
Yes US music is good too

philosurphizingkerching wrote:My brother sent me a link to this band a few days ago, can't stop listening to them.
Would love to hear what you guys think.
Have been meaning to get back to you on this. They have the full groove going. Real sub Saharan feel. Like it.
Melbourne band too. Will look them up.

Yeah bloody Texans

Tony Joe White

Tony Joe White

Good music from Texas

Its not the silence that makes you crazy .
It’s the sound of a heart breaking in two.
And I will always remember, the sky a
Lake Placid Blue .
Tony Joe White

?si=Nz-J1bLXJsOOWXSp ?si=k8tv0EVZm9r_wRFW


Beth Orton

Brit music
Beth Orton

What happened to blackers video quality,
It’s not hard to find good quality videos!


this thread's going great guns (blackers' Small Town version is interesting @juliang, even telltale equipment at 1:12 feedback. The Beth Orton is cool, she's one of those admirable what's-yer-genre? true-believers, a band I was in played before her at the 2000 Big Day Out)
my brain felt this.. ^ Beth Orton, Butthole Surfers.. seems in the mood.. great album, this is a good appraisal.

Cool basesix
You sound like a good muso
Do you still play? What was the name of your band
What did Beth think of you.
Yes she’s good. I actually used to drive through the town she was born in, around the time she was born, !
So there’s another tentative connection.
So you play a 6 string Base guitar?

yep still play! always play, lose your playfulness at your peril!
(haha, no, mostly piano, but we all need guitar for camping)
I have a little bit of time before bed now, do you need help with photos?

No , thanks, Im about to drive from Bris down the M1
Cool base

Tried to post vid of Cog live action tonight but didn’t work…
Have this instead

More Brit rock
?si=nyHizFuZFZU3T4yK ?si=9JCDsYTBBTDfXlDj ?si=TVnHo_TYyVY7fi3k

Is this you?

@ basesix
You’re either
28 days
Atari teenagers or
Basement Jaxx ?

haha, fortunately, I'm an Emily Dickinson quote. how dreary 'to be somebody'.
In Adelaide and WA, local musos get guernseys for everything, bringing support acts to us has always been problematic logistically and financially.

Okay going with UK theme a few bangers

You left out Basement Jaxx
?si=oojcsefiNvxjdbLZSounds cool, I think I remember it from triple J days.
I’ve always put the music before the lyrics,
Sometimes I think listening to the lyrics, detracts from the whole music thing,
but not always.

I remember One time at the Woodford Folk Festival, I saw John Williamson and then came out and watched John Buttler Trio , then the Beautiful Girls , contrasting genres, but all good.

does this nudge the above in the right direction @blackers?

Weirding me out now.

@ blackers
Gotta love those meaningful , rock , ditties

blackers wrote:philosurphizingkerching wrote:My brother sent me a link to this band a few days ago, can't stop listening to them.
Would love to hear what you guys think.Have been meaning to get back to you on this. They have the full groove going. Real sub Saharan feel. Like it.
Melbourne band too. Will look them up.
Seem to be getting some positive reviews.
A psychedelic fusion of Aussie surf rock and traditional Indian music.
Rattlesnake what a great song.

King Crimson - The Sheltering Sky
Album and live versions

blackers wrote:Weirding me out now.
That was sick. Very good.

Yeah...thanx crew...tracked ya bro's Gurus first raw FX.
Watch how their infectious world groove hypnotizes Mamas / Papas / Gromz.
Ok! Looks organic...don't it...but wot if it isn't...still pretty cool right!
Read all the God like YouTube comments...they must be real...surely!
Curious as to how a Syd 'Folk Radio Station had Mystery Vic band in Adelaide set up from the get go!
Band is called Glass Beams > Dunno Song Title...
Ok! So why these idiots are the only Fans filming their Gig! Huh!
First check the cool Hodad ...already there waiting to steal their soul ...1st photo of Hip band (Check!)
Note he deliberately rudely parts the flock to nod fellow cam guy on way he knows the deal!
We'll see many more same repeat checks thru-out...but it's very low key...but also very noticeable!
Now watch the sound guy / roadie exits then returns with his Rent-A-Harem...Now films them with deluxe gear.
O'S loner media guy gets his exotic snap....Roadie gets his last pan front on they discuss!
Reckon this might have been a box tick package deal by folkie organizers (or) they already had manager!
Either way this band & Publicists knew they had a marketable sound before they showed up!
Right down to the raised hand clap from the band...looks organic, but that too was rehearsed show business!
Meaning...someone in the industry packaged this before their first appearance = Assured Honey Pot.
Check their premium stage gigs...this ain't no hard slog at all & folks' been saying so!
tbb seems to be easily hooked...but what are we missing here...why is this flowing like gold.
Interesting! Coz on first view this fooled tbb as being organic...very reason tbb left initial intro.
Is this a channel 10 spin off...Mystery Muso reality tour?
What if some TV star was getting a free ride...should it matter that they sell out beforehand!
tbb does dig their groove as much as any...but there is no shortage of similar sound around.
Others will be lucky to get leg up.
It's this show business stairway to the stars...not buying that..
In this day and age...Council would wanna know they don't get shamed on Civic stage tours.
Manager must provide some ID checks for Premium Council / Govt hiring / spending
Can't see Trolls approving massive tax donations to #1 security risk weird mid east mystery band.
Crew did ask....Should any show business VIP link get outed then fans may feel betrayed...
Likewise if it gets out ...these unknown gurus pull more Govt Pay in a day than you or in a year!
People gonna demand a $Million Mystery reveal of ultimate Aussie dole bludgers! Won't be pretty!
Just saying...tbb feels the cool vibe and it sounds mighty familiar to other modern groove.
But they ain't cooking up any Old School long way to the top rock'n'roll recipe ...Why is that!
PS : Every night we cry over dying gigs / pub bands (vs) Unknown Mid East cell hot wires every Global Civic Stage!
Just like KAOS Groovy Guru...Sacred Cows!
Fully expect Dutto to ban Parliament House Glass Beads Xmas Gig as #1 Terrorist Security Risk
(Bingo!) Bigger than the Beatles

Talking Heads
Listening Wind

Talking Heads
Listening Wind

Talking Heads
Listening Wind

World goes crazy over Oz Non Lyrical Non Identifiable Instrumental Band Glass Beams
Punters swear the same drum beat in every track...(Well may sound like that...but No!)
swellnet drum circle Intervention...
If ya dig that Mid Eastern back beat > check Stewart Copeland > Police Drummer
Syncopated Polyrhythmic Style...Slip shift off beat variations on a theme
Check this Vid from about 5 mins in...
Beledi : Arabic Country Ballad Beat (Similar drop kick!) Land hard on the 3 up Check!
Wondering if this Band has been wearing masks in Public since start of Pandemic.
That's some Full Frontal Full Faced Pandemic dedication
Pretty sure this rates as one of the most exhaustive World Tours of any Oz band
Surely that exhausting tour exempts mask wearing in the National Interest
Glass Beams 2024 Heard but never seen non lyrical syncopated World Tour
Bloody exhausting just typing this out...imagine drumming it...can't breathe!
These gigs are sold out in advance + extra shows kept being added to Tour!
March 26/27 Instanbul 31 Amsterdam
April 1 Amsterdam 2 Paris 4 Berlin 5 Brussels 6/7 London
May 19/20 Vancouver 21 Seattle 22 Portland 27 SFC 28/29 Denver 31 Chicago
June 2 Toronto 3 Montreal 5/6 Boston 7 NY
16 Brisbane 21 Sydney 22 Adelaide 28 Melbourne 29 Perth
July 27 Japan 28 Taiwan
Aug 1 Denmark 2 Ireland 4 Poland 9 Sweden 12 Switzerland 14 Portugal 15 Netherlands 17 London
18 Belgium 24 France 25 UK 29 Italy 30 Switzerland
Note Spain motioned for a Gig...
Sept 1 UK 7 Munich 8 Berlin
21 Denver 24 LA 25 Santa Ana 26 San Diego 28/29 SFC
Oct 1 Las Vegas 2 Phoenix 3 New Mexico 5 /6 /9/10/11/13 Texas (5 Cities) 15 New Orleans 16/17 Atlanta 18 Florida
Dec/Jan Oz Tour

Not a fan TBB?

Sorry if it comes across that way blackers...
Seriously any Aussie be proud of our Musos taking the world by storm.
tbb digs their sound...but The Gold Mask imprisons the VIP class behind the Glass...think i'll pass!
Like staring at Big Day Out Myer Mannequins...see Daft Punk
If we run the Mask Test it all makes sense
1960's > 2020's More & More & More masked bands
Guess we should expect more elaborate or more Bling Masks...
Kiss / *Residents / *Dee Minor / *Psychotic Turnbuckles / *TISM
Had a laugh with them Aussie clowns
Endless array of US Shock Rock / Metal Bands & Pussy Riots
Now Mask Singer TV shows
Glass Beams fit into the Daft Punk look but don't probe android class...
Why would non confrontational pretty decent Instrumentalists wanna hide their identity....
Answer : One fan said it forces you to appreciate their sound
Answer : One fan said the Songs & the band are all one of the same
It comes across as an exclusive Gold Bling Ibiza Band Rave...(So yes it value adds yuppie clientele)
They happily promote their Lush Gold Plated Fans on their site.
tbb is not adverse to such yuppie raves if he's equally drugged and masked.
More Hooked on our Aussie / Asian 3 piece Glass Beams vibe conquering the world stage.
Even at that first gig...tbb would be up their dancing...but zero engagement with band...
Pretty soon cop the blank stare & be first to vacate the Mosh with a cold shoulder & keep walkin'
That'd be the last time tbb played their records as well.
tbb saw the stars in Dick Dale's eyes and he invites you in & stoked on Atlantics pure joy!
Full on stare down dance off with the Eastern Europe Guitar Maestros with smiles for miles...
No way in the world will tbb ever surrender soulful majesty for a blank stare bling fling.
Here a progression of Glass Beams sound...not saying they should be as lively just wish they come alive.

All good TBB., happily each to their own thing. The band clearly have a schtick and some serious management or at least well placed backing. The sound is good but niche I would think. Like the links, I also felt there was a bit of a Touareg vibe in there, but that Arabian groove covers it.

Heeby wrote:Talking Heads
Listening Wind
Great song, the backstory to the making of that album is well worth checking out.
This quote from Adrian Belew.
Adrian Belew was also invited to the studio to contribute guitar parts. The best way I can describe his playing on the album is ‘Robert Fripp going berserk’, if that is even physically possible. The guitar is all over the place, moving rapidly from low to high notes and then screeching to a sudden halt. Belew is playing something that is seemingly unrelated to the rest of the song, but that contrast is what makes it so unique. Belew later said of his playing on that recording: “I was instructed to play what I want, go wild, do all the solos and stuff; for me that was a holiday. Talking Heads music was the most comfortable music I ever got to play, because it is pretty simple music and my ideas and guitar playing just seemed to fit right in.”

Been checking out more of the music afficionado blog.
What a musical journey Adrian Belew went on, first with Frank Zappa then David Bowie then Talking Heads and finally KIng Crimson.
I got to see and hear him play when he toured with Bowie, it was at the Sydney showground, the Angels were the opening act and before they came on Brian Enos 'Before and after Science' album was playing over the PA, obviously a request by Bowie.
Part 2. The 3 albums he made with King Crimson.
Sleepless live

Back to work and looking for distractions. Task avoidance and procrastination....the joys of wage slavery.
Songs with accents.

"songs with accents'
Thats a hard one, can only think of 90s Triple J type songs.

Ian Dury sprang to mind.

Cool, thanks for playing.
One for facto.
Alright, time for some discussion on what yr all listening too. My iTunes inventory is getting a little stale so I'm up for some inspiration.
Currently loving The Drones' album "Havilah".. incredible songwriting and some of the best recorded guitars and drum I've heard in a long time. I'm a little late to the party with this album but it's on high rotation at the moment and will probably stay there a while. I've seen these guys live once (Fowlers, Adelaide) and fortunately they're incredible on stage too. Can't wait to see them again.