Pumping weekend of waves


Pumping weekend of waves


We’ve got a great weekend of waves on the cards. Persistent offshore winds will maintain clean conditions along the South Coast both days, and even though wave heights will ease through Saturday, there’ll be plenty of excellent options (banks pending, obviously).

Weekend o' trade swell aplenty


Weekend o' trade swell aplenty


There’s only one major surf focus for the weekend and that’s a building trade swell that’ll peak in size later Saturday or early Sunday, although the overall trend will be slow so there should be much of a difference either side.

Plenty of surf for the Garden State


Plenty of surf for the Garden State


A second phase of long period swell is expected to arrive overnight (watch for the Cape Sorell and Pt Nepean buoys to crack the Tp 18 second+ mark again this evening), which should keep most areas flush with a similar level of inconsistent swell through Tuesday. Conditions are looking great with light N’ly winds right across the region.