I love Bali

Bali needs to bring back the mushies & legalise pot . Alcohol never ends well at these venues. Everyone needs to mellow the fuck out…..man !

Supafreak wrote:Bali needs to bring back the mushies & legalise pot . Alcohol never ends well at these venues. Everyone needs to mellow the fuck out…..man ! https://www.instagram.com/reel/DGEpG96z0wy/?igsh=MXZuOGt3NXF0dTZ1bQ==
Yeah nuts.
Saying that, saw some pretty nasty blues 20 plus years ago at 66, and scandals....
No phone cameras back then....

Supafreak wrote:Bali needs to bring back the mushies & legalise pot . Alcohol never ends well at these venues. Everyone needs to mellow the fuck out…..man ! https://www.instagram.com/reel/DGEpG96z0wy/?igsh=MXZuOGt3NXF0dTZ1bQ==
Yeah nuts.
Saying that, saw some pretty nasty blues 20 plus years ago at 66, and scandals....
Especially after pingers were not so openly available after they did Reno.
Love a beer but alcohol is the problem..
No phone cameras back then....

juegasiempre wrote:Most of the cups I saw in Bali, buried and just in top, were those teas they drink. Definately not from Java, which is where everything bad seems to come from in Bali according to the Balinese I spoke to.
A question to the old timers: How did everyone drink water pre plastic bottles in Bali? I've thought the same about other hot, tropical third world countries that have a crazy reliance on plastic water bottles too. Obviously they didn't have to cater for mass tourism but did they just boil river water or what?
Regarding Indonesian trash;27 years ago I heard the antiquated excuse of "they're use to throwing out organics such as banana leaf and or peels".
I've watched villagers all learn how to use hand fones and drive cars whilst still to this day throwing plastic all over the place like it was compost.Funny the selective learning process?
Now whats not so funny is I've been back down under in good ol south oz the last 12years and have had the misfortune of finding a quiet little beautiful cove that collects ocean trash.Amongst the washed up trash we collected were numerous blue plastic bottle caps with the insignia 'Aqua',the Indonesian bottled water company.
The cove was a few hours drive to the west of Adelaide.
Managed to find another blue cap on a beach walk at Cape Jervis.

^ yep. passing container ships/woodchip carriers/tankers dumping their trash before reaching port. we get all sorts along the coast between portand and robe.. korean, vietnamese, chinese, indo.. old shoes, foam packaging, unopened tins, plastic bottles & drums.. and that's just the shit that floats..!

The last few days , part of the Indonesian navy has been cruising around Bali , this morning must’ve been at least 20 ships in the bandung strait. . https://www.archyde.com/indonesia-to-host-multilateral-naval-exercise-ko.... https://en.antaranews.com/news/314679/indonesian-navy-invites-56-countri...

juegasiempre wrote:Most of the cups I saw in Bali, buried and just in top, were those teas they drink. Definately not from Java, which is where everything bad seems to come from in Bali according to the Balinese I spoke to.
A question to the old timers: How did everyone drink water pre plastic bottles in Bali? I've thought the same about other hot, tropical third world countries that have a crazy reliance on plastic water bottles too. Obviously they didn't have to cater for mass tourism but did they just boil river water or what?
Before bottled water everyone had to boil water normally from wells but yeah you would expect from a river or spring if had one
Millions of people over Indonesia still do this because it's free, I use to drink just boiled water a lot of the time and it often doesn't taste great either often with a smoky taste if boiled on a fire, sometimes they put a pandan leaf in when boiling to mask that taste but to me it taste just as bad.
Many Indonesian households also get those big container's of water that you then put on a stand like you might have in an office etc rather than just bottles of drinking water, I think its just ground water that they process through some reverse osmosis process, often just done buy smaller business too, you seen these business all over Indo.
BTW. For some reason Indonesians rarely collect rain water and most dont trust drinking rain water to drink.

indo-dreaming wrote:juegasiempre wrote:Most of the cups I saw in Bali, buried and just in top, were those teas they drink. Definately not from Java, which is where everything bad seems to come from in Bali according to the Balinese I spoke to.
A question to the old timers: How did everyone drink water pre plastic bottles in Bali? I've thought the same about other hot, tropical third world countries that have a crazy reliance on plastic water bottles too. Obviously they didn't have to cater for mass tourism but did they just boil river water or what?
Before bottled water everyone had to boil water normally from wells but yeah you would expect from a river or spring if had one
Millions of people over Indonesia still do this because it's free, I use to drink just boiled water a lot of the time and it often doesn't taste great either often with a smoky taste if boiled on a fire, sometimes they put a pandan leaf in when boiling to mask that taste but to me it taste just as bad.
Many Indonesian households also get those big container's of water that you then put on a stand like you might have in an office etc rather than just bottles of drinking water, I think its just ground water that they process through some reverse osmosis process, often just done buy smaller business too, you seen these business all over Indo.
BTW. For some reason Indonesians rarely collect rain water and most dont trust drinking rain water to drink.
@indo you will find in Bali , particularly around the north eastern coast, the villager’s that are located high up the hills , like a 1000 metres , build huge concrete tanks under their houses and collect the rainwater in them . It’s a dry area compared to most places in Bali . They also do this on nusa penida , There has been a large reservoir built in klungkung and the water will be treated and piped to Denpasar for tap drinking water .

it's interesting that establishing a supply of clean tapped drinking water was such a basic part of western development..
yet many countries have just missed / skipped / ignored this most basic of steps in their trajectories to 'modernity'
with Indonesia being maybe the primo of prime examples
yep indo's don't trust rain water from my experience, they don't even like their vehicles getting rained on, seems they're concerned about 'acid rain' ...never even heard the term used in oz for decades...
that sounds good re. klungkung supa. it's crazy the water resources indo has, but then lack some of the most basic infrastructure
abundance breeds apathy... ' environmental determisism' it would seem...
then there's the culture and business that has developed around it... mr. aqua, be a big man with big levers...

coincidentally, I got you tubed into this last night...
some pretty switched on indo's appear, and re. water and health - as pointed at by indo finance women - 'human capital' is going to be their achilles heel in their next step of development
one I don't reckon they'll overcome... they just don't seem to care enough about inequality, and the inequality is off the charts...
as is corruption etc.
anyway, good little docco, seems indo has so much potential in the race to electrification with their nickel mining. and joko has followed through on some very smart policies about value adding, rather than just digging shit up
a major schooling for australia and it's b grade corrupt political class from indo, about value adding and foreign ownership...
well done indo
the gdp figures are pretty mind blowing really, when you consider population sizes
nickel market, well and truly dominated, though indo mining practices are... errr... questionable... to be polite...

Supafreak wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:juegasiempre wrote:Most of the cups I saw in Bali, buried and just in top, were those teas they drink. Definately not from Java, which is where everything bad seems to come from in Bali according to the Balinese I spoke to.
A question to the old timers: How did everyone drink water pre plastic bottles in Bali? I've thought the same about other hot, tropical third world countries that have a crazy reliance on plastic water bottles too. Obviously they didn't have to cater for mass tourism but did they just boil river water or what?
Before bottled water everyone had to boil water normally from wells but yeah you would expect from a river or spring if had one
Millions of people over Indonesia still do this because it's free, I use to drink just boiled water a lot of the time and it often doesn't taste great either often with a smoky taste if boiled on a fire, sometimes they put a pandan leaf in when boiling to mask that taste but to me it taste just as bad.
Many Indonesian households also get those big container's of water that you then put on a stand like you might have in an office etc rather than just bottles of drinking water, I think its just ground water that they process through some reverse osmosis process, often just done buy smaller business too, you seen these business all over Indo.
BTW. For some reason Indonesians rarely collect rain water and most dont trust drinking rain water to drink.
@indo you will find in Bali , particularly around the north eastern coast, the villager’s that are located high up the hills , like a 1000 metres , build huge concrete tanks under their houses and collect the rainwater in them . It’s a dry area compared to most places in Bali . They also do this on nusa penida , There has been a large reservoir built in klungkung and the water will be treated and piped to Denpasar for tap drinking water .
Interesting I wonder if it was from an influence of western funded programs or something else.
In Sumatra even program's by aid organisations havent worked to use rain water, locals dont trust it and so stuck in their ways

Yes I was always led to believe that the Balinese considered rain water to be dirty. I suppose if you have nothing , in regards to water , then rainwater is better than no water at all . Hard to change hundreds of years old beliefs.

Interesting article here about utilising rainwater and why it makes sense. Specific to Bali, covers how to catch, store and keep it clean from bacteria.
I remember staying at Ombak Indah in Sumatra many years ago, they had a water tank mounted high up on a rickety old tower. I was only using that water to shower, but I still think I got a gut bug from it. Wasn’t too bad, squirts for a couple of days. Things breed quickly in the tropics.

I’m glad I’ve given up drinking , the jam tart made me do it . I can’t imagine this tastes too good and probably kicks like a mule . Bintang Arak ! https://thebalisun.com/arak-orange-juice-and-honey-new-bali-drinks-give-... might have something to do with everyone kung fu fighting .

re the water, i was told that all the water for ulus area is trucked in hence all the water trucks clogging up the main road . not sure how accurate this is.

He He.

A night out on the piss in Bali can come at a huge price. The loss of your freedom which for fighting can be 6 months to 2 years jail time . I won’t be surprised if they go hard on this guy to make an example to others of consequences for this behaviour. With a gut full of piss though, thinking about consequences doesn’t enter the equation . https://www.abc.net.au/news/2025-02-17/indonesia-minister-comments-on-al...

Supafreak wrote:A night out on the piss in Bali can come at a huge price. The loss of your freedom which for fighting can be 6 months to 2 years jail time . I won’t be surprised if they go hard on this guy to make an example to others of consequences for this behaviour. With a gut full of piss though, thinking about consequences doesn’t enter the equation . https://www.abc.net.au/news/2025-02-17/indonesia-minister-comments-on-al...
The thug should be getting more than 2 years. Poor security guy has a head injury, could have been fatal.

The thugs may accidently be falling off a cliff- they are a national embarrassment.

Devils advocate here. I would like to see the footage of the entire incident before making judgement. which i have no doubt Finns have.
Fighting is fucked in general, but if he was fighting/getting attacked by 10+ security guards as some people have reported then was he defending himself?

All violence sucks. But there is definitely more to the story: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-14407961/amp/Australian-Bali-fi...

Bloke was choking some other patron in Finns so security tried to throw him out and fight ensued.
Not much conspiracy there burls , just drunk fat bogans being dicks.
Couple years in kerobokan will cool him off

What brown and sticky?

mikehunt207 wrote:Bloke was choking some other patron in Finns so security tried to throw him out and fight ensued.
Not much conspiracy there burls , just drunk fat bogans being dicks.
Couple years in kerobokan will cool him off
Are you able to post the link or evidence please? I haven’t been able to find that cctv footage or any footage.
It’s just words right now.

The accusations so far are that a girl was bumped, intentionally or not who knows , then a guy was being choked and then a refusal to pay the bill . Whatever really happened may or may not be proven . If you believe these guys did nothing wrong and that they were just picked on by security for no reason then you may be a bit naive . Where there’s smoke there’s usually fire and how that started usually has alcohol involved and some dumb choices made . This won’t end well for that guy that’s been arrested and crying that he’s the victim is his defence and it’s going to be a very expensive defence . Lawyers will be the winners again and the rest will be losers . I hope Finns gets punished for disrespecting religious ceremonies and not giving a fuck about the culture . Some palms will get greased and it will be business as usual unfortunately.

Supafreak wrote:The accusations so far are that a girl was bumped, intentionally or not who knows , then a guy was being choked and then a refusal to pay the bill . Whatever really happened may or may not be proven . If you believe these guys did nothing wrong and that they were just picked on by security for no reason then you may be a bit naive . Where there’s smoke there’s usually fire and how that started usually has alcohol involved and some dumb choices made . This won’t end well for that guy that’s been arrested and crying that he’s the victim is his defence and it’s going to be a very expensive defence . Lawyers will be the winners again and the rest will be losers . I hope Finns gets punished for disrespecting religious ceremonies and not giving a fuck about the culture . Some palms will get greased and it will be business as usual unfortunately.
Interesting that only 1 guy has been charged yet there was 4 others involved. Also 12 security guards being investigated by the police.
Fuck that joint and drinking in general.
I don’t drink but I do understand a couple of cold beers in the arvo, however none of this would have ever happened if excessive booze wasn’t involved.

burleigh wrote:I don’t drink but I do understand a couple of cold beers in the arvo, however none of this would have ever happened if excessive booze wasn’t involved.
one of the sensible things about Islam.. they still drink infrequently, but it is frowned upon (in most Muslin spheres) and hard to do in public, usually only in private with mates or at speakeasy clubs. like Aus and dope. Imagine if remote Indigenous Aussie communities that are at their wits' end with endemic alcohol ditched the Jesus for the Mohammad, the health benefits..

basesix wrote:burleigh wrote:I don’t drink but I do understand a couple of cold beers in the arvo, however none of this would have ever happened if excessive booze wasn’t involved.
one of the sensible things about Islam.. they still drink infrequently, but it is frowned upon (in most Muslin spheres) and hard to do in public, usually only in private with mates or at speakeasy clubs. like Aus and dope. Imagine if remote Indigenous Aussie communities that are at their wits' end with endemic alcohol ditched the Jesus for the Mohammad, the health benefits..
Italians are devout catholics, and there is alcohol everywhere. Never see drunk people, and no booze-fueled aggression. Theirs is the perfect alcohol culture, imho.

Island Bay wrote:Italians are devout catholics, and there is alcohol everywhere. Never see drunk people, and no booze-fueled aggression. Theirs is the perfect alcohol culture, imho.
I'll go you one better (or equivalent @IB), this from an Icelandic Lonely Planet,
(Iceland 3/4 evangelical Lutheran, church of Iceland and its bishop a big deal):
'For many years there was a ban on alcohol. Reluctantly in the 1920s, Iceland began importing wine from Spain, and later spirits from Europe, though beer over 2.25% was banned until 1989. These days alcohol is easy purchased from the government owned Vínbúðin stores (11am-6pm; Mon-Sat) in cities and most towns and villages, though it is expensive. Despite the fact that alcohol cannot be purchased outside of restaurants after 6pm, this does little to discourage late-night public drinking. Due to the isolation, long winter nights and lack of diversions, most town streets are full of drunks, who are invariably good natured.'
..always loved that last line.

Hard to believe only 1 Australian charged , surprised his mates haven’t started a go fund me . https://www.smh.com.au/world/asia/accused-australian-brawler-paraded-in-...

Supafreak wrote:Hard to believe only 1 Australian charged , surprised his mates haven’t started a go fund me . https://www.smh.com.au/world/asia/accused-australian-brawler-paraded-in-...
That’s why I believe there is much more to the story

burleigh wrote:Supafreak wrote:Hard to believe only 1 Australian charged , surprised his mates haven’t started a go fund me . https://www.smh.com.au/world/asia/accused-australian-brawler-paraded-in-...
That’s why I believe there is much more to the story
There is obviously more to the story . The fact that there is footage of more than one Australian involved in the brawl is the part I find strange . Even if they were fighting back in self defence, the fact that they are fighting is enough to have them detained and let a court decide the self defence bit . Why only one of the group charged ? That’s the part that seems odd .

I believe that security are there to de-escalate situations not to bash people. Sounds like they lost control and will also pay the consequences for their actions. We’re they sober?

This was quite a few years back, but remember Finns were displaying they were prices back then .

@basesix , we were talking about candi dasa a page or so back and I mentioned it still had that country coastal town feeling about it , well I just come across this on instagram . Who else but a total tosser could get excited about black sand beaches ( not the coolest thing to walk along on a hot day ) I like the tourists all year round plug . Reality is it’s a bit of a ghost town off season .

I feel sick

seaslug wrote:I feel sick
Me too.....

yeh, fucking gross, eh? bali means strength doesn't it? must do..
worth a read/translate, beneath these two clips @Supa,
complicated politics.. (classic bent-neck pose required in first one):

Either some investors have too much money or are just plain dumb. In some of the quieter areas, you see mansions that seem empty most of the time . ROI that is sprouted by developers sounds too good to be true and guess what. I

"In some of the quieter areas, you see mansions that seem empty most of the time"
Im betting just very rich people that might just visit once or twice a year.
The good news is there is a bit of a silver lining they would be employing locals to do very little, just minding the house keeping it secure and basic maintenance

indo-dreaming wrote:"In some of the quieter areas, you see mansions that seem empty most of the time"
Im betting just very rich people that might just visit once or twice a year.
The good news is there is a bit of a silver lining they would be employing locals to do very little, just minding the house keeping it secure and basic maintenance
Yes you’re right indo , I know of a few enormous villas that are shared by 4 very wealthy families that might just do a week visit a few times a year and don’t bother with air bnb , permanent staff maintaining the place with immaculate gardens and regular yearly maintenance on timber decks and the likes. There’s a real push on at the moment for investment in 1 bedroom apartments at less than $100,000 USD . It’s like suddenly the whole world wants to live in Bali and then they get here & go “ Fuck it’s crowded “ inflation on food with supply & demand is getting crazy . Your average Aussie family will struggle on what used to be a cheap holiday. Other asian destinations will be the winners .

"Other asian destinations will be the winners."
as my more seasoned indo traveller friend used to say...
"if you don't surf, or not a paedophile... why the fuck would you choose Indonesia? ...so many better places in SE Asia to visit..."
problem is now, there's a whole new cohort of crew who like to think they surf...
the ibiza crowd... that perhaps got a mind blowing intro, with some porn grade visuals of the 'coolness' out on the gillis...
and the insta crowd, who's 'lonely planet' guide is a steady diet of Instagram videos
the latter are pretty funny to watch, as their dreams are shattered by the reality of crime, rubbish, traffic, 'garbage mafia', lack of water, etc. etc... and that local 'friend' they employ, who is often charging 10 x normal going rates...
(some rich nannys in the gu)
their ignorance is astounding, it really is, especially considering they're pretty switched on online workers and entrepreneurs, and the like
dont quite understand basesix's vids above... but imagine buying into that little 'pleasant village', only to eventually find out the scorn the pleasant villagers harbour for you...
uncomfortable to say the least - tidak enak...
maybe the residents just stay in their bubble of ignorance...
anyway, the air-bnb bubble seems a reality, all those ROI figures etc. are basically based on a post covid boom
the shysters didn't even have to lie...
but all this new crew are fresh off the boat, inspired by Instagram glam, often haven't even visited bali before deciding to 'live' there
imagine taking that plunge...
the 'culture' shock
indo is fucking loose! ...even with the internet enabled gentrification of the various risks...
but, at the same time... there's still some incredibly cheap options out there in bali...
crazy cheap!!
small change fuck the risk cheap
especially if you don't surf...
even if you do

but yeh, the more hardy digital 'nomad' types are all talking up other far away places now
fuck I hope it's all as hollow and fashion driven as it seems...

There’s a brain fart virus currently sweeping through Bali’s business and political class . One genius in Nusa Dua sees surfing as an untapped resource in the area . He reckons surfers pay for parking and possibly a boat but aren’t actually paying for surfing on the waves and this is the untapped resource . Now the bhutan tax has reared its head again . The push is on for a better class of tourist . These guys will send the majority of business owners broke . It will however lower things like rubbish and power consumption along with the demand for just about everything . https://www.executivetraveller.com/news/bali-tourist-tax

Need a time machine....

For once it wasn’t a drunk Aussie in a bintang singlet .
I love Bali.
You wouldn't think that such a thought could be controversial . But it is.
Many people don't love Bali, in fact they proclaim to hate it. Bemoan what it has become, it's lack of purity, it's lost innocence.
Sure, I can see their point. I can't imagine anywhere on Earth that has been transformed as radically as Bali over the last thirty years. From rice paddies and coconut groves to six story discotheques . It's totally unrecognisable in the most built up areas.
But that's not what this post is about. It's about why I LOVE Bali.
I love Bali because ...
- it's still the home of an intense cluster of world class waves. Roping lefts : Uluwatu, freight train right barrels : Sanur, backlit mega tubes : Padang Padang. Rip able reefs, fun beachies. Short , slabby pits and long mellow points. River mouths and bombies. It's got the lot.
- it's still possible to get uncrowded quality waves in 2015 when it seems as though the entire planet has discovered surfing. I was trading crystal clear , rolling right walls with only two other surfers just this morning.
- it's still freaking beautiful. Watching the mist reveal Mt Agung in that unique Bali morning light from a black sand beach as the sun comes up is still special.
- the food is amazing. Walking around town building up a hunger and knowing that at any given time you are within shouting distance of fresh, exotic and delicious meals with enough variety to make your head spin is priceless.
- the Balinese are legends. Friendly, happy and always keen for a joke. Unfailingly polite and welcoming. Healthy, spiritual and decent.
- the Balinese surfers rip their waves and they still own them. A visiting Brazilian would not think twice to drop in on an Aussie local at Kirra. But you won't see the same in Bali. The Balinese surfers are treated with the respect they deserve. Because as everyone knows, if they are not treated with respect there is consequences.
- the water is so warm it's like swimming in silken angels tears.
- telling people that you are going to Bali will often elicit a response along the lines of ......"why would you go to that traffic ridden, noisy shithole ?" And then as you're kicking back with a Bintang watching the sunset over Uluwatu you can imagine them sitting at lights in their car on their way home from work in Perth. Which , for those that have never been , is a noisy , traffic ridden shithole. And this makes me laugh. Which is something I enjoy doing.
- The fruit is incredible.
- despite the millions of tourists, the fast food franchises and the Aussie over familiarity with the joint it's still exotic. The smell of clove cigarettes, the ogo ogos of Nyepi, the Buddhist offerings , monkeys , food and language are all enticingly foreign.
- there is no overreaching nanny state. You want to ride your motorbike with all four of your children and the missus on the back...whilst texting. Go for it.
- you can live like a king on a regular Aussie income. Maybe not such a great benefit for the Balinese themselves though.
- it's close to Oz. Twenty hour plane ride and a shot at developing deep vein thrombosis.....ummm no thanks. It's actually faster to fly to Bali from Perth than it is to drive to Albany. You can fly from Port Hedland in less than two hours.
- you get an opportunity to regularly witness some of the most foolhardy behaviour imaginable on a daily basis. You ever seen a man being doubled on a motorbike through traffic whilst holding a large pane of glass ? What about seeing someone hold a nail between his bare fingers while his mate tries to grind the tip off it ? It's all there folks.
- you can see people making do with not much and making it work. An exhaust system held on with a T Shirt ? An outboard motor attached to a boat with no anchoring system, just held on with a man's brute force ? Why not ? It might not work forever but it'll usually get em over the line.
- the winds can blow offshore for months at a time and when they blow onshore, well , that just makes it offshore somewhere else. It's an island !
- you haven't seen glassy oceanic conditions till you've seen Indonesian sheet glass. It's like an oil slick. And if you're ever near Benoa Harbour that could well be what it is.
- old people are accorded the respect they deserve.
- it's exciting. It's a melting pot of the world. Wide eyed villages from remote Asia, jaded techno princesses from Russia, sleek surfy chicks from Canada , your next door neighbour from Ipswich....it's a party and everyone is invited.
Including YOU. I'll see you there. You can't miss me.
I'll be the sun burnt drunk in a head to toe Bintang ensemble with hair braids and a fresh tattoo of a unicorn across my back . Don't be shy. Come and say hello.