Miraculous board retrieval stories

Cool story Craig, well done on the recovery and subsequent sesh.

"........and took the foamy back to the surf school and thanked them again for their help"

ha, unreal! I'm exhausted.

When I was about 15 years old I put an ad in the readers mart news paper to sell a board I had made myself, my first attempt, a single fin fish about 4'' thick with rails so hard my mates said I hadn't finished shaping it. Anyway, a long-haired hippy came around in a beat up Kombi and happily gave me a cheque for $50 in exchange for the board. I thought he looked a bit dodgy, so I took down his rego number as he drove off.
Sure enough the cheque bounced and the bank teller said I had no chance.
Luckily my dad worked at the council and knew a bloke, who found out the pricks address from the rego number.
Dad drove me to the place, a run down old dump at Henly Beach with an old couch on the veranda and a wrecked car body out front full of beer bottles and rubbish with 6' weeds growing up through it.
I knocked on the door and the offending low life opened it and the shocked look on his face will stay with me forever. He was very apologetic and said he had no money to pay for it. I saw the board standing in the corner of his lounge room and marched in put it under my arm and walked out, the smell of incense, dope and sewerage wafting out with me. Dad never even left the car and we drove home.

old-dog wrote:When I was about 15 years old I put an ad in the readers mart news paper to sell a board I had made myself, my first attempt, a single fin fish about 4'' thick with rails so hard my mates said I hadn't finished shaping it. Anyway, a long-haired hippy came around in a beat up Kombi and happily gave me a cheque for $50 in exchange for the board. I thought he looked a bit dodgy, so I took down his rego number as he drove off.
Sure enough the cheque bounced and the bank teller said I had no chance.
Luckily my dad worked at the council and knew a bloke, who found out the pricks address from the rego number.
Dad drove me to the place, a run down old dump at Henly Beach with an old couch on the veranda and a wrecked car body out front full of beer bottles and rubbish with 6' weeds growing up through it.
I knocked on the door and the offending low life opened it and the shocked look on his face will stay with me forever. He was very apologetic and said he had no money to pay for it. I saw the board standing in the corner of his lounge room and marched in put it under my arm and walked out, the smell of incense, dope and sewerage wafting out with me. Dad never even left the car and we drove home.
Haha I grew up in Henley, right on the esplanade. Wasn’t me I promise. The good old days, wouldn’t be anyone fitting that description in Henley these days.

Ripper of a story old-dog.

Bloody hippies.

When i was working at Maccas resort a guy from a surf travel company came out (a USA one), first surf he snapped his leggie and lost his board and it was in the last half hour of light.
Not sure how but he lost sight of the board, and crew went looking for his board but didn't find it, first light next morning, they had another look and nothing.
Was just an everyday 3ft or so day and winds not crazy, so i dont know where it went, maybe some local grabbed it and hide in the bushes quickly or something.
Those times when you lose your board and all looks doomed, until somehow, by divine intervention it is saved.. or otherwise.