Why is it thought that there is no skill in bodyboarding?
its funny that people will think im a kook if i mention part of my quiver contains bodyboards. if i mention i have ridden shark island for over 24 years they go
"oh you shark island guys are different"
so am i supposed to get a t shirt that says i surf shark island?
its really only an issue for normal everyday surfers at beach breaks
Bodyboards makes you quiver! EEEEEEEEEEyew
Have you tools got your heads in the sand or what?
Body Boarding is fine only under 2 circumstances.
1. you have a serious leg injury that prevents you from standing on a surfboard. This is a situation where a surfer is trying to stay in the water.
2. When you are a chick trying to loose a bit of beef off that rump.
Apart from those two circumstances it is not cool to be riding one of these.
I hear you sponge riding poofs whinging about how hard core you all are, if you are that talented and hardcore why don't you go and do some tow surfing, it is way hard core.
I remember back when it was an in sport with a lot of teenagers, well that didn't last because it was a fad and like rollerskates it kind of stayed that way.
The el' rolo' coaster was derailed when Mike Stewart squeezed out the last bit of water from his sponge.
As for skills, what a load of crap, try doing some of your moves on a surfboard, way harder.
Before you gut sliders were at shark island there were surfers there and there are still surfers out there. You don't own the island and really have no rights there either.
As we like to say "you are as soft as the boards you ride"
I slide on lids occasionally... When I make a trip to smiths beach with a few friends that dont surf or anything and just want to muck around.
I must admit though... seeing boogs steal waves off surfers when they arn't in the lineup annoys the shit out of me.
I suppose it's just a lack of understanding the etiquete...
(It keeps people from being punched if I think like this)
Listen to this squatter!In his other post in THE TRUTH he rants on telling people not to buy coastal land,to stay out of his carparks & off his beaches.Now it looks like he owns Shark island as well.Your just a selfish prick adam.
And spongebob you are just a stirrer, hope to see you in the lineup one day so we can have a laugh and share a few waves.
adam we would end up trying to drown each other.
Spongebob, you are really an angry little sponge, at least I know that you are the one who wants to drown people when all I wanted to do was share a wave or two and have a laugh at all of this crap on the web.
Have a good surf spongey!
No adam Im not into drowning people,It was a joke. I thought a stirrer like you would see that.
The argument that something is better because its harder really is quite stupid. We no longer chase our dinner with spears, communicate with telegrams, or walk 20 miles to school each day 'like our grandpa did back in the day' because we've evolved, and the progression of mankind has historically been about making things easier, not harder. Face it folks, booging is the fastest growing water sport in the world for the last several years for a reason. Its not going away any time soon...
Both sports/passions/lifestyles or whatever you wanna call them are great for their own reasons, it takes a moron not to be able to look at the other sport and appreciate it for its own intensity. Watch Mick or Joel take a massive chunk out of the throwing lip at Snapper on a stick and try not being impressed, its sick to watch! And watch booger Ben Player line up and bust a massive forward air at 10-12ft Chopes which was considered impossible only a few years ago, its ridiculous!
But the one thing I've noticed in reading many posts over the years about this argument is this: Stand ups seem to be focused on themselves, wanting to look cool, wanting others to think they're cool, worrying overly about whether the general populous thinks they look cool on a wave etc. Even out in the line up, I see god knows how many stand ups completely bar the barrel (or just fail to get in it) only to come round the section when the wave is mostly finished only to pop back over the shoulder trying to look all cool like they just got barreled hoping that everyone is noticing them. Or the ridiculous claims (arms waving, fists pumping etc) after they do get barreled, as if everyone is watching and the cameras are wildly snapping. Who cares? Ride for yourself, no-one else.
Boogers ride cos they love the wave, don't care that much if we look cool in other peoples eyes, we just love how the wave feels, the drop, the scoop, the barrel, feeling connected with the wave, the feeling of getting launched, the perform a controlled maneuver over a heavy section and being able to land it and ride away victoriously. We don't care who's watching, if stand ups or anyone else for that matter think we're cool or not, or if we looked 'casual enough in the barrel'.
The bottom line is this: boogers and stand ups share the same playing field (the gooch made a good AFL/NRL analogy), and nobody is going anywhere. So we can either shut up and get on with it, or keep fighting, but either way its a pointless exercise in futility because we all love what we do so much that we'll still be there the next day, and the day after, and so on.
Anyway, this is all just my opinion.
Or... Maybe we can divide the breaks up? The Goldy for example: How about the stand ups get Snapper, Superbank, Kirra, Burleigh, Currimbin which are waves suited to stand ups. And the boogers get Straddie, Palmy, D'bah, Reef/Bombie which are suited to booging?
Hahaha I know which group I'd prefer!
That's a REALLY long post MO. Can you break it up into bullet points or something?
Cheers mate, I'll pop back in an hour or so to read it then.
No just try one paragraph at a time, maybe a lie down or a coffee in between. You'll get there!
Patty, here it is in bullet points.
my_opinion wrote:
- "Stand ups seem to be focused on themselves, wanting to look cool, wanting others to think they're cool, worrying overly about whether the general populous thinks they look cool on a wave".
-"watch booger Ben Player line up and bust a massive forward air at 10-12ft Chopes which was considered impossible".
-"Or... Maybe we can divide the breaks up? "
The Verdict: That blurb had some real crap filtered through it, im getting the idea your shit at life...
Hey cheers Ed!
Wonder what he means by this "the progression of mankind has historically been about making things easier, not harder."
Take it MO has never heard of Derek Hynd then.
MO = stand ups want to look cool
bodyboarders are chill.
could of just said ur riddiculous generalisations that simply because in essence, that is what you wrote.
You might as well write that all mexicans are lazy, and asians are short. Well I know a tall asian! and well... I know several lazy mexicans... but i bet its not always true!
You tried your ahrdest to sound ever so smart talking about evolution etc, only to make dumb ass generalisations of surfers and boogs.
every single person here has a bias so I reckon we should just all stfu but in anycase here is my angle... and I am following it a long way.
going to have to agree with MO.
He makes generalisations which have backing from my perspective... what he says coincides with the way people in the water behave.
Anybody who cant be bothered to read that truly does fail at life.
But anyway, this isnt really relevant to the question which this thread originally posed before it turned into a battleground....
There is no true proof here because there are always going to be people who think the other type of water craft is inferior and should just get lost. But in the end, what is wrong with a bodyboard being in the line up? Its not like bodyboards take twice as many waves, mush the waves, bring on onshores or dont follow proper surf etiquette (and if they dont then thats not an excuse to say "all bodyboarders are wankers who drop in" because thats obviously wrong and just what somebody who just doesnt like bodyboarders would want an excuse to say.
The fact is, bodyboarding is a fun, active sport just like surfing which takes time to get good at, and can be enjoyed at a number of levels, just like surfing. It takes an immense amount of skill to surf, but also bodyboarding requires skill to be good at. It is preposterous for anybody to say there is no skill in bodyboarding as you simply dont see six year olds with 10 dollar foam boards with dolphins on them rock up at your local reef and pull into a ledgy 6 foot barrel. No, you need time, practise, experience and SKILL to reach that point.
Therefore, there is skill and bodyboarding and the only reason why somebody wouldnt think there was is because they have spent all that time learning to surf, then somebody comes along and takes a step out of what they have learnt (standing up) and does almost exactly the same thing on the wave. That person sees this and makes a massive assumption that its easy, when 1. It doesnt matter. 2. They are wrong.
Oh and by the way I saw a guy saying bodyboarders are all losers... soft... not hardcore... well when was the last time surfers went to the right? Bodyboards have their benefits as well - you can actually paddle in to say.. supers on a bodyboard whereas a surfer must be towed. Bodyboards paddle cyclops, surfers must tow. Surfers are hardcore - bodyboarders are hardcore. Its just a different form of riding a wave with benefits both ways and anybody who doesnt agree with that, even if everything else sounds like BS has something wrong.
Oh yeah and by the way I also saw on youtube a very funny thing - some surfers came to Aussie Pipe (supers) which bodyboarders have been riding for so so so long just paddling in. And then the surfers turn up and say its this new death slab and start towing and that its this new crazy thing. LOL.
For bodyboarders the (IBA) International bodyboarding association holds their would tour, which is considered the equivalent of the ASP would tour for surfers. It brings the best bodyboarders from around the would to complete in the most high performance waves located in various locations. For Bodyboarders this is their most prestigious event you can compete in.
To kick off this years tour it was held in Hawaii with 20k cash for mens. However, during their contest which spread over a two week period it overlapped with another small local standup surf contest, held at another location on the island. Hawaiian surf rules state there cannot be two surf contest held on the same day. The council ruled in favour on the shitty local no name surf comp over The International Bodyboarding Associations Tour. As a result the IBA had to wait for the local comp to finish before they could resume. This resulted in the IBA having to extend their tour, some of the french "Professional" Bodyboarders could no afford to extend their returns flights, so they had to fly home before the comp finished.
I think you'll find a local comp in Hawaii will have priority over any other comp be it boogie' standup or whatever, it's called looking after your own. If the French "professional" boogers couldn't afford to extend there flights maybe they should look at taking up another profession. I'm sure that calling the local comp."a shitty no name local comp" will endear you to the local. I expect the rules were put in place to combat people with attitudes such as yourself from stomping on everyone else so they can do as they please.
A local comp in hawaii will not have priority over an ASP event because it is more organized than the IBA with legally binding contracts in place to prevent situations like this, and they can raise alot more revenue for the local economy which is why the local council works with them to ensure an ASP event takes place.
Hey Shaun why dont you tell everyone again in this thread your conspiracy theory? The one how Taj rides fake firewires that are spayed up to fool the public and how he's secretly still riding for his older shaper Greg Webber...
Because Ed that thread is done and dusted, if I wanted to go on and on about it I would have kept on ranting on about in that thread. Your the one telling everyone again and again about my conspiracy theory, I feel sorry that such a trivial matter troubles you so much.
pete_79 wrote:Bodyboards are great.... My 6 year old nephew loves playing around on his, heck even my mum has a play on it. That's as seriously as they can be taken....They're great for the kids to have a play on christmas day, not for a 30+ year old man to be floating around the line up thinking "why doesn't anybody take me seriously :( "
Don't worry kid, one day your balls will drop, you'll realise you've become a man and start thinking you should take up a real sport.....
By: "thetwig"
mate bodyboarding does have skill u tell me three tricks that a surfer can do but a bodyboarder can not
how about stand up, stand up in a barrel and a stand up floater? Now does that resolve anything? No.... just leave it, it'll never end...please...
So bodyboarder you want to drag up old threads and you still haven’t realised that there is a site for your kind now, it’s called FLUIDZONE. It’s made just for fools like you….
As it has been pointed out in many posts here, both sports require the same level of knowledge. Understanding the ocean, tides, sand bars, rips, swell direction and the weather in general. And of course there is an element of fitness to get out the back before you can actually catch a wave.
With both sports you also have to understand the energy of a wave and how it will break at any different location and you have position yourself in the right spot for making the take off. But that’s where the similarities end.
Sure there are hell men in both sports, body boarders taking on death pit Hawaiian shories and surfers riding massive mountains of water on offshore reefs.
But the question asked was about skill, so let’s talk fundamentals, the core of each sport.
Body Boarding: Once you’re in the right spot and picked your wave, you catch it, lying on your guts, then turn left or right, STILL LAYING ON YOUR GUTS.
Surfing: You pick your wave catch it, then GET TO YOUR FEET while making the drop AND turning left or right.
No matter what level abilities you have beyond the fundamentals the fact is that there’s more skill required to get to your feet then there is to stay on your guts…
Hopfully that's the end of this pointless debate.
Now fuck off and have a cry with your mates at FLUIDZONE…….
So pete answer me this,
Does it take more skill for a surfer to outrun a barrel or to bottom turn around it?
"Now fuck off and have a cry with your mates at FLUIDZONE " :)
guys i water ski and wakeBOARD AND I WAS WONDERING HOW THESE TO GROUPS IN THE SAME CLASS CAN get along fine in and off the river were as us bodyboarders and surfers seem to hate each others guts. i mean i did not want to start an argument again but i just wanted to get my point across that this hatered to each other is pointless.
Almost all bodyboarders suck. The ones who write shit like "Does it take more skill for a surfer to outrun a barrel or to bottom turn around it?" can't do shit on a boogie board. Fuckin lame asses like Kierenhard and eeks don't help your (lost) cause. There's very little skill in bodyboarding.
Bodyboarding is for girls. Ha Ha Ha
Bodyboarder, mate it is something that you will never grasp. Your argument is so lame it does'nt even make sense. Where are the waves that you guys have on your rivers?
Stuz, bodyboarding used to be for girls, times have changed now though and girls are ripping on surfboards.
It would be a better world without these gut sliding little fuckers getting all possesive in the surf.
Yesterday I was watching a local reef break that was barrelling its tits off and there was a mix of stand up surfing and a couple of boogers out, all the stand up surfers were making every barrel that was there and not 1 booger even came close to making a barrel. You arl all gutless and lame, end of argument.
Quick get the net, ive hooked me an angry one, ha ha, for future reference usually comments with a smiley face next to them are generally meant to be taken in jest. I ride a stick most of the time.
e wrote:"Now fuck off and have a cry with your mates at FLUIDZONE "
Now thats the problem right there, Many surfers cant even share a forum with those that have different opinions or ride different craft let alone share the ocean. And some of them wonder why their attitides are thought of as being akin to racism duh. not so bright.
Any argument about skill level/different craft in the surf in moot anyway, no ones owns teh waves and every person and craft can have a great time if theyve got the right attitude (and "i can stand on my feet so get off 'my' wave" is not the right one, same as "i bodyboard so can go deeper " is also not the right one) I could walk down the street on my hands but that doesnt give me more right to be on the footpath than someone walking on their feet just becaue it takes more skill. These attitudes dont have a leg to stand on in the real world and it should be no different in the surf, any one that thinks it should be should give emselves a swift bullet to the brain.
I am a stand up, but i dont mind sharing these forums with lids, when i was younger i used to ride one, i also respect that everyone is free to ride what they want in the water.
But why would a lid want to use this site anyway? FluidZone has the same layout, the same info, but the difference is, that the site is for a lidders point of view.
If FluidZone did not exist, i could see why you would use this site, but FluidZone does exist. SwellNet has photos of surfers, not sponges. Links to surfing websites, forums about surfing, and a report on waves from a surfers
point of view.
Quote from Dork: "for future reference usually comments with a smiley face next to them are generally meant to be taken in jest."
What about silly forum names Dork, does that mean i can write them off as having nothing valid to contribute...
who cares if the surfer wants to lie down, stand up or kneeboard?
As long as they are respectful, good luck to them.
This mentality of 'do it like i do it or you are a kook' is just SO LAME.
What about silly forum names Dork, does that mean i can write them off as having nothing valid to contribute...
By: "ed"
Let me think about it, Ed, well ed is a horses name, and horses cant surf or bodyboard or ride a goat boat (because they would need a horse boat) although they can ride in a horse float, but thats not really surfing or floating, so yes i conclude that you can write off silly names like ed :)
Little surfer boy, there is heaps of bodyboarding content on swellnet
Malibu, i agree
heaps - bit of a stretch do you think? Just scanning the homepage, there is but ONE boogie on the whole page (in an article related to a surfer), yet Fluidzone is FULL of boogie stuff. The questions still remains, why give a shit on here about surfers hassling boogers, when you have your whole own website which by last check, is 100% boogies, no actual real surfers crashing in on your party... www.fluidzone.com/ ... check it out, go there.
There really isn't any legit bodyboard content up on swellnet, not updates on the IBA world tour or interviews with pros ect.
Maybe thats cause swellnets market research suggests no one really gives a shit. If Swellnet thought there was skill in bodyboarding
wouldn't they promote it more with posting clips, interviews & articles.
Hasn't this topic died yet? Sorry it probably won't until the those poor sad excuses stand up like man was designed to do. The only excuse for a booger is paraplygia or a vagina. Move on please to something that we all give a sh!t about.
Lying down and catching a wave is just as fun as standing up.
The 'i hate lid riders' thing comes from the magazines that pushed that mentality for decades to try and squeeze all surfers into a little box so they would all wear the same shit and ride the same shit so the big companies could manufacture large scale numbers of shit and market it to the brainwashed consumers they have like putty in their hands.
If you get stoked sliding on your tummy, good for you.
1963-malibu mate you have gotten it so wrong, it is the boogers themselves who fucked it up back in the mid 80's. What influence does a magazine have in the surf when dealing with arrogant little dick draggers? You have to wize up a bit before making yourself look dumb!
wow this thread has gone way off tangent, the o.p. was why is it thought there is no skill in bodyboarding? Well the way I'd answer the question would be I don't fucking care what you think so take youre opinion and shove it up youre rectum 'cause I'll be having fun out in the water while you and youre dickhead mates are wanking into each others mouths about how you ripped shit up.
All this talk about stand-ups versus boogers versus SUPs and whatever else there is in the water - is this for real?? I mean, are these comments fair dinkum, or is most of this just "tongue-in-cheek"?
I was surfing Sunday morning on the Central Coast, about 20 odd people out on a point break. A real mixed bag: couple of SUPs, some old blokes on long boards, young blokes on short boards, kids on boggie boards, a couple of young ladies on short boards, some old guys on short boards and even a couple of young fella's on long boards. And of course me, just learning and trying to keep out of everyones way.
Actually, for over two hours I didn't even manage one decent ride, I was trying so hard to keep out of the way of the good surfers. But I really enjoyed being out there, and seeing up close the different techniques being employed. I thought that alone was worth being out there. Maybe because most of the people seemed to know each other, but everyone was having a pretty good time.
By the way, one of the SUPs came over a couple of times and gave me a few tips on how to position myself on the board. Gee, and I thought they were supposed to be the enemy (that's a tongue-in-cheek comment).
Hi rushy, a lot of it is just shit stirring & rivalry. It never seems as bad out on the water as it is on the net. This is the place to have a whinge,get it off your chest. Then you can paddle out & leave the bullshit back on shore where it belongs. Anyway just bought myself a mini mal so I can be a kook & a gut slider now. Have a go at everything I reckon,this is the only chance your going to get.
Mate take your mini mal and shove it up where your booger used to be kept. Gut Sliding Moron.
Hi rushy, a lot of it is just shit stirring & rivalry. It never seems as bad out on the water as it is on the net. quote]Spot on spongebob!
I'll hang shit on bodyboarders at any chance i get, but it's always in jest. Mostly because bodyboarders take themselves so seriously that they bite at any little comment. But like you say, it's just shit stirring, I don't go around trying to muscle them out of the water. They have just as much right to get a wave as anyone else.Personaly i couldn't give a shit what you want to ride, there are all types of craft in the water, each with their pros and cons.
When I go for a wave I go to relax and take a break from all the other stresses in life, I'll say G'day and have a chat with anyone who's doing the same thing.
To all of the HEROS out there; If you want to show everyone how tuff you are go to the pub and start a fight with another dickhead like yourself.. Don't bring your shit into the surf!!!!
Hi frothy,how are you today? Yeh pete leave the shit on shore & most people do. It's only the selfish,inconsiderate bastards who screw it up for every one.If you like agression take up boxing, stand toe to toe with your equal & try knock each other out.You would get more out of it than surfing can offer.
Thanks fellas. Seeing it all a lot clearer now. As a firie, I know a lot about blokes s#@t-stirring each other. Usually once someone gets a bit hurt (or takes a bite, as Pete says), that's the signal to go even harder! Guess I'm getting into the right sport. All in good fun though.
To all of the HEROS out there; If you want to show everyone how tuff you are go to the pub and start a fight with another dickhead like yourself.. Don't bring your shit into the surf!!!!
right on!
Maybe that is the future of surfing, surfers getting together and driving the agro dickheads out of the water. NOT WELCOME. If you really must take your aggression out in the sea, go to an isolated beach break and scream underwater or something!
No Skill?
No skill in staying on your belly for a take off.
agreed ben haha
im in mentor with jack
peace out zac
I really get peeved when some surfers say the there is no skill in bodyboarding when infact its just as hard as surfing yes i do agree with the standing up diffence between body boarding and surfing but!, Us body boarders can do tricks which some surfers cant do we can do turns, we can invnt our on moves JUST like surfers!!!!!!! Its just bugging me at the amount of stuck up surfers who think oh nahhh it has no skill ur just sittin on a jar lid or a sponge well NEWS FLASH we have to have teqnique and skill to bodydoard we dont just sit there and go haha here comes a wave take me!!!!! We must manouver ourselfs and lne up before takin the plunge at just the amount ofrisk surfers take!!!!! Thankyou...