Backdoor Surf Mag

wazza, Backdoor was owned by Rip Curl. I think Claw just had the shits with the surf media being so Sydney centric, not to mention Tracks escalating advertising rates. It was always run on a shoe string, no-one got paid much or on time so it died a lonely unlamented death. If it was notable for anything it might be that one of its early contributors, maybe even its editor, was Michael Gordon who went on to a pretty outstanding career in straight journalism with The Age. I'm guessing that it was totally defunct by early 78.

I've got a copy of the first issue, it doesn't even have a date on it. I think it was about 75, I'm surprised it made it past the second issue
Recently cleaning up around the house & tucked right up the back of the shelf was this mag called "Backdoor". This particular issue was from May 1977, the cover story was Simon Anderson - Australias Latest Sporting Giant. After flicking through I've found that it was a Torquay based mag but was wondering if anyone out there could shed some info on Backdoors history?