Progressive surfing et al

I saw this also the other day and just thought, "why"?
All I could see was dinged and creased boards, fins ripped out, etc.


haha, thanks for explaining that, I saw a couple of maybe TBB posts with surfers attached to hovering crane chair noodles, and thought wtf? whatever they think they are doing that will NOT age well.. looks stupider than a hang-five toe poke, but at least doing those are free and natural and don't damage your stick..

Chiko Chix bully Grown Men in The Ultimate Wavepool Fighting Den
Royal JJ stunt double is crowned Surf King by Royal WOTD watch watchers
Watch wot yer sayin' there tbb...or you'll cop a right royal flush out the Whazoo...Yahoo!
You Sicko Boardriders are now puking in yer own pools of puke!
For Christs sakes basesix ...Hovering Crane Chair Noodles...pull yerself together man!
Just get yer coin back from the Trolley Bay & dabble in the dark arts...give it a bash!
PS: Check the Quiver of Ramp props on the Pool Deck...beginning of the end it is! Wavepool Wars!
Pet Porpoise Pool trix to grab a Chiko Roll from the G bangin' Breaka Chick's Mouth...(Think they done that tbb!)
Why not just paint that as a Giant Chiko Roll and smash it...look less stupid...well durr!

haha, I thank you for allerting us to this strange new use of metal and fury in the pools that few asked for, TBB. it is fascinating.. is it the start of more of this stunt stuff? I know @southern had some rad ideas akin to rollersuits but on waves..
if by dark arts you mean pokies 'NO sir!' I put a bet on a horse in the Melbourne cup about 10 years ago, using my preferred maths cutesies, i.e. it was maybe 6:1 number 12, I reckon I put $36 on it (100 in base 6) and won $216 (b6 = 1000) cos it came in! I gave the ticket to my niece as a gift cos she was going overseas. I won and have never gone back. not even slots. I'll be ahead of those bastards my whole life.

Dark Artz meaning left to yer own devices...each our own worst enemy! A tbb in every sense.
Yest tbb was joking and knows basesix will out tbb paraded some mental thingy...gotta own that!
Just adding that WHO has Officially Declared Boyz Pool Toyz Pandemic
Jetskis & Drones at Ranch pool
Big Surf Cableskied out as boardiders rode in.
Windsurfers hooked into a lame wave pool.
We all recall Wavegarden Snowdonia Skier / Redbull Ramps
Unleashed Skim at Kelly's now Endless Surf Resident Skim Boarder
These here Waco Acid Drops & RC units & all sorts of Contraptions
Palm Springs are goin' ape shit with any shit right now...
Surprising to see Pools allowing unleashed Rubber tipped Whompers.
Only Rule left to break is No Pool Toyz = No Surf...simple as that!
tbb thinks that Rule will go soon as Camera Dudes are rammin' selfie sticks up someone's arse.
So Yes! Absolutely Yes! Pool Parties are all the Rage...Toss in Tables, Chairs soon live Shark Duels.
Mental Health Therapy they call them Plate Smashin' Sessions
Dolphins and bodysurfers that feel invigorated to breathe life essence into waves of emotion! Banned!
Such is the way of our crazy fuckin' WORLD GONE MAD! Outta my Way You...Save my Soul.

just to clarify, TBB, any time your name is mentioned here, it is with reverence. you alert us to stuff, you appreciate sn, sn loves you. the info you share doesn't reflect on you, other than your steadfast sharing of it has made you the stuart sutcliffe of the swellnet. (read my posts as if I am a friend, which I am, the pools weren't asked for, your posts are always wanted by us subscribers, you made us aware of a weird rail-slide thing, that's really cool..)

Green Ant Bully...'Crew can elect to save just one Qldurr before the Landslide!' (Anyone but Burleigh!)
Please just Vote 4 tbb as Stu Nettle's Offical any southern cousin, please give tbb a bash!

I reckon a lot of people have been getting into handplanes lately, bodybashing, remembering to be playful.. etarip had a home-made marine ply one I reckon, ecto planes have been getting people thinking. playful. light. low impact..
whoever first posted this (@JF?) is a fucking genius of taste.

basesix wrote:haha, I thank you for allerting us to this strange new use of metal and fury in the pools that few asked for, TBB. it is fascinating.. is it the start of more of this stunt stuff? I know @southern had some rad ideas akin to rollersuits but on waves..
if by dark arts you mean pokies 'NO sir!' I put a bet on a horse in the Melbourne cup about 10 years ago, using my preferred maths cutesies, i.e. it was maybe 6:1 number 12, I reckon I put $36 on it (100 in base 6) and won $216 (b6 = 1000) cos it came in! I gave the ticket to my niece as a gift cos she was going overseas. I won and have never gone back. not even slots. I'll be ahead of those bastards my whole life.
haha that's just the tip of the iceberg @basesix.
Not sure if i was tripping but i could have sworn i saw a guy getting towed behind a remote controlled mini jetski on the Boatramp cam last week.
That one has had me perplexed all week trying to work out the why.

thermalben wrote:It's not functional, it looks shithouse and it damages boards.
What's the point?
/end grumpy middle-aged rant
Yep, but there's still that part of you that says, id love to have a go just once.

Not progressive as such, but i thought this was better than most novelty surf vids.

thermalben wrote:southernraw wrote:Not sure if i was tripping but i could have sworn i saw a guy getting towed behind a remote controlled mini jetski on the Boatramp cam last week.
That one has had me perplexed all week trying to work out the why.Saw one of these in California a few months ago.. probably about the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen. I've got a video somewhere, I'll try to find it.
Thanks for backing me up on that. Thought i was losing my mind. The surfer getting remotely towed was returning from the direction of the bombie. I'm still trying to work out how it would actually work!
Look forward (i think) to the evidence.

Just found this. Fark me!
I'm torn. As ridiculous as it first seems, it kinda makes sense too. No tow team required.....

Can't see it coming home in one piece after anything solid though.

You're not tripping boys, he's out there

Saw some guys doing this locally the other month only in 2ft waves and swell lines that stand up for a long time from an outside point through a bay to a reef.
Id never seen it before it was bizare, they had to wade out through a flat water key hole and then it was like trying to fly a kite, sometimes hard to get wind under their kite like thing but then once they got lift off, off they went, more old kooks than these rippers though.
Looks kinda dangerous

Get the dog.

What happened to Southernraw? We dont know but there was a robot with a string washed uo on the rocks behind his place...

What’s next ? A done dropping a rescue line to winch you up out of the impact zone ?

we will be back in exactly 2 mins
please do not leave your seats
carn Laura and Timbo!! how can they lose?
dang : (

basesix wrote:
we will be back in exactly 2 mins
please do not leave your seats
Basesix. The excitement is killing me, I’m using a generic brand seat warmer for the times I duck off to the little house.
How are you feeling today ?
Go well fella.
Beautiful day here, SW winds and a lump and a bump on the ocean.
Binoculars in hand, dog at my feet, plenty of birds enjoying the post dawn sun.AW

Going well thanks mate, big sleeps, family getting together this evening,
feeling calm and girded and ready to guide, iron out and make right any crinkles.
I'll look for a nice track for you and blackers in a bit : ) cheers, fellas, have a great sunday.
(GO SOLI !!!)
and LAURA!!!

Popping up on the Progressive Surfing site .
Lol - what an Oxymoron !
It is amazing what a Good Nights sleep can achieve !
Seize the day , it's a sunny SunDay .
I am going to play around on a golf course and look for golf balls in the bush .

Morning @PD, either you seize the day or play golf not both :) Careful of snakes in the bush!

anyone have any real first hand experience with those disgusting creepy fishing autobots that were advertised on telly a couple of years ago? They can't possibly have worked. Hopefully. If I ever left the telly on and dozed off, and that advert came on, I had dystopian fever dreams.
(sorry, irrelevant to the surfing aspect of this thread, just that automated battery vroom stuff reminded me of it)

Boaties cam right now, 7.55am, someone towing themselves in with a remote controlled jetski. They're having a ball too.

Frightening to be in the line-up with... drone thing zooms past following surfer
Just another Sunday in the leafy western suburbs with the margies rich and famous, old mate and his 15k toy

Tow Boogie. Seen the guy here zooming around on his first prototypes last few years.
You can definitely go far away from the madding crowd and do some pelican gliding.

haha agreed @mikehunt.
There is an appeal to it down here though, with all this isolated unreachable coast....but yeah, something about it just reeks.
I wonder if he calls it Rover.
True true @IB.

Reeks to me too southern.
There's just not enough resources in the world to be wasting them making things like "the tow boogie". At one point we surely have to say "okay that's enough toys - leave the lithium in the ground, we can entertain ourselves from here".

True imdeed @dandandan and well articulated.
OK, I'm all up for different surf craft* and different, progressive approaches to surfing.
I don't mind wave pools either.
But this is ridiculous (footage from the recent Swatch Nines at Waco, Texas)
*except powered foil boards