Interesting things too

Just read Joan Didion's extract to my partner after talking about the fires in LA, as I did so the last week's hot muggy, sleep deprived weather has given way to an overcast sky with slight rain and the odd bit of thunder - perfect foreshadowing for the story.

Just watched The Center Will Not Hold as recommended by @Roker ^^ (thanks).
I found it compelling viewing.

Very interesting - these were urban fires.

velocityjohnno wrote:Very interesting - these were urban fires.
Good read, thanks. Can see plenty of potential parallels here.

udo wrote:
What’s Ivan Florence on about now?

Alana_a wrote:udo wrote:What’s Ivan Florence on about now?
he's karening about divisiveness without seeing the irony. waste of good galv.

basesix wrote:Alana_a wrote:udo wrote:What’s Ivan Florence on about now?
he's karening about divisiveness without seeing the irony. waste of good galv.
I think he's been partaking in a bit of that Howler Head behind him!!

Big chunk of ice heading towards South Georgia Island.

Hi Blackers that is one big bit of ice. Thick, getting stuck on the sea floor for a while. Hope we can see footage if South Georgia cops it.

Another teenager heading south looking for territory. It’ll end up in the Mary River for sure. Been quite a few there over the years.
Elliott Heads is a beautiful stretch of white sand south through Coonar and Kinkuna. Kinkuna is a great camp spot.

seeds wrote:Another teenager heading south looking for territory. It’ll end up in the Mary River for sure. Been quite a few there over the years.
Elliott Heads is a beautiful stretch of white sand south through Coonar and Kinkuna. Kinkuna is a great camp spot.
That’s getting pretty far south for them isn’t it seeds?

That's crazy i use to fish and wade/walk along mangrove mud flats in creeks just near there on Fraser island setting crab pots at low tide.
My friends that live there still would.
Ive got to get back there for a visit, its a beautiful place, i loved living there its just the waves were so shit, the beach is just too long and straight, 99% of time its a barely surfable shore break, and and out the back across a very deep wide channel the bank is so narrow you are lucky to get in a bottom turn before it hits deep water, such a pity. (and truly sharky waters too)

Surfed Indian Head inside corner once and a lousy beachie near Happey Valley once the one time I took a board. It’s not worth taking a board.
Heading up to Orchid in May for a week. Always a good trip.

Happy valley is about the best area along that long beach too, theres a little bit of coffee rock around there, it needs a small east swell for a few days to get any type of banks but then any south swell washes it all away again very quickly.
Indian head has potential but is so sharky, the next beach and waddy have potential, but rarely live up to the potential.
I did see Waddy quite good once on the inside but of course i didnt bring my board, you look at the set up and think it should be like the superbank but its weird, it just sections all the way down the point most of the time rarely giving you time to get one or two turns in.
I was only there for two years though over 15 years ago, so who knows the bank might have really changed now, double island bank is totally different to what it use to be.
I use to see lots of cars with boards on the roof, but only a handful of times seen others surfing.
Nature is so cruel sometimes.

Yeah Waddy does ya head in. You’d think it’d be the longest wave in the world.
I’d like to see what happens when a decent NE cyclone swell pushed in there. I’ve seen two sharks there swim right along the rocks of the point while fishing.

hey Andy-Mac
Question in the US thread was hypersonic related, here's the best simulation I could find regarding if they made surface ships/carriers obsolete. The visuals are what it would look like, there are limitations to simulation, and if you fire enough, one will surely get through? So magazine depth matters a lot.

velocityjohnno wrote:hey Andy-Mac
Question in the US thread was hypersonic related, here's the best simulation I could find regarding if they made surface ships/carriers obsolete. The visuals are what it would look like, there are limitations to simulation, and if you fire enough, one will surely get through? So magazine depth matters a lot.
Cheers VJ.
Will give that a look today. Thanks for posting.

I guess when he pulled out of competing this year he lost his spot letting someone else on tour be able to compete at Pipe, but now he has been given a spot as a wild card to compete so he wont be taking away anyone's spot.
I see it as his good deed being rewarded by WSL, plus more viewer's for them if he competes.
Seems like a win win for everyone. other competitor's, JJF, viewer's, WSL, only loser is whoever misses out on the wild card he has been given.

I’ve changed my fantasy pick yet again . First world problems I know .

velocityjohnno wrote:hey Andy-Mac
Question in the US thread was hypersonic related, here's the best simulation I could find regarding if they made surface ships/carriers obsolete. The visuals are what it would look like, there are limitations to simulation, and if you fire enough, one will surely get through? So magazine depth matters a lot.
Thanks VJ.
Watched clip. Very interesting, did not realise that air defence from vessels were so effective.
Simulation had offensive missiles launched from ships on route is my interpretation.
What is deal with flight range of jets from these carriers? Tried to find out online but all a bit inconclusive from my view.
Would scenario change if aircraft carrier had to be closer to land mass it wished to attack for planes to make missions, meaning many more missiles could be launched?
What is really confronting is the money spent on these machines of death.
Geez humans get your act together and learn to live with each other, that money could be better spent helping humanity thrive...

OK with the carrier range - it's actually decreased since the cold war. Compared to the old planes, the F18's have a shorter range, so a carrier has to park itself more in harm's way to be more effective. Yes - aircraft can get tanker top ups. There was an article called 'Retreat from Range' I read ages ago. In any Taiwan situation the carriers are thought to initially be way back, out nearer Guam for the missile reason - and the nuclear cruise missile subs become the main strike weapon as they are harder to detect and can do more damage at range. They are 'capital ships' today.
For the scenario, there are others online that show the missiles getting through, so who knows really. People comment online that the Chinese would send 400 at a carrier, people wonder if the hypersonics are modelled to include manoeuvring, etc etc. One thing mentioned is that to do this, the missile would slow down in it's terminal run which would make it easier to shoot down... There were USN destroyers that were taking out incoming ballistic missiles in space over Israel recently.
The 'peace dividend' of the cold war is evaporating as new great power competition emerges.

velocityjohnno wrote:OK with the carrier range - it's actually decreased since the cold war. Compared to the old planes, the F18's have a shorter range, so a carrier has to park itself more in harm's way to be more effective. Yes - aircraft can get tanker top ups. There was an article called 'Retreat from Range' I read ages ago. In any Taiwan situation the carriers are thought to initially be way back, out nearer Guam for the missile reason - and the nuclear cruise missile subs become the main strike weapon as they are harder to detect and can do more damage at range. They are 'capital ships' today.
For the scenario, there are others online that show the missiles getting through, so who knows really. People comment online that the Chinese would send 400 at a carrier, people wonder if the hypersonics are modelled to include manoeuvring, etc etc. One thing mentioned is that to do this, the missile would slow down in it's terminal run which would make it easier to shoot down... There were USN destroyers that were taking out incoming ballistic missiles in space over Israel recently.
The 'peace dividend' of the cold war is evaporating as new great power competition emerges.
Thanks for reply VJ.

A gentle reminder that nothing on the internet is real anymore (not even this post, maybe)
and that if you find yourself subject to a manhunt on national TV news, it might be deepfake scammers


seeds wrote:Another teenager heading south looking for territory. It’ll end up in the Mary River for sure. Been quite a few there over the years.
Elliott Heads is a beautiful stretch of white sand south through Coonar and Kinkuna. Kinkuna is a great camp spot.
It’s at Inskip.
About 10 years ago the croc warning signs that you see up north went up at Inskip for 6 months. I wonder if they’ll do it again. I’m sure it’ll find the Mary River eventually.

Carbon 14 batteries look interesting….bristol university succeed in building one sealed in synthetic diamond.
Baby steps now but……

Earlier today I drank a rather large mug of , ahem , *Special * coffee and then watched my wifes uncles goatherd destroy a patch of weeds and shrubs.Mate,those fuckers are better than any whippersnipper that you can buy.
Poetry in motion.

Some cool pics....

So I’ve drank my coffee and watched the goats
Currently on a Tuak bender due to a couple of weddings with my wife’s mob
Geez that shit sorts you out.
Anyway off to the coast to get a wave or two

For those that dont know what Tuak is it's pretty much the same as Arak evil stuff, i think its a combination of fermented rice and coconut.

Lo khao make you mao mao!

Those houses look a bit too close to the ocean with that erosion happening. (J Bay)

always worth going back to

Hokulea's 50th anniversary livestream for those interested.

southernraw wrote:Hokulea's 50th anniversary livestream for those interested.
Some great insights...'our ancestors were guided by a dimension we cannot see, because of what we've been taught"

"Hanging bats filmed upside-down look like a Goth nightclub"

stunet wrote:"Hanging bats filmed upside-down look like a Goth nightclub"
That is fantastic. can see the similarities.

Coming up next, on Sick Sad World:

Had no idea the west coast of Newfoundland could get such big surf.
And incredible flying by the RCAF!
For when one interesting things thread isn't enough.