That’s weird, that’s queer, that’s crazy, that deserves a long hard look.

Roadkill's picture
Roadkill started the topic in Monday, 25 Oct 2021 at 7:04pm
I focus's picture
I focus's picture
I focus Friday, 27 Sep 2024 at 10:56pm
stunet wrote:

From The New Yorker.

'Why Facts Don’t Change Our Minds'
New discoveries about the human mind show the limitations of reason.


Thanks Stu good read confirms my biais.

blackers's picture
blackers's picture
blackers Saturday, 28 Sep 2024 at 2:04pm

Yes a good read, thanks Stu. Myside bias aside, I liked the quote: "As a rule, strong feelings about issues do not emerge from deep understanding”.

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Saturday, 28 Sep 2024 at 2:39pm

That’s weird, that’s queer, that’s crazy, that deserves a long hard look.


Juliang's picture
Juliang's picture
Juliang Sunday, 29 Sep 2024 at 1:19am


This song has deep significance
I think
Why does he need so many people , to sing about raising dental floss in Montana ?

Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Sunday, 29 Sep 2024 at 10:06am

Stu’s post was an interesting read.

I don’t think anyone can remove their bias and have unbiased views. Some could comment on something without bias but opinion always comes with bias.
It’s an interesting topic.

No one on SN has successfully been bias free.

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Wednesday, 2 Oct 2024 at 10:12am


stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Wednesday, 2 Oct 2024 at 3:04pm

Scenes from my midday walk.

34 years ago the ditch leading to this drain was much deeper and wider.

34 years ago I was pulled from the backseat of a HQ wagon laying upside-down in that ditch with its front end hard up against the drain.

The crash itself didn't happen in slow motion though the lead up took a few hours. We were sitting in the Country Club fifty metres down the road having afternoon drinks when a voice came over the PA: "As it's Christmas, all drinks this afternoon will be $1."

As it's Christmas..? It was November 30th. Which makes a mockery of the twelve days of Christmas but we weren't going to look a gifthorse in the mouth and settled in with all the restraint of newly-loosed 18 year olds.

"I'll have twelve bourbon and cokes, thanks."

After a few hours, the party shifted over to the Tavern with no loss of momentum - from memory we'd even picked up a few new friends. Come closing time, we jumped straight into the car, two in the front, two in the back, and tried to find the half-built house we'd been sleeping in.

A digression: Four of us set off on a three week surf trip and didn't take a tent. These days I marvel when I walk around camp grounds and see rigs worth quarter-of-a-mill, comparing them unfavourably to my twenty buck board bag. Have we gone soft?

For some reason, our driver couldn't find the house even though it was only a street ot two from the tav. Discretion was never his strong point, which may explain why he did a burnout wheelie thing with a full car after six hours and fifty drinks.

My lasting memories were the car, first on two wheels, then on its roof, still moving, but coming to a dramatic halt with all the stuff in the back now in the front. I was pinned against a seat, bleeding from a surfboard fin cut to my ear. Fortunately it was our only injury.

The car, however, looked pretty well fucked. Once we dug out through the windows we stood around and looked at it upside-down in that ditch.

I don't remember the details, but locals gathered us up and took us down to the surf club, the old club, and let us sleep in the canvas bunks. The next morning I awoke, looked up the point, then walked over the golf course to see the car. Amazingly, there was a fella on a tractor pulling it backwards out of the ditch. Then I helped a bunch of gathered locals right it back on its wheels.

Apparently the Kempsey cops had already called around but they'd been given a story. Nudge nudge. Different times.

We ended up staying in town for a week waiting for a new radiator. We surfed a lot but I can't recall the point ever getting good during that stay. I also can't recall if we returned to the Country Club or Tav. Commonsense should dictate we learned a lesson but gathering wisdom wasn't on the trip's agenda. And hey, we were 18.

With a new radiator we set off again, only slightly inhibited by a bent right fender that made hard rights impossible, meaning roundabouts became five point turns.

Of course you can reverse on a roundabout. You can do anything when you're 18.

southernraw's picture
southernraw's picture
southernraw Wednesday, 2 Oct 2024 at 3:44pm

Bloody hell Stu! That's one impressive fin chop story!!
Glad you survived with a fair story and a life lesson.

Roystein's picture
Roystein's picture
Roystein Wednesday, 2 Oct 2024 at 9:34pm

Classic story Stu but could have ended up differently. The perceived immortality we all had as youth!

blackers's picture
blackers's picture
blackers Wednesday, 2 Oct 2024 at 10:08pm


blackers's picture
blackers's picture
blackers Wednesday, 2 Oct 2024 at 10:08pm

Ah family holidays revisiting your misspent youth. Nice work. Simpler times, people understood. Luck meant we lived to tell the tale.

basesix's picture
basesix's picture
basesix Wednesday, 2 Oct 2024 at 10:40pm
stunet wrote:

Scenes from my midday walk.

34 years ago the ditch leading to this drain was much deeper and wider.

34 years ago I was pulled from the backseat of a HQ wagon laying upside-down in that ditch with its front end hard up against the drain.

The crash itself didn't happen in slow motion though the lead up took a few hours. We were sitting in the Country Club fifty metres down the road having afternoon drinks when a voice came over the PA: "As it's Christmas, all drinks this afternoon will be $1."

As it's Christmas..? It was November 30th. Which makes a mockery of the twelve days of Christmas but we weren't going to look a gifthorse in the mouth and settled in with all the restraint of newly-loosed 18 year olds.

"I'll have twelve bourbon and cokes, thanks."

After a few hours, the party shifted over to the Tavern with no loss of momentum - from memory we'd even picked up a few new friends. Come closing time, we jumped straight into the car, two in the front, two in the back, and tried to find the half-built house we'd been sleeping in.

A digression: Four of us set off on a three week surf trip and didn't take a tent. These days I marvel when I walk around camp grounds and see rigs worth quarter-of-a-mill, comparing them unfavourably to my twenty buck board bag. Have we gone soft?

For some reason, our driver couldn't find the house even though it was only a street ot two from the tav. Discretion was never his strong point, which may explain why he did a burnout wheelie thing with a full car after six hours and fifty drinks.

My lasting memories were the car, first on two wheels, then on its roof, still moving, but coming to a dramatic halt with all the stuff in the back now in the front. I was pinned against a seat, bleeding from a surfboard fin cut to my ear. Fortunately it was our only injury.

The car, however, looked pretty well fucked. Once we dug out through the windows we stood around and looked at it upside-down in that ditch.

I don't remember the details, but locals gathered us up and took us down to the surf club, the old club, and let us sleep in the canvas bunks. The next morning I awoke, looked up the point, then walked over the golf course to see the car. Amazingly, there was a fella on a tractor pulling it backwards out of the ditch. Then I helped a bunch of gathered locals right it back on its wheels.

Apparently the Kempsey cops had already called around but they'd been given a story. Nudge nudge. Different times.

We ended up staying in town for a week waiting for a new radiator. We surfed a lot but I can't recall the point ever getting good during that stay. I also can't recall if we returned to the Country Club or Tav. Commonsense should dictate we learned a lesson but gathering wisdom wasn't on the trip's agenda. And hey, we were 18.

With a new radiator we set off again, only slightly inhibited by a bent right fender that made hard rights impossible, meaning roundabouts became five point turns.

Of course you can reverse on a roundabout. You can do anything when you're 18.

man, if you're our age or older, you've survived some crazy stupid shit.. makes for introspective reflections.. here's a wholesome palate cleanser, the antics of youth mit jobbletops and masks.. castle douglas is a joyless place, but I spent some time in a cool nearby town pronounced Ker-koo-bree.. (try being an Aussie and yelling at people "Is this the way to 'Curt Cud Broit?'" and experience people looking haunted and shepherding any nearby children in the opposite direction). Won't add any stories, but with the Gulf Stream mentions today, just a bit o' Bob:

Fliplid's picture
Fliplid's picture
Fliplid Thursday, 3 Oct 2024 at 7:07am

Cracker of a story, that drain needs a commemoration plaque about it

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Sunday, 6 Oct 2024 at 12:06am

Thanks for sharing Stu...sad reality back in the day...all fuckin' flying blind.
Formed a band to honour mate's motorbike death > Bass player was mowed down on Surfers' footpath.
Even more gruesome was our roadie was squished in a Cherry Picker on a Construction Site!

tbb walked away from just as many without a scratch...
Reminded a Psychotic Turnbuckle of how he mows a Pottsville Camp Oval...Was you navigating! OMG!
Other's short cut on Bike operate clutch'n'brakes with hands while driver eats or gets ready.
And all dink racing top speed thru he Hills no helmets...see biker mate who died...scared tbb to death!

Flying Blind Drunk into the Abyss.

1984 Friday Arvo / Night Work Piss-ups...workmates run outta beer & wanted Pizzas.
Wollongong Blowin shit-kicker Scottie was sent out in big Bro's beat up Falcon Ute...
tbb had no licence after a previous serious crash into an unlicensed unlit car...was paying that off...
Was Ok as Scottie's drink's caddy for 1km easy run to new Lone Star Tavern / Pizza Bar.

Establishing neither of us were fit to navigate a poorly lit Roadwork Duplication fuckin' idea!
Just cruising along half pissed on a dark compacted gravel Road...(That wasn't yet open...say wot!)
There is a slight curve so ya can't really see what lies ahead until it's upon you.
Scottie asks tbb to find a lighter...then noticed Driver Scottie was rummaging same seat with both hands.

Bit too late tbb...should never have gotten in the car...Coz today is that day when...

We're up to speed & all goes silent > we're flying thru the dark sky...(See photo Westbank > East Bound)
(No Eastbound lane bridge was built yet...Oopsie?)
We splashed down just over the deep middle of narrow but main canal nearer the East Bank.
Local fishers know as the S>N original main drain Dunlop's Canal where canal network tides fastest.

tbb's window was down & Ute was filling & sinking fastest on passenger side...
Scottie tried to evacuate but it was impossible to push his door up near vertical to leap into thin air...
Gotta wind down the driver's window and escape thru tight exit...we were both young & fit enough...
More about technique as steering wheel was now a rudder & poor anchoring point.
More importantly...we were impossibly pissed - just enough to make shit up like on them blooper reels.
Anyone watchin' be like of course that's wot ya gotta do to get outta an impossible situation!'d escape differently each time...there is no rule book for a Goldie Canal Ute Muster!

Also being a construction site...darker, wider & deeper but like a deep open cut mine lake...
Not that many houses not a lot of witnesses or help for that matter...nor did we yell for help!
It was deep in the middle of canal but thankfully only a short swim ashore but the tide runs fast here.
Made shore Ok but it was a good climb out & up the bare earth bank.

Bloke shines a torch on us...Says ya alright! He can call his towie mate...but it will likely cost ya!
So Scottie stayed with the car...there was a lone site lamp on the top of the bank that helped matters.
Can recall examining where our Launch pad was then made for the Party to inform others.

We all had to sober up & wait, as all were still too pissed to assist Scottie in case cops did rock up...
A fair bit on but still in fair time Scottie returns with his Bro's Aquarium.
Well that coulda got ugly...back then...interstate plates [P] Not registered driver- at night...all know Qld!
Cool that none took it out on Scottie & Boss'n'all there felt guilty enough to chip in to sort the towie easy!
Can recall all wishing to make good coz we all knew that he / we nearly died!

Never a cop came to the scene as we knew it...on that night! No doubt ...come Monday questions arise!
In hindsight none would've heard or seen much in the dark apart from that bloke with the torch.
Sure, he could have called the cops but his mate did alright outta it...he won't say anything.
Just on that...the Work party were prepared to pay whatever it took to buy his silence...know it was a lot!
Coz Boss went lookin and asking for more until Good Samaritan became a dead set legend!
Don't even know how they winched it up the bank...but he had time & open flat work site light + no traffic!

As said...not a scratch on either of us...just bruised egos...all round mind you!
tbb is not claimin' no Badge of honour Canal christening...never wish that on anyone.
Any been in the drink like that ...instantly know it presents as a laugh...tbb can't rob folk of that!
Still rarely bring it up...coz it's not as funny as it sounds...just sheer dumb luck none died or got locked up!

Ya don't wanna know what happened next...soon after tbb got his licence back & Scottie plays chicken...
On new Housing estate long stretch ...clipped his mirror as we crossed paths to correct lanes...
Shaking! Like in the cartoons...

Even raced in one of them demo derby thingies...Tip...don't be the targeted dopey passenger! [HELP!]
Back then...on Goldie ya had to have a Co-pilot to call the incoming demolition hit!
Lead Punk chick was a Surfers Drag racer > later a champ trail bike rider.
Ask wot idiot rides shotgun with a target painted on his door...Get tbb outta here!

Not excusing us idiots...lost too many mates living this way...
tbb often informs that our wild hearty breed could only be punkz destined to clash...No escapin' it!
Half the time recalling ya knew yer mate before ya even met yer that idiot that did that shit!

No word of a lie...scribbled over our Punk bass player's photo years before we ever met...No Idea why!
Now gone from this life & that's the only photo tbb has of his mate...breaks yer heart.
Still can't explain why tbb kept a scribbled photo from a school project years before meeting destiny!
Can be argued that we roamed further in a then smaller town not big enough to host the both of us!
Exactly like that over'n'over until we outdid ourselves as Punks...ya happy now...just gettin' started!

Sold the only shirt given to me...Yep! That belonged to me other mate that passed on...that's Punk!
That's how us Punks of yer pants...ride of yer life or No life at all...
Did dedicate Waves of Seafarers to him and his legends they are! Ask any!
Did pass on an untitled instrumental to roadie mate's family / kids..said yer Dad recorded that track...
Ain't no one ever heard it since he did...It's his legacy recorded especially for you...his family! word of a lie...tbb has never shared his mate's epic recording of his fav local band!
Family chooses his song we ever recorded ahead of time for what better it is!
Pays to have an unknown yet imagined plan B...for legacy of other loved ones.
tbb has plenty in the tank to share the love of life itself...ya gotta learn that the hard way.

Thanks so much for heartfelt raw share #1 Journo brutally honest writer ever...never read such!
Our raw ugly selves laid ya share that is testament to why we salute swellnet.
Like who's got the bottle to share half that...Sure...upon reflection...just healing tbb & the crew
You bring out the best in all luv the crew's honesty!

Just blew tbb away & not for the first time...
That's tbb's kinda honest journo...pure dope fin chop we had to bleed as a ya dream that up!

Water People ~ Voice and Vertigo " Stu's Sunset Clause "

When tbb meets our lot....we just assume and expect our better selves to step up...that's all we know!
So proud that swellnet crew lead by example...makes tbb's job that much easier...knowing how!

Take a and all...ya just unearthed truebluebasher's soft spot!
Dose of brutally raw reality check is wot the world lacks and wot tbb craves...ain't no hiding it.

Yeah! I feel like I'm walking round ten feet tall.


blackers's picture
blackers's picture
blackers Sunday, 6 Oct 2024 at 10:06am

Amazing tale and some beautiful words, TBB. Keep on rocking champ.

Roystein's picture
Roystein's picture
Roystein Sunday, 6 Oct 2024 at 12:19pm

Agree blackers
Great post TBB

GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Wednesday, 9 Oct 2024 at 3:26pm

Here's one for all of us but particularly those that walk amongst us with a tin foil hat on ... not good either way, and Elon is up to his neck in it ......

AndyM's picture
AndyM's picture
AndyM Wednesday, 9 Oct 2024 at 5:39pm

Yeah that is really ugly and really concerning.
Just another reason why I'd get an older car and spent the balance of the money (compared to a newer car) on maintenance/rebuilds etc.

AndyM's picture
AndyM's picture
AndyM Wednesday, 9 Oct 2024 at 5:43pm

Gonna get me one of these bad boys instead.
I'll pick you up Guy, we can go cruise the strip on a Friday night.

AndyM's picture
AndyM's picture
AndyM Wednesday, 9 Oct 2024 at 5:47pm

Or if you want something a touch more recent

GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Wednesday, 9 Oct 2024 at 6:12pm

You’re on AndyM, way to go ….

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Wednesday, 9 Oct 2024 at 7:05pm

- no fuel leaking yit ?
… feel for the locals, beautiful place


poo-man's picture
poo-man's picture
poo-man Wednesday, 9 Oct 2024 at 9:41pm

No one is saying what happened yet. They're there to survey the place and hit the reef in a ship with a 6m draught. How does that happen?

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Wednesday, 16 Oct 2024 at 4:55pm

Diddy do it IMG-9210