Where did you surf today?

Good spot that one 'eh Roady.
Bluebird day too. Gassan lit up beautifully in the distance?

Here's the vid, not sure if this will work.. Cooking!

Craig wrote:Here's the vid, not sure if this will work.. Cooking!
no good for me but that could just be my system

Agh, have to ask me for permission from a Google account.

Craig wrote:Agh, have to ask me for permission from a Google account.
Opened for me...

zenagain wrote:Good spot that one 'eh Roady.
Bluebird day too. Gassan lit up beautifully in the distance?
It’s an Underrated part of the country, Zen…so many people miss so much good snow, which is good for us.
Have you been to Hakkoda? I’ve just booked Aomori accommodation FEB 2025. It’s my dream destination to board…Nearly a year to dream.

My wife and I climbed Hakkoda in the summertime- we could look down onto the ropeway station. It's on my 'must do' list. I love Tohoku! So many places untapped if you got wheels.
Recently I sent a mate who was up in Niseko a pic of a completely empty lift line, he sent me one back with a 200m line waiting to get on the Hirafu gondola. I know which I'd prefer.
Hakkoda ropeway from above.

Zen, good to hear you got a powder day. They've been few and far between this year.
No swell for us down here - we only pick up south swell.

^ this is epic
Go supa ;)

Supafreak wrote:Today I paddled out with two others and we had a combined age of 210 , very inspirational watching and hooting as these two old boys had a crack . The oldest 76 , broke his ankle and snapped his achilles tendon at same spot 6 months earlier . Fucking legend .
So good mate.
Our bodies weaken (slightly for surfers), we look aged, but our minds still froth like grommets.
Glad you’re having a ball. AW

Supafreak wrote:Today I paddled out with two others and we had a combined age of 210 , very inspirational watching and hooting as these two old boys had a crack . The oldest 76 , broke his ankle and snapped his achilles tendon at same spot 6 months earlier . Fucking legend .
Fucken hell supa ya killin’ me man

Nice work. Lucky man.

Great Stuff. Old mate, 76 years young, is a legend.

76! - inspirational for this 60yo.
A few photos from Sunday. 5 weekends in a row we've had very good swell and conditions, but Sunday arvo was so clean and beautiful.
Despite never surfing the Ledge on good, busy days, and being an old blowin, even I managed to snag a barrel there - before getting ruthlessly faded :-) Never mind.

@Island Bay , awesome shot , am I right in assuming that you’re Kierin ? Looks like it was an epic day . This first photo is 76 yo JC , I mentioned he had broken his ankle and snapped achillies tendon 6 months earlier at the same spot and this was his first surf back from injury . In the second photo he’s doing some leg/ foot exercises in the sand as he lost a lot of muscle definition , that’s his son on the wave who at 42 was youngest in camp .

Island Bay wrote:76! - inspirational for this 60yo.
A few photos from Sunday. 5 weekends in a row we've had very good swell and conditions, but Sunday arvo was so clean and beautiful.
Despite never surfing the Ledge on good, busy days, and being an old blowin, even I managed to snag a barrel there - before getting ruthlessly faded :-) Never mind.
Wow so nice, beautiful place/area, spent a few days there in July 2018 just travelling around with the family, didn't have boards was only about 1Ft anyway.
A photo I took I have blown up on my office wall.
Would be a easy place to live.

Heck no, Supa, I'm just an old kook. Would love to have snagged that wave, though :-)
Go JC!

Island Bay wrote:Heck no, Supa, I'm just an old kook. Would love to have snagged that wave, though :-)
Go JC!
Nah mate I’ve seen some of your photos , definitely no kook and you have a heap of stanima for some of those long paddle outs you do . This 2 weeks out of water is killing me and huge forecast starting on 27th 28th , stitches come out 30th and arm feels good . Keep getting shacked IB .

Heal well, brother!

doing the final streak tomorrow @AW. astonishing the options they have there for dumb days like this Saturday which will be such an interesting day for us south-west facers. In my local hood, that town Indo liked a few years ago, is certainly the solid option. But I don't mind saying here, as I'm sure the local crew would nod that it's so conditions dependent and missiony, no one would bother. part of me wishes I could tuck in on the ferry, head west on the big island and hike with a boog and a rod from snake lagoon to PRiver for a week. farking epic time of year, nature-wise.

Terrifying bush.

everything but the 'bringing back the big bush'; bitta Eric and Billy fun, tho, 'fruitcup' : )-

seeds wrote:Terrifying bush.
Haha thought I was going to see some bush, but Green!

I digress, it’s been mentioned here before, but the Mighty Boosh is fantastic if you’ve never watched the series.

The early years (same episode)
Still makes me laugh

Big fan too. Hard to see that getting made anywhere other than the UK. So left field.

This bloke went for a casual paddle

Had a noteworthy session at the local yesterday afternoon. Wave size was two to perhaps three feet out of the northeast, which is a direction the beach likes, tide a bit high for ideal, yet the forecast seabreeze didn't eventuate so despite being a humid mid-twenties, the wind was still and the surface smooth.
At first glance it looked like great fun. Second glance revealed the crowd. Not sure why but the ebike crew and miscellaneous groms within the postcode had chosen this beach to surf at. Some were local, many were not, but like wild animals that'd found an abundant food source the word had somehow got out and the various packs had congregated. Though I couldn't complain too much as I had three groms with me.
The younger two and I sat off to the side while the eldest threw his hat in on the peak. I watched keenly as there were some extremely good surfers in there, including the current U/18 male Aussie champ. Being decades on the wrong side of the curve it was a fascinating sight to watch from afar.
There are a few heavy reefs around here which are usually the location of supercharged sessions, but here the heat was being turned up in slightly wobbly beachbreak waves. Spray was flying hither and yon following big pumps on takeoff and a quick accumulation of speed. If someone worthy took off the crew would watch from behind as they sped down the line, even more keenly if a section ahead folded and the surfer disappeared from sight for a second then...what? I saw fin ditches, heaving laybacks, oops and revs with all manner of grabs, and a lot of them made.
It was a performance. A collective aim to put on a show irrespective of talent level or wave size. The most magical thing, to me at least, was that it felt spontaneous. Show up and blow up, to use a cliche.
Put me in such a good mood that when the kids called for pizzas on the way home I relented and stopped in at Crust.

Never seen it Seeds but I've got my new saying for paddling out- 'This is sheer liquid wonderment!'
I'm gonna use that.

Did you get a couple to yourself Stu?
Sounds like a good sesh.

^^ Yep. Nothing you'd consider extraordinary, this century at least, but I had a blast.
TBH it was much more fun to witness and listen to them talk and carry on. I felt like Tom Wolfe eavesdropping on kids who'd later appear in his essays.

I enjoy those sessions a lot too Stu.

Me too, kinda like a feeding frenzy.
I especially like it when on the rare occasion patience and experience jags me a set wave under the noses of the little buggers. Usually the energetic little fuckers monster me.

zenagain wrote:Never seen it Seeds but I've got my new saying for paddling out- 'This is sheer liquid wonderment!'
I'm gonna use that.
Haha. Sounds like a WOTD caption.
It’s a great show Zen.

I love those sessions too Stu when all the hotties are around and everyone's performance goes up a notch. My session today was the complete opposite. Fished North of raglan this morning with my kids and got 30 snapper in an hour and a bit. Threw heaps of small ones back too. Came back along the coast and went past some nice banks so dropped the crew back in town and went back and surfed a fun left all my myself off the boat until the Seabreeze finally kicked in. Enjoy those solo missions too with no one in sight anywhere

poo-man wrote:I love those sessions too Stu when all the hotties are around and everyone's performance goes up a notch. My session today was the complete opposite. Fished North of raglan this morning with my kids and got 30 snapper in an hour and a bit. Threw heaps of small ones back too. Came back along the coast and went past some nice banks so dropped the crew back in town and went back and surfed a fun left all my myself off the boat until the Seabreeze finally kicked in. Enjoy those solo missions too with no one in sight anywhere
That sounds much better pooman.
I’m not paddling out into a pack of frothing rippers, no matter how good the show may be from the water. Not my idea of a fun surf

I had a similar experience at the same beach about a month ago Stu. Surfed looked marginal but I paddled out. Next minute there's about 15 gromms about 14 year old putting on and incredible show. I don't think I've seen such a high number of high level surfers in one area. All seemed to do at least 1 air reverse then land losing no momentum then continuing to do full rail carves. All seemed to be respectful. I was happy just to watch the show. I felt very old but also inspired.

You should try Snapper pre comp ,
Big airs , little airs
Guys that would normally go behind you as you paddle over a wave. decide to flash in front of you , sharp nose inches from your face and then cutting back around you again.
Don’t get in their way, they’re on a mission , Everyone is a kook to them.
Worst part is, not knowing who someone is,
when they’re obviously well known, from their surfing !
I remember circa 2009/2011 , paddling out at Rainbow next to Slater pre competition,
And a Jap guy decided to take off right above us , so I bailed and swam down, looked to my right under water, and they’re was the GOAT
performing a perfect duck dive, feet away!
All to the sounds of booming music as they cranked the speakers up ,
I wasn’t really that aware of the upcoming competition,
But it was definitely party time for everyone.

Finally, it goes off-shore and then we get this.....
Strong SW for the next week too. Yay!

blackers wrote:Finally, it goes off-shore and then we get this.....
Strong SW for the next week too. Yay!
yup. I'm going for a slop this weekend, regardless of the wind, then resigning myself to staying dry-docked till the 24th, hopefully the weekend before.

What a week of Easterly swell!! The Mid North Coast has been going off it's nuts and this morning was bigger and cleaner than any other day so far. Happy days for all of us.

Been a great run hasn't it! Very happy, tired bodies all around.
A Realsurf staple-( sorry Priddes for the plagarism)
No surf today but off to Vicco tomorrow for the weekend so heres hoping!