The United States(!) of A
Exxotixjeff wrote:France offers troops to Denmark to defend against a potential Trump invasion.
The US potentially losing all its allies,
Seriously threatening its security.
Att Hiccup. This is why son. This is why.
Your mate Jeff’s upto his old tricks
What’s amazing is jeffy doesn’t check other sources to see what’s being reported around the world. MTN has him hypnotised and he believes anything they throw up on YouTube . He’s convinced that we are all ignorant and ill informed not to mention “ not up to date “ At least he’s good for a laugh . I was thinking why doesn’t he go after spud ? Then it dawned on me that nobody on YouTube is making endless videos about him , so he’s got no material . If he looked at a few independents & the guardian & friendly jordies he would have something to work with, but it won’t be the same without the yellow sensational headline .
"Jeff….Don’t know about that but I know what I’ve seen last two days. Meanwhile Indo is cut and pasting whatever that was above ^^^ "I dunno either @Seeds.
Bit touching really .
Like a sad "Dear Diary" entry.
"Friday night..."Ive been trying to do the impossible and catch up on the 101 different news stories around Trump,"Sounds like fun.
I thought perhaps I led a boring life but suddenly mine seems like a night out at the disco.
Hope you are well @Seeds.
I’m good mate. Hope you’re well also.
And that’s exactly how I viewed it.
Perplexing stuff.
I just wanted to bring some positivity to the thread and show people that there is a lot of people out there that voted for Trump, that are really happy and excited with what's happening, it's not all doom and gloom like Jeffy tries to portray.
Personally i think this Trump term feels different, Trump knows the game he has been there before, he has the people around him he wants, and he just seems to getting thing's done, to the point it's hard to keep up, just so many positive's right now, exiting times.
Trump's diversity claim extends from DC Civilian / Armed Defence-Airport requiring US citizens.
Exampling US integrate Oz Air Shows with ALL local East Coast Airports / Fields to refuel US Jets.
Thereby rules out any Foreign muck driving cabs or cleaning windows at any Airport/Field/ School.
Dutto can't let a Chinese person sneeze on his Aukus Rorted WR security imported Nuke Plants.
Eitherway it locks up GOP US defence to cream 5x inhouse WR Rorts billed to Local communities!
Stretch 20>30 year contracts syphoning sister Nuke Cities to prop up GOP Nuke Sub freebies.
Check Trumps Chinese / Patriot US Fireworks + his & Dutto's Flags Rort flips that bankroll China
Trump's 0% Tariff on Chinese Fireworks > $2.5b 99% Total / 72 containers of Explosives / day
Chinese ship over 200 million kgs of explosives thru US ports each year!
Trump invited Xi Jinping to US longest ever 14min $800k Explosive Made in China tribute.
1/3 of Total Annual fireworks imported for Trump's Chinese Prez Xi dedication...Xi sent his Veep.
18th Jan Trump just imported 70 million kgs of explosives thru same DC Airport / Harbour Tragedy.
Reckon that mighta made them a little nervous...
Trumps $zero tariff [ Make China Great Again ] Campaigns.
2016 Trump out spends Dems on Made in China Merch / Flags
2020-2024 dropped 20-30% from 90% Chinese made Flags to 75% + (Vietnam / Cambodia)
Made in China US Flags around $3.5b yr
46/48 Trump Flags [ Please Make China greater than Trump's USA Again ]
15/16 Trump's best sellers are all [Made in China]
Recall that iconic Fist Pump Assassination Branding > [Made in China]
Very Next Day it was on the Shelves...Trump lapping it Up...Fight Fight Fight
Takes US 2 weeks > 5x the cost to source gear as China runs Trump's Campaign ahead of him.
STFU dickhead we got try keeping up...Can ya do some more of...You Know!
Trump's idiots see [ Made in US Logo ]...That's actually a [ Chinese Made Logo ] Oopsie!
Their best seller...OMG! So Cute how stupid Yanks Are!
Reality Check...
US Flag Makers were gearing up for 5-10% lift in sales >
US made Flag sales dropped during Trumps Campaign...spelt their Death Knell...
MAGA ditched that Make America Great Again faster than any...more Made in China Please...Hurry!
[Trump alone is Making China Shit on USA > every Day he does that Made in China Fist Pump!]
$2b Tariff Free [ Make China Fucking Godz ] Just on Trumps [Made in China] Xi Jinping Promo's
Think this is #1 Sellout...
Check out Dopey Dutto Buying Aboriginal Flag just ban our only Oz Made Royalty Merch!
Instead mandates Supermarket [ 100% Made in China Day Merch- tbb checked ]
Now bans 100% Oz Royalties on Aboriginal Flag + Now Welcome To Country for What...
More of this unpatriotic Liberal Foreign Muck...
AFL footy teams pay 78% Royalties for stolen bullshit O/S Actual Foreign Govts...
Many promote Rape or Wanking even killing...each sicker than the last...and nearly all foreign!
Where / What else ya don't wanna know > Russian Prisoners of War...Yep!
[L] mandates Oz to fund Russian POW welcome to country over Aboriginal self reliance royalties.
Does it matter if Dutto bankrolls Putin or Xi dictator's Armies more than his despised Aussies?
See the pattern guys...
Trump deprives $2b MAGA away from US Patriots to Make China Heaps Better than US
Dutto deprives 100% Aboriginal Flag / Song Royalties to Make China & Russia heaps wealthier.
So easy for Media to Question why our #1 Traitors bankroll China Dictator over their own people!
Why are these Traitors blatantly selling out our Countries to their best mate Chinese Dictator!
They are #1 Chinese slaves & Cowardly liars surrendering our nations to China at record speed!
Neither hide their surrender to China while selling out their cheap tacky bastardized patriotism to China!
Here in Oz...we call that Pissweak by a pair of cowardly egotistical Dead Shits that are so far up themselves!
They themselves call this Ultra Woke or Wankfest maybe!
Septic Tanks are going to Septic Tank