..eat the sandwiches there.

Had plenty of jewfish(mulloway) today and tomorrow(fed the immediate and extended family) - also been catching red claw crayfish in a local waterway so eating that as well as the prawns, and some fresh tailor.

Base 6
Whenever I seam to be in Asia , I often feel like a ham and salad sandwich .
Fresh white bread and a tiny dash of hot English mustard .
An oldie but a Goldie imho .
Happy Christmas everyone and a very HNY ,

I stuffed up , again .
To fill the space I will share what I wrote to someone this morning .
Buddha was asked by a religious nut and a crazed atheist if God existed ( saw it on utube last night ) lol
He gave them two opposite answers as wanted them to have an open mind :)
Religion should be experienced a lot more than thought about .
I might try and think like a Lion :)
Strange day lol
Ps I am not religious , yet :)

Yes, Merry Xmas everyone.
Hope 2024 is a great year for all and sundry.

Speaking of crabs and fish...
— internet hall of fame (@InternetH0F) December 21, 2023
and enjoying your sanga at the beach...
That was fast.. 😂 https://t.co/6ECrkf5Dgz
— Buitengebieden (@buitengebieden) December 19, 2023

Can't beat a hot chip sanga on fresh bread with plenty of butter. Lived off them as a grommie. Heavy fuel to be sure but a bucks worth a chips , a loaf of bread and some butter could feed and fully fuel half a dozen of your mates 'back in the day'.

I love my sangas. I prefer in a smaller single baguette. Any cold meat with some good tomato chutney, it’s really good on a weekend to caramelise red onion and to top it off sweet gherkins sliced in half.
Now in Japan…7/11 has the best egg sangas ever known to mankind. And also in crazy Japan they love their fruit and whipped cream sangas….which I still don’t get although my girls love them.
Basesix, maybe on SN we call ours “peace” sangas?

Vegemite and kettle fry chip sangas. Is also a goer.

Ha ha! Warren Zevon is somewhere loving this thread.
Other than vegemite, i am hard pressed to think of a sammie that i won't eat and enjoy. Ham seems to be my classic. It can be dressed up in many ways. I love the egg salad too.
Here is a weirdo one i have eaten all my life..... White bread, peanut butter, mayo, and a dill pickle.
I have never once gotten anybody to try one, tho i have tried. I know it sounds gross, but, it works a treat.
@Base... i will let ya know what that Chrissie Sammie winds up being.

Turkey cranberry sanga.... Mmm
Merry Christmas, enjoy those left over sangas ... :)

Let's not forget the humble Bunnings sausage and onion sangas. :)

I’m a serial killer with my Vegemite. White bread and a shit tonne of butter. Add cheese sometimes too.
Another favourite this time of year is fresh carved slabs of leg ham, once again shit tonnes of butter and Dijon mustard. Ah the simple things in life

Yep, those combos are a go…
- add some fresh parmesan on either
- and if no dijon try chilli and kewpie ;)

Bit of tuna, heap of avo, bit of tomato, bit of onion, bit of cheese, bit of tommy sauce, bit of mustard. Voila!
On some kinda multigrain bread. Great post surf chomp.
Happy festivities everyone.

Yeah seeds, same... 'I don't always eat vegemite sangas, but when I do.'
'That peanut butter/mayo/pickle thing sounds like something only a pregnant woman would eat.
I'm assuming @#wax24 is also a fan of peanut butter and jelly, or jam is we like to call it.
Tried it once and spat the lot, not for me.

…leftover burger patties
- chopped up with onion, cheese, tomato
(optional coleslaw, chilli)
& merry xmas all, stay safe ;)

Love peanut butter and jam or honey

I had one of these, tried to replicate at home and just not the same. A location sanga. Stood in the street with 100 other tourists…..was really fun everyone chatting.
Everyone have a happy Xmas and NY. Stay safe..hope there are waves for all.

Yes seeds, a superb combo is peanut butter and honey…..better on toast imo.
And yes, jelly…burger patty the day after on white bread. Gawd they are good.

Many years ago I remember my mate's go to after-surf snack of choice was a Mars Bar and a can of Coke. Being a couple of years younger and still struggling against the dreaded pimple monster my go-to snack was the simple salad sandwich. $3 would buy a me lettuce, tomato, beetroot carrot and onion, with a touch of salt an pepper. Oh and not too much butter please. Apologies @seeds but too much butter ain't better :) I remember those sandwiches as clear as day, and very recently, coincidentally, I found a shop makes an exact replica for $8!
Otherwise, my go-to sanga is white bread with vegemite, no butter. Which for me is the lazy man's alternative when a salad sanga is simply in the too hard basket.

I'm a little bit shocked neither chicken nor roast beef have been mentioned yet!
Either with a liberal dosing of gravy is deluxe!
(bit of cheese doesn't hurt either)

No butter is okay
I’ve been known to eat a spoonful of Vegemite straight. It’s a surreal experience. Activates normally dormant parts of the brain

…salad sandwich with bacon goes good ;)

Bacon egg and caramelised onions with your choice of sauce. Caramelised onions lifts the ordinary.

and wraps too basesix, ohh and bacon, yes ;)

Hot roast chicken from Woolies, butter, mayo, salt and pepper, good bread.
Ultimate after surf scoff food

goofyfoot wrote:Hot roast chicken from Woolies, butter, mayo, salt and pepper, good bread.
Ultimate after surf scoff food
Boom! There it is goofy. I knew all along you were a brother from another mother,

@Tube.... i know, i have been getting a hard time for that sandwich forever. i should just eat it alone. in the dark. and never speak a word of it. LOL
@Seeds.... lol, i am guilty, i have only tried it as a heap on a spoon. gawd, i AM a seppo :(
Speakin of Seppos.... probly the best sandwich of the year is the Thankgiving Leftover Sammie.
(Our Thanksgiving is a bit like your Australia Day? Jan 26?)

@goofy and SR The dirty bird. Batchelor’s handbag.
Chicken onion tinned pineapple cheese mayo salt white pepper toasted sanga

Love a roast chicken sanga, but I'm certainly not a fan of the Coles or Woolies chooks, especially when compared to the ones at some other local shops.

Haha Waxxy
Try it on toast plenty of butter and only the amount of Vegemite as in the photo. You have to build up to serial killer

Merry Christmas all.
Mums left over cold roast lamb sangas with mustard pickles.
Goodness, I could murder one of those right now.

A couple for the PB & J crew.

Hhhmmmm mustard pickles and lamb. Never gone there. I’ll try that as I’m a fan of mustard pickles.
Merry Xmas to you Zen and everyone else. Prosperous new year for all.

How’s these freaks (my old man) that butter there peanut butter sangas. Seriously?

seeds wrote:@goofy and SR The dirty bird. Batchelor’s handbag.
Chicken onion tinned pineapple cheese mayo salt white pepper toasted sanga
Phwoar! Pineapple can only ever be a good thing. Cheers @seeds!

…twiggy sticks, baby cucumbers, cheese, tomato
- optional jalapeño ;)

Salami, tomato, jalepeno, bit of Mayo and hot sauce , done on turkish bread toasted in the breville "little hotties" , *discalimer melted cheese and hot tomatoes always burns the mouth cause you can't wait though.
Perfect for smoko on a cold day

Phwoar! Pineapple can only ever be a good thing. Cheers @seeds!
SR.. i know a guy who is allergic to pineapple. poor bastard.

Crab meat sandwich on supa fresh bread.

Vegemite and cheese, toasted. Mmmmm might have one now. Merry Christmas SN’ers.

My fridge has got left over desert from a morning gathering which I saved for dinner .
Kids like Christmas presents early in my family :)
Some Christmas Pudding and two chocolate slice slices .
Main ( just for me ) will be a few crumbed lamb cutlets and taboulie ?
My second meal today .
The days of three Christmas meals are over , for this bloke .
Good for sleeping , though .

southernraw wrote:seeds wrote:@goofy and SR The dirty bird. Batchelor’s handbag.
Chicken onion tinned pineapple cheese mayo salt white pepper toasted sangaPhwoar! Pineapple can only ever be a good thing. Cheers @seeds!
Tuna, cheese and mayo toasted sandwiches on sour dough, delish. It’s that kind of weather today in southern Australia, appalling conditions outside.
Summer ? AW.
an innocuous thread for those that want to partake in 'a piece', as the sanga is called in Scotland. Surely, no biffo about this underrated between meal snack?
'Bread and water can easily be toast and tea' - true wisdom. But HOW GOOD is a good sandwich? And how cool is the guy that whips out a sandwich for smoko, chewing with disinterest, while a colleague microwaves last night's korma?