Different size fins but.

Hi Swellnet crew.... I'm having a sale on S-WINGS.
50% off all S-WINGS for the Swellnet faithful. Use promo code WINGS at checkout.. cheers...
Chris - BRAVOsurf

^ wow, 50% off the SALE price.. nice one!

BRAVOsurf wrote:Hi Swellnet crew.... I'm having a sale on S-WINGS.
50% off all S-WINGS for the Swellnet faithful. Use promo code WINGS at checkout.. cheers...
Chris - BRAVOsurf
All good, just bought the red futures 500, already have the FCS and single.

re: BRAVOsurf sale on S-WINGS
I have sold quite a few - so I hope you got what u needed... Thanks for support!
also FYI there's a very active chat forum on Facey called TWINNYS - twin fin focus but very detailed fin chat..

Just ordered the orange ones plus quad rears, Merry Christmas Bravo Surf

BRAVOsurf wrote:Hi Swellnet crew.... I'm having a sale on S-WINGS.
50% off all S-WINGS for the Swellnet faithful. Use promo code WINGS at checkout.. cheers...
Chris - BRAVOsurf
Thanks guys for the purchases... Helping me clear warehouse before I move.. Just a handful of fins left.. Plus lots of other specials available... Need anything - feel free to ask :). Chris @ bravosurf....

Where's New Location ?

udo wrote:Where's New Location ?
Hi Udo... the whole move is a work in progress. As we shift from being a licensee of 'major' surf brands to our own 'family owned' brands, we need to test the waters.. Likely closer to Dbah :)
New brands will be Summer vibes and BELL... watch this space...

RR, when he came too Australia in 68 he would introduce himself the the Ozzie Shielas by saying" Hi, I'm Randy"...most laughed!

~ Cheap ~
Free Delivery
Hi All ,
after a bit of your vast wisdom here , got myself a tiny 5'8 fish for small mushy waves , in 78 kgs and currently have fcs g'3 s in it but find them to lack drive and speed anyone have any suggestions on what would be more suitable fins for speed / drive in small waves , old school fcs plugs in the board tri fin .
help would be greatly appreciated .