1 Week Tropical Surf Trip

Are you looking for a week's surfing with travel on either side, or does the one week include travel time?
Main issue you'll find for a one week Indo mission is that locations offering an easy fly-in fly-out are very busy (i.e. Bali), whilst most places to recommend require 1-2 days to get there.



Yeah not many spots in Indo where you can fly in on an International flight from Aust and be in the water within hours, Bali is really only it.
Pretty much everywhere in Indo requires at least a days travel.
Probably the only other option is Cimaja, 4 hrs from Jakarta airport, Its pretty B-grade wave wise for Indo though not a lot of options.

Hit up Slim at Baliwaves. Disclaimer: I am a regular guest, usually 2 trips per year. He knows the island and where to go and when and what suits your ability ( he has “encouraged” me into waves I wouldn’t have taken on and I’m a better surfer for it) Town reefs 10 minutes walk if you want an arvo surf.

cocos keeling? consistent tidally-regular approachable waves, plenty to do sea-wise, if time is more of an issue than money.. kinda like a king island dropped in png..

basesix wrote:cocos keeling? consistent tidally-regular approachable waves, plenty to do sea-wise, if time is more of an issue than money.. kinda like a king island dropped in png..
Tax free alcohol. Think the excise on piss is up around 45% of the product on the Oz mainland so you’d recoup your travel expenses in a week with a bit of committed sundowner action amongst the crew.
Not sure what prices are like now but it was pretty damn cheap when I went 25 years ago. I remember a nice bloke renting us a car - which we didn’t really need- for $60 for our entire time!
We drove it to the shops one day, came out and it was gone. Turns out the relatives of the Clunies-Ross family who used to own the islands, before they sold it to Oz government- took the liberty of driving our car home as we’d left the keys in it. I found the car at their house but no one was home. So I got the push bikes sitting in their yard and threw them in the nearby ocean…..lolol. I still laugh to think about it.
I’d highly recommend. There’s waves but it’s not the ments….although the islands look similarly beautiful. Only the ocean is still totally alive. Crazy sealife everywhere. I was surfing solo one day, which was how it was almost everyday, and actually saw a good sized shark working its way towards me up current. Veering from side to side and isolating my scent. Pretty hard to be stealthy with a dorsal fin sticking out of the water though.

I am happy 2 give Slim at Baliwaves a Plug as well .
I went back 2 Bali and had NFI , so contacted Slim .
He sourced Me a Bob Mc Fireball ( I used it the whole trip and fell in love with it ) and picked me up at the Hotel ( Jim Bay - Airport Rights , early :) .
Took Me 2 places I would NEVER have surfed OR found , like Balian .
A nice chap and likes a chat .
At the End of my trip , he came over 2 My hotel and picked up the Board .
He had a quick drink with the family and left , I gave him a little tip .
Last time I went to Bali , I just surfed the Peninsula and didn't need Slim .

Reunion? Oh, you need to return unscathed. Scratch that. Uncrowded? There is nowhere left mate.

Plenty of uncrowded surf still.
Just not easily accessible for a week away.

Kuta beach. Hire some beach chairs plus softop longboard combo at weekly discount rates, Surf high tide beachie rollers all morning and slowly convert your blood plasma to pure alcohol through Bintang consumption in the afternoon.
All Day / Every day / All week
A mate and I are looking to go on a surf trip for a week or so in Indo or somewhere similar, probably sometime between July and October. We're not looking for any waves that are too heavy (we've both got young kids so we need to come back unscathed), but just some nice blue long waves not too far from accomodation. Our priorities would be decent waves that don't require too much travel to get there (we've only got a week), but ideally somewhere that isn't completely overrun with tourists and surfers.
Does such a place exist?
Would greatly appreciate any suggestions.
Thanks all.