
Some newish Dublin sounds.

picked up today @blackers, cheers legend!

Glad to hear it B6. . Some relaxed tunes for my mid week go slow.


thermalben wrote:"THE DRONES will reunite for the first time in nine years for two shows in Melbourne with a bunch of our mates. These shows are a fundraiser for a dear friend to improve their life circumstances in a time of need. All proceeds, aside from venue hire and ticketing fees, will go directly to the cause."
The Drones || Paul Kelly & Dan Kelly || Don Walker
The Nation Blue || ModCon || Cease And Desist DJsThe Croxton Bandroom, Melbourne May 28th and 29th
Can't wait! Only bummer is that Paul/Dan are on one night and Don is on another (I want to see all three of 'em!) but in addition to The Drones, it'll be great to see The Nation Blue, I haven't seen 'em for probably twenty years.
Huge! Tom from the Nation Blue has (another) new band, Metho, who are playing around atm. Been playing songs from his last, and very very good solo album, Raging Head, and other new stuff. Band features Jackson from Split System, Jay from Mid Youth Crisis/Fuck...I'm Dead/The Kill etc and CJ Foley from the Stevens. Get on it. (Not their publicist)

the only accom within staggering distance of the croxton, a 2 b-r townhouse, has been snapped up 27-30th. someone doing it in style. may be even blowing a load on both nights.

basesix wrote:the only accom within staggering distance of the croxton, a 2 b-r townhouse, has been snapped up 27-30th. someone doing it in style. may be even blowing a load on both nights.
Public transport options aplenty. Stay in one of your usual haunts.

wasn't going to make this one, busy time for me, always fun to have a look though.
(lucky I wasn't gagging for it, both shows sold out.)

Keep Live Melbourne Bands thread going...
The Ground Components wear an unusual prestigious label of being [Uniquely Melbourne]
Another band from tbb's Alt Bin...but this Track is way blown away by this Mega Monster...
Most of the band's stock & trade is off key Punk / R&B Jam Sessions for Festivals & big tour acts...
Band was about from 2002-2007...can any crew share more on this Live wire act.
Coz they really do pack a punch...happy to hunt down this Mystery Melbourne Megasaurus!
Band could give Roary a breather to Power up yer Wave Pool...ramp some heavy sounding tidal waves
YouTube comment : { Pretty fucking amazing song! }
Another Comment : { Rock and Fucking Roll! }
Agree that the Artzy Melbourne Vid is also a perfect companion...goes off like a bomb...{Kaboom!}
Ben's Tunesmith's luv that 'Unique Melbourne Sound'...our components have been well'n'truly grounded.

Nice one TBB, I have heard of them but can't say I saw them play, kiddies were bubs in that era so no playtime for me.
Heard this the other day, popped up in my insta feed. Not my usual cup of tea but some pretty awesome fretboard work and allround groovy goodness going on. Short and sweet.

I notice Apple Cider Vinegar ep 1 has dropped on Netflix, @RK.
here's an early (unrelated) Apple Cider song from Beabadoobee.
coming to a Laneway Festival near you.

Why not lock in some weird unknown Oz Alt Chix Supergroup ...[ SPLINTER ]
Focus on ... Strange Parade ep.
Suzie Higgie : (Canberra) Rock Xcert Band : The Falling Joys (Check Brilliant LP Psychohum!)
Anrdea Croft (WA Country/pop) The Honeys / Catherine Wheel
= [Splinter]
Autumn 1991 : Hiding away in tbb's Alt pile...gonna polish up this gem...
Can offer up the whole Alt Sisters Supergroup ep...Recorded up in that mystical Blue Mountains studio...
Doubt if any are gonna dig this up outside of Ben's Tunes...
Trust tbb...has a real cool vibe...some may recall this...see how ya go...enjoy!
Kinda teams with 1991 The Clouds (Got it!) cue Soul Eater (Chix night in...Yew!)
tbb got that Record too...Super Cool!
So we got these Oz Chix competing with Sonic Youth etc...& our Gurlz put out...Go For it!
Quality recording...long overdue to Salute & enjoy these Oz pioneering Splinter Sisters
Some real deluxe layering on this Splinter ep...

I hear you TBB.
And one seeds may like.

I don't want to comment, good to keep the music on the homepage, but lest this thread drop off the homepage completely, loving the direction it's been taking. cheers as always @tbb.

Wow! Guys...this is some damn fine session...happily crack open the private reserve...
Top Shelf...think the missus or neighbour confiscated tbb's fav 1993 Comp CD [SPARK]
Bloody Furious...Where the Hell is my fav CD...
If ya see this '90's CD Briz Bands Comp [SPARK] ya gotta sell yer house to have it...
1994 Goldie BDO Boiler Room went into Meltdown..
Dream Poppies lure in their prey...OMG this band has an infectious sound...
Ya hear them in the distance & fly threw the air knocking everyone over...outta my way little people...
Land face first in the mosh & yer now front row drooling...
If ya haven't guessed tbb is seranading another Chix Band...
This is a local Brizzo Chix band that tbb has seen & went ga ga!
Once again...another secret mystery band with a way fewer YouTube views...,than just a few!
But they will blow yer tiny minds...
Like how come this wasn't #1 Track in Oz for months on end...What gives?
All yer fav powerpop bands rolled into one group
But how is that even possible...from first listen you'll be mesmerized...
Think how does this band hum & buzz neath our Police State Radar.
Outsmarting all other Brizbands to claim our best Alt Band Title...
Can promise least Youtube views for each track tbb cues = #1 Alt Band
Dream Poppies ~ Cool You Down (Yes Please...Oh man, that hits the spot...Brizzo sound therapy!)
Another Way
Dream Poppies 1992-1999 Sampler $20 > (Today!) Free for Ben's Tunesmiths...(Shh!)
Listen to clever razor sharp pop cult politico lyrics & riffs...
Almost like a posh Melbourne Band but from Brisbane...say wot!
They're too good for Brisbane...Please won't someone love them...
Very cute'n'clever power pop band...ticks all yer fav alt band boxes!
Stoked to present Dream Poppies...yer Next Fav band...Luv all their Old Stuff + any of their stuff...Shh!

Nice one TBB. Will have to do a deeper dive.
Down a notch and a bit sideways, but mentioned in passing above and in the "I can't believe its not the 90's" thread, these guys are pretty good.

Eric Claptons hero J J Cale

thanks, @jef, you made me get out some sentimental 80s pop faves.. has raised a little observation -
these songs were both released the same year, 1987. How's the clip similarities.. some camp cyberpunk gang zeitgeist? (actually, reckon Bad was 87... so, yeh, haha.. two years after thunderdome).
Bowie's film clip by Tim Pope (of 37 cure videos fame), the accompanying Glass Spider tour choreographed by Toni Basil.
New Order's filmclip choreographed by frenchy Philippe Decouflé (a large spectacle choreographer) who won best clip at the Brits in 88 for it.

basesix wrote:thanks, @jef, you made me get out some sentimental 80s pop faves.. has raised a little observation -
these songs were both released the same year, 1987. How's the clip similarities.. some camp cyberpunk gang zeitgeist? (actually, reckon Bad was 87... so, yeh, haha.. two years after thunderdome).Bowie's film clip by Tim Pope (of 37 cure videos fame), the accompanying Glass Spider tour choreographed by Toni Basil.
New Order's filmclip choreographed by frenchy Philippe Decouflé (a large spectacle choreographer) who won best clip at the Brits in 88 for it.
Yes cool beat on the New Order,
Similar film clips, simulated violence?
Not sure if they enhanced the music or not?@
This a lot more up to date
North East Party. House

um. yes. got me there. it is without-a-doubt an 'a lot more up to date' music. i might go drop it in @indo's grunge 2.0 party..
..actually, now I'm listening to it, if I was to wake up at 2am, go through to the kitchen and peruse my vast tea collection, decide I have the energy and inclination to knock out a handmade genmaicha using sencha and popping my own organic brown rice.. I reckon this would absolutely be the up-to-date track I'd choose to chillax with.
(I agree with what you said re rotating favourites @jef, very healthy, gotta evolve..)

basesix wrote:um. yes. got me there. it is absolutely an a lot more up to date music. i might go drop it in @indo's grunge 2.0 party..
..actually, now I'm listening to it, if I was to wake up at 2am, go through to the kitchen and peruse my vast tea collection, decide I have the energy and inclination to knock out a handmade genmaicha using sencha and popping my own organic brown rice.. I reckon this would absolutely be the up-to-date track I'd choose to chillax with.
What are you doing having caffeine at that time, of night .
You need to look at tea’s other than
Camellia sinensis , which has its place , but there’s plenty of other options.
I like to mix different herbs with the camellia,
Sometimes different herbs with a bit of coffee as well,

Killer band! Top blokes too.
blackers wrote:Nice one TBB. Will have to do a deeper dive.
Down a notch and a bit sideways, but mentioned in passing above and in the "I can't believe its not the 90's" thread, these guys are pretty good.

Been rinsing this

Blast from the past.

A song for the times maybe.

^ "you have to belieeeeve in what you say, fred..!"

duritti column tribute continues... Wow! Fault Lines deserves a swellnet drum circle tribute...
Crew is sticking to the script...tbb did support duritti column / Factory back in the 2nd LP / LC...
Well tbb did marry the Town's with that comes the whole Factory back catalogue!
Experimental atmospheric jazz sessions of new wave guitar riffs / soft drum patterns...occasional lyrics.
Ya could say they pioneered them atmospheric Regional Town Promo CD Soundtracks of 1990's.
...but if ya hang in there & wade in a little further back to their 1st LP... (Bonus) they do go off script...
Ya can't help (pause) with these odd titles...Ok!
Well you might wanna inform Ben's Tunesmiths of running an ear over these..
Kinda like proper pioneering new that's worth sharing...
Weird warped twisted tribute to Pink Floyd "One of these Days" (Punk / New Wave Keeper)
You'll find New Wave bands wanted to twist this Floyd Track & Duritti Column does a rare rootsy rip.
Part One is their Pink Floyd Tribute which they exploit to venture into their New Wave Sound (Part 2)
So not strictly the band but > Check this 'Factory Tech Guy'...Martin Hannett (Loose unit megastar)
Produced > Joy Division / Buzzcocks / Happy this is where Manchester Sound started...
Epitaph : "Creator of The Manchester Sound" ( So there ya go...Massive shout out ...)
tbb never knew that...actually working in reverse...bloody typically half arsed and new to tbb'n'all.
Starts out as a swellnet tribute ends up as Manchester Sound Tribute...the shit that tbb digs up...Huh!
So these Part 1/2 Bonus trax were originally released as a Flexi Disc with their weird Sandpaper LP...
Weird LP covers were assembled by Joy Division... (Can ya just imagine that weird package)
If yer into weird Post Punk / Brit Pop History then ya can read more from this band...
One of them bands that spawned a weird Manchester crew around them...just keep linking...
Just guessing this Flexi Disc has a lot more Value than just's the real deal. (Happy to share!)
First aspect of the same thing
Second aspect of the same thing

^ dig it @tbb, I'm balls deep in a @blackers book about the Ballroom/Exford/475/Users/Jump/Champion bars and clubs.. some very eye-opening intel re personalities and scenes, malbourne punk from the same era as your mancs..
I was playing some of the 'on spec' vinyl dollar-nasties that I have backed up today.. found this one from the UK, 1972 band called 'Hooky'.. not much info, but this track had the vibe of a poor-man's mark oliver everett or solo john lennon musically, lyrics never get anywhere though..
unfortunately, the beegees meets kansas close-harmony chorus typifies much of the album : P

Factory Records (tbb's Rare Gems Pile)
Dec 1980 Factory 32 was a very modern gutsy new wave Pub sound for a UK band...
Ok! First Up XTC own Punk New Wave Groove sound
(1979 Roads Girdle the Globe / Complicated Game)
The Models backed XTC and won World's best out of this world apprenticeship
Original Mirrors also Boss this sound..
That aside this has a rare Punk New Wave Pub sound
Rare partner could tour with Zanti Misfitz (Love ends at 8)
Both rare but both sound exactly like Top Melbourne Bands of the day
[Crispy Ambulance] could pass off this song [DEAF] as The Models
You'll need to pump up the Volume to get a Live feel for a Melbourne Models Gig.
Uncanny how this band could spin this Models Sound equally as good...
Almost as if Factory Records tried to rip Models Sound...
Fucking insane it is...this Factory Track should not exist outside of the Oz Models Camp!
tbb will ease the crew into this 'Alt Melbourne Live New Wave Skaterz Groove'
That's how we Qldurrz hear the origin of this powerful swirling dervish jagged sound
Crew may recall New Wave Chix Ice skate swing Dance to this groove
Jan 1980 Split Enz Double Happy ( Live in Melbourne > Sept 1980 Models tour XTC )
Nov 1980 Melbourne Models First Video ( Shit Hot > Modern Groove )
Dec 1980 UK Crispy Ambulance ~ Deaf (Shit Hot > Modern Groove)

Hi Fi way is 30 years old today,.
I remember at the time being disappointed it wasn't as heavy as the previous album and EP's, its still held the test of time pretty good though.
Three part Spotify Podcast on the album by Richard Kingsmill also worth a listen

^ a few tickets to their forum show on Thurs 10th April (11th sold out)
playing Hi Fi Way and Hourly Daily in full (Berlin Chair as an encore, Tim won't be able to resist)

Dino Jr Green Mind also had it Birthday yesterday.

basesix wrote:^ a few tickets to their forum show on Thurs 10th April (11th sold out)
I saw that the other day, i was tempted.
If it was Sound as ever and Hi fi way id have bought tickets straight away.
I like Hourly daily as a Sunday arvo clean the house type record, but not so much interested in hearing the songs live.
Ive also kind of got to this stage with many bands where im almost happy not to see them live again, as dont want to ruin the memory's i have of seeing them in more golden periods where i liked all their songs.
Not so relevant in this case but especially when the band only has a few remaining original members .

yep. agree wholeheartedly on all points.

truebluebasher wrote:Factory Records (tbb's Rare Gems Pile)
Dec 1980 Factory 32 was a very modern gutsy new wave Pub sound for a UK band...
Ok! First Up XTC own Punk New Wave Groove sound
(1979 Roads Girdle the Globe / Complicated Game)
The Models backed XTC and won World's best out of this world apprenticeship
Original Mirrors also Boss this sound..That aside this has a rare Punk New Wave Pub sound
Rare partner could tour with Zanti Misfitz (Love ends at 8)Both rare but both sound exactly like Top Melbourne Bands of the day
[Crispy Ambulance] could pass off this song [DEAF] as The Models
You'll need to pump up the Volume to get a Live feel for a Melbourne Models Gig.
Uncanny how this band could spin this Models Sound equally as good...
Almost as if Factory Records tried to rip Models Sound...
Fucking insane it is...this Factory Track should not exist outside of the Oz Models Camp!tbb will ease the crew into this 'Alt Melbourne Live New Wave Skaterz Groove'
That's how we Qldurrz hear the origin of this powerful swirling dervish jagged sound
Crew may recall New Wave Chix Ice skate swing Dance to this grooveJan 1980 Split Enz Double Happy ( Live in Melbourne > Sept 1980 Models tour XTC ) 1980 Melbourne Models First Video ( Shit Hot > Modern Groove ) 1980 UK Crispy Ambulance ~ Deaf (Shit Hot > Modern Groove)

Ultra Rare Underground Record Pile from a Dead Brizzo Punk was passed onto tbb...back in 1980
Me brother's flatmate was a boss punk punter & was gone in a flash...As was the way back in the day...{R.I.P} Dedication...Brizzo Punk'z record collection alive & kicking...let's punk out for our mate...
Razar / Apartments / Humans...just a few + this ultra rare impossibly insane Brizzo shock punk Single...
The Sharks ...Singer + another moved onto Perfect Strangers then a '90's Jazz Troupe + theatre.
Similar to Shock Punk Ignatius Jones into Ballet...another weirdo!
Bass Player John Downie is the Psycho...> JFK & Cuban Crisis > Pineapples at the Dawn of Time
Recorded Oct 1978 Brisbane (Others date it to 1979-80) Bne did small re pressings back then.
Sneaky peep under the Banana Curtain to sample a Qldurr Shock Rock Self Therapy Demo record.
Just paddle pop the slide volume to [11] to blow yer fuckin' brainz out...
Comes with a warning on just how good dusty records sound when they're handed down with love.
Crew says thanx mate that is an outrageous request from the grave...stoked to cue his single...Salute!
The Sharks ~ [A] This Side "Freud" (Self cues to next track) [A] That Side "Lobotomy"
Bent Brizzo Bass Player Double / Triple Play.
The Sharks > Perfect Strangers > Pineapples from the Dawn of Time
That's the crew's kinda Psychotic Bass player > trapped in all the wrong bands...get me outta here!
That's a session Gromz! Fark!
Would ya believe this ultra rare bonus treat just lands in me lap...Goin' Live on the Telly...say Wot?
C'mon crew...give it up...Ben's Tunesmiths *****
Salute mysterable for treat + bonus follow up band...
Perfect Strangers ~ Tightrope
(See : Feature Bass Player John Downie of all 3 bands on pretend Drums)
Pineapples from the Dawn of Time ~ Too much Acid
( With The Shark's Bass Player...Holy that much trippin' out allowed in Qld...Shh! )

A song for the zeitgeist " I should be happy, but I'm not.....I should be grateful, but I'm not..."

Did you read The Ballroom @blackers? I'm just getting to where Dolores returned to the ballroom, after cutting her other venues loose, and then got screwed again.. about 1981.. it's getting into territory where I have friends who remember the gigs.. good stuff, cheers.

Anyone besides @udo wanna weigh in about the humpback whale kayak 'hoax' in the shark thread? not much online, nothing mentions the strange behaviour of the camera:

A song for Brucey L.
May he hear it before fronting the magistrate in Toowoomba.

Watching a seppo true crime murder show. Someone takes a last breath after their cranium comes off second best after being introduced to an aloominerm baseball bat. It might have been Stevie Ray Vaughan on the mound.

A song title for Swellnet's resident Lembongan reporter.

Haha good one blackers

Bens Tunesmiths are stoked to unearth Aussie Autumn Almanac
1971 Falling by Autumn from LP "Comes...Autumn" (Prod : G Wayne Thomas)
1986 Autumn Leaves by Huxton Creepers from LP "12 Days to Paris" (Vid: Royal Botanic Gardens)
1996 Autumn comes to soon by Bluebottle Kiss from LP "Fear of Girls" reissued 25th Oct 2024
2004 Autumn Flow by Lior from LP "Autumn Flow"
2010 Autumn by Big Scary from EP "Four Seasons"
2014 Autumn in Melbourne by Classic Alpine from LP "Game Theory"
2018 Autumn Leaves by Dami Im from LP "I Hear a Song"
Forever Autumn...
2021 Autumn by (Sydney Metal band) Keepsake from LP "Slowburn"
Autumn (Canberra Metal Band) 2014-19
Autumn Blue (Country/Roots Family Band) Touring NSW
2012 Autumn Song by The Australian Voices from LP 'Great Southern Spirits'
2023 Autumn in Melbourne (Many Cover/s) YouTube : 9 y/o South African Girl on Piano.

someone who knows how to social media, should tell the beefs this song ended up in the well-put-together march 25 DI point clip @udo dropped into the 'random surf clips' thread. that must be 10 surf clips? red bellied black snake must be due the coming of age film soundtrack suggested in the YT comments by now?

Attention Euro Surf Safari Music Fans...
Belgium Saturday 5th April 2025 The Endless International Surf Festival
$50 Backdoor Entry > Drop in at 5:45pm Sets start rolling in @ 6:15pm (Paddle Battle Stomp Mosh)
Worth checking if this Casino Gig taps into F1 VIP Nazare Crews?
(see below line up promoters shit hot Title Track ** Nazare!)
Another swellnet drum circle beat up...***** Shit Hot Euro Surf Band Promo Teaser.
Website super stokes a gallery of 2 Trax from each of these said 8 Endless Surf Bands
Bens Tunesmiths ***** Must see Cowabunga Endless Surf Music Presentation
Just cue the site then sit & wait a tick as a surf godz roll out out an insane Surf band Vid Gallery
swellnet soundwave of the day ~~~~^ ~~~~/|~~~~/(~~~~/(C [ The Endless Surf )
Euro Surf Bands on show in The Endless Surf Promo
8 x 2 set Sound Waves...for the crew to surf
tbb : My kinda free Surf Music Jukebox...Just set and forget the sets....surfjustsurfmusic on tap!
* The Phantom Four (Netherlands)
* Les Agamemnonz (France)
* Bradipos IV (Italy)
* Razorblades (Germany)
* * Sant Anna Bay Coconuts (Belgium)
* Stories from Shamehill (Netherlands)
* The Akulas (Belgium)
* Slingshot Bikini (Belgium) are another Djingel Djangel Surf Band...
Free Oz Goth Surf link bonus is dedicated to Belgium Surf Music Promoters **
Antwerp Surf Music Hang [ Djingel Djangel ] tbb thought that sounded weird enough to check out...&...
Surf Hang Club's name is guess what... is named after a Nick Cave Song (Fair Dinkum!)
& The Bells from the Chapel went Djingel Djangel...( Do you Love me ) Dead set Oz Surf Goth Stoked.
Hodad Basher Punk Lesson to Gromz > always sniff out weird shit...brings rewards of the weirdest kind...
Like an 80's Oz Goth Belgian '60's Surf how else ya gonna dream up another swellnet exclusive!
Let's Stomp that Oz Goth Surf Mosh!
Bonus 2 wave set from Thee Andrews Surfers Live @ Nick Caves Djingle Djangle Belgian Goth Surf Hang.
Oz EU Surf Safaris gotta pop in there to hang with yer continental Tiki Taboo surf punk crew...
Boss has called for an over the top Special above & beyond next level Interstellar Surf Music Stoke...
Djingel Djangel Opening Party exclusive swellnet crew redo with "The Incredible Sucking Spongies!"
Wow tbb...must admit that sounds pretty fucking did the swellnet drum circle drum that up!
C'mon...Who said that!
Everybody Djingel Djangel...that includes the Boss...Crank it & Stomp it...Outta here in double time! Impossible!
tbb salutes this Sea Siren Shanty...drooling over these chiko chix bashing their unfathomobiles like crazy.
More! More! We want more of them Incredible Sucking Spongies leaching off our bikini bottoms fuckin' sick bastards...tbb will pretend he never heard that...catch of the day for swellnet sea urchins!
Alright, time for some discussion on what yr all listening too. My iTunes inventory is getting a little stale so I'm up for some inspiration.
Currently loving The Drones' album "Havilah".. incredible songwriting and some of the best recorded guitars and drum I've heard in a long time. I'm a little late to the party with this album but it's on high rotation at the moment and will probably stay there a while. I've seen these guys live once (Fowlers, Adelaide) and fortunately they're incredible on stage too. Can't wait to see them again.