The United States(!) of A

burleigh wrote:lol:
Is this similar to the transgender mice?

Roadkill wrote:burleigh wrote:lol: this similar to the transgender mice?
And don't forget "The Enola Gay" whose place in history is being eliminated under the DEI purge.

Optimist wrote:You won’t believe this… wife’s Acer computer just crapped itself….just over 2 years old……1 years warranty……all her photos on it….not backed up.
I flipped it over and read the bottom….MADE IN CHINA.
Yep I’m guilty as charged……never again…..
Hey opti you can buy a cable, take out the old hard drive which is easy enough to do, connect it to another computer and all her photos and files should still b there. Ive done it w 2 laptops that carked it and it worked fine.

^ Another promising tall tale. (You won’t believe this…..)
Even got some believing in the sacrament of a laid cable.

I like the conspiracy that Trump announces tariffs , then market goes down , then Trump & mates buy stock on the low , then Trump pauses tariffs for a month , makes a profit on stocks when they come back up , then repeats cycle. Surely there is a YouTube video about it ……isn’t there ?

tearymasseuse wrote:^ Another promising tall tale. (You won’t believe this…..)
Even got some believing in the sacrament of a laid cable.
eh? Just trying to help. That a crime?

Nothing directed at you southern, your remedy works.
The original “optimistic” tale I’m betting is fraudulent, just going on the author’s imaginative prose.
But hey, no proof, so you’d have to just believe it.

ah ok. My bad. Sorry. No probs.

Supafreak wrote:I like the conspiracy that Trump announces tariffs , then market goes down , then Trump & mates buy stock on the low , then Trump pauses tariffs for a month , makes a profit on stocks when they come back up , then repeats cycle. Surely there is a YouTube video about it ……isn’t there ?
Great theory. Have you purchased stocks?

@burleigh shouldn't you be slithering back into your little hole. You've made an absolute fool of yourself last few days. Laughing stock of SN and surfing community and easily the dumbest commenter in it's history.

southernraw wrote:@burleigh shouldn't you be slithering back into your little hole. You've made an absolute fool of yourself last few days. Laughing stock of SN and surfing community and easily the dumbest commenter in it's history.
Randomly attacking me on three seperate forums now. Kinda weird Southern, you're obsessed.
Tension building stage in full swing.

Just doing what you do on the daily to everyone else.
Noticed you completely wimped out when you were confronted with facts on the Goldy situation.
Not that it matters. I don't believe you're a real person. Nobody could be that stupid.
But the question is..why?? Yep i'll keep trolling you, as that seems acceptable these days on Swellnet. Gonna go reply to the crew who had trees falling on their house on the other thread or have those balls you bragged about shrivelled up?
This is a good site ruined by trolling by you.

Speaking of the Goldy or Goldie how's the erosion.
I blame Trump, no actually Elon,,,yeah Elons fault all the emission from those Tesla's caused it


southernraw wrote:Just doing what you do on the daily to everyone else.
Noticed you completely wimped out when you were confronted with facts on the Goldy situation.
Not that it matters. I don't believe you're a real person. Nobody could be that stupid.
But the question is..why?? Yep i'll keep trolling you, as that seems acceptable these days on Swellnet. Gonna go reply to the crew who had trees falling on their house on the other thread or have those balls you bragged about shrivelled up?
This is a good site ruined by trolling by you.
i stand 100% by what i said in the other forums. No need to keep on going with it. I'll go post on another page so you can follow me there champ. Hope the giant golf ball is ok.

indo-dreaming wrote:Speaking of the Goldy or Goldie how's the erosion.
I blame Trump, no actually Elon,,,yeah Elons fault all the emission from those Tesla's caused it
Love the karens/southerns complaining about the beaches eroding when it's a completely normal process that's been happening forever.

yep, and the highways and skyscrapers hold it all in check,
as god intended. fucken commie, beachhuggin karens!
probably gonna get lefty grants to study erosion..
haha, it's sooo cool, they're soooo triggered right now!
#combatmuskhate #trumpnormalisedozchapter

basesix wrote:yep, and the highways and skyscrapers hold it all in check,
as god intended. fucken commie, beachhuggin karens!
probably gonna get lefty grants to study erosion..
haha, it's sooo cool, they're soooo triggered right now!
#combatmuskhate #trumpnormalisedozchapter
Storms and erosion are normal. You my friend are not

The only "normal" i have found to hold true can be found on a washer or dryer setting.

haha, yep, bit harsh, soz. love your work @burls.
my favourite thing in the world is that we are given choice and the opportunity to see things differently to each other. I've met some dead-eyed people over the weekend from places that have had that taken away. full-on shit, i'm sure you'd agree.

burleigh wrote:southernraw wrote:Just doing what you do on the daily to everyone else.
Noticed you completely wimped out when you were confronted with facts on the Goldy situation.
Not that it matters. I don't believe you're a real person. Nobody could be that stupid.
But the question is..why?? Yep i'll keep trolling you, as that seems acceptable these days on Swellnet. Gonna go reply to the crew who had trees falling on their house on the other thread or have those balls you bragged about shrivelled up?
This is a good site ruined by trolling by you.i stand 100% by what i said in the other forums. No need to keep on going with it. I'll go post on another page so you can follow me there champ. Hope the giant golf ball is ok.
Hmm. Ok.
Whoever you are, and whatever your motivation is to bait people on all the different threads, (because it's clear you're not here to discuss anything at any great depth) ask yourself, is it really, seriously worth the karmic loop that you're putting yourself in? Creating negativity instead of positivity amongst your fellow humans. Because that karma come's around, in many ways.
Go well Burleigh, i'll leave you be. I wish no harm on anyone, and honestly, i've spent way too much valuable time trying to make a point to you. For your own benefit
Pretty sure i've made my point. Take it or leave it.

hey, @southern, that quip I made about a feller being a retro sexist kirra anachronism last week wasn't about you, though he had the same name, it was the guy filming, what a legend for doing it, not someone i'd have a long chat with. I'm sure you know that, just wanted to clarify seeing as there was dobbing not even swellnet related being reported to sn.. so stoked I got the swellnet tinhat stamp of 'not normal' tonight. I feel kinda lighter and happier : )

Nah all g @base. although i resent that it wasn't me. haha.
Ha! yeah, would be nice to get rid of the baiting and negative shit that comes with it tbh.

Europe urgently needs to arm themselves. It’s obviously boiling in Ukraine but you also have significant issues in Georgia, Moldavia and Bosnia. Presidential elections in Romania are a mess, massive protests in Serbia could go anywhere. And Kosovo problem will never die. It feels like the old, buried spirits are coming to life again. There are quite a few US senators visiting, commenting various parts of Europe. Something’s going on. I have a feeling that Trump just wants to get the fuck out of there otherwise the US will be super stretched between Europe, Middle East, China/Pacific and domestic/border and more broadly, Americas issues.

A Salty Dog wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:Hmm. i dont know you read so many different views even from so called experts on this topic.
It just seems crazy that we have these free trade agreement's with places like China import all this cheap stuff and have zero chance of manufacturing anything in Australia even just sending mineral's to China instead of processing here and adding value.
Selected tariffs to me make's sense to wind things back or try to diversify and not be so reliant on China, for USA with such a big population it make's even more sense.
Covid i thought was a wake up call, to try to bring some manufacturing back to the West.
I think there is a bit of a if Trump says black, we say white thing with this topic though.
Trumps not silly he is doing something even if it's just a way to negotiate different things through tarrifs
I think it was you who said the other week he is smarter than people think, the way he has managed Israel and Ukraine to just get thing's moving in different direction's.
Forget the lobsters Indo, look at car manufacturing.
Trump has a plan to apply 25% tariffs to automotive components. What he didn’t realise was these components can cross the Canadian and Mexican borders up to seven times before being assembled into the finished vehicle.
This article from the Cato Institute (of all people!) explains the application of tariffs in detail.
Now Trump has given the local manufacturers a few weeks to relocate all their component suppliers inside US borders. Should be easy.
Ultimately this will add thousands to the cost of a US manufactured vehicle and every car buyer will feel it.
Trump and his “advisors” clearly have no idea how international trade works and the finer points of “Comparative Advantage”. He believes a country of 20 million should have “balanced” trade with a country of 300 million. He is a complete simpleton masquerading as a bully.
One more thing, while it is my opinion stock markets are populated with con men, shonks and shysters, the markets do act as a barometer for a countries economy. They thrive on prosperous profitable industry but above all on certainty.
Now look at what has happened to markets since Trump started to “even things up” with tariffs. Tariffs applied one day are postponed the next, and no one knows what is going on.
The markets don’t like all this indecision, not to mention the inflationary implications of tariffs. Check how your Super balance has dropped in the last six weeks, to see how it’s affected you: it’s cost me a fair slab of money.
This whole Trump thing will in my opinion, end in disaster.
More and more Americans are now realising they have elected an idiot.
In regards to your last sentence, I had interesting conversations today with 2 acquaintances who voted for Trump. The one says he's barely slept in weeks and feels incredibly guilty for voting for him. The other thinks he's intentionally trying to crater the economy to precipatate riots that will give him an excuse to declare martial law.
Not sure if this will sound believable, but I've spoken to a half dozen people in the last week who are trying to find a country they can emigrate to. None of whom had any interest in leaving the country previously.
Friends of mine who are from Latin America (here legally) say they have adjusted shopping habits. No more Walmart, as rumors are that immigration authorities are posting up there. They work, then go home. One family member goes shopping once a week, to minimize the chance of being detained.
Today Senator (and combat veteran) Mark Kelly gave his post-visit assessment of the situation in Ukraine. Musk immediately labeled him a "Traitor."
His first presidency seemed like a tiresome reality show. I imagine this is how it felt in 1922 Italy.

mick66 wrote:A Salty Dog wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:Hmm. i dont know you read so many different views even from so called experts on this topic.
It just seems crazy that we have these free trade agreement's with places like China import all this cheap stuff and have zero chance of manufacturing anything in Australia even just sending mineral's to China instead of processing here and adding value.
Selected tariffs to me make's sense to wind things back or try to diversify and not be so reliant on China, for USA with such a big population it make's even more sense.
Covid i thought was a wake up call, to try to bring some manufacturing back to the West.
I think there is a bit of a if Trump says black, we say white thing with this topic though.
Trumps not silly he is doing something even if it's just a way to negotiate different things through tarrifs
I think it was you who said the other week he is smarter than people think, the way he has managed Israel and Ukraine to just get thing's moving in different direction's.
Forget the lobsters Indo, look at car manufacturing.
Trump has a plan to apply 25% tariffs to automotive components. What he didn’t realise was these components can cross the Canadian and Mexican borders up to seven times before being assembled into the finished vehicle.
This article from the Cato Institute (of all people!) explains the application of tariffs in detail.
Now Trump has given the local manufacturers a few weeks to relocate all their component suppliers inside US borders. Should be easy.
Ultimately this will add thousands to the cost of a US manufactured vehicle and every car buyer will feel it.
Trump and his “advisors” clearly have no idea how international trade works and the finer points of “Comparative Advantage”. He believes a country of 20 million should have “balanced” trade with a country of 300 million. He is a complete simpleton masquerading as a bully.
One more thing, while it is my opinion stock markets are populated with con men, shonks and shysters, the markets do act as a barometer for a countries economy. They thrive on prosperous profitable industry but above all on certainty.
Now look at what has happened to markets since Trump started to “even things up” with tariffs. Tariffs applied one day are postponed the next, and no one knows what is going on.
The markets don’t like all this indecision, not to mention the inflationary implications of tariffs. Check how your Super balance has dropped in the last six weeks, to see how it’s affected you: it’s cost me a fair slab of money.
This whole Trump thing will in my opinion, end in disaster.
More and more Americans are now realising they have elected an idiot.
In regards to your last sentence, I had interesting conversations today with 2 acquaintances who voted for Trump. The one says he's barely slept in weeks and feels incredibly guilty for voting for him. The other thinks he's intentionally trying to crater the economy to precipatate riots that will give him an excuse to declare martial law.
Not sure if this will sound believable, but I've spoken to a half dozen people in the last week who are trying to find a country they can emigrate to. None of whom had any interest in leaving the country previously.
Friends of mine who are from Latin America (here legally) say they have adjusted shopping habits. No more Walmart, as rumors are that immigration authorities are posting up there. They work, then go home. One family member goes shopping once a week, to minimize the chance of being detained.Today Senator (and combat veteran) Mark Kelly gave his post-visit assessment of the situation in Ukraine. Musk immediately labeled him a "Traitor."
His first presidency seemed like a tiresome reality show. I imagine this is how it felt in 1922 Italy.
Hard to believe we are living with this, thought Trump would be idiot again, but this is getting next level.
This will not end well.

mick66 wrote:In regards to your last sentence, I had interesting conversations today with 2 acquaintances who voted for Trump.
Any idea if they believed him when he said he wasn't involved in Project 2025, cos it's off to the races.

Marco Rubio, Secretary of State gives a glowing assessment of his supreme leader-

At least Trump can brag that he got the orange juice prices down.

mick66 wrote:A Salty Dog wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:Hmm. i dont know you read so many different views even from so called experts on this topic.
It just seems crazy that we have these free trade agreement's with places like China import all this cheap stuff and have zero chance of manufacturing anything in Australia even just sending mineral's to China instead of processing here and adding value.
Selected tariffs to me make's sense to wind things back or try to diversify and not be so reliant on China, for USA with such a big population it make's even more sense.
Covid i thought was a wake up call, to try to bring some manufacturing back to the West.
I think there is a bit of a if Trump says black, we say white thing with this topic though.
Trumps not silly he is doing something even if it's just a way to negotiate different things through tarrifs
I think it was you who said the other week he is smarter than people think, the way he has managed Israel and Ukraine to just get thing's moving in different direction's.
Forget the lobsters Indo, look at car manufacturing.
Trump has a plan to apply 25% tariffs to automotive components. What he didn’t realise was these components can cross the Canadian and Mexican borders up to seven times before being assembled into the finished vehicle.
This article from the Cato Institute (of all people!) explains the application of tariffs in detail.
Now Trump has given the local manufacturers a few weeks to relocate all their component suppliers inside US borders. Should be easy.
Ultimately this will add thousands to the cost of a US manufactured vehicle and every car buyer will feel it.
Trump and his “advisors” clearly have no idea how international trade works and the finer points of “Comparative Advantage”. He believes a country of 20 million should have “balanced” trade with a country of 300 million. He is a complete simpleton masquerading as a bully.
One more thing, while it is my opinion stock markets are populated with con men, shonks and shysters, the markets do act as a barometer for a countries economy. They thrive on prosperous profitable industry but above all on certainty.
Now look at what has happened to markets since Trump started to “even things up” with tariffs. Tariffs applied one day are postponed the next, and no one knows what is going on.
The markets don’t like all this indecision, not to mention the inflationary implications of tariffs. Check how your Super balance has dropped in the last six weeks, to see how it’s affected you: it’s cost me a fair slab of money.
This whole Trump thing will in my opinion, end in disaster.
More and more Americans are now realising they have elected an idiot.
In regards to your last sentence, I had interesting conversations today with 2 acquaintances who voted for Trump. The one says he's barely slept in weeks and feels incredibly guilty for voting for him. The other thinks he's intentionally trying to crater the economy to precipatate riots that will give him an excuse to declare martial law.
Not sure if this will sound believable, but I've spoken to a half dozen people in the last week who are trying to find a country they can emigrate to. None of whom had any interest in leaving the country previously.
Friends of mine who are from Latin America (here legally) say they have adjusted shopping habits. No more Walmart, as rumors are that immigration authorities are posting up there. They work, then go home. One family member goes shopping once a week, to minimize the chance of being detained.Today Senator (and combat veteran) Mark Kelly gave his post-visit assessment of the situation in Ukraine. Musk immediately labeled him a "Traitor."
His first presidency seemed like a tiresome reality show. I imagine this is how it felt in 1922 Italy.
Hi mick66,
I formed that opinion from numerous you tube videos posted by disillusioned individuals: farmers who had lost their income due to USAID cuts and others whose positions had been terminated or who had lost social service benefits. Clearly the feelings are widespread.
I cannot imagine how your friends feel, having to minimise your public exposure for fear of being detained simply because of your appearance. That is a terrible situation to be in.
I read Kelly's assessment of the Ukraine situation. Given his service history I accept it as accurate and honest. Yet to be called a "traitor" by an unelected bureaucrat who has milked the American taxpayer for billions, is an egregious insult to a man who has devoted much of his life to the service of his country.
As for people emigrating from the US, I used to work at a public waste facility, and came into contact with thousands of people. What astounded me was the number of expat Americans who had moved here to live, ultimately took up citizenship and now called Australia home. And that was 15 years ago, when things appeared to be much better!
We are all in uncharted waters with this current plague of madness.
I wish you all well.

flollo wrote:At least Trump can brag that he got the orange juice prices down.

Trump has argued that protesters forfeited their rights to remain in the country by supporting the Palestinian group Hamas that controls Gaza. The U.S. has designated Hamas as a terrorist organization.
another win. Aus needs to do the same urgently.

What happened to freedom fighter anti authority burls.
So it's O.K. to protest against lockdowns and masks, but not the ethnic cleansing, total destruction of a city and mass murder of thousands of innocent women and children.
Now you are bending over and begging Trump to give it to you up the arse.

old-dog wrote:What happened to freedom fighter anti authority burls.
So it's O.K. to protest against lockdowns and masks, but not the ethnic cleansing, total destruction of a city and mass murder of thousands of innocent women and children.
Now you are bending over and begging Trump to give it to you up the arse.
Nice try old dog, I’m not ok with people immigrating to a country, then being allowed to support a terror organisation and creating hate.
Look at Europe. Who wants that mess.

old-dog wrote:What happened to freedom fighter anti authority burls.
So it's O.K. to protest against lockdowns and masks, but not the ethnic cleansing, total destruction of a city and mass murder of thousands of innocent women and children.
Now you are bending over and begging Trump to give it to you up the arse.
Not to mention that Benjamin Netanyahu has a warrant out on him for war crimes, yet Trumpy backs him to the hilt. Even pulls out his chair for him.

burleigh wrote:old-dog wrote:What happened to freedom fighter anti authority burls.
So it's O.K. to protest against lockdowns and masks, but not the ethnic cleansing, total destruction of a city and mass murder of thousands of innocent women and children.
Now you are bending over and begging Trump to give it to you up the arse.Nice try old dog, I’m not ok with people immigrating to a country, then being allowed to support a terror organisation and creating hate.
Look at Europe. Who wants that mess.
What about Israelis then?
Or they are OK cause they are whiter?

mikehunt207 wrote:burleigh wrote:old-dog wrote:What happened to freedom fighter anti authority burls.
So it's O.K. to protest against lockdowns and masks, but not the ethnic cleansing, total destruction of a city and mass murder of thousands of innocent women and children.
Now you are bending over and begging Trump to give it to you up the arse.Nice try old dog, I’m not ok with people immigrating to a country, then being allowed to support a terror organisation and creating hate.
Look at Europe. Who wants that mess.
What about Israelis then?
Or they are OK cause they are whiter?
If an Israeli immigrated to America and supported a listed terrorist organisation then they should also be deported

Trump makes his first attack on the rule of law , by taking legal action against a legal firm that represented Hilary Clinton and threatening to take action against any law firms who represent clients that have been attacked by Trumps administration.
While Trump has immunity from prosecution, the people working for him don’t.
This is when Fascists get dangerous.

^^ and this

burleigh wrote:old-dog wrote:What happened to freedom fighter anti authority burls.
So it's O.K. to protest against lockdowns and masks, but not the ethnic cleansing, total destruction of a city and mass murder of thousands of innocent women and children.
Now you are bending over and begging Trump to give it to you up the arse.Nice try old dog, I’m not ok with people immigrating to a country, then being allowed to support a terror organisation and creating hate.
Look at Europe. Who wants that mess.

burleigh wrote:mikehunt207 wrote:burleigh wrote:old-dog wrote:What happened to freedom fighter anti authority burls.
So it's O.K. to protest against lockdowns and masks, but not the ethnic cleansing, total destruction of a city and mass murder of thousands of innocent women and children.
Now you are bending over and begging Trump to give it to you up the arse.Nice try old dog, I’m not ok with people immigrating to a country, then being allowed to support a terror organisation and creating hate.
Look at Europe. Who wants that mess.
What about Israelis then?
Or they are OK cause they are whiter?If an Israeli immigrated to America and supported a listed terrorist organisation then they should also be deported
Did you miss this a few posts back, bawley
Hiccups wrote:Not to mention that Benjamin Netanyahu has a warrant out on him for war crimes, yet Trumpy backs him to the hilt. Even pulls out his chair for him.
,or is it ok for mass-murderers to visit, as long as they don't immigrate?

Hiccups wrote:burleigh wrote:mikehunt207 wrote:burleigh wrote:old-dog wrote:What happened to freedom fighter anti authority burls.
So it's O.K. to protest against lockdowns and masks, but not the ethnic cleansing, total destruction of a city and mass murder of thousands of innocent women and children.
Now you are bending over and begging Trump to give it to you up the arse.Nice try old dog, I’m not ok with people immigrating to a country, then being allowed to support a terror organisation and creating hate.
Look at Europe. Who wants that mess.
What about Israelis then?
Or they are OK cause they are whiter?If an Israeli immigrated to America and supported a listed terrorist organisation then they should also be deported
Did you miss this a few posts back, bawley
Hiccups wrote:Not to mention that Benjamin Netanyahu has a warrant out on him for war crimes, yet Trumpy backs him to the hilt. Even pulls out his chair for him.
,or is it ok for mass-murderers to visit, as long as they don't immigrate?
Israel has the right to defend itself with the most moral army on earth....

For the love of Elon, someone make these budget cuts make sense! burleigh? indo? ChatGPT?

Hiccups wrote:burleigh wrote:mikehunt207 wrote:burleigh wrote:old-dog wrote:What happened to freedom fighter anti authority burls.
So it's O.K. to protest against lockdowns and masks, but not the ethnic cleansing, total destruction of a city and mass murder of thousands of innocent women and children.
Now you are bending over and begging Trump to give it to you up the arse.Nice try old dog, I’m not ok with people immigrating to a country, then being allowed to support a terror organisation and creating hate.
Look at Europe. Who wants that mess.
What about Israelis then?
Or they are OK cause they are whiter?If an Israeli immigrated to America and supported a listed terrorist organisation then they should also be deported
Did you miss this a few posts back, bawley
Hiccups wrote:Not to mention that Benjamin Netanyahu has a warrant out on him for war crimes, yet Trumpy backs him to the hilt. Even pulls out his chair for him.
,or is it ok for mass-murderers to visit, as long as they don't immigrate?
Are you talking about the ceo of maccas?

Hiccups wrote:
For the love of Elon, someone make these budget cuts make sense! burleigh? indo? ChatGPT?
So they shouldn’t try and save money because it makes money? Do you still live in the church basement hiccup?

Maybe dig into abit of resurch burls ,heaps of dual citizens Israeli s here that have done a lot worse stuff than just protesting against a war and occupation . But hey killing kids in the name of God and destiny doesn't matter if they aren't white right? Hypocrite

burleigh wrote:Hiccups wrote:
For the love of Elon, someone make these budget cuts make sense! burleigh? indo? ChatGPT?
So they shouldn’t try and save money because it makes money? Do you still live in the church basement hiccup?
I think the point is they will no longer make that money if the jobs aren't there. Ergo, they will lose more money than what they've just 'saved'.

mikehunt207 wrote:Maybe dig into abit of resurch burls ,heaps of dual citizens Israeli s here that have done a lot worse stuff than just protesting against a war and occupation . But hey killing kids in the name of God and destiny doesn't matter if they aren't white right? Hypocrite
Do the support a listed terrorist organisation in the country they immigrated to and opening wave the terrorist flag around at protests?
Septic Tanks are going to Septic Tank