Legends heat at snapper

Funny Occy dropping in on Joel’s barrel and shutting down the section.

Dmuzza95 wrote:I don’t know if it was a nostalgia thing, but I found that heat this afternoon was the best heat I can recall in the last few years from any WSL event. In fairness I don’t watch 90% of the heats ran, usually due to time zones and work. But whenever I do I’m not as encapsulated as I was this arvo. (I might have forgotten about an absolute nail biter r1 heat between jadson Andre and Ian gentil, forgive me please)
Yes, highly enjoyable...I do watch plenty of WSL in Australia and Hawaii, sometimes other places if theres quality waves.
What we saw yesterday was excellent and should be a regular thing(I know Bells does it).
Really looking forward to Snapper being on the CT in the future.
A large portion of that could be snapper doing a lot of heavy lifting, as I would argue it’s one of the best waves for a comp, in regards to consistency, quality and variety(tubes and turns). And the tour has had the most unlucky streak of shit conditions I can remember in recent years

Yeah that heat was so good, and how good does Mick still surf.

Nostalgia could be a part of it for sure but they surfed it better than any of the CS crew today (maybe Kyuss King excepted).
It all came together didn’t it? Conditions, surfers, crowd, opportunity. A rare thing in surfing, particularly of the professional variety.
My $0.02 - Parko’s lost a bit, Mick looks as good as ever and would win many a’CT heat, Steph will continue to do well in clean rights, Slater looked great and Occy, well he doesn’t do it for me

Dmuzza95 wrote:I don’t know if it was a nostalgia thing, but I found that heat this afternoon was the best heat I can recall in the last few years from any WSL event. In fairness I don’t watch 90% of the heats ran, usually due to time zones and work. But whenever I do I’m not as encapsulated as I was this arvo. (I might have forgotten about an absolute nail biter r1 heat between jadson Andre and Ian gentil, forgive me please)
A large portion of that could be snapper doing a lot of heavy lifting, as I would argue it’s one of the best waves for a comp, in regards to consistency, quality and variety(tubes and turns). And the tour has had the most unlucky streak of shit conditions I can remember in recent years
“but I found that heat this afternoon was the best heat I can recall in the last few years from any WSL event.”
It didn’t come close to some of the heats wsl has provided in the last few years.
The heat was entertaining and fun to watch…nothing more than that.
I don’t know if it was a nostalgia thing, but I found that heat this afternoon was the best heat I can recall in the last few years from any WSL event. In fairness I don’t watch 90% of the heats ran, usually due to time zones and work. But whenever I do I’m not as encapsulated as I was this arvo. (I might have forgotten about an absolute nail biter r1 heat between jadson Andre and Ian gentil, forgive me please)
A large portion of that could be snapper doing a lot of heavy lifting, as I would argue it’s one of the best waves for a comp, in regards to consistency, quality and variety(tubes and turns). And the tour has had the most unlucky streak of shit conditions I can remember in recent years