House prices

OK so recently visited Dunsborough for the first time since mid/late 2000s and... it's changed. And... I quite liked what it had become.
Am I evil? Parking was certainly hectic, but it seems the heinous gross sellout that the golf estate from the 90's was, has been augmented by a full economy, much higher end value-add services and young families were amongst the mix who have moved there. Tons of Euro (esp: Spanish speaking so maybe S.American as well) staff at food venues, lots to do. A giant hinterland version of the game 'Theme Park' with some really beautiful eateries for the foodies.
Waves were nice with their barrelly, slabby takeoff nature. Stunning water colour, wonderful mottled reefs, and I clocked 14 minutes from place I was staying to Rabbits. Not bad at all.
Flip side was the 30 on one peak we experienced. But that's progress.

Pretty sure that the ones that have done the bolt down here to escape suburbia would disagree VJ, but, that's progress.
Now it's our mess to deal with.

[L] GST adds instant 35% House price increase > Record drop in sales Tradies income down 75%
Their bullshit [L] Patch Up Rort just made things worse and stoked another record [L] migrant wave
[L] First Home Rebates spike further 20% increase over 10 years to New Home Prices
NZ Nationals [ SUPER RAID ] Spike House Prices 50% higher than OZ [L] Housing Spike Shit Show.
GST on 50% State Govt Housing Stamps Tax Take despite Howard's $Zero Non Core Promise...
Every time [L] Pollie greases a developer's door handle another Aussie dives into a dumpster.
Dutto's hidden FU 26 Property Portfolio Empire (see today : thanx GuySmiley)
Dutto's Minister of Govt Efficiency Record Price Family FU Govt Housing Zodiac Rort Empire
Oz Dreams are Fucked > NZ in Depression
Polls : Another Pie in the Sky Supa [L] Scheme Skyrockets the [L] Vomitrom
'Deprive me Master'
'Be my Dreamkiller Dutto'
'I wanna Live in a Dutto Dumpster'
Only [L] pollies are too stupid to hit their thumb with a hammer!
Dutto : "Too afraid to touch the thing > I might break it of something..."
All say Aye ...fucking hopeless Lazy Coward like Howard > Stoking fear & lies & stealing yer dreams
Please Explain! How Pauline can sniff out Oz #1 Tax Train Take but all others ignore the Dreamkiller.
Oz Housing has highest mushrooming Logistics delayed prolonged tax impost in the world
ALP promised to revoke GST
One Nation : 2025 Policy [ PISS OFF HOWARD'S GST Rort KILLING OUR DREAM ]
Review of Howard's Post GST Nightmarish [L] 44% New Home Tax Take
Piss off [L] 200% GST creeping higher thru increasing serviced processed Timber Chain logistics
Piss off [L] 200% GST creeping higher thru increasing serviced processed Electrical Chain logistics
Piss off [L] 100% GST creeping higher thru increasing serviced processed Plumbing Chain logistics
Crew of 6 once built contract timbered homes on a loop just hook up water, power & poo.
Oz need 40 tradies with Supply armies of A-Z-A repeating record longest import/ Warehouse / Transit
1,000's of GST processes repeatedly taxed on same reshaped items going round in circles only here.
Bulk busy nations detour / Defer GST with press of a button to next Choice queuing up on their door.
Arse end Oz mushrooms largest GST all reject + Haul & Sweat WR GST Logistics impost like slaves.
Cut Coward's GST shackles that impost Oz 10x over like no other nation.
Howard did a report on his utter GST failure > Why is it not Spinning us more Wealth!
Oz & each city is too remote from Supply to tax Logistics > Don't shoot yerself in the Foot...We did
Housing is a GST Slave Train...the monkeyman on our own backs over longest haul hours in the world.
Pauline is onto it...Piss off WR #1 [L] Aussie Dream Killer
Ask why is Pauline stabbing the heart of Howard...KILL KILL KILL GST.

Dutto also hides that UK/US fleece their Nuke Customers to bankroll Govt Nuke Sub contract Rorts.
Plus there own lot say it's a scam...
Ask this...
Dutto must rule out just 1 Chinese hand from #1 High Risk Value GST Pacific Cargo =(Cost $Gazillions!)
Soon as just 1 Chinese looks at his Nukes it's a Ticking Toxic Time Bomb ready to Blow Oz up at any time.
Ask would Dutto let Chinese into our seas...then they're not coming within' sight of Nuke Plants
Well then, he must lock down every rail port & ute & screen every Carpet cleaner for 20 years Oz wide!
Again we're talking about worlds biggest security contracts the size of 7x Olympic Stadium Builds.
Otherwise they're considered Chinese WMD ready to Blow with a button pressed from China!
Now ask where is his export market queuing for his world best nuke export industry...not heard a one!
Nothing more than a [L] defence industry rort to drag out decades of WMD Subs billed to Taxpayers.
Each decade another contract switch delay another Cost Blowout to bankroll side project Sub Contracts.
Just ask his colleagues...We admit it's just a Fuckin' Rort to fleece brain dead zombies.
Just correcting Pauline's mistake...on her Someone should Blow up the GST Back Track
Pauline claims it's Albo's Immigration-Driven Housing Crisis (Straight out Massive Lie!)
Rise starts [L] March 2021 (113.00k) > End of [L] Caretaker Period 2022 (475.33k) 320.65%
This is an [L] Oz record migration rise
In 2022 After some delay for [L] to sort out a new leader & they never did...Dutto nominated himself!
Caretaker Period...
ALP Govt Day 1 / 26th July 2022 (475.33k) slows to Sept 2023 (755.29k) = 58.89% > Peak Migration
ALP Slowed chaotic [L] Oz record Migration Rate by 5.5x to a softer Peak & since reducing [L] migration.
Waiting for Pauline's apology & Salute of her idol Albo...for slaying the [L] Gold Card Migration Beastie.
Exactly what [L] & Media wish & campaign for... but fail to acknowledge day after day...wonder why huh?
Coz they're all [L] stooges stoking & selling Fake [L] Fear Factor Migration Crisis > Polls Skyrocket!
How can an elected official & [L] media constantly sell a blatant lie...there is an obligation here...Please!
ABS [Factcheck] Liberals stoked a record Gold Card Record Migration Crisis
Gave all the Chinese VIPs free Mansions on [L] Built White Shoe Golf Courses
Media hang shit on Albo for stopping yet another [L] Gold Card Chinese Donor Rort...
Media & Pauline blame Albo for mopping up [L] Alien Invasion that he alone stopped! Huh!
Nice Rort, but voters ain't that stupid to buy that fake fear factor shit...Voldemort's Polls Skyrocket...
Pauline is also wrong on banning disabled build compliance...
This argues for less space provision to suit developers to squeeze more in with less street facilities.
Streets & high rise entries are already way too narrow for Ambo & Mobility Scooters.
Building non compliant Aged Care Homes & health centres is also not advisable.
tbb recalls working on House with No Steps Residential Wings...
100% adapted ...wider Doors > Lower benches/Chair Height Power-Switches/Central Window clasps.
Bath taps / Sinks & all handles must be wheelchair compliant.
All this maxes out central space to become more accommodating > '70's ranch style build...(Not Ideal)
But these group hang residents don't need personal assist as often & can bulk experts into visits.
Govt should remove GST on compliant Aged Care fit out to relieve staff and save lives.
eg: If builder installs cheap Stair Cases / Lifts / Window & door handles...then all are trapped in a fire.
Compliance for Ambulance beds / Wheel Chairs in Lifts...or let patient slide down the stairs!
Quality strength Beds & Chairs for fast aging heavier population is a must...if we're to keep staff.
tbb is 127kg & can't fit in 99% seats in Govt Health Clinics without damaging their piddly frames...
tbb has never once been told he has a big arse...
So where are these many big arse people gonna sit...huh!
Only where a thoughtful staff member brings in their own chair from home do us big boys fit in!
Patients and One Nation Voters are getting bigger...never smaller!
Kinda like in Pauline's Day only the Town Hall / PO Station Steps had pram ramps never for Wheelies!
Now...every Business / Uber / Bus & Train Stop mandates universal time for a blind man's dog to board.
1930's 1hr for coast rtn bus > 2030's 4hr rtn timeshare trolley + add on [L] 4hr rtn Cableway
[L] Dream : Welcome to Paradise > Sit on yer wallet in air/con boxes for 8hrs/day with a waterfall loo.
Press flush to track yer poo & wee thru WH City via 500,000 shower cams then out the WSR Whazoo!
Someone ban that Fucked up Greedy [L] Shit Show please!

"First look: Surfing legend Mick Fanning selling luxury beachfront home -"

I'm keeping an eye on a housing development outside of Oban. Scotland often does these things really well, and Oban is central station to the Outer Hebrides, having the only rail link to the south, and being the CalMac ferry hub.
^ if you sign up, but don't subscribe, you get 1 free article a week, but I'll post the words below, I think @Opti etc might find it interesting, it is the sort of size of many 15-minute-city rail-line hub proposals, and many squeeze-em-in developments, like the Villawood one at Seacliff in Adelaide. But being Scotland, has admirably egalitarian social aspirations.

below are the words from the above Oban Times article on housing. The pics in the article are mostly just the artist renderings also used in this Housing article:
Plans lodged for 433 new homes in Dunbeg
Oban Times. News. Feb 27, 2025
by Jodie Hagan
Plans are in for the next phase of Dunbeg’s major housing development, which if approved will deliver 433 new homes.
Phase 4 of the ambitious development will include the creation of affordable housing as well as a commercial centre and a new distributor road.
The scoping stage has been completed and developer Link Group says its submission of planning applications marks a significant milestone in the wider project.
Affordable properties will account for 300 of the proposed new homes, with 148 for social rent, 48 for mid-market rent and 40 for New Supply Shared Equity (NSSE).
The plans also include 33 homes which will offer independent living for elderly people looking to downsize, with the choice of bringing in their own support packages as needed. There would also be a common room for community use.
Also in the plans is a residential block of student accommodation with 31 bedspaces - part of an effort to support an on-campus solution for the Scottish Association for Marine Science (SAMS) and for the University of the Highlands and Islands (UHI) Oban base.
The new A85 roundabout, which has already been granted planning approval, is also featured in the plan to serve both residential and commercial areas, and provide a crucial secondary access route to the existing development.
Open spaces, play areas, and pathways are in the plan too. The Dunbeg to Ganavan cycle path will be rerouted to accommodate a pedestrian road crossing and a new route for the local parkrun is being developed, according to the planning statement.
The development would also generate significant employment and training opportunities, says Link Group, bringing anticipated work placements for students, apprenticeships, jobs, training weeks on site, and opportunities to get industry certifications and qualifications.
SAMS Deputy Director Axel Miller said: "While SAMS and local partners have significantly increased student accommodation in recent years, changes in the private rental sector mean housing students remains a challenge.
"We have worked closely with Argyll and Bute Council, housing providers and other stakeholders to find solutions. We are therefore really pleased that the latest development in Phase Four includes dedicated student accommodation."
The remaining 133 homes in the bid will be private housing.
Link Group Commercial Director Colin Culross said: “We are delighted to have submitted these exciting plans for the next stage of the ambitious Dunbeg Masterplan.
“Not only will this bring 433 new homes to meet diverse needs across the community, but it will also see substantial infrastructure improvements alongside commercial opportunities and enhanced employability.
“We look forward to working with our partners and engaging with the community as these exciting plans are brought to life.”
Discussions with the Scottish Government and Argyll and Bute Council are ongoing, focusing on securing strategic investment in infrastructure and affordable housing.
Dunbeg Community Council was involved before the plans were sent in and engagement will continue through the planning application process, said Link Group.
Showing Comment
Jim Ditchfield5 hours ago
When is the new access road getting built? Surely before the houses or are the heavy trucks going to wreck the road through Dunbeg again?
{end quote}
the development company is Gillespies:

^ The UK/Euro okay-ness with living in semi-detached houses and in clusters even out in the dongas is so unAussie, I find it compelling. And I wonder what Aus will look like way, way down the track. With people coming here with alternate community housing ideas and expectations, diminishing resources, and the need for clustered transport infrastructure..

Same as townhouses or apartments which proliferate in a lot of Australia, demolitioning the traditional structure.
But yes it’s strange how all their houses look the same in a lot of places over there.

It is the regional aspect that is interesting. Oban is that rare-sized town, with a population less than 10,000, more than 5,000. I don't think Queensland has a single town in this range. I've discussed that here with @indo, he liked the prospect of a town that size in SW Vic at one point.
But yeh, common to have attached townhouses on the sites of old bungalows in more built up and densely populated places in Australia.

The above is abosultely needed in Australia. Especially in the middle rings of our cities. Density needs to increase and I would go bigger than the above. 3-5 level buildings with proper 3 bedroom apartments that people can live in. Also, get rid of strata nazis and you will see a lot of people embrace this kind of lifestyle. But, it needs to be done properly, with quality public transport and public amenities.
You mentioned Adelaide above. It's a perfect example, it's just a small CBD with a bunch of houses scattered over an area as big as 100km. This is unsustainable and a nightmare from an infrastructure perspective.

here's the fly through of the mentioned Adelaide development @flollo.. this Villawood project sits on derelict land once operated by the quarry up the hill, and Monier Tiles, unused for decades, where Brighton Road turns into Ocean Bvd heading down south, at the turn off to Marino and Hallett Cove. this development seems to be mostly about modest luxury apartments 100% beautiful people designated.
also doesn't satellite the excellent rail service (shout out 73A biyatches) as it sits 2kms from two stations with extremely tight parking, about a dozen carpark spaces and room for about 20 cramped, suburban street parks, all currently competed for.

I find high density high rise offensive and no way for humans to live.
It’s 2025, why don’t we have high speed rail in every direction linking beautiful treed communities to cities and spacious family homes with all the land Australia has.
Even apartment dwellers can have low density low rise with beautiful parks and gardens out of town a bit as long as they can get to town on fast transport .
Where are the visionary politicians?
No where it seems.

High speed rail only works between high density population centres @opti e.g. London - Paris - Geneva

What would happen to housing prices if a new city was created say between Melb and Sydney and it was like a special economic zone to encourage people and business to move there.
Maybe it would help reduce pressure on Melb and Adelaide and you could try to encourage Adelaide to grow to be Australias third biggest city, and then in time have high speed rail between these cities with new freeways built to have speeds like Europe of 120-130km
If you look at a map Adelaide- Melbourne -Sydney forms a type of triangle.
Let me talk to Trump.

I did read, a couple of years ago, that a consortium of business folk were buying up land half way between SYD-MLB with that idea. The article was pretty much outlining that. Tech valley style tax exemptions, incentives for moving there etc.
What’s Trump’s record / achievements actually like on infrastructure?

He said great idea Indo and sent me this.
He said we can make Australia great again.
New cities, high speed rail, high speed freeways, we can encourage them to move inland away from the coast, with tax incentive's etc for business.
Rezone large area's of land residential in Mildura, Griffith, Shepparton, Bendigo, Wodonga/Albury etc and connect it all by high speed rail, stops only the main cities.
More citys inland he said just like in USA

Donald comes up with the goods this time Indo.
What's in it for him?

Be fukd if I'd wanna live in Griffith.

Inland cities in the US are built along the extensive navigable inland waterways, mostly in the eastern half of the country.
It wasn’t government investment that put them there. Western half of the country is very different.
I’m all about fast rail, and I think this idea could have merit, but spare me the Trump worship BS. What’s his record on infrastructure investment and delivery?

Australia is Donald’s next acquisition ,right after Canada , Greenland and Gaza !

Confusion wrote:Australia is Donald’s next annexe , right after Canada , Greenland and Gaza !
Has the invasion of Mexico , Canada , Greenland & Panama started yet ? Geez their military must be getting spread a bit thin . Or is it just gonna be nukes thrown around ?

Supafreak wrote:Confusion wrote:Australia is Donald’s next annexe , right after Canada , Greenland and Gaza !
Has the invasion of Mexico , Canada , Greenland & Panama started yet ? Geez their military must be getting spread a bit thin . Or is it just gonna be nukes thrown around ?
Your right you are dumb
At least you’ve worked that out.
Probably not a good idea to admit your dumb on one thread , and then want an argument on another thread.

indo-dreaming wrote:He said great idea Indo and sent me this.
He said we can make Australia great again.
New cities, high speed rail, high speed freeways, we can encourage them to move inland away from the coast, with tax incentive's etc for business.
Rezone large area's of land residential in Mildura, Griffith, Shepparton, Bendigo, Wodonga/Albury etc and connect it all by high speed rail, stops only the main cities.
More citys inland he said just like in USA
Ahh, yeah,, about that....

Confusion wrote:Supafreak wrote:Confusion wrote:Australia is Donald’s next annexe , right after Canada , Greenland and Gaza !
Has the invasion of Mexico , Canada , Greenland & Panama started yet ? Geez their military must be getting spread a bit thin . Or is it just gonna be nukes thrown around ?
Your right you are dumb
At least you’ve worked that out.
Probably not a good idea to admit your dumb on one thread , and then want an argument on another thread.
And who’s the idiot that said the US was invading these countries and that there is plenty of videos and articles about said invasion ? You take delusional & dumb to a whole new level. MTN Masterbating The Naive . You really need to change your diet , fruit loops 3 meals a day ain’t healthy .

Supafreak wrote:Confusion wrote:Supafreak wrote:Confusion wrote:Australia is Donald’s next annexe , right after Canada , Greenland and Gaza !
Has the invasion of Mexico , Canada , Greenland & Panama started yet ? Geez their military must be getting spread a bit thin . Or is it just gonna be nukes thrown around ?
Your right you are dumb
At least you’ve worked that out.
Probably not a good idea to admit your dumb on one thread , and then want an argument on another thread.And who’s the idiot that said the US was invading these countries and that there is plenty of videos and articles about said invasion ? You take delusional & dumb to a whole new level. MTN Masterbating The Naive
I agree with what you said on the Alfred thread, that you are a dummy,
I’m agreeing with you, what else can I say ?

What else can you say ? Well I’m sure you have plenty more BS to say , you are an encyclopaedia when it comes to BS .

Well if you think you’re a dummy, I’m not going to disagree with you. .

Please don’t corrupt this thread with Trump. I know you hate him but that’s not all there is to life, especially here in Australia. This thread managed to stay bullshit free for a long time, let’s keep it that way.

flollo wrote:Please don’t corrupt this thread with Trump. I know you hate him but that’s not all there is to life, especially here in Australia. This thread managed to stay bullshit free for a long time, let’s keep it that way.
Your wrong , I don’t hate Donnie , but most of the normal world know how corrupt he is,
Don’t make false assumptions.
And I think @ Indo started talking about Trump, so curb your prejudice.

Having Trump & Musk in your thoughts 24/7 and part of your everyday conversations , no matter what the topic is , is a very sad existence .

I know your defensive when it comes to you're intelligence @Conf, and your right to defend you'reself, but for the love of god, can you sort out you're yours and you're you'res..?

basesix wrote:I know your defensive when it comes to you're intelligence @Conf, and your right to defend you'reself, but for the love of god, can you sort out you're yours and you're you'res..?
Sorry my phone gets slow, so I take whatever it gives me.

Confusion wrote:basesix wrote:I know your defensive when it comes to you're intelligence @Conf, and your right to defend you'reself, but for the love of god, can you sort out you're yours and you're you'res..?
Sorry my phone gets slow, so I take whatever it gives me.
it’s not the phone that’s slow champ .

Theirs a bare in they’re ;)

Supafreak wrote:Having Trump & Musk in your thoughts 24/7 and part of your everyday conversations , no matter what the topic is , is a very sad existence .
Well if you consider yourself to be a dummy, how can you go around giving opinions which might be dumb?

Supafreak wrote:Confusion wrote:basesix wrote:I know your defensive when it comes to you're intelligence @Conf, and your right to defend you'reself, but for the love of god, can you sort out you're yours and you're you'res..?
Sorry my phone gets slow, so I take whatever it gives me.
it’s not the phone that’s slow champ .
They’re you go again, actually when it gets hot it slows down, could be your problem.

Supafreak wrote:Confusion wrote:basesix wrote:I know your defensive when it comes to you're intelligence @Conf, and your right to defend you'reself, but for the love of god, can you sort out you're yours and you're you'res..?
Sorry my phone gets slow, so I take whatever it gives me.
it’s not the phone that’s slow champ .
They’re you go again, actually when it gets hot it slows down, could be your problem.
Actually I didn’t mention your dummy self confession, until you decided you wanted to have an argument !

Your grasp of the English language is pretty impressive .

^It’s banal. I reckon Sexxy is the left’s guy on the spectrum (my diagnosis) compared to Indo is the right’s guy on the spectrum (self diagnosis)

seeds wrote:^It’s banal. I reckon Sexxy is the left’s guy on the spectrum (my diagnosis) compared to Indo is the right’s guy on the spectrum (self diagnosis)
And @ seeds is swinging along in the
middle o the road, about to have a head on.

Not at all numbnuts.
More a comment on your inability to grasp discourse as aligning with your own beliefs unless it mirrors it exactly.

seeds wrote:Not at all numbnuts.
More a comment on your inability to grasp discourse as aligning with your own beliefs unless it mirrors it exactly.
I know , I still can’t decide between a dictatorship or a democracy ,
I’ll have to think about it later.

"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs." "I sincerely believe that banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies, and that the principle of spending money to be paid by posterity under the name of funding is but swindling futurity on a large scale." --Thomas Jefferson to John Taylor, 1816. ME 15:23

Richard Cheese wrote:"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs." "I sincerely believe that banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies, and that the principle of spending money to be paid by posterity under the name of funding is but swindling futurity on a large scale." --Thomas Jefferson to John Taylor, 1816. ME 15:23
America was founded by smart people; interesting to see what it's become. Somewhat interesting as history has examples (Rome, probably others).
Anyway, I thought this was about house prices?! It looks like real estate on the MNC is coming down slowly. The share market is very weak as well, really only propped up by banking.
What's the housing market like in your neck of the woods atm?

Did Thomas Jefferson have his own podcast or bitcoin account ,or share portfolio ?

Confusion wrote:Did Thomas Jefferson have his own podcast or bitcoin account ,or share portfolio ?
No, but George Washington had wooden teeth

Haha I had to google it. Myth apparently.
House prices - going to go up , down or sideways ?
Opinions and anecdotal stories if you could.