Goofy Guts or Natural Guts?
After 30 years of shortboarding I've recently acquired a kneelo. There's a few ledgey reefbreaks near where I live and I've always been curious about how kneelos go in the square stuff. So far I've had about half a dozen sessions on it and backside and frontside just don't seem to matter. Admittedly I'm not that great but can't imagine it would ever matter.
On a sidenote: all the kneelos I've met in the surf have been great. You know how Kombi drivers all acknowledge each other on the road? If there's another kneelo in the water when I paddle out it's straight up and say g'day.
I was drifting through old posts on Pacific island breaks and I saw that a body boarder was tired of island with predominantly left handers, hence the question are some BBers goofy guts ( like goofy foot) prefering left handers and some natural guts.
I posted about the term backside barrel (and what that implied) here on swellnet, does forehand and backhand barrel apply?
BTW my thought on surf vehicles of all types is; they can't do anything by themselves it's the clown using them across all categories