Firewire Surfboards

browny's picture
browny started the topic in Wednesday, 31 Mar 2010 at 1:04pm

So maybe this should be in board design but anyways....

If somebody ever tries to sell you a firewire as unbreakable... Break the board across your knee to prove them wrong. It will work.

Surfing this arvo in no bigger than 2/3ft on the east coast, pulled into a tiny little closeout barrel and came up to find my $900, month old Firewire in two pieces.

Pretty pissed off and dissapointed tbh.
Has anyone else had any issues with them?

shaun's picture
shaun's picture
shaun Wednesday, 31 Mar 2010 at 9:28pm

Heres another interesting thing about firewires. Taj Burrows does not surf them himself as he does not like them, he get's his boards handshaped and glassed and then sprayed to look like a firewire.

lawsyr1's picture
lawsyr1's picture
lawsyr1 Wednesday, 31 Mar 2010 at 10:00pm

Sounds like they are the Ducati of surfboards - Asthetic and expensive but in reality will get blown away by any decent performer and are prone to break alot...

Shame - I really like the look of them and there are a few guys in other forums saying the same thing - The unbreakable board boke pretty easy...

shaun's picture
shaun's picture
shaun Thursday, 1 Apr 2010 at 12:39am

Well Browny now that you've learnt your lesson take $600 to a local shaper and get what you want and if that breaks at least when you go back to him he'll have a bit of sympathy and give you a good deal on another. Unfortunatly the guy who sold you the firewire does not have a lot of room to move with his profit margin to give much of a discount.

v-b's picture
v-b's picture
v-b Thursday, 1 Apr 2010 at 1:59am

Not sure where shaun got his info but it is wrong. If Taj didn't like Firewires he wouldn't ride them and would never spray a poly up to look like one. He has made 4 finals in a row now on "real" Firewires.

simsurf's picture
simsurf's picture
simsurf Thursday, 1 Apr 2010 at 3:18am

@ v-b...I don't think anyone is questioning how firewire's ride...i have heard lots of good things, but as the orginal poster stated they are advertised as been a stronger board and "unbreakable" which many people have proved incorrect...may mate snapped one in about 24 hours after getting one surfing average waves...decent boards but worth $900?

simsurf's picture
simsurf's picture
simsurf Thursday, 1 Apr 2010 at 3:23am

@ v-b...I don't think anyone is questioning how firewire's ride...i have heard lots of good things, but as the orginal poster stated they are advertised as been a stronger board and "unbreakable" which many people have proved incorrect...may mate snapped one in about 24 hours after getting one surfing average waves...decent boards but worth $900?

By: "simsurf"

whoops i just read shauns post lol yeah that does sound a bit funny..why would you go TB go to the effort...

shaun's picture
shaun's picture
shaun Thursday, 1 Apr 2010 at 4:10am

You would go to the effort for a $100,000 a year. the firewires didn't work for him, but the money did. But he wasn't going to win contests on a board that didn't feel right to him and he had signed a contract that he had to honor, so it's back to his pre-firewire shaper to get the boards he needs to win on, paying full price of course as the shaper get's no credit and firewire is happy cause the public is paying $900 for a board that they beleive taj made 4 finals on.Worth the effort for all those involved I'd say

shaun's picture
shaun's picture
shaun Thursday, 1 Apr 2010 at 4:11am

Exept the consumer of course

stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Thursday, 1 Apr 2010 at 4:15am

I looked at one of Taj's boards at the Bondi Boost comp. It was a Firewire, no two ways about it.

ed's picture
ed's picture
ed Thursday, 1 Apr 2010 at 4:37am

yeah theres one of TB's old firewires in kirra surf store, besides measurements appears to be made the same as other firewires.

stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Thursday, 1 Apr 2010 at 5:00am

Heres another interesting thing about firewires. Taj Burrows does not surf them himself as he does not like them, he get's his boards handshaped and glassed and then sprayed to look like a firewire.

By: "shaun"

The Truth Is Out There

How do you reckon TB could get away with it Shaun? He's one of the most in-demand surfers going, and constantly surrounded by fans. It'd be pretty damn easy to spot a dressed-up board.

Log it in the Area 51 conspiracy files...

browny's picture
browny's picture
browny Thursday, 1 Apr 2010 at 5:27am

Oh no doubt it is a good board.
It performs suberbly in quality waves.
So if your a talented millionare who has a grand to throw away every couple of months go for gold. But for your average broke surfer like myself, stay the f**k away from the things.
I took the board back to the surfshop today and had a chat to the boys, Firewire dont offer any kind of replacements/warranty (Obviously) but they think because of the way it snapped (Directly across the pressure valve) that Firewire might be sympathetic to my case.
They said i would probably get offered a new one from Firewire for around $700. but to be hoenst i'd rather take my $700 and buy a custom from a local shaper, and then a case of beer 6months later while its still surfing like new.

shaun's picture
shaun's picture
shaun Thursday, 1 Apr 2010 at 7:13am

I could be wrong the person I got the info from was in a good position to know, but it is hearsay. But arent firewires sprayed themselves, to be quite honest I've never really taken alot of interest in them, I find it curiouse though that the board that is in the kirra store is different in measurements to any of the taj models, there moulded surfboards aren't they? I cant imagine they would make a mould especialy for taj's boards and then not use the mold for commercial purposes.That would be a bit expensive

ed's picture
ed's picture
ed Thursday, 1 Apr 2010 at 8:16am

Same template but with different measurements for height/weight/skill. Same as fanning model from dhd - you can order it with measurements of your choice and they still wack a fanning model logo on it cause it follows the concaves, rocker, rails ect. Also the glassing jobs they do on a pros actual board (4x2x4) are different to what you buy with a usual pro models board (4x4x4).

shaun's picture
shaun's picture
shaun Thursday, 1 Apr 2010 at 8:41am

My point is,firewires are moulded boards, dhd are computer shaped glassed boards. I cant see fire wire spending thousands of dollars on a mould and only using it for taj's boards, and you cant adjust a mould to any measurement you want

ed's picture
ed's picture
ed Friday, 2 Apr 2010 at 1:23am

The TB model firewire is sold from 5'11 to 6'5. Taj rides 5'11 and 18 flat (weapon) with combed rails. i have test rode a few firewires and i find they are more buoyant than other boards cannot comment on there durability though. If you are liking the idea of firewire before you drop the cash take a look at HS boards by Hayden Shapes the price is competitive and they follow with no stringer and use carbon fibre railings, makes them pretty tough....feel cutting edge under the arm too.

pablo's picture
pablo's picture
pablo Friday, 2 Apr 2010 at 6:30am

I saw one that snapped in half in small surf at kirra about amonth ago.

v-b's picture
v-b's picture
v-b Monday, 5 Apr 2010 at 2:30am

Firewires are shaped not moulded. If you want to educate yourself about their construction go to Also, they don't claim they are unbreakable- anything will break if it is in the wrong place at the wrong time.

stoner's picture
stoner's picture
stoner Monday, 5 Apr 2010 at 9:49am

So Taj is back riding Maurice Cole boards?

jaffa1949's picture
jaffa1949's picture
jaffa1949 Monday, 5 Apr 2010 at 10:56am

Read it like this, there are lawyers who surf if one bought a firewire and it broke and Taj was riding a fake I'm sure the lawyer being a lawyer would sue Taj and any others concerned for false advertising.
Same thing may end up happening with the power band bracelets( what's your opinions on these?)

mattlovestosurf's picture
mattlovestosurf's picture
mattlovestosurf Monday, 5 Apr 2010 at 12:22pm

im new here and i couldnt help myself by to post somthing about this. i think shaun is right that taj doesnt ride firewires because try to find a pic of one of TAJ'S personal boards in a pic or somthing and u will notice that theres no vent on it. look at the recent quiksilver pro 2010 snapper rocks photos and u can see his mates and others holding his board but there is no vent so thats why i think taj is riding fake firewires. you also dont hear much from greg webber ihs old shaper he hasnt said much about taj leaving him and going to firewire. anyway firewires are not werth it get a handshaped board with a known shaper like dhd thats what iv got its worth it in the end. cheers

ed's picture
ed's picture
ed Monday, 5 Apr 2010 at 10:14pm

yeah i cant see Taj carrying on like this. Hes already made millions by hanging around the top in the ASP, why risk it all on this...

shaun's picture
shaun's picture
shaun Tuesday, 6 Apr 2010 at 12:02am

Mat, you've hit the nail on the head. Glad to see not everyone is gullible, according to my information he's riding webber. Ed, how is he "risking it all"? He hasn't killed bambi, many athletes do it, footballers are renowned for it with their boots, blacking out one logo and painting on another because they dont feel comfortable playing in there sponsors boots.
I expect firewire knows about it, there bottom line is that they would want taj surfing at his best and the public buying there boards. I'm amazed at how many times I've read in this forum people referring to computer shaped board as handshaped ,non of the big labels are handshaped unless you especially request it and alot of times they are done on the computer, and firewire handshaped that is laughable, handshaped boards are not made in thialand and thats where they are made. Some of you guy's that have been responding too this thread talk like you know taj personally,when truth be known you only know what magazines(sponsors) magazines have portrayed him as. Till last year tiger woods was portrayed as a squeaky clean family man, and I will bet my bottom dollar tiger didnt down a bottle of gatorade after he'd rooted one of his porn stars.

ed's picture
ed's picture
ed Tuesday, 6 Apr 2010 at 12:25am

Your out of your depth, watch this and just stop talking


damien's picture
damien's picture
damien Tuesday, 6 Apr 2010 at 1:09am

i bought 2 firewires about 18 months ago a bit after they first came out... and i snapped both of them realtivly easy, but they happily replaced both of them. one of them snapped again but in pretty heavy conditions. the other is still in perfect condish after over a year of surfs. i think the firewire hype was a load of shit and most people have started to realise that... about 4 of my mates also got firewires around this time and they all snapped theres aswell. i think that they are strong boards but if they flex a certain way they snap as easily as a normal board.... having said all this, they go heaps good and in my opinion they are stronger than your regular board but nothing is invinsible. i think you should ask them if they will replace your board, they might have stopped doing this after everyone started breaking there boards but it would be worth a go for a free replacement!

shaun's picture
shaun's picture
shaun Tuesday, 6 Apr 2010 at 1:43am

Your out of your depth, watch this and just stop talking

By: "ed"

Well that was a link to nowhere

seethesea's picture
seethesea's picture
seethesea Tuesday, 6 Apr 2010 at 3:04am

Hey Shaun, no offense mate but you really do not know what you are talking about in any way shape or form about Taj's boards. He rides FW full time and he likes them, for that matter a lot of people that ride them do. Do I ride them? No. I am a tight wad.

For that matter, I don't think you understand the true nature of what a moulded or computer shaped board entails to be manufactured. Just like mowing the back lawn, you can buy a better mower but in the end you still have to walk around the back yard to cut the grass. There are no quick ways to do it, and don't confuse vacuum bagged production with moulds. That is of course if you know what a vacuum bag is. FW do not pop out of a mould, for that matter not even the 'pop outs' do.

Before you make yourself look silly on a public forum spend some time in a surfboard factory and learn how much work it takes to make a board of any description.

shaun's picture
shaun's picture
shaun Tuesday, 6 Apr 2010 at 5:05am

Ed,this is a public surfing forum no one is out of there depth here, it's as shallow as the toddlers end at the local swimming pool.

Seethesea, at no time have I questioned the quality of firewires,and I was wrrrrrrrrrong to say they were moulded. i have not had any real interest in how they were made as I would never be interested in buying one as it is not made in aus. I've looked at the website and it confirms that there not handshaped(which isn't a bad thing in my book), but some of you's keep harping on about how there handshaped. Would 15 years in a surfboard factory suffice seathesee, it,s been awhile since I've worked in one, I was glassing epoxy probably before you had even heard of it. And the fact of the matter is I heard the snippet about taj riding webbers boards whilst dropping in to see old mates in a surf factory, but as I have pointed out before in this thread it is hearsay and rumour and may not be the truth. you would know better than I would as you know taj well enough to feel you have to defend his integrity.I personally have never met him , so I only know what I have read in magazines. The surf magazines say he,s a top bloke, woman's weekly reckons he was porkin larabingle behind pups back, I read it in a magazine it must be true. Your reading this on the web, believe me it's true, am I looking silly on a public forum , probably. Am I offended by you telling me I dont know what Im talking about? Hell no! this is what public forums are about, just dont call me nastie names as I'll sulk a bit.

ed's picture
ed's picture
ed Tuesday, 6 Apr 2010 at 5:48am

There was a rumor a few years ago that Taj had a sex addiction (no joke), so much so it received a mention in one of Mick Fannings books that came out. Rumors are rumors if you cannot substantiate it with evidence than stop laboring the point.

shaun's picture
shaun's picture
shaun Tuesday, 6 Apr 2010 at 8:33am

Well if mick wrote it must be gospel, I have a lot of respect for mick. Not for his surfing but the fact that he had the brilliance to design a thong with a bottle opener in the soul.

Fuck if I was a pro surfer I reckon I'd get addicted to sex meself!

b_s's picture
b_s's picture
b_s Tuesday, 6 Apr 2010 at 10:35am

shaun your full of it. why talk about something that you have had no experience with. I saw some of the boards taj was riding at the snapper and burleigh comps. They were firewires, the vents are further up the board and off centre.

stoner's picture
stoner's picture
stoner Tuesday, 6 Apr 2010 at 10:53am

That bottle opener thong is so stupid, why would you want everything you step on on the mouth of your beer

shaun's picture
shaun's picture
shaun Tuesday, 6 Apr 2010 at 12:04pm

b_s I've never mentioned vents, that was mat.I'm more into rumours and hearsay.

Stoner, the lowest form of humor just flew so far over your head it had no chance to register did it.

seethesea's picture
seethesea's picture
seethesea Wednesday, 7 Apr 2010 at 6:00am


15 years working in a factory is enough to earn my respect mate. As I said I didnt mean to offend with the comment it just always surprises me what people concern to be 'hand shaped', 'moulded' or 'just made by a computer'. You obviously know the difference so I won't go on. The amount of work that goes into each method of construction would startle most people. $1000 for a FW is not expensive, all boards should be that price and if it wasnt for the short sighted nature of many manufacturers it would be.

Taj does ride FW's though and the boards he rides do not have vents. He also won 3 events in a row on them with a 2nd at Margarets. Taj is not a great friend of mine by any means but I feel that Bert Burgers technology made by FW and ridden by Taj deserves some credit. There is a good little buzz happening here on the Goldy with some new FW technology also that the local pro's are having a little froth on.

adam's picture
adam's picture
adam Monday, 12 Apr 2010 at 2:09am

I looked at a few of his boards at Bells, yep definately firewires!

stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Monday, 12 Apr 2010 at 2:41am

Yeah, same Adam. Even spoke to Nev (Hyman, who makes Firewires) at Johanna and he thought I was Fruit Loop for even entertaining the thought.

I also took a good look at Michel Bourez' boards just to hose down any speculation that he is also riding tricked up PU's for nefarious financial reasons. Nup, Firewires through and through.

jonno's picture
jonno's picture
jonno Monday, 12 Apr 2010 at 7:31am

i haven't read the whole thread but i'll just chuck in my $0.02

ive got an alternator myself that i've had for over 6 months (don't really like the shape all that much) but from the 20+ surfs in waves from 2-6ft+ it's been a tough as hell board with barely any damage, no pressure dings and only a few cracks in the rail from a wayward knee.

probably a bit unlucky getting one to snap in tiny waves. definitely take that thing back and see what they say.

browny's picture
browny's picture
browny Tuesday, 13 Apr 2010 at 1:45am

Took it back in to the surfshop where i got it, who stock firewire's as one of their instore boards.
The got onto firewire for me and i was offered $100 off a new board if i wanted another...

Fuck. That

jonno's picture
jonno's picture
jonno Tuesday, 13 Apr 2010 at 3:40am

that really sucks mate, i've heard that broken boards in the past have been sent back to the factory to be checked for faults in the board. i don't know if that's an option for you but you could try getting hold of their customer services people and asking what avenues might be open to you, they're always aiming to please.

logger's picture
logger's picture
logger Tuesday, 13 Apr 2010 at 3:51am

always worth trying to get it replaced i reckon, but nothing better than getting something shaped for you by someone recommended, known for his craft etc.
As for Taj and what he surfs, who cares?

westoz-donkeyfacial's picture
westoz-donkeyfacial's picture
westoz-donkeyfacial Tuesday, 13 Apr 2010 at 2:03pm

LEAVE BRITANY ALONE!!....ERRR...i meen taj....