Friday, 15 February 2019
We’re potentially looking at several phases of large swells for Southern NSW as a result. More in the Forecaster Notes.
Wednesday, 13 February 2019
We’ve got a multitude of swell sources for the next few days but they’re all originating from weather systems on the peripheries of our swell windows.
Monday, 11 February 2019
I’m really not very confident in the surf outlook for the next few days. More in the Forecaster Notes.
Friday, 8 February 2019
The South Pacific synoptics are very tricky.
Wednesday, 6 February 2019
The South Pacific is really going to become quite active over the coming days.
Monday, 4 February 2019
Not much expect for the week, just a series of small swells glancing the coast from various sources. But this weekend and next week, well that's a different story. The Forecaster Notes have more details.
Friday, 1 February 2019
The weekend forecast has improved a little more since Wednesday.
Wednesday, 30 January 2019
No changes at all to the short term forecast notes.
Monday, 28 January 2019
The weekend looks potentially quite fun at this stage.
Friday, 25 January 2019
There’s a multitude of systems on the long range charts. More in the Forecaster Notes.