The United States(!) of A
haha, don't know how informed my opinions are really, just venting some thoughts.
We do share some things though, I too have projectile vomited a Big Mac, I too have indulged in the gold top mind expansion exercise, but it was a live dog that taught me wisdom once, talking at me like it was Mr.Ed, not a toy monkey.
And I too loved Sir Arthur Grimble's "A Pattern of Islands" like you did (how's my memory eh?, not bad considering all the gold tops etc consumed.). One hell of a good shark story in that one ay.
I'm going to bed now. Might read that chapter on sharks again when I do.
A recession in the US predicted as the market’s factor in policy uncertainty,
after Trump announces his very controversial cabinet picks. M A G A suddenly finds out that Americans pay the tariffs not China. ?
Because MAGA voted for,
racism, bigotry, oppression.
“ That’s why we have to endeavour to raise the collective conscience of humanity, by fighting the evils that persist.”
Septic Tanks are going to Septic Tank