Surfing the Maldives

hayles88's picture
hayles88 started the topic in Thursday, 11 Feb 2010 at 4:10am

Anyone one out there that can give me a couple of hints in relation to what I should take, avoid etc as I am heading to the Maldives for my first overseas surfing trip. Mainly looking for a bit of help in the board department in regards to what's going to handle the best as I am a bit concerned taking over my current board which has glassed in fins. Cheers :-)

clif's picture
clif's picture
clif Thursday, 11 Feb 2010 at 4:39am

Need more details. Ability, what you are willing to go on, current board size?

Go normal board and a mid-range gun. Glass-on fins rule for performance. Just wrap the board up well. Stuff your towels in-between fins to give them protection. Take lots of wax. And one of those instant putty ding repair tubes. Useful for when your head hits the board and fractures the rail as you go over the falls chasing those bloody big lobsters.

hayles88's picture
hayles88's picture
hayles88 Thursday, 11 Feb 2010 at 4:59am

Cheers for the reply, I would say intermediate I have been surfing for about 8 years I grew up on the sunny coast which is not renowned for its size. The board I am looking to take is 6'3. Got the instant repair kit going to try and not smash my face open on the reef though - well that's the plan anyway. The time of year we are going your looking around 3-5ft so definitely not as big as what is can get.

clif's picture
clif's picture
clif Thursday, 11 Feb 2010 at 5:31am

Take a 6'8 with you as well. You never know. And if it is reeling you will have the right equipment. Longer boards are good when its running quickly not just for size. Make sections other don't. I hate not having a Ferrari when the track goes all formula one on you.

wayneoz's picture
wayneoz's picture
wayneoz Monday, 22 Feb 2010 at 5:29am

I was there last August. It was about 3 to 5 ft and nearly perfect all day. Some storms did pass through, but so much fun. Great diving as well. Enjoy

steeve's picture
steeve's picture
steeve Monday, 22 Feb 2010 at 8:59am

Anyone one out there that can give me a couple of hints in relation to what I should take, avoid etc as I am heading to the Maldives for my first overseas surfing trip. Mainly looking for a bit of help in the board department in regards to what's going to handle the best as I am a bit concerned taking over my current board which has glassed in fins. Cheers :-)

By: "hayles88"

steeve's picture
steeve's picture
steeve Monday, 22 Feb 2010 at 9:05am

I had the same concern going to the Maldives and sorted it out with making a high density foam block to fit within the 3 and half an inch around the outside. With two boards the same i had no problems at all. I would suggest slightly longer boards also as when it is below 4-5feet there are a lot of Japanese on longboards to compete with. Extra length also helps with the paddle as the currents running between the islands are strong and quick. Get ready for crowds.

longinus's picture
longinus's picture
longinus Wednesday, 24 Feb 2010 at 1:12am

Worth hitting the southern Atolls on a boat for at least part of the trip if you have the coin / time to avoid the crowds. They are still there but a lot more reef passes to thin them out. I take high performance mid lengths - 7'6"-8'1" to The Maldives. Kind of gives you something that will work in all scenarios

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Sunday, 15 Jun 2014 at 7:10am

Just saw an ad for a break in the Maldives where numbers are limited at 35 surfers maximum .
Though you do have to pay a premium , imagine only 35 people in the line up !
( facetiousness employed )

funpeeler's picture
funpeeler's picture
funpeeler Tuesday, 24 Jun 2014 at 6:59pm

Just come back from a week at Kandooma. We scored a good swell.

Dont believe what you read about long-boards and fish. If there is a good swell - its definitely not soft.

Take your go-to board for a really good day at your local (maybe with a 5 fin option for quad/thruster) and a step up.