Interesting stuff

A good piece re Viruses

@Sypkan and anyone else interested in Modern monetary theory.
Interesting take on things, with a bit of a history lesson thrown in.
"We Are Living Through The Scariest Economic Experiment In History Right Now...And No One Knows It"

Good and timely vid indo.
I'm really hoping we've learnt from history and use the theory/technology to chug along into the golden age.

Didn't know where to put this but a huge win of the Masters by Matsuyama Hideki.
First Japanese male to win a major.

nice to hear zenagain, the guy must be stoked
jozou too, ....whatever that meams

interesting vid indod, glad to see somebody else thinks we're already living it...
...whilst the proponents are still selling it...
all comes down to where the 'modern money' is distributed I guess
either way I just see it as a last ditch effort to prop up a miserably failing system... one last blast 'golden age' before....

I gotta say... thats some staggering numbers...
40% increase in materialising money notes across the world in 13 years...
what could possibly go wrong?

No Modern Monetary Theory or house prices or Japanese golfers but yesterday I did a berm-load of bush work with a bush rat.
Probably get another foot or so height before it's finished, then we've gotta start on the other two berms in the run.

Other interesting things..?
The 'meteor shower' I marvelled at while standing on Sandon Point at 5am this morning - just me and the infinite cosmos - turned out to be Starlink satellites, rocketed into space to litter the heavenly firmament by that fuckwit Musk.

he's clearly taking the piss
and ouch!

shore cancer?

OMG Shoredump that looks heavy.

Fucking hell! Wtf!

No it’s a procedure to give me a better pout. Hopefully I’ll look like a duck soon, and he promised me over a thousand new Instagram followers
Jyst kidding, yeah, good ol cancer. He got it all, so considering it that if it had spread to my lymph nodes it would have been a game changer, then I guess it was a good day

Geez Shoredump, wishing you all the best and a speedy recovery. Fantastic that he got it all. Can I ask what type it was?

Heavy Shoredump...squamous cell carcinoma?

Anyone else have an annual Molemap or something similar. I’ve been doing it for about 5 years now.
Every mole, freckle or anything that looks suss is photographed and checked out by a skin specialist and then compared to previous years

My mate does GF, I've should have done it but starting this year when I do my yearly check up

its about 300 bucks so its not cheap, but money well spent i think

Agree mate

yes SCC
It was sensitive enough when I got home that I thought well, looks like I’m going to fast for a little while. I managed one glass of water in the first 24hrs
I’m on the other side of it all now so all good

I’ve been going to the skin cancer clinic since I was 30. Got to with this skin and I’m always outside. Not heard of that map but it’s a good idea

5:18 am this morning, almost directly overhead this time, travelling S/SW to N/NE at moderate speed, fuckwit Musk's Starlink satellites once again desecrating the night sky.
For those unaware, Starlink is a train of perhaps sixty satellites travelling in a straight line through low orbit.
Unbelievable to think his ambition is to fill the night sky with these abominations and there's been little protest anywhere.

Careful Stu, if you keep on like that he might call you a pedo.

Heavy Shoredump but good they got it all!

Ha ha...dunno if anyone else has seen them, or what your reaction may be, but for me it was a real affront. An unexpected glimpse into the future and it's not a rosy vision.
Nowhere is wilderness now.
More galling was reading about it yesterday and how govts have ceded the grounded to megalomaniacal late-stage capitalists like Musk who are making the whole world, and the space above it, their playthings while fuckwit technocrats play cheerleader and opposition - if there is any - search for a forum to protest against a man who's bigger than most nations.

I've been wondering if blasting so many rockets and satellites into space is damaging the stratosphere/ozone layer?

Thought Musk would be your pin-up boy stu, climate change repairer and all. Don't think a few extra satellites will upset the galaxy too much.
Seems like a bloody expensive way to to provide internet coverage - low orbits decay pretty quickly (there's still enough air at those heights for air resistance to be a problem - slowing the orbital velocity down and causing the satellites to fall out of orbit). Musk's gonna have to be constantly launching satellites to make the program work.
Another thought: it seems the aim is to provide internet to remote locations, far from "civilization"... exactly the type of location astronomers & astrophysicists like to build telescopes to do visible-spectrum astronomy. Some of those areas are designated "clear sky zones" - dunno if there's any legal protection of them? Smells like a fight between Musk and the folks at the SKA (and similar mobs) might be coming in any case.

Here you go Stu
The democratisation of ballistic interception.
And good news Shoredump, hope you go well.

Good lord, the nostalgia!
First vid I clicked on is a photo montage and I dunno if the shots were motivated by foresight, but what treasures they are. Probably seemed positively humdrum at the time - a photo of a shop, cars on a street, a block of units - but viewed now they strikingly illustrate the changes to the built environment. Fuck, even saw my Mum's old shop.
Even better, watched a surf vid and a regular commenter here gets a few waves, plus a gruesome flogging or two.

Watched a couple and the cool LRB track. Is there a better voice on a white man than Glen Shorrock?
The montage one was cool- couldn't help but notice 'Pete's Mexican- on the beach'.
Typical Oz, thought it might have been Pedro but maybe a bit too ethnic for those times.
Ever eat there Stu?

China is really flexing its muscles now, anchoring this massive fleet of ‘fishing’ boats on the Spratley Islands, just off the Phillipines and also a massive incursion into Taiwan airspace over the weekend.
Check out the sheer number of boats in the Spratley Islands satellite image.

SpaceX has regulatory approval to eventually launch more than 12,000 small satellites into low-Earth orbit. OneWeb has 148 in orbit, and hopes to launch a total 648.
Blue Origin, owned by the Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, plans to launch 3,000 satellites.

Blowin, thanks for the Ramdarook heads up. You don't have to have grown up in Aus/NZ in the 70s to appreciate it.

Yeah what’s with that, and the reply button?

Cronulla Manchester and Fabrics. Down the station end of the street.

For all your Manchester and fabric needs.

I hate to spoil the vibe and go baxk there, ...but...
"As protests broke out across the country in the name of Black Lives Matter, the group’s co-founder went on a real estate buying binge, snagging four high-end homes for $3.2 million in the US alone, according to property records.
Patrisse Khan-Cullors, 37, also eyed property in the Bahamas at an ultra-exclusive resort where Justin Timberlake and Tiger Woods both have homes, The Post has learned. Luxury apartments and townhouses at the beachfront Albany resort outside Nassau are priced between $5 million and $20 million, according to a local agent.
The self-described Marxist last month purchased a $1.4 million home on a secluded road a short drive from Malibu in Los Angeles, according to a report. The 2,370-square-foot property features “soaring ceilings, skylights and plenty of windows” with canyon views. The Topanga Canyon homestead, which includes two houses on a quarter-acre, is just one of three homes Khan-Cullors owns in the Los Angeles area, public records show.
Some fellow activists were taken aback by the real estate revelations.
Hawk Newsome, the head of Black Lives Matter Greater New York City, which is not affiliated with Khan-Cullors’ Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation, called for “an independent investigation” to find out how the global network spends its money...."

"She's a grifter. That's what the f--- she is," Scoon said.
a 'grifter'
the irony...
Have it cunts