House prices

Blowin's picture
Blowin started the topic in Friday, 9 Dec 2016 at 10:27am

House prices - going to go up , down or sideways ?

Opinions and anecdotal stories if you could.


truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Saturday, 21 Sep 2024 at 1:07am

Reading directly from [LNP] Federal / State Election Pamphlets { Housing Policy }
Have them both right here so non voter tbb feels obliged to share with keen voting crew.
Only fair that crew are given equal ample time & opportunity to examine [L] Housing Policy.
Aug : [LNP] Dutto's Pamphlet (Get Australia Back on Track)
Sept : [LNP] Davy's Pamphlet (The Right Priorities) From The Right Plan Scrolls.

If Elected PM Dutto promises to...
Ease the Cost of Living by reducing pressure on Housing by...
2 Year Ban on foreign / temp investors on purchases of Existing Homes
Reduce permanent migration from 185,000 > 145,000 in first 2 years
Working with State / Local Govts to deliver Greater Housing Supply.

Ok! So it impossibly contradicts itself that only any idiot would vote for it!
Still don't see it thru a few times...
Tip : Only Voldemort is stupid enough to conjure up Greater Supply for Reduced New Buyers!

If elected Premier Davey promises to...
Deliver Housing Solutions to help Families to get into secure Accommodation.
Take pressure off Rents by working with Councils to "Approve More Homes and Build Better Communities", and (Abolishing Stamp Duty for First Home Buyers Purchasing A New House!)

Again all see how impossibly stupid...still don't see this one thru who gets wot!
Big Clue...It's Not us! Fark!

Devious [L] plot deprives and mandates poor Australians to bankroll Whiteshoe foreign VIP enclaves

1. Dutto will mandate States /Councils to provide more new homes to 40,000 fewer foreign Buyers!
2. Meaning Govts / Councils save a fortune by funding less for fewer o/s buyers each year.
3. Dutto deprives services to run down Aussies to prioritize new wasteful frivolous foreign fairways.
4. Davy abolishes Tax on new secure Foreign Family Accommodation by Taxing Dutto's deprived Aussies.

And that there crew is what we Qldurrz call a Portaloo [L] Whiteshoe Rort...coz it stinks!
Are there still enough brain dead Aussies stupid enough to vote for a typical [L] Whiteshoe Rort.
Are you seriously telling tbb that an Aussie is that thick not to see this bog standard [L] paperbag Rort!

Anyhow...Dutto's Polls still skyrocket coz none ever bother to read a Dodgy Whiteshoe [L] Pamphlet.
Fark! Can see why...tbb don't blame gotta offer an apology for sharing that hunk of shit...

Honestly thought it would be kinder than sharing [L] Kill the Kidz policy! Turns out tbb was wrong!
Recapping...That's the honest word 4 word Whiteshoe Scam these Lib's have got cookin'.
Get plenty of Premium Whiteshoe Donors with that wasteful VIP Premium Foreign Housing Policy.
Sell out us Aussies to Lick Foreigners Bums! Typical pack of traitorous cowardly [L] bastards!