PHOTOS of a greedy world champ and his clown mate Bottle

Sure towing in is fun and a great way to catch bigger waves that can't be paddled into but wheres the soul in doing it in small waves. Surely these blokes get there fair share of waves a snapper burleigh etc..come on fella's if what this blokes reporting is true then it sounds like pretty poor form, however l don't think it warrants such a defamation of your character.

Hey in this world if you act like a dickhead you get called a dickhead. And going off the actions reported in this story that tag fits perfectly with our two heros.
Put it this way if these two egomaniacs tried this kind of caper with locals around here, at their expense...well, they'd better have a few more bows to their athletic quiver than just surfing.
I never believe this "good bloke" rubbish you get fed in surfing mags, first hand experience is what's needed to make a fair call not what some sicaphantic, grovelling wannabe journo reckons.

W-BAT, Well said. and thank you swellnet having this forum and letting normal surfers have a say without any of it being edited or only the most witty being published. I'm just a grumpy old fart, I've had my waves but you young guy's have to stand up to this bullshit, cause all the rules are going out the window. Let the sponsors know, they probably dont care but,they might. Gee I wish I was there I could shown you my falling out of the lip onto the who snaked me yet again manouver. If you ever attempt it yourself wear a helmet, you can go head first into him with confidence. Also Gordy I think defamation means making up lies about someones character whereas W-BAT was just describing what they were doing.

I recently had the misfortune to encounter AI, Fanning, Parko, Occy & Luke all at the same time out at average Snapper. Initially, I thought I was in for a show (at least one I'd enjoy) but I soon discovered that with the exception of Mr Egan, these greats were all about bullying guys off waves. Of course, they are not the only ones out there doing that but you'd think they'd rely on their ability to get waves.
Ironic how the crowds they helped create through videos and mags etc, are now seemingly a stone in their shoe. Is that karma?

I will give them three cheers and a hip hip hoora when they shoot Smucho the clown for his relentless exposure of Streaky Bay for personal profit and ego.

Funny thing, I got a letter published in Tracks a few months ago and they said that all the letters published won a prize pack , but they didn't contact me or answer me when I emailed them and asked them about it. I dunno, do you think the surfers bible would lie to it's readers.

think I know the session you are talking about w-bat, mates were out there when Mick and jay were towing. didn't sound good when I heard it.
can't defend him but I've met Mick a couple of times and he seemed to be a really good bloke. suppose we all do dumb things?
why didn't anyone ark up? silence is approval and all that...

Its be going on for years the "Im a pro, don't you know who I am!" treatment to punter surfers.
I grew up at a break with two World Champs and one was OK the other was a C..t (the goofy footer). How many times i was burn by him, droppped in and snaked really annoyed the hell out of us older gromms who were locals as much as he was.
Then we had to endure the media hero worship of this guy. He could surf bloody well and was fearless but to blatantly use his status to create rules for himself was maddening.
Incedently he received a Pointy Nose surfboard right up the date after burning some older bloke. Karma.
The story of the greedy wolrd champ is not a new one and can totally relate.
Its the worst scenario you can imagine is having a session with a few crew or mates and along come sticker whores to wreck a session with there over inflated egos.

Next time you see them on a jet ski anywhere near a surfer contact NSW Maritime authority on 131256 there are strict guidlines in relation to these craft. As a boat owner and surfer i don,t know how they get away with it.Pro surfing has alot to answer for in the destruction and comercialisation of the sport, not to mention the wankers it has produced.

Regarding towing-in through other surfers. Maritime Safety Queensland have a draft Code of Conduct out for comment on their website. Check it out at the link below:
The Code of Conduct will prohibit this type of crass stupidity when other surfers are in the water. If you want it to happen then read the document and send MSQ an email at the address given. The more people who tell them they agree with the policy then the more likely it is to be put in place. ACT NOW! YOU ONLY HAVE UNTIL 26 FEBRUARY TO COMMENT.
Soul Surfer.

"silence is approval", thats it. Even if they are pro's rip their heads off.

sunny, patty, pablo, w-bat, brucecam 50.
This is brilliant! Good on you guys for telling it how it is.
I can almost hear some surfers thinking to themselves 'the Maritime safety who/what?' conduct of codes what?
thanks brucecam50 for letting us know about this application on 'tow in surfing'.
check out the link (Maritime) that brucecam50 told us about. Link
Hey w-bat if there is you and others (witnesses) who saw these surfers towing in and around surfers and swimmers i think you have a case with the maritime authority to have them handed a nice tidy fine and to be reprimanded.
That would be damn funny. 'world champ fined over towing into three foot waves at his home break and endangering the lives of other swimmers and surfers'
Someone has to deflate their ego's

forgive me if I sound rude, but did any of you tell them to piss off or just sit there and cop it?

I've noticed over the years that most of the tow in crew that you see around the coast are very bullish egotistical people, that's not saying that all tow crew are like that. I know quite a few mellow jet ski owners, you just never see them because there on an outer reef or at an inaccessable break, using it for what the original ideal was.Getting away from the crowds and surfing waves you cant paddle.

As a 50yo knackered-back, now an occasional WA tropical waters surfer, I've seen this crap for some 40 years wombat, greed, drop-ins, soulless nonsense. Marine authorities would love some pics of this latest scourge/incident, the jet ski, as would the media, sponsers-NO!! Stick it up em. Personally I'd paddle out on someone's mega mal and just get in their way for a carton of coronas, $5 each between the 10 of you, money well spent I reckon. Throw in some good vodka and a lip launched hardwood 11 footer wouldn't be out of the question either. Man-up as a group and circle the ski, rotate each surfer for each set wave. Whatever you decide, just take a stand, legal that is.
All the best, keep surfin no matter what, Asto

In part, I think this is inherent in the nature of surfing. Pros are competitive, and that streak will come out whenver they surf. Combined with the natural pecking order that most surf spots develop on the basis of ability, then we often end up with a situation where the best surfers seem to consider themselves more entitled to waves than others (on the basis, and I have heard this said often, that someone else will 'waste it'). The pro who I thought had the best approach was MR - I remember reading an interview where he said that just because he could surf well did not make him a better or more worthy person than the next guy. I reckon we could all take something from that - how many of us have exploited a situation where we were surfing with people less skilled than ourselves, and so dropped in, snaked, etc? Not nearly the same as dominiting the lineup on a ski, but is it a small step in that general direction?

The pig of steel would have come in on a battleship and spray the lot of them with acid so everyone could sit and ponder what the world had come too. Mind you that would just be a ploy so that Astro could tow him in without anyone bothering him.

Surfing has lost its innocence since the Captain departed to surf better, more consistent galactic reef breaks elsewhere. These days there is a breathtaking sense of entitlement among the elevated surfing elite, who on the whole appear to display no humility or sense of equity in the water. Conversely they are capable of turning on all the charm in the world for the surf media. Good corporate media training will do that.
The fires of these egos are stoked by the very corporate surf industry that we all contribute to feeding. These are the suits who want Average Joe Surfer to idolise the elite and then shut the rest of us mugs out of the best breaks, in the best conditions so they can hold the comps to further promote their elite heroes who are the vehicles that promotes the over priced crap they sell. This is then flogged off to every aspiring grom from Melbourne to Moscow.
Their healthy corporate bottom line is why millions more people take up surfing world wide every year and why you now find people from land locked nations clogging up breaks in Indo and on the Goldy.
Nobody should have anything against someone discovering the magic of waves in their own way, but voracious corporate overkill of the surfing culture across the planet is relentlessly choking off the simple pleasure of enjoying a nice wave. No wonder Goodvibes left, he could see the writing on the wall.
Nice one W-bat for turning over this particularly nasty malignant rock.

^^^ they almost never send the prizes out, they are usually kept by the mag staff.I know some of the editors. As to the whip in situation , thats totally wrong for those two to carry on like that it is absolutely against the law also.Just give the rego number of the ski to the cops and follow it up.I had a similar situation 3 yrs ago with luke steadman and mikala jones whipping in at 2 foot sth whale beach, stedman had a photog on the beach doing insight ads.The clubbies wanted nothing to do with it until i told them about all the laws they were breaking . They pissed off asap.

those guys are actually breaking current nsw martime law which states pwc are not to be operated within 60 m of other people in the water (swimmer, surfers).Also they need to wear those life vest things, which none of em wear when they are doing whip-ins.The new laws coming into qld are basically going to end towing or whipping in

Too true W-bat. It is sad to witness the decline of a culture we all love, but its a lesson in what can happen when people either never understood, or somehow forgot the real reason that they took up surfing in the first place.
The ethos that you should want the people in the water with you to have as many waves and as much fun and satisfaction that you have is the real principal. It's right up there with showing respect, humility and courtesy and taking your place at the visitors end pecking order when at another break, regardless of how good you are. It's only the minority of Olympian Hero's, who have flight feathers wielded to their ankles, and a much more toxic attitude to their brothers and sisters in the water who don't adhere to similar beliefs.
As for "the Rabbit", he would have to be the Chief Architect Emeritus of the current Darwinian, dog eat dog mindset that prevails. He's the Commercial and Corporate Competition poster boy, but he's a mighty poor role model. It's all about "compete or die scum". That attitude was the reason a large number of indigenous Hawaiian surfers severely smacked him around in the 70's. Now there's a culture of people who understand respect and humility.
I have read a little of Yvon Chouinard and the Patagonia Company. I was impressed that they seem operate in a very different and more ethical manner than the corporate surf cowboys that fill the Oz surf media with junk advertising. I think you've inspired me to vote with my credit card.
Enjoy the J-ski. I'm sure you will put it to much better application than Surf Miester Fanning and his band of cohorts.

Having spent most of my spare time between burleigh and snapper during the last swell trying to get a few photos, my general observations were about 99% of drop ins were regular surfers dropping in on each other and most of those were at burleigh. And there were some shockers! Showed the total decline in manners in general in and out of the surf.
While everyone who had the balls to do a free fall drop into the bazza at snapper were getting respect including boogs:P
While it feels good to have a vent/whinge about the whip ins unless someone gets off there ass and reports it to the authorities nothing is going to change..

w-bat i live in iluka and within the space of 2 years its turned into a squabbling burleigh barrel. take your stab magz and beat it!

The information below is from NSW Maritime's PWC Handbook. It is based on the NSW legislation regarding use of PWC. Every state has similar legislation. If PWC are giving you greif, take note of the vessel's registration number and if possible get a good pic of the vessel breaching the safety distance limits, then email it to the agency in your state responsible for marine safety. They generally take public reports on PWC pretty seriously and will carry out an investigation and question the vessels registered owner with a veiw to either prosecuting or at least caution the offender depending on the severity of the alleged offence. Plus it will go on record.
Distance Off
When driving a PWC at 10 knots or more or towing a person, you must keep the vessel and the person being towed a minimum distance of:
30 metres from power-driven vessels (including other PWC), land and structures (including jetties, bridges, moorings and navigation markers) or, if that is not possible a safe distance
60 metres from persons or non-powered vessels (sailing and passive) or if that is not possible a safe distance.
a safe distance from any vessel towing a person.

Yep, I am a sort of lid ('s a long story) and mostly surf less crowded stuff down the coast a bit (c-reef, hastos, blackies etc) and can take off inside most, even "them" but I have seen this happen at DBah and Letitia. I have also been having a quiet one at the local when the "jet set" arrive and just take over the place. A while ago blackies started firing like a small pipe on roids but within 30 mins we had the photogs telling locals to get out of the way so they could shoot the "boyz". Generally now if they turn up I just go somewhere else cos you know its over until they leave.

Hey W-bat.
Why'd you go ahead and get a ski ?
Seems kind of incongruous after that experience.
Can't quite believe that with 10 blokes out not one had the sack to stand up and say something to rectify such a blatant act of fcukery.

fair enough.
pretty easy to shut down in NSW by phoning has been pointed out.
we went through all this at the Ox a few years the skis stay away from paddling surfers.
Recreational surfers need to stand up and speak if they want to get rid of this greedy crap.
Nothing against people towing in at outer reefs or spots inaccessible to paddling....but stay away from people paddling.
To present another side, the Pros have been down here recently and behaved well...i think they realise they won't get away with any crap down here.

Sharpen you stakes lads, and we will vanquish these blood-sucking corporate slaves.

Try being in Bali when they run the Rip Curl invitational at Padang Padang.
Ive never seen a bigger bunch of prats.

Ok Ok...Enough exaduration batman..I was out there too that afternoon and sorry mate I have to pull you up on this one..I understand your anti establishment, anti pro surfer sponso rant..Everyone to thier own, chose your own path I say..But to say they were being gready is a major overerstatment. Everyone was getting some that day. I got plenty..My mates got plenty..I was super supprised with the patience of Mick and Bottle as they would sit and wait only taking one wave out of each set every 10mins or so..There were plenty waves for everyone else. Sure there were only two 2 wave sets pushing head and a half every 10mins but in reality if Mick were to paddle this day he would have been on these waves either way. The only reason I say this is for the lack of local chargers this day..I was quite suprised to not see as many regular faces in the line-up..The line-up was filled with blow ins and school holiday groms..Very lucky for those guys!!..There were only three others this day who even wanted the sets! It was the day the circus came to town and for us country folk it was entertaining..I only heard one guy having a rant about it out there and for everyone else they all looked pretty stoked getting a close-up view of some pretty mad surfing. Sure MF was breaking the law..Call the cops if your so angry? Even my first reaction was..What the F*CK, they can't do this as i walked up the beach. But in a a credit to them they were being fair. Whipping in from at least 30m deep then fanging the ski out and wide as not to fill the line-up with jet wash and only taking very few waves. I'm not saying tow surfing in paddle zones is OK..I'll be the first to tell someone to piss off. But in this case...F*ck man it was our new world champ and he was being a good bloke! Luv the DEIZ

pffft "World Champ" .. so what. What they were doing was illegal and also showed lousy respect for the paddlers (blow-ins or not) who have right of way. This is not complicated, Diezal. Why make it all into a grey area when it is black and white. If we start making exceptions then who gets to make those exceptions. Why make exceptions for them? Other will then begin to say, "well, we though we weren't 'that' bad, you know, we let them have some waves". People always have excuses for poor behaviour, but it doesn't wash.

you guys should take a back seat and re read the dribble you have posted... At a glance im guessing most of you ride lids... therefore voiding any of your opinion's towards surfing. It's sounds like fanning and bottle were doing the wrong thing, however that surely does not warrant a tyraid of hate from you geeks.
P.S anyone who supports localism can get a dog up em... the surf is for everybody!

"I was super supprised with the patience of Mick and Bottle as they would sit and wait only taking one wave out of each set every 10mins"
Thanks Dezial for giving us the other side of the story, thanks to your description of events, any logical person can plainly see Mick and Bottle are greedy. But that's okay cause they would be just as greedy paddling in. But we of the lower breed of surfers wouldn't understand would we. I mean everybody else out there should have been grateful that Mick didn't use his super powers to ride both waves in the set, luck he's such a good bloke with a ton of patience for the lowly folk. Now if I've got the math right the set's were ten minutes apart, and mick was only taking one wave out of each set every ten minutes. So Mick was taking half the waves for himself. I think it's pretty black and white.MICK IS A GREEDY BASTARD!! and BOTTLE his wannabe hangeron mate is a CLOWN.

Who cares if they're greedy, better accept a large percentage of society is greedy. Get on with life, if someone is like that they're probably giving the rest of us a good example of how not to behave. Although I wish I could get that many waves.

stuz you just contradicted yourself

Funny you should mention this.
One of my brothers workmates surfed Angourie last weekend and mcfanny was out taking every set wave and his comment was the same, what a greedy bastard (actually is one I think).
Funny how the surf media never makes this sort of observation.
Stay tuned, any day now you will see him on TV doing the tokenistic bit of charity work, pushing some blind kiddy onto a wave, and the cretins will think what a great person.

before things get to nasty and putting aside the whip in "incident" I dont think you can go bashing someones credability or personality just because they are a famous surfer without actually meeting them?? I know i wouldnt want people to judge my entire personality from one action?? I guess that is the internet for ya...
And the reality is the guy makes wads of cash surfing waves all over the world, would he even care about people having a rant in internet forums? lol

and then diesel was waiting anxiously on the beach, desperately trying to get his book signed but alas our world champ got doubled off into the sunset atop his mighty motorized, aquatic steed...So forlorn he went home and played Eminem's "Stan" over and over again.
And simsurf going by your logic I never met Hitler, nor did I actually witness any of his I suppose we'll give him the benifit of the doubt and throw him in the good bloke basket..
Ever think you are being fed the spin..... "what a top bloke" etc etc etc
About two weeks ago ago went for the late arvo surf at one of the locals. Paddle out into the line up and who should be gracing us with their presence but Mick Fanning and Jay Bottle Thonpson.
Now the surf was fair to good and would have been great, it was just quite inconsistent and most sets had only on wave. Offshore shoulder high and barreling.
Probably ten guys out sitting waiting for the sets. The in between waves just did not break.
Now our two legends decide they are a bit more important than anyone else and start towing in. Yes shoulder high with a crew out and they start towing through the pack. And they took every wave that came through.
As soon as they flicked off, immediate pick up and straight out the back sitting 30 mtrs out and slightly inside. Sure enough next set and they take that one too. I was out there for an hour and and the only waves that anyone else rode were on the rare occasions that a two wave set came through.
From what I believe "towing" when there are surfers in the water is illegal. But regardless that is just plain greed and contemp for every other surfer in the water.
We get fed a lot of b.s. in the media. "Top bloke" Mick, nice aussie bloke "bottle". I've always been sceptical of these claims and seeing these two in action was just reduced their credibility to zero.
I saw on Mick Fanning's twitter page later that he talks about surfing one spot in the morning and whip in's at this spot in the afternoon right next to the photo of his dopey smiling face. It could have spewed. He forgets to mention that he burnt every other surfer in the water that day.
If you know these two clowns please let them know that they are no better or more important than anyone else. They are not better humans, they have no additional rights and could they please deflate their egos and bring their over inflated self importance in check.