
The Best Layday in Surfing History

The Billabong Pro Tahiti was put on hold yesterday as waves up to 7 metres (25 feet) washed through the contest site of Teahupoo. The swell was first forecast a week ago and since then the world's best big wave riders - including Australians, Dylan Longbottom, Laurie Towner, Ryan Hipwood and Anthony Walsh - had begun assembling at Teahupoo. Once the contest announcement was made the most anticipated layday in surfing history got underway.

The Best Layday in Surfing History

The Billabong Pro Tahiti was put on hold yesterday as waves up to 7 metres (25 feet) washed through the contest site of Teahupoo. The swell was first forecast a week ago and since then the world's best big wave riders - including Australians, Dylan Longbottom, Laurie Towner, Ryan Hipwood and Anthony Walsh - had begun assembling at Teahupoo. Once the contest announcement was made the most anticipated layday in surfing history got underway.

High Season at Teahupoo

On the other side of the lens were Teahupoo stalwarts Raimana van Bastolaer and Hira Teriinatoofa, young upcomer Tikanui Smith, and even visiting Irishman, Fergal Smith, who charged like a local. To see more of Russell's photographic work visit his blog.

High Season at Teahupoo

On the other side of the lens were Teahupoo stalwarts Raimana van Bastolaer and Hira Teriinatoofa, young upcomer Tikanui Smith, and even visiting Irishman, Fergal Smith, who charged like a local. To see more of Russell's photographic work visit his blog.

He Came From Outer Space - Part 1

Swellnet Dispatch

He Came From Outer Space - Part 1

Swellnet Dispatch
Steve Shearer

In the absence of any surfing action at Snapper Rocks The Outsider muses on Kelly's campaign last year and the mindset it took to achieve an historic tenth world title.

"Hold these hearts courageously, As we walk into this dark place, Stand steadfast beside me and see, That love is the Province: Of the Brave." - TV on the Radio 'Province'

September 2nd, 2010. Tahiti.

"What is he, a fucking alien? Look at the guy."