..eat the sandwiches there.

basesix's picture
basesix started the topic in Sunday, 24 Dec 2023 at 4:47pm

an innocuous thread for those that want to partake in 'a piece', as the sanga is called in Scotland. Surely, no biffo about this underrated between meal snack?
'Bread and water can easily be toast and tea' - true wisdom. But HOW GOOD is a good sandwich? And how cool is the guy that whips out a sandwich for smoko, chewing with disinterest, while a colleague microwaves last night's korma?

blackers's picture
blackers's picture
blackers Tuesday, 19 Nov 2024 at 6:16pm

Oops. Thanks for the correction AW. I will repay you at some point no doubt. Mmm rodent burgers.....

The lamb burgers are pretty bloody nice btw.

wax24's picture
wax24's picture
wax24 Tuesday, 19 Nov 2024 at 10:13pm
Supafreak wrote:
wax24 wrote:

Hey Seedsy… i’ll hold off on my 1st Official Aussie Burger til we gain more consensus… tho i think i have enough for a fine Rough Draft.

Mmm. burgers.

In trance and now quickly outta trance.

I never heard the “shit on toast” but woulda liked it, for sure.

My dad had a weird thing where he would mimic some radio show i have purposely not discovered.

When puttin us to bed (me and and older and a younger sister), he would suddenly say….
“SLOWLY! I turn… step by step… inch by inch…. and…. then! …”
and he would smother whichever child he was creepin on with hugs and kisses.

It was scary but fun and, i mean, it was DAD, and ya wanted to be the one gettin creeped on….

I knew I’d heard that somewhere before . Go to 97second mark


OMG Supa! That is where it came from!! I never knew.
My mom didn't like my Dad lettin us watch the Stooges with him. She thought it would teach us to hit. He'd let us anyways.

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Tuesday, 19 Nov 2024 at 10:46pm
wax24 wrote:
Supafreak wrote:
wax24 wrote:

Hey Seedsy… i’ll hold off on my 1st Official Aussie Burger til we gain more consensus… tho i think i have enough for a fine Rough Draft.

Mmm. burgers.

In trance and now quickly outta trance.

I never heard the “shit on toast” but woulda liked it, for sure.

My dad had a weird thing where he would mimic some radio show i have purposely not discovered.

When puttin us to bed (me and and older and a younger sister), he would suddenly say….
“SLOWLY! I turn… step by step… inch by inch…. and…. then! …”
and he would smother whichever child he was creepin on with hugs and kisses.

It was scary but fun and, i mean, it was DAD, and ya wanted to be the one gettin creeped on….

I knew I’d heard that somewhere before . Go to 97second mark


OMG Supa! That is where it came from!! I never knew.
My mom didn't like my Dad lettin us watch the Stooges with him. She thought it would teach us to hit. He'd let us anyways.

The story has history going back to Stooges , Abbot & Costello , Lucille Ball made ii famous . comic Joey Faye claimed authorship of "Slowly I Turned" in its many formats.https://niagarafallsreporter.com/slowly.html

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Wednesday, 20 Nov 2024 at 8:00am

… burgers vs nuggets ;)


basesix's picture
basesix's picture
basesix Friday, 29 Nov 2024 at 12:19pm

yaffle daffle, @Jelly just posted this legend.. guy takes a bite, then adds smoked paprika, then analyses the new effect.. serious sandwicher.

(my only sandwich news is I had a cracker celebratory ham/ch/tom toastie at a regional airport upon finding my car key, and I just got back from doing the shopping an hour ago, cracked out fresh white bread slices, a packed of processed turkey, some cold brie, cranberry, and blanched some baby asparagus. Happy Crissy preparations y'all.)

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Monday, 2 Dec 2024 at 8:20pm


