When will website replays come live

The website replays are coming very soon. We are currently testing the new interface and aiming to put it live towards the end of next week.

Replays were nearly there and then I got knocked by the flu for 2 weeks. Catching up on everything now, thanks for your patience, should be later this week.

Jono wrote:Replays were nearly there and then I got knocked by the flu for 2 weeks. Catching up on everything now, thanks for your patience, should be later this week.
The flu going around is nasty, I was buckled for over a week...
Glad ya better...

OK surfcam replays are now (finally) live on the website.

Great stuff Jono. Nice new design.

Nice Jono. Earned a beer tonight :p
Hi it's been months since the webcam replays on the Swellnet website last worked. The Swellnet app has replays, just too small to make any use. What's soo hard to get it live?