Volcom Fiji Pro Early Forecast

It's been four long years since the ASP World Tour last ventured to Fiji but in a week and a half's time the spotlight will again be on the barreling lefts of Cloudbreak. It's still quite some time away from a forecasting perspective, but there are some early indications as to the trends during the first half of the waiting period.
The ideal swell setup for Fiji usually originates from a passage of strong cold fronts extending from the Southern Ocean through the Tasman Sea. This often creates broad areas of south-westerly gales, which in turn generates long period south-westerly swells.
In forecasting parlance, the upper level weather systems are responsible for steering these surface patterns into place, and they're a key indicator that we try and identify at long range. Ideally, we want the Long Wave Trough to stall and amplify over New Zealand, as this anchoring pattern can active Fiji's swell window for a week or more at a time with large swells.
A weak version of this setup is forecast to develop early next week which should generate a series of moderate, overlapping SW groundswells.
However, most of these swells are expected to arrive and peak before the competition waiting period gets underway next Sunday, providing great warm-up surf. Size wise, Cloudbreak should see wave heights peaking in the 6-8ft range during this time frame - easing slowly during the first few days of competition - and winds may initially be gusty from the south-east thanks to a building ridge of high pressure across the Tasman Sea. Winds should then ease into the following week.
Further pulses of distant groundswell originating from frontal activity below Australia will maintain plenty of surfable waves at Cloudbreak during the first half of the waiting period however the ridge across the Tasman will keep a lid on any major size.
So while it doesn't look as if we'll reach the lofty heights of the 2005 Globe Pro Fiji, which saw 12ft+ bombs at Cloudbreak and perfect 6ft+ surf at Restaurants, it still looks like there'll still be plenty of waves to work around.
We'll provide another update early next week which will have a more detailed outlook for the entire waiting period. // CRAIG BROKENSHA
Local winds look to possibly be the fly in the ointment at the moment. Hey, have you guys got any knowledge on the rumour that's flying around that Volcom are not intending to live webcast this event!!!! :(
I wonder where the rumour originated from? (Probably the same people who said the event was cancelled a few months back!)
All the info I have is that there will be a live webcast. As for the quality of the webcast - that's another matter. Their 2012 Pipe Pro was pretty good though.
Re Purported Cancellation... Another Brew Ha
Hey Brewster.. Wong Wong Wong as the Chinese would say
Brew is paying out on Maurice Cole for Todays Twitter Twattle
Who's not surprised to see, Rottkamp, that old airy fairy figjam, the bogan with the bunny ears,.....
strikes out again.
STAB Magazine published the report about Fiji, not me Joe.
In other news, Fred Pawle just pulled down everyone's pants in the Surf Media: http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/features/missing-the-biggest-waves/...
How's that ass taste Freeride?
Lil Nicky Carroll was spot on when he said in ASL around 30,000 people watch the top competitive surf contests. Shoulda listened to your twin instead of those marketing schmucks at Billabong and the ASP.
All hail your Bible Thumping leader of the ASP - Mr. "don't say anything bad about me" Grellman!!
I hope Fuel tv is covering this one ?????????????????
Interesting sign off by the author:
If Grellman shows any deep concerns during our conversation, it is about how he might appear in this story. "If you write something, be kind to me and we might speak again," he says. "If you're unkind to me, it's been nice talking to you."
(for those that can't be bothered signing up to read more)
Hey surferjoe,whats up with the twittertwatter and MC.....could ya do reprint here?
wouldn't bother Brutus, it'll be the same old rottencramps shitty nappy stinking out the twattersphere.
as for signing up for the Australian, who the fuck would pay money to read Murdoch Press ass-wipe newspapers ?
one day maybe rottencramps will realise he's a prisoner of his own hatred.
until then, pro-surfing owns his ass...
Good to see you Brewster
Love Stirring the Nest
Sorry Sid... couldnt resist
I believe in free speech Brew but gotta side with Maurice on this one as I said he was a hero of mine when I was a grom and the fiscal mess wasnt just his fault... Simon and all involved had a dream
B.R.E.W. â€@Rottmouth
Let's see Maurice Cole flex his muscles when he sheds The Industry and speaks candidly.
B.R.E.W. â€@Rottmouth
I will put a face to my name the same time Maurice "The Coward" Cole comes clean about everything in the industry. Your move, tough guy.
B.R.E.W. â€@Rottmouth
@RCelledon I have put a face to my name. I only hide behind truth. Is Maurice Cole going to come beat me up if he knows me?
B.R.E.W. â€@Rottmouth
Maurice Cole's ability to shape surfboards is almost as great as his ability to be a "yes man" for the Surf Industry.
B.R.E.W. â€@Rottmouth
Fuck YOU Maurice Cole. And all... that YOU love. Piece of fucking cowardly shit.
B.R.E.W. â€@Rottmouth
What Maurice Cole HASN'T told the surfing world is worth every word he's uttered to this point on earth times a million.
B.R.E.W. â€@Rottmouth
Maurice Cole's head is so inflated he can only drive a convertible or a well-balanced Vespa with a sail on it.
Beautiful comment. Pro surfing owns me. At some point today, you should read Fred Pawle's article. Pro surfing owns NOTHING but the captivated drool buckets of clowns like Sid.
Today proved EVERYTHING foul about Competitive pro surfing. The soils report was bullshit all along. No.umbrella sponsor. Nothing will save this nonesense. THERE IS NO AUDIENCE!!!
your're such a big dickhead rottencramps.
I pay very little attention to Pro surfing / ASP, I couldn't name more than maybe 5 current top pros, don't buy mags, don't buy "surf"wear and only catch an occasional glimpse of WCT contests on the 6 o'clock news.
You BREW, on the other hand, have a pathological mentally ill obsession with Pro Surfing.
You must be approaching ?what?... 15,000 twats by now,
or have you stunk up the twattersphere with more ??? 20,000 twats maybe by now. ???
yep, you are Pro Surfings BITCH, a hating bitch, but nevertheless a BITCH. Pro Surfing owns you, mentally, emotionally, spiritually and the hatred festers in every cell of your body, every breath you take and every tweet you make.
I wouldn't read Freedo's article cos I couldn't give a fuck, you've me confused with someone who does.
But Sid you, surfer joe and the roller seem pathologically obsessed with everything Rottmouth has to say
hardly TD,
do I follow him on Twitter ?
had a few months there without rottencramps shitty nappy stinkin' the world up,
and life went on just fine, thank you very much.
nice try TD.
@ blasphemy rottmouth .
I sincerely hope you've covered your Tracks .
I for one will not hesitate to put out feelers to help Maurice track you down .
And due to Your favourite medium the world is really smaller than you think . Everything electronic leaves a trace . maybe think about that before you graffitti on this site .
Nice try? What am I trying? One of the 3 of you obviously follows him on twitter and all of you frequently mention him when he sometimes hasn't put anything on here for weeks.
He has obviously got under your skin way more than you have his, how ironic that you consider him a loser
TD, for fuck's sake, grow up.
I'm not on twatter, surferjoe is.
rottencramps gets a bashing cos he's a whining hollywood handbag , mentally ill... who the fuck makes 15,000 - 20,000 tweets ?
If you want to suck his dick, good for you.
Just ask Stu and Ben for my IP adresses. Send Maurice on over. He'll be in for the shock of his life. Trust me, no one is physically intimidating me in 2012.
Hey 'ya bunny eared rottkamp,
Just ask.... your medical professional to switch your prescription meds over to the recently FDA approved Viiazodone aka Viibryd, and Cariprazine.
Just don't go doing what you've always been doing, mixing your prescribed drugs with hard liquor like all those other past overdosed entertainer/artists.
If you can manage to do so, in a week or three you'll begin to feel much better about life in general. As the start to yet another pro surf comp, the Volcom/PPR Fiji Pro goes oooof in about a week!
Oh, and check who's earned an invite.
Like most surfers, math is not your strong suit. 20,000 tweets at 140 CHARACTERS each is 2,800,000 CHARACTERS. The average word is what... 6 letters? That means 466,666 words (not counting punctuation which is also a CHARACTER). So over two years, I've written roughly 466,666 words on Twitter - or about 639 words a day.
In the last two years, have you added up all the words you have expulsed on this blog alone?
Keep in mind that more than half my Tweets are not even surfing related and that I write for a living.
Yes, Tyler and I find you, Roller, and a few other's obsession with me mildly amusing.
But none of it is as amusing as watching the ASP fall apart. We knew they never cared about waves... and now it's apparent they didn't even care about marketing through the tour. Just a black hole of nothing. Now The Surf Industry really has no ties to "surfing" whatsoever. Fred Pawle has just started the ball rolling by exposing the fundamental flaw.
If you think this is just about The ASP (they are a low hanging - nothingness)... then you have no idea how marketing to shareholder's works. The numbers Fred Pawle released will have a profound effect on the ENTIRE Surf Industry.
Pro Surfing does not own me or anyone else. It cannot. It doesn't exist. It has no assets. It's a ghost. Like me.
Hi Sid. Grow up? That was a nice display of maturity yourself, you may want to follow your own advice.
As per the Fred Pawle article, Rottmouth was right about the ASP, Billabong and a certain contributor to this website overestimating (?over inflating) the viewers to the Chopes contest.
I wonder what else he has been right about?
well for starters, rottencramps, I've only been in swellnet since oct '11, and I come and go. Therefore, calculate whatever, as far back as you like.
Rationalise your twitter 24/7/365 behaviour anyway you can.
Smart people know to live life through what they LOVE, not, as in your case, what you HATE. Then extend your bitterness onto anyone who won't sing to your hymn sheet.
Without a doubt, your hatred of surfing / ASP / whatever , owns you. You're a stinker for sure.
As for Maurice, he has no need to beat you. You beat yourself up just fine all day, everyday, about many things and people that really are no intrusion to your life. Give yourself another uppper cut, son.
TD, big deal. Stats are right, stats are wrong... who cares, enjoy it, or switch off and move on.
Mornin all
Yes I'm here... one of those Wascally Wabbit Wovers
and in other news Frank on Dumb thChronicles gives our Stu another Serve
Frank May 26, 2012 at 4:20 pm #
Six months later and poor Stu needs a snorkel to breath through all the bullshit being spewed at Swellnet.
Fred Pawle, once again, blew away the facade of the ASP and The Surf Industry’s overall strength. Fred Pawle, once again wrote, what Stu Nettles and his propaganda shilling mouthpieces for The Industry could not.
And Fred is just pursuing the crumbs that Media 2.0 has been laying out for a year now. The biggest fallacy of the surf industry has now been proven false. It’s all cake and icing from here on out.
Stu and his minion of 30,000 strong Surf Media slurps the hype and promo of the “new school kids†like Medina, John John, Chloe and the kids who love to surf in the cage of the ASP that is, ironically, now run by the guy who runs the Australian Bible something or other. Couldn’t ask for a better cherry on the top of that shit pile.
Meanwhile, none of the new school kids beat Dane Reynolds at Rio.
Far more than 30,000 surfers in this world are clearly more enamored with what is perceived as !SURFING vs. slurping beneath 80 pages of archaic, biblical rules.
Stu’s send off of Bobby Martinez was so deliciously ironic then… and with each day, cements Stu’s legacy as another deluded nobody who choked at every opportunity to write something meaningful – instead choosing to write safe drivel that his kids will never even remember.
The rest is here
old rottkamp,
the baron of the bipolar,
our own bogan with the bunny ears,
is THE classic example of the epitome of a Hollywood handbag, limousine leftist....
Listen to the fuckall flowing from the pieholes of said douche nozzles, "claiming" "pro surfing does not exist"... "that pro surfing has no assets"...
Instead of the old excuse, my dog ate my homework, some folks are rolling with the new age sewage excuse of, my homework and the answers vanished!
Now, with Colburn EARNING entry to the Volcom/PPR Fiji affair, Mitch must be frothing at the gills.
And yet, another thing the non surfing neggies missed in their valuation measurements?...? They've one again, failed to take into consideration that every generation goes....
"Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger"
Bula to 'ya, Mitch...
Shubh Kaamnaayein.
Vanuinui vinaka.
I think those last 3 posts prove my point: you lot are just as obsessed and psycho as Rottmouth
I just checked Surferjoe's link to dumbthchronicles.com. Does blasphemy-rottmouth really need another alias, "Frank" to get his point across? How many aliases does he actually have? Some of the commentators here and elsewhere sound very similar to blasphemy-rottmouth. It's almost like in reality, there's actually just one person who makes up all of this stuff, instead of the half dozen who randomly comment.
That has been the motto for years. Not one person here addressed Fred Pawles article which tears down all the facade of pro surfing having any audience.
Instead, the conversation is about me, what pills I take, and various and sundry nonesense. Media 1.0... shoot the messenger while getting fucked up the ass by the message.
Ya'll got clowned. Not by me... by your willfull ignorance and Fred Pawle simply doing what real journalists do... ask the tough questions.
May the Lord Jesus bless you all and the ASP endeavors to blow smoke up their contests and titles that no one cares about.
This used to be a site to get and compare others' viewpoints to my own, and to swap stories. I learned a lot. Had a bit of fun, too.
Now, too often, the good stuff is drowned out by spitefulness and darkness.
I'm not sure what the answer is. I don't believe in censorship, at all. And I do like the concept of light triumphing over heat.
So I'm going to have a crack at just that....
I'm clearly missing the significance of the point about BR being right about the ASP, Billabong and Shearer allegedly overestimating viewers of the Chopes contest.
And could care less.
I'm even less certain about "Frank's" view that Stu Nettles and Swellnet are "shilling mouthpieces for The Industry". Especially given its lack of major Industry sponsors. But I could be wrong. It's an unprovable proposition, anyway, and I'm sure the rest of us can make up our own minds without help from the fascist mind-police.
What I am certain about, though, is that BR's anonymous tirade against Maurice Cole ought to be deplored by any fair-minded person, and that he should be denied any succour, at all, by anyone.
Stating that "I will put a face to my name the same time Maurice "The Coward" Cole comes clean about everything in the industry is as weak as piss. BR will always be able to say "Nah, not enough. I want more before I show my face."
For example, all of the facts about Sarge are on the public record, yet BR still wants more from MC. BR may not like the way that that situation was handled, but that's neither here nor there. The say about prosecution belongs to Sarge's victims, not BR. If they choose not to prosecute, so be it. Surely they've earned that right?
(Ironically, BR has said for 2 years now that he has the goods on the true causes and causers of AI's death, but has steadfastly refused to "come clean" and state facts, the gold standard of behaviour he demands of others.)
Let's be clear, though: he engages in precisely the same weak and cowardly behaviour that he ascribes to others. Stu, Steve, Maurice and others all have the guts to put their names to their work yet the person who calls himself BR derides, defames and decries them and many others with impunity, safe in his anonymity.
I deplore how he has so inveigled his way into our collective mindsets that we give him so much of our time, mind space and emotional energy.
Mostly we seem to do it without realising that we're just feeding the beast.
But let's not get so inured to his disgusting ways that we forget to call him out on them.
That you are clearly missing more than the significance of Shearer and The Industry claiming millions of viewers being blown apart by Pawle goes without saying.
The rest if you long winded diatribe is nothing. Absolutely nothing. Just like everything written on this site. Of zero coincidence.
Meanwhile, Fred Pawle has pushed the snowball over the ledge.
Enjoy your tea party at the bottom.
No audience means what to shareholders? And what will those shareholders do to fabricate audience? Just watch and learn as Fred deconstructs the entire surf industry to its rotted core.
What a bonfire we shall have!
But I still think that you're still a weak, hypocritical pissant unless and until you're willing to put your name where your shit dribbling mouth is....
A Little Lovin from Ben over there on Twitter
Fifth Column â€@V_For_Vanguard
@V_For_Vanguard @RiffRaffBriz All the lady boys at Swellnet getting slickies in their panties over BR making fun of MC... Priceless.
Ah, Joe, isn't talk cheap when there's no risk of a defamation suit, eh?
What I wouldn't give to get Mssrs Rottmout, Vanguard and Briz in the box for a good old cross-examination under oath.
Brave boys all....
And what would that do? Honestly. You knowing our identities. What would that do?
The world has changed Dorothy. And the surfing world is eons behind the old world. You live in a prehistoric bubble that is bursting as we speak.
The numbers were all lies. All of it. Surfing is built and financed on lies.
And my ID has ZERO to do with it.
Other than make your obsessive masturbatory sessions more desirable?
audiences, stats, shareholders, "surf" industry, freddo pawle...
all mean fuck all to me going surfing.
Here on swellnet, I wanna have a laugh, have a yak, talk pintails and point breaks.
If I wanted "justice" for the world, I'd be a cop.
That's where YOU/rottencramps, miss the point, your agenda is not our shit.
We don't whistle to your tune cos you are a suckhole stinker. for fucks sake, get off our planet like you have threatened so many times, put a bullet in your head or just STFU.
I am not brave. That is the whole fucking point Whaat. My bunny suit is a parody of your man suit. It doesn't matter in the end.
Watch Donnie Darko.
I am a big pussy.
And that won't change a goddamn thing that's happening to the Surf Industry.
So masturbate to that. Or use you mine and watch DD three times straight.
Yes @whaaat
Briz is on our side whaat... poor fellow, hes over there in Twatterland defending Us Convicts good name on his lonesome... against the US Twitter Twatter Surf Media Troll Team... I know
coz its me... ha ha ha
For someone here for only a few months, you sure swing the mighty bat of "we" pretty liberally.
rottencramps ID doesn't matter, he doesn't know if he is a jimmy, or a dick.
Apparently many have died and made Sid the Fish the de facto voice if Swellnet.
Poor Ben and Stu couldn't afford better bots?
You could be right... its one big Conspiracy Theory...
Is Everyone Really @rottmouth?
and are we all being Sucked Down the Tube of His Media Maelstorm?
Time to feed the snowball.
What would knowing your identities do?
You're kidding, right?
Let's see. In this country it would hold you to the same standard that you ask of others. The truth. Absolute defence. Otherwise, you pay for the damage that your lies cause to others' reputations.
There. Clear enough for you?
So. Why not let the truth set you free, you gutless windbag.
seriously, who changes their name from James to Richard ?
And the Wascally Wabbit has the last word
B.R.E.W. â€@Rottmouth
I would never get along with a man sticking up for a molestor. Never. He is the symptom of the machine. Nothing more.
I can just imagine the company Freddo Pawle is now keeping in the twattersphere...
no doubt, it will be a smorgasboard of high fives, back slapping, cock sucking and cum swapping.
Why do you assume I am wrong?
Here is s big secret for all you uneducated Ozzies boys: my IP's though I use many, could have been sought and my location and I'D revealed AGES ago.
Ask yourself why that hasn't happened.
Ask yourself why the Industry may not want to take on someone like me.
The ASP has threatened to sue others in the past. When the person declines settlement and demands court..... Why do you think that is.
Common sense here fellas. I am not the one afraid. I wear the mask as a symbol. My name and ID will have nothing to do with the industries downfall.
Ask yourselves again: why am I unafraid? A username on the internet means nothing. No one is Anonymous. I could be arrested tomorrow. Yet I won't.
Paul Naude, G Stapelberge, McKnight, etc.. they know why.
They fear me... and you...
I don't assume that you're wrong. I just don't believe you.
Why? Because you have to make your case, not the other way around.
And as some of your allegations are of criminality, the standard of proof, as you know, is beyond reasonable doubt.
Frankly, I can't see you even making it. So far, even balance of probability has eluded you.
And just so that I am clear. I'm not referring to your theories about the so-called Surf Industry, its rottenness, its downfall, or any other such generality.
I'm talking specifics: your allegations against Tomson and Naude of criminal negligence leading to the wrongful death of AI.
And a jury might link your rants about Maurice Cole to those same allegations.
If you're right, you'd get a costs order and would have proven your case.
If you're not....
Maybe you could stay with friends after the sheriff took your house???
Whaaat, my info is all over the internet. If they want me come and get me. They are hiding mountains while I hide my identity. I win.
That is why you'll never see them prosecute ANYONE.
Does Bong, Rip, Volcom, and Quik want their accounting and management practices dragged through the courts over allegations made by a nobody?
Lite me us a cigar, kids... you have a lot to learn about this world.
Does Bong, Rip, Volcom, and Quik want their accounting and management practices dragged through the courts over allegations made by a nobody?
Lite me up a cigar, kids... you have a lot to learn about this world.
The [would-be] emperor has no clothes
I can't vouch for the Securities and Exchange Commission, but I do put a deal more faith in the Australian Securities and Investment Commission than your word, old son.
My rants about Maurice Cole really get your vagina hopped up doesn't it Whaaat?
Why. He suck your fuck real good? Make you a nice surfboard. Not turn you into police when you fiddle other boys?
Maurice Cole is nothing more to me than a bubble of unsquelched yak flatus. So fuck Jim. And all the he loves.
Find me boys. I dare you. It's very important. In fact, more important than anything else in life.
See you at the cemetary gates.
Nice to see you're a man if faith, Whaaat. Your fearless leader of the ASP, and the facade of the industry, is also a man of the cloth.
Askance halekem.
Has to be said that this Stab Article is not nice
also this Surfing Life Forum
and what the fuck does this have to do with us going surfing ?
a large percentage of your hatred is the fact that most people don't want to fight your war, most of it is in your head.
Pro surfing / ASP is theatre, you need to pull your head out of your Hollywood ass.
That you are a filthy misogynist your blog makes crystal clear.
That you are also a homophobe is also pretty clear.
That you are the victim of pederasty is becoming clearer the more that you write. For which I am sorry. Truly.
But it does not excuse you.
Like I said, Joe, Sarge's disgusting behaviour is a matter of public record.
Whaat clearly has never suspended belief at a single movie, concert, comedic event, or sarcastic blog.
For that he deserves Old Surf Media Congressional Medal of Honor Called the: Nick Carroll's Lost Hair Award.
What a dense little fellow ye be Whaat. You ever take in a good Bill Hicks flick off YouTube?
Don't even go there. Don't you dare compare yourself to Bill Hicks.
For one, he had the balls to do what he did under his own name.
For another, he knew the truth when he saw it. And then said it.
James, I know you'd prefer Richard.
Us uneducated aussies don't want to fight your war.
Can you get that, ever ?
I know who @rottmouth really is
He is really a Romanian Gypsy masquerading as a Hollywood Script Writer
Yes Master of Deception, Damian Drăghici is All Smoke and Mirrors...
and he plays a mean Pan Pipe
just plain old Dick.
c'mon Richard, not like you for the cat to get your tongue.
Do you know who wrote for Bill Hicks?
Tell us
Damian and then give us a Rendition of "Abide with Thee" on the Pipes
take your meds and off to bed Dickie, it's gettin very late over there.
Sleep well, rest assured the evil empire will roll on tomoz.
Sweet dreams, lock the doors.
are you suggesting
The Great TV Icon Dickie Knee
has comeback as the Wascally Wabbit?
Oh Well looks like Damian/Dickie
has passed out Drunk, Snoring and Flatulent
at the Keyboard again....
nah, more ...
Richard Head .
he goes a bit quiet when you call him by his first name.
his first 'stage' name.
eh Jimmy.?
Funnily Sid... I knew a bloke in Briz Vegas called Richard Head... luckily he was a good bloke and big enough to stand up and fight for his right when the inevitable jokes started
even more funny, is rottencramps thinking he'll end up in courts.
nnnnnaaaaaaahhhhhh, more like in the concrete footings of a east LA redevelopement.
Litigious Lot those Seppos...
Think everything revolves around the courts..
Oh well the Building that B Rottmouths Remains Props Up
Will become Jim Morrisonesque
Surf Media Trolls will come from Far and Wide
To Pay Homage To The Ex Rabbit...
I doubt that very much.
Yea, no one is participating in or watching contested surf contests. No corporations are paying "rebel" riders to "free surf".
And looking over all of those revenues, apparently no one is buying surf company gear either!
NIke. Rip Curl, Quik, Red Bull, Monster Drinks, Bong, et al,... i guess all that combo'ed what 100 billion dollars worth of surf company revenues?... is all smoke and mirrors as well
Smoke and mirrors?
Where would the average rock concert, where would the average bathroom be without smoke and mirrors?
Roller... Smoke and Mirrors...
Fire up a Hot One and Chop up a Big One...
Lets Party!
seems like you go away for 24 hrs and the shyte hits the fans!!
hey rotty,now I see you have a pesonal beef with Maurice cole and that he's ,in your eyes,a pawn of the industry....maybe you would be able to explain why Rip Curl banned him from the Bells Comp for 3 years,or why he can't attend an indigenous comp at Bells,or that he was recently charged by his council on trying to save bells,or he represented surfers on the ASP board against the industry,for more than 20 years and actually made an enemy of the surf industry...read the latest "what is a surf Co?".......
as for all the cybertuff stuff ya rant about......be careful ya might get a cyber smack in da head....yeah right.....
as previously stated,your delusions that you are constantly claiming as fact,paints a sad picture of a wannabe,but never will be.....just a sad pathetic delusional person who probably surfed for a couple of days,was evicted from the lineup,and became our wilbur kookmeyer....and thats a fact!!!
Getting this converation back on track from the bullshit above, looks like the boys are gonna get a good pulse of swell on their first day of the waiting period. Winds still questionable with potential crosshores. Also an unusual S/SE groundswell in the water as well. How's that swell direction go at Cloudbreak? Would be a bit blocked one would think, and could also put a wobble through the line up when those SW groundswells come through??
Looks to be no shortage of swell anyway.....nothing huge, but long period and definitely surfable....assuming the winds play ball.
So what's the latest on that swell heading towards Fiji???....
@BR... "Ask yourself why the Industry may not want to take on someone like me".....
Well BR... it could possibly have something to do with the fact they've much more important issues to tend to than a delusional blogger like yourself. Lunch, for example, is much more important than you. I think you're the last thing on their minds......if you're on them at all....
all this to and fro inside info.. 4 people watched the webcast / all of China watched the webcast ...tell them what you really know.. the ASP is the second coming of the nazis shit.. is old, tedious and boring, froths question is spot on , are there going to be waves for Fiji? if so great get on with it.
By the way ........ no try sid .... no try
For those who havent read it...
Fred Pawles article courtesy of B. Rottmouth
@ macksville
Results Matter... Talk Dont...
ok s.Joe, you forced me to read Freedo's limp dick article.
who'd of thought bigger waves get bigger views .... der .
Freddo, you literary genius of fuck all.
Conclusion: An ass wipe article in an ass wipe paper.
OT - Macksville, don't blame me I don't carry a whistle, and last time I checked Fiji was in Fiji (Uate) and NZ is in NZ (Tamou). But I will say your NSW team was cursed the second Tariq Sims broke his leg in Townsville when he should have been in blues camp in Melbourne 'cos your cockhead selectors... cocked up.
Sorry Sid having a Laff with the B on T
Read his Short Story Stalker Tweets This Arvo... They are Hilarious..
must I ?
don't tell me...
am I being re-twatted again ...???
Can't we just get back to talking about the Volcom pro for fucks sake!! Hows the forecast looking guys?
We'll have an update tomorrow, GF. Still looking good for the beginning of the waiting period though.
Hello Stu
Oh Yeah Fiji, I almost forgot.. seen some nice pics coming though from Joli... should be Volcomulous...
Thanks Stu! Stoked that Mitch Coleborn got the wildcard. He surfs unbelievable, hope he takes it out!
“All visible objects, man, are but as pasteboard masks. But in each event—in the living act, the undoubted deed—there, some unknown but still reasoning thing puts forth the mouldings of its features from behind the unreasoning mask. If man will strike, strike through the mask! How can the prisoner reach outside except by thrusting through the wall? To me, the white whale is that wall, shoved near to me. Sometimes I think there’s naught beyond. But ’tis enough. He tasks me; he heaps me; I see in him outrageous strength, with an inscrutable malice sinewing it. That inscrutable thing is chiefly what I hate; and be the white whale agent, or be the white whale principal, I will wreak that hate upon him. Talk not to me of blasphemy, man; I’d strike the sun if it insulted me.â€
- Captain Ahab, Moby Dick.
...Of course Captain Ahab was insane. Like rottkamp, completely bonkers.
This should be well and truly understood.
I'll have some of what your Smokin Roller
not a smoker. but, can clearly see from here, surfing in ALL of it's forms will not end in your or any of our lifetimes.
don't know if you noticed... given enough time, it only goes bigger.
oh, and if history is a map,... 4 to six foot will be all farking TIME!
Here's the latest update fellas.. http://www.swellnet.com.au/news/2976-large-swells-loom-for-volcom-fiji-pro
I love it when Blasphemy Rottmouth is back on swellnet.
what i wanna know is this. Why do all you Blasphemy haters keep defending the surf corpos/pro surfing et al? I know you hate Rottmouth, so is that the reason?
As far as I'm concerned, the 'core' surfers have nothing to lose when the whole shithouse comes burning down. I would gladly see Billabong end up in Target. Like I give a fvck about Billabong shareholders.
Surf corpos have whored out the act of surfing and it's limited resources for 30 years. What do WE get in return? Shitty webcasts in shitty waves of idiots doing floaters.
fvck that.
so why defend it all? unless you have a vested interest.
back on topic. hope Cloudbreak is macking so we can see pussies like Kolohe and Medina eat shitreef. Josh Kerr, Kelly Slater or JJ Florence likely.
Right On @Bum Acid
I hear Stu is thinking of Offering BR a Full Time Gig
Blog Views go though the Roof When the Wascally Wabbit Waxes Lyrical...
Right On Bum Acid, looks like a whole lotta hate over your way too, eh kettle petal ?
not defending "surf"industry, I see that for what it is and get on with life.
more defending pretty good people getting trashed, and good aussie boys, Stu, SS et al who are having a go and trying to live on the bright side of life.
Look, this article has run its course. The event starts on Sunday and the surf forecast is pretty tasty.
If you want to chat about Fiji's upcoming swell particulars, please see Craig's updated article here: http://www.swellnet.com.au/news/2976-large-swells-loom-for-volcom-fiji-pro
If you'd like to discuss the state of the surf industry, please head on over to the forums and start a thread: http://www.swellnet.com.au/forums/1