Swellnet announces plans for new surf cams in Victoria including Phillip Island

here here what no reply

I'm guessing it'll go at Woolies were there's already a cam but you'll have to wait for Ben Matson on a reply. Does anyone in Vic actually use cams? I never have and prefer the report and photo combined with wind obs and buoy data.

If the Phillip Island crew are anything like their fathers, uncles and older brothers that cam could have a worse time than the ill fated NN camera however, I think we can conclude that the Swellnet team are not going to be drawn into any serious discussion about their business plans in these forums.
As an aside though, I made the point in another forum that to the best of my knowledge surf cams are the only form of freely available live surveillance of public areas. I could be wrong on that but if they are I wonder if they might be vulnerable under privacy considerations particularly given the paranoia about perving pedophiles lurking around pools and beaches with their video cameras.

If the Phillip Island crew are anything like their fathers, uncles and older brothers that cam could have a worse time than the ill fated NN camera however.
By: "blindboy"
So basically you are saying you don't have an f'ing clue what goes on in VIc.
Coastalwatch have had a cam at Woolies for years. Trigger Brothers have more cams than anyone. The only cam that ever really pissed locals off in Vic was the Coastalwatch one at Point Lonsdale that focused on a more protected break. My local break has one and I often surf in front of it getting great waves with no one out.
Pardon my french but you sound like a cock (probably one from NSW).

...... don't have an f'ing clue what goes on in VIc
...and proud of it. Excuse my Irish but, póg mo thóin.

Trigger & CW do have cams or reports on many Victorian breaks as does Swellnet. If Swellnet locates a cam at Woolies there shouldn't be a problem but is that their plan? What if a cam is aimed down the throat of a well known wave to the west? Will the locals be shaken out of their indifference then? I somehow doubt it as I am starting to think most people like cams and reports because its just easy.

cams are a double edged sword. they help you out. they bring crowds. Ive frothed on a surf because of a cam only to not go out cos it was total crap. i live 2 minutes from the water. i'd prefer no cams. thats progress and $.

Even though I've been surfing for over 20 years I'd never used or even looked at a surf cam till recently. I've had to move into Melbourne though and found myself checking them before making the trek south. Rarely did they affect my decision on where to go however. I just wanted to get a 'real time' look at surface conditions and a general guide to swell. The people I live with do the same.
I don't know if we need more surf cams because I think the existing ones do an adequate job. But then, I don't really care if they put them in, my viewing pattern would probably stay the same.

"blindboy" wrote:If the Phillip Island crew are anything like their fathers, uncles and older brothers that cam could have a worse time than the ill fated NN camera however.
By: "alexz"
So basically you are saying you don't have an f'ing clue what goes on in VIc.
Coastalwatch have had a cam at Woolies for years. Trigger Brothers have more cams than anyone. The only cam that ever really pissed locals off in Vic was the Coastalwatch one at Point Lonsdale that focused on a more protected break. My local break has one and I often surf in front of it getting great waves with no one out.
Pardon my french but you sound like a cock (probably one from NSW).
Z Man - flashed up! <3
Just in case you missed exciting news back on 13/2/2010 Swellnet's The Malben (SuperAdmin) announced in this forum under the topic heading of Surfcams .....
"debidoll, we're got a bunch of new Victorian surfcams in the short term pipeline and Phillip Island is right up close to the top of the list. Stay tuned".
This is exciting news indeed for Swellnet and this reporter asks The Malben the following questions:
(1.) can you now reveal to the surfing public the proposed locations for the new cams?
(2.) what local consultation, if any, have you undertaken to determine whether the cams are a welcomed addition to the areas where the cams are to be located?
(3) have you meet with local relevant clubs like the Westcoast Longboarders or the Phillip Island Boardriders to gain their support or opinion?
(4) are any local existing surf businesses (surf shops or schools) associated with these exciting new developments. If so, can you now reveal the names of these businesses?
I look forward to your reply & keep up the good work.