Lanky's Hawaiian Trivia

If I could I'd post a classic surf film every Friday night aus time.
First up .....Mad Wax !

"Surf into summer"next fri please!

You're in Hawaii Lanky- have to be 'The Performers'.

zenagain wrote:You're in Hawaii Lanky- have to be 'The Performers'.
No this week is mad wax !
You can go anywhere!

Bumping this tread back to the top .
Lanky Hawaiian Trivia
Returns tomorrow!
I still owe base6 a prize

Yes stu, only da kine
Ol' mate Lanky Dean is back in Hawaii. He's been sending through random photos: weird waves, good surfers, guys mowing the lawn in their thongs - all sorts of stuff.
This photo came captioned:
"Who's board is this?"
My response?
"The green gun makes me think of Winton but he never had those sponsors.
"Brock also rode green boards (or had green on them, he was born on St Patrick's day) but he mostly rode for Gotcha.
"Tom Carroll rode for Quik and O'Neill but never at the same time. Doubt he would've ridden Willis bros as he was on Rawson's from a young age.
"Liam rode Willis bros but never those sponsors.
"Dunno, Marvin Foster? Mickey Nielson?"
Wrong. The red buzzer lit up and made the 'buh-bow' sound.