Food Advent-ures

Baked/glazed leg ham, prawns, salads and beers. Working this year so won’t be indulging.

For Waxxy. We call ‘em prawns not shrimp and we don’t grill ‘em in the bbq. Boiled in water(purchased that way) peeled and eaten.
See clip
I don’t remove the poop shoot and don’t mind sucking the contents of the heads out either.

For us it's beer, red wine and the usual turkey & ham schomozle with nice salads for a late lunch. Followed by a nap.

And backyard cricket with your half cut uncles. Ho, ho, ho. AW

AlfredWallace wrote:And backyard cricket with your half cut uncles. Ho, ho, ho. AW
Ah, that would be me then.

Can't wait for the devon and cold mashed potato rolls.

I had to look that up, Toobs. So, it seems that your Devon is our Bologna (or Baloney). That said....
1) 5 slices of your neighborhood's best devon ;-)
2) cast iron skillet with olive oil
3) two pieces of dark rye bread
4) English hot mustard
Just fry and eat! Easy, peasy, tasty!

wax24 wrote:I had to look that up, Toobs. So, it seems that your Devon is our Bologna (or Baloney). That said....
1) 5 slices of your neighborhood's best devon ;-)
2) cast iron skillet with olive oil
3) two pieces of dark rye bread
4) English hot mustard
Just fry and eat! Easy, peasy, tasty!
Nice, don't mind a bit of mustard.
Another classic is a thick slice, battered and fried.
A couple of blokes out west here have started selling them out of the shop and seem to be doing pretty good.
This clip is from 15 years ago, but the lads show us how it's done,

Ooh nice one. I know that trick.
Recipe tin eats is a great place to get recipes. She sure knows what she’s doing.

And next day ham, cheese and tomato toasted sanga. Use a good cheese to do the ham justice.

Love it guys! Here’s my ham go…. Get a spiral sliced ham, rub it with honey, (LOTSA HONEY) and then with apricot jam.
(and yes to leftover sammies.)
We had some ham, chicken in gravy, rigatoni, green salad, and raspberry-peach pie for lunch and then prime rib, raviolis, more green salad, and garlic bread for dinner. With the family recipe Bundt cake for dessert. (I like cake with no frosting.
I love Xmas.

You'll have to research whether ravioli is a countable or uncountable noun.
Therein lies your answer.
I can't get over 'erbs with a silent 'h', does my head in.

zenagain wrote:I can't get over 'erbs with a silent 'h', does my head in.
ee-moo does mine in.

zenagain wrote:And next day ham, cheese and tomato toasted sanga. Use a good cheese to do the ham justice.
Meant to ask you Zen, what is your go to cheese/s? Seasons greetings to you and yours as well.

basesix wrote:can you explain 'raviolis' to me @wax.. is that the plural of 'ravioli'?.
In Italian 'ravioli' is the plural 'raviolo' but English treats it as a mass noun. There's yer Lego and beer all in one Base,6.

Back atcha Blackers.
Oz is blessed with cheese- a good Aussie tasty, decent cheddar or Swiss as long as it melts well.
Japan doesn't actually do good cheese.
Milk is nice though.

Tasty is Oz as being an aged cheddar.
Saw a show yesterday where sanga had mustard one side butter other(inside side) good ham, a red Leicester and a combo of pecorino/cheddar. Sandwich pressed with buttered outsides.
You’re right Zen. Simple creation but the cheese lifts the sanga to new heights.

Mmmm, aged cheddar.....Cheers boys

Absolutely, extra sharp for me thanks.

Yes absolutely tubeshooter. Extra sharp goes good on a platter as a great contrast to those bries and Camembert’s.
Shit, I like eating Parmesan straight.

I love a generous grating of parmesan or pecorino in mashed spuds.
I do a pretty mean sauteed gnocchi with guancale (if I can get it) spinach and gorgonzola. Blue cheese substitutes well.

Had to google guancale.
Homer drool.
Especially with blue cheese sauce.

While on the subject of cheddar, damn Kraft to hell for discontinuing the original Macaroni Cheese Deluxe boxes with the cheese in the can.
I've tried a few different cheddars since but just can't get it right.

Having said that, what is the difference between blue cheese and Gorgonzola? Never tasted it but looks same same.
(tubeshooter that is wrong on so many levels)
(Simpsons clip was funny. Best prison camp food ever)

basesix wrote:can you explain 'raviolis' to me @wax.. is that the plural of 'ravioli'?
(the reason I ask, is one thing I find very endearing about American, is how USers often describe the individual things in a group of things, where we describe just a general glut of a thing.. we would never say 'have you got any beers?' we would say 'got any beer?' our kids play with Lego, yours play with Legos. We eat a bowl of ravioli, from what I'm gathering you eat raviolis. I find it sweet. dunno why.)
your winter feast sounds amazeballs.. just looked up bundt cake, looks the business.. I'm with you regarding frosting/icing..
Hey Basey…. I wish I could explain, but, I noticed that I also referred to rigatoni as, well, rigatoni. No plural. So, and as I woulda expected, I am not even consistent. Alls I can say is that, while they are basically the same dish (tomato based meat sauce, parm cheese on table) rigatoni is rigatoni but ravioli is Raviolis. And this is clear, lol.
Bundt cake is the Emperor Of Cakes. (To me, only, but, still true.)

zenagain wrote:You'll have to research whether ravioli is a countable or uncountable noun.
Therein lies your answer.
I can't get over 'erbs with a silent 'h', does my head in.
Hey Zen…… I know, and then there was a hit song in the late 70s (I was still a kid) called “Reunited” by Peaches And Herb…. And ya pronounced that WITH the “h”! Talk about havin yer head done in… I mean.. I was just a child! lol

tubeshooter wrote:zenagain wrote:I can't get over 'erbs with a silent 'h', does my head in.
ee-moo does mine in.
Dunno Toobie…, I could always ride that wave. Dunno what yer on about. (lol!)

As far as cheese on a leftover hammie sammie….. the thing I love most about ham is its versatility with cheeses! I’ll take sharp cheddar or swiss… but SOOO many will work.

seeds wrote:Having said that, what is the difference between blue cheese and Gorgonzola? Never tasted it but looks same same...
Gorgonzola is a blue, anything with the (deliberate, internal) mould is called blue, Eg stilton, Danish blue etc. Leaving a chunk of cheese in the fridge unwrapped for a month will have a similar visual effect but is not recommended
I like the northern European harder cheeses myself, Edam, Gouda, and the like. Add good pecorino , parmesan and local aged cheddar and I'm in heaven.

Thanks for the clarification.
I’m a fan of edam also. Lovely cheese.

No worries mate, seasons greetings. My Grandfather was a cheese maker back in the old dart. They used copper probes with an electric current to get the blue started according to my old man. But he is 91 and a forgetful old soul so he may be making that up. Cheese everyone!

Blessed are the cheesemakers Blackers.
Waxy, remember that track- lovely song. I'll be singing all day.
"Christmas Day was hectic as,
But on the Feast of Stephen,
Surf and wind were fickle as,
Least I had my freedom.."