Solar Power systems

udo's picture
udo started the topic in Sunday, 8 Jun 2014 at 7:50am

Solar power .
set up costs
off grid
grid connected
buy back tariffs
your story

velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno Sunday, 5 Jun 2022 at 2:29pm

Hey Salty - it was a work contract so I don't wish to be specific (great one at that), but perhaps consider who might be a big telecommunications company....

OK - I've got more to add value to this thread, here is the link to the outcomes different solar/battery owners faced in that big June 2021 storm and power outages on Melbourne's eastern outskirts. Required reading, if you want to be independent or build reasonable resilience into your system:

philosurphizingkerching's picture
philosurphizingkerching's picture
philosurphizing... Sunday, 5 Jun 2022 at 4:02pm

My system is smaller than yours probably 3/4 kw.
Gas for cooking, solar hot water with an instantaneous gas hot water system for back up on cloudy days, 12volt chest fridge, which replaced a gas fridge which was consuming 3 gas bottles per year, gas is currently about $140 a bottle, the chest fridge which cost a bit over $2000 paid for itself in 5 years.
My solar panel system has been added to as the trees to the north have grown taller, some of my solar panels are over 30 years old, I should climb up on the roof sometime and check them with a meter.
I only get about 5 hours of sun at the moment 9am till about 2pm, east sloping bush block, lots off tall trees to the west.
Heaps of good DIY tutorials on youtube, one of the best things about youtube is the information sharing.
Rainbow Power Companies website has lots of good info.
I can't believe how cheap solar panels are these days, I recently bought a Victron 175 watt 12v panel for $233 from RPC.

udo's picture
udo's picture
udo Sunday, 5 Jun 2022 at 4:36pm

Philo Saltys system is 2kw he said
Used to fill the big house bottles at the Servo LPG pump when it was under 20c per litre

udo's picture
udo's picture
udo Sunday, 5 Jun 2022 at 6:31pm

saltyone's picture
saltyone's picture
saltyone Monday, 6 Jun 2022 at 9:55am

Thanks vj. Will read the link when I get a moment .
Philo- sounds like a gd simple setup but yes mine a bit bigger .
Isn’t gas price going up though?
I do like the 12 volt fridge idea as I believe regular fridges draw heaps of power.
Cheers Udo . Will suss those videos .
Rang zen to get quote on more panels as still have room for 12 more which would make a 5kw system. Maybe overkill I don’t know . Lots more research gotta do investigate other companies etc . Gut feeling is eventually companies will force you into contracts even with battery setups if leave it too late and may go down road of “subscription “ kinda thing like everything else . Could be wrong but just a hunch ..

donweather's picture
donweather's picture
donweather Monday, 6 Jun 2022 at 12:39pm
saltyone wrote:

Thanks vj. Will read the link when I get a moment .
Philo- sounds like a gd simple setup but yes mine a bit bigger .
Isn’t gas price going up though?
I do like the 12 volt fridge idea as I believe regular fridges draw heaps of power.
Cheers Udo . Will suss those videos .
Rang zen to get quote on more panels as still have room for 12 more which would make a 5kw system. Maybe overkill I don’t know . Lots more research gotta do investigate other companies etc . Gut feeling is eventually companies will force you into contracts even with battery setups if leave it too late and may go down road of “subscription “ kinda thing like everything else . Could be wrong but just a hunch ..

This is why platforms like these guys will be the way of the future. People are beginning to realise the energy provider is ripping you off and making money from YOUR asset (solar panels) that that energy provider paid absolutely zero for!!

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Monday, 6 Jun 2022 at 8:24pm

Walkin' on the Sun { Exclusive to #1 Swellnet}

STC (Small-Scale Tech Certificate) Reduces each year until ending in Jan 2032
2032 : Solar Power Rebates + ZEV ( Zero Emission Vehicles) Rebates (Finish)
Highest (Photovoltaic Power) Potential rebate Map & rewards most efficient (4) Solar "Power" Zones.

Highest rebates least pop Central west Oz radiate Outward > 30% less rebated cooler high pop zones.
1 West-Central > 2 greater N/W-East > 3 East Coast + Perth / Adelaide > 4 South Albany / Vic / Tas.

STC is determined by Market Price ( Currently rising to Max $40 with New Govt confidence)
Companies charge 7.5% for on-selling yer STC

STC Solar Hot Water Rebate reduces each year until ending in Dec 2030
( Solar 'Hot Water' Rebate Map) Scrolls (5) Zones 1 Latitude North Tropics > 5 South Gondwana.

Solar (Power / Water) Map Zones oddly reward STCs in reverse. (Why!) That's for (4) main reasons.

1. Hottest regions max out Peak Power during Peak Solar harvest to feed hungry Air Cons / Freezers.
2. North brew boiling hot Water during peak harvest but seldom use any to warrant any STC credits.
3. Reverse Zones dictates that Solar Power Rebates are offset (Reverse) to Solar Hot Water Rebates.
4. Reverse Zone Maps dictate the Policy of Solar Power (vs) Solar Hot Water (Choose either / either)
Noting mid Oz Pop zones could offer 50% equal Rebates on each...(Allowing for STC Price % offset.)
STC Hot Water Rebates

Recap : Solar Power Rebate Zones (vs) Solar Hot Water Rebate Zones look similar but opposite! Ok!
So if it sounds dodgy when buying a mixed pack deal's the only thing that isn't dodgy...Huh!

Most States offer EV rebates $3-3,500 for vehicles to $70,000 or free rego / stamp duty
National Solar Subsidy : 6.6kW $3,000 is said to be already defaulted off each State's Sales Pricing.
So these rebates are further again! (Cough!) Possibly! Hard to say, as Oz doesn't make any!

State Solar - Rebates- Hot Water - Batteries - EV + (No Interest Loans + Low income rebates)
NSW - 6kW $ 2,849 > 10kW $4,774 (Note : No Hot Water > Battery Deals?) > Nsw Home Packs!
Vic - 10kW $4,774 / SHW $1,000-Heaters $700 / Batteries $2,950 / Panels / Inverters -$180k income
Note : Vic affords $1,400 for both Solar Power + Solar Hot Water Rebates to same Households
Qld - 5kW $ 2,812 / SHW $200 + $500 trade in / Batteries $3,000 (On Hold) / EV Rebate-Rego-Duty
SA - 6kW $3,157 / SHW $900 (Cards) / *Batteries $2-3,000 (New Alp Govt > Scrapping Batteries?)
+ (Adelaide/Feds $1-2,000 / home Heaters)
WA - SHW $ 700 (S-Gas)
Tas - 6.6kW $ 2,971
ACT - SHW $1,200 / Battery $3,500 (50% off) / Low Income $2,500 rebates
NT - Pre 2020 Solar 14,000 FIT cut early to fund 2,000 x $6,000 Batteries (Dodgy...dumping ground!)

State review - Panels Ok! > Hot Water on/off > Battery deals (Well dodgy!) > Loans + EV are Ok!

2022 Govt Battery Deals echo 2005-2011 Rushed Federal Solar / Hot Water / Batts > Battlezone.

{WARNING!} Solar Battery Neighbourhood Bomb factory Recalls!
Govts are baulking big'd wanna check out that Hot Mess real proper before signing up!
tbb suggests to let that cool down until some sorta guarantee of "Safe" product & install!
Doubt if you'd get Home Insurance... ACCC already recalling nearly all of these Bombs! Kaboom!
Germany Solar Batteries start 5 home fires / month ... be like getting an X-ray each trip to the garage!
Middle of Winter! Pretty warm in here Luv! Just gonna raise the Roof a little... stand back a bit! Further!

FIT ~ Feed in Tariff = Discount off Bill
Standard Govt / Company Tariff = 0 > 10c kW
Provider Upfront Deals = Start at 10 > 12c kW ( Usually for 1 bill ) or *Lock in Long term 13c Deals.
Company Package Deals = 10/12 > 40c kW Ltd ( eg : [Corp Slave] Solar - Panels + Water + Battery? )
Cheap Govt Packs = Dumping Ground for Battery powered Bombs! (So Sorry! How could we know!)

read the fine print (t&c) = Off peak limits > Peak Restrictions to suit Family Use.

(Bomb Recall)
Fed schemers...tbb paid for Howard's Solar / Hot Water which evaporated into thin air!
Tip : Best to get ripped off sooner & later on these suss Govt schemes!
2005-7 : Howard's slick 90% rebated Solar Water + Panel deals > (For Mixed Card Holders)
90% Overinflated deals with $14k rebated [L] Donor loan > [L] Shopfronts vanished before ink was dry.
90% paid for but never got our Hot Water copped a cold shower.
Howard's sign up of No HWS ...disqualified us from Rudd's batts & State's Hot Water schemes!
Being truthful > tbb was lucky as a day after, the neighbours & 1,000's more missed out on panels.
[L] + Alp Pollies : "You can't have both or either, so you losers can just crawl back into yer hovels!" Nice!

Today's Family Bomb disposal units be like drooling over past Govt fleecing of Golden Breed Hodads.
Today's Sunnyboys : "I suffer nightmares of not being blown up in my own home!"
Those fuckin' lazy fat arsed Boomerz get all the sweet deals...All get equally fucked in the head...Right!

Pre 2011 Golden Breed come with Sunset Claws (Time capsule is cast into our Sun Dials) re: below.

Which Solar Flares make yer bottom line smaller? (Never said that!)
Before wrestling with climate change rooms numbers & hangups
Corps offset High Feed in Tariffs with higher supply / usage rates (Premier : F.U! I said Crush them!)
Also note some FIT / Packs have Max kW/hr & 1/4 limits.(Power Hungry might check yer penalty rates!)

Choose > High Feed in Tariff...
* Large Systems (Above 5kW)
* No / Low day usage
* Package Deal is too restrictive = Off Peak clipping (vs) Offsetting Premium Peak

Choose Package Deal...(Hunt around for *longer term low Tariffs)
*Small System (Under 5kW)
*Night Shift worker > Power Mad off peak binger
*Own yer own Battery

FIT Table.
pre 2011 > (Standard) > Packs? > Long term > Notes
2016 NSW > 0 - 9c > 40c 1 bill > *13c
2024 Vic > 0 - 10.2c > 10c 1 bill > 12c
2028 Qld > 0 - 8.3c > 40c 1 bill > 12c
2028 SA > 0 - 10.75c > 40c 1 bill > 10.75c
End WA > 0 - 3c > (No 'Govt only' packs) > 10c + ( Standard offer > 7.1c up to 5kW)
End Tas > 0 - 7c > (No Corp Packs) > 10c
End ACT > 0 - 9c > 40c 1 bill > 10c
2022 NT > 0 - 8.3c ( $6k Rebate ) > 11c (July 2022 end of NT Golden Era > Family Bomb disposal era!)

Smash Mouth ~
It's just like any Fad, it retracts before impact and just like fashion it's a passion for the with it and hip, if you got the goods they'll come and buy it, just to stay in the clique.
So don't delay, supplies are runnin' out, allow if you're still alive, six to eight years to arrive and if you follow, their maybe a tomorrow, but if the offer's shunned you might as well be Walkin' on the Sun.

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Thursday, 16 Jun 2022 at 1:41pm

All night Long TV binge... "Energy Crisis!" "System Overlode!" "Power Shedding!" "This is the End!"

Yeah! Yeah! These Power Mad Bullies never carry out their threats...New super cool Govt will save us!

This Morning....Power Outage all over the Town...Crikey! It really is the beginning of the End!
Quick! To the letter boxes...checkin' for any [ Yer Power was turned off yesterday post it note ]
All open our usual Extortion Letters...Power Bill goes up in 2 weeks or else Punkz...Ok!
So! Nothin' suss..just the usual Hate Mail!

By now...pleading with the Bullies to leave us little guys alone!
Emergency Pow Wow...out the back the first wave of The Wyalla Wipeout is rising up...Fark!
All just knew this was the last town meeting...

Crisis diverted...Bob the Backhoe took out the Main Cable...3 hrs later...
"It's all cool...can carry on with yer Power Crisis!"

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Saturday, 9 Mar 2024 at 12:47am

1980 CLP NT Cabinet Election Promise

[Confidential] Northern Territory Department of Mines and Energy
14th July 1980 : Initiated
30th July 1980 : Prepared & Submitted to Minister
Country Liberal Party Policy : $96,000 (10% Solar Rebate Scheme)
Subsidies $80,000 + Admin $8,000 + Ads $8,000
Initial Year operations require $75,000

Businesses / Houses > excludes Electricity Buy Back & Housing Commission
Eligible : Solar Hot Water / Heaters / Air Conditioning
Point of Sale Rebate > excludes Install, Parts & Labour

Notes! (Conversion > New System Cashback Scheme)
Conversion excludes existing Hot Water system Removal / Trade in / Disposal?

Why tbb thinks this Policy is worth sharing...well!
Extraordinary pioneering policy sets itself annual emissions targets
Formulates Annual Emission Reductions offset by Fuel Savings (Value)
Base use Hot Water : 5kWh's /day =1.8L Fuel or 0.5 tonnes of fuel / residence annually
Solar Hot Water System saves 0.5 tonnes of fuel / residence annually
Rebate equates to $100 (Average) or $100 saving of Annual Cost of 0.5 tonnes of Fuel.
Implies neutral annual bill cost, thereby an average $1,000 system pays for itself within 10 years!

Commencement Date 1st July 1981
1982...66.....129.....98.. $10,468
1983...66.....135..166.. $17,762
1984...66.....142..237.. $25,359
1985...66.....145..310.. $33,170
1986...66.....156..393.. $42,050

re: Solar Subsidy Scheme Certificate (Installation + Receipt Inspection)
Also states Size & Type of Solar Equipment!
Implies it's more than a Retail Rebate > { Must be Installed by certified Trades }
In other words...operating within in the in an assured measured Govt power saving reward!
Form also warns of Legal Proceeding for any false declaration (Unit Price & or Measured Compliance!)

Happy to share this rather surprising pioneering NT Country Liberal Party Climate Change Policy
It is what it is & stands the test of time.
Pays to consider that 1980 NT CLP were frontline proponents for lowering emissions...WTF happened!

PS : tbb believes there were other Govt incentives for Solar Hot Water Systems...
Just because they're not online...don't mean this wasn't a thing...this Doc proves that...

Only coz tradie tbb inquired to owners when seeing them fitted into new homes!
Pretty sure State's offered "incentives" thru the years...
Can't say for sure if this NT scheme was ever implemented as a one year trial as proposed!
Be cool if crew know any more to share more of these pioneering Carbon credit Schemes

For the record : Couldn't find any further Solar Docs in 1982-86 NT Archives
1981 NT Average weekly Male earnings $359 was higher than Oz avg $304
Post Cyclone elevated NT House =$70,000
This Govt page was updated 2024 (Not sure why they included this Election Promise?)

Currently filed under Dept of Territory Families, Housing and Communities
Which is kinda odd as this Solar Scheme excluded Housing Commission Rebates!
Just wondering if Albo is gonna retrofit Solar into Housos...Anyone?

ashsam's picture
ashsam's picture
ashsam Thursday, 2 May 2024 at 8:53pm

Nearly 8 years now with our 5.4kw system.
40 square home with ducted air and pool.
Probably about halved our bill, did a deal that was 2 years interest free so payed for itself.
BUT this year bills have gone back to what we were paying without solar.
Not sure it’s worth it if you are not home much using it up, FIT you get back is so small.
Maybe need a bigger system now.

donweather's picture
donweather's picture
donweather Friday, 3 May 2024 at 3:08pm
ashsam wrote:

Nearly 8 years now with our 5.4kw system.
40 square home with ducted air and pool.
Probably about halved our bill, did a deal that was 2 years interest free so payed for itself.
BUT this year bills have gone back to what we were paying without solar.
Not sure it’s worth it if you are not home much using it up, FIT you get back is so small.
Maybe need a bigger system now.

or a battery

ashsam's picture
ashsam's picture
ashsam Friday, 3 May 2024 at 7:44pm
donweather wrote:
ashsam wrote:

Nearly 8 years now with our 5.4kw system.
40 square home with ducted air and pool.
Probably about halved our bill, did a deal that was 2 years interest free so payed for itself.
BUT this year bills have gone back to what we were paying without solar.
Not sure it’s worth it if you are not home much using it up, FIT you get back is so small.
Maybe need a bigger system now.

or a battery

Was quoted over $15k for a battery can’t see it being worth it.

AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace Sunday, 16 Mar 2025 at 8:33am
udo wrote:

Piss weak State and Federal Governments caving into the ‘poor old’ fossil fuel providers who claim they don’t make much money. What a fucking joke.

All that a side, it should not be the sole determinant as to why you choose solar for a home set up, surely it’s more than the ‘dollar’ , it’s about doing the right thing for the environment and your kids future and all species globally that are on the brink of extinction.
I love knowing, it costs me nothing to run a system, I’m not using stinking aged technology systems from gross polluters and that I make the energy I use from the sun. It’s a clear not guilty feeling I enjoy daily.
It could not be made any simpler for folks these days, join the club, it’s a great overwhelming feeling. AW