to Septic Tank